川普就职演讲 Finally, we must think big and dream even bigger. In America, we understand that a nation is only living as long as it is striving. We will no long
Donald Trump held his first speech as the next official president of the United States on Election Day just after the final polls came in showing the Republican
Trump’s Victory Speech Thank you. Thank you very much, everyone. Sorry to keep you waiting. Complicated business, complicated. Thank you very much. I've just r
Friends, delegates and fellow Americans: I humbly and gratefully accept your nomination for the presidency of the United States. Together, we will lead our par
你必须拥有一定的禀赋-川普 他是个传奇人物,一生起伏跌宕。现在没有低潮,未来只有高潮。美国98%的人认识他,而现在通过全球媒体的传播,全球至少有50%的人已经认识了他。他是一
川普女儿Ivanka Trump 演讲英文原稿
Ivanka Trump introduced her father at the Republican national convention Thursday, arguing that he is “color blind and gender neutral” and arguing he would fi
川普外交政策演讲全文 | 风三豹
川普外交政策演讲全文 | 風三豹 川普外交政策演讲全文 2016.04.27非常感谢有这个机会向你们发表讲演,感谢美国国家利益中心的邀请,这让我感到很荣幸,这真的是一个非常大的荣誉
川普国会演讲提倡积极变革 Making his first address before the U.S. Congress, President Donald Trump projected a brighter luster Tuesday night than he did in the
【双语】特朗普胜选演讲中英全文 月8日,美国共和党总统候选人唐纳德-川普率先获得过半选举人票,击败对手希拉里-克林顿,成为下一任美国总统。胜选后,特朗普在纽约希尔顿酒店发表
Morning! You've probably seen on the news that America is in chaos right now. College students are rioting in the streets, burning flags and screaming "F*ck Am
美国总统川普就职演说全文 Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans, and people of the world:
Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans, and people of the world: thank you. We, the citiz
Gettysburg, PA: Today, in historic Gettysburg, PA, Donald J. Trump presented a game-changing plan for his first100 days in office. This revolutionary “Contract
射阳县洋马乡一位普通农妇的儿子高考得中,乡亲们欢天喜地的给她家送来了一幅对子:清华是你今生的骄傲,洋马是你永远的故乡。母 -
希拉里 川普第一次辩论精选
Good morning from Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. I’m Lester Holt, anchor of “NBC Nightly News”. I want to welcome you to the first presidential d
川普女儿Ivanka 助选演讲稿
Good evening. Thank you. One year ago, I introduced my father when he declared his candidacy. In his own way, and through his own sheer force of will, he sacrif
川普就职典礼精彩全回放 1月20日,新任总统唐纳德·川普就职大典登场几十万人在现场与我们一起见证历史时刻美国从此刻正式迈入川普时代黎明破晓,华盛顿DC这座全世界瞩目的城市
第十八届推普周国旗下演讲尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们:大家好! 新的一周又开始了,上周是九月份的第三周,也是第18届推广普通话宣传周,简称推普周。本届推普周的主题是:依法推广普