陈德铭:建设性地推动中美经贸健康发展(全文)2010年03月30日22:25新华网我要评论(0)字号:T|T 陈德铭:建设性地推动中美经贸关系健康发展
2010年3月28日 Constructively Advancing China-US Trade and Economic Relations on a Healthy Track
Minister of Commerce, Chen Deming March 28th, 2010
Trade and economic relations between China and the United States have developed rapidly since the establishment of the bilateral diplomatic ties.Two-way trade in goods amounted to nearly USD 300 billion in 2009, a 118-fold increase over 1979 when the two countries entered into diplomatic relations.American businesses have invested cumulatively USD 62.2 billion in China.Although it has not always been a smooth sail, no twists or turns have really held back the advance of the bilateral commercial and trade relationship.This is evidence enough to show that cooperation fits the fundamental interests of the two countries’ people and hence has strong vitality, and the keynote of China-US economic and trade relations has been and will always be cooperation based on mutual benefit and for win-win results.However, some jarring notes have been heard recently.Some believe that the US is losing in its trade with China while some other hold the opinion that China undervalues its currency(RMB)to get a competitive advantage and trade surplus.Given all this, we have more reasons to listen to rational opinions, steer and carry forward, in a constructive way, China-US economic and trade relations on the right track.I.Five facts about the China-US trade imbalance
Trade imbalance has been an age-old issue between China and the US.It is caused by complicated reasons and therefore should be approached in a comprehensive, tive, and rational manner.(I)Current state of China-US trade is the result of international division of labor against the backdrop of globalization.For over half a century, globalization led by developed countries has concurred with the continued sophistication of US industries toward high-end manufacturing and modern services while traditional, labor-intensive industries have gradually migrated offshore, first to Japan, Korea and Taiwan with which the US began to run huge trade deficits.After China’s reform and opening-up, these industries were then shifted to the mainland where labor costs were even lower.China imported raw materials and semi-finished goods from Japan, Korea and Taiwan, and after processing and assembling, exported the finished goods to developed countries in America and Europe.As a result, China’s deficits with neighboring economies grew concurrent with its surplus with the US.However in the same period, Asia’s share in total US trade deficit did not rise significantly.For instance, in 2009 China’s deficit with Japan, Korea and Taiwan combined was USD 147.1 billion, a figure even larger than its USD 143.4 billion surplus with the US.Transnational corporations including American ones play a leading role in shaping this trade chain.Given the present international division of labor, traditional manufacturing industries would hardly return to the US even if imports from China were restricted, and the US would have to turn to other developing countries for import replacement.(II)US trade deficit with China is overestimated.The Ministry of Commerce of China and the US Department of Commerce and the US Trade Representative Office released on March 4th a study report on statistical divergence in trade in goods.The report finds that the actual US trade deficit with China for 2006 should be 26% lower than the official US figure.Reasons for the statistical difference are: a)markups on goods of Chinese origin transiting via other economies are counted as China’s surplus;and b)in processing trade, Chinese companies normally produce by order and have little control over design, transport, sales and other activities.The import value of goods declared at US customs being higher than the export value declared at Chinese customs further inflates the surplus figure.Following this methodology, the actual US deficit with China for 2009 should be about USD 60 billion less than the official US figure.(III)Export control against China exacerbates the trade imbalance.The US has practiced export control policy against China for many years.In 2007 it even singled China out and added to the control list another 47 items such as fiber materials, numerically controlled machine tools and certain integrated circuits.Rigid control has forced many Chinese users away from the US and to buy from others.China’s hi-tech import increased rapidly in recent years, but US share dropped from 18.3% in 2001 to 7.5% in 2009.If the share in 2001 is used as a benchmark, US companies had lost at least USD 33 billion worth of export opportunities in 2009.According to relevant Chinese chambers of commerce, by 2020 China’s import demand on integrated circuits, machine tools and civil avionics alone will reach over USD 600 billion.But many of these products are subject to US export control.Therefore the trade imbalance does not reflect the true competitiveness of the two countries because competitive US products cannot be freely exported to China, and any adjustment of trade policy based on this fallacy of trade imbalance will only lead to greater distortion.(IV)US long-running deficit has to do with the dollar being a global reserve currency.In 1960, Professor Robert Triffin from Yale University pointed out that the dollar, as the global reserve currency, must flow out of the US through a balance-of-payment deficit in order to satisfy all countries’ needs for trade settlement, debt repayment and international reserves.But as international trade and investment grows, the demand on the dollar will increase, pushing up US trade deficit, which in the long run will threaten dollar stability as well as its role as the global reserve currency.The Triffin Dilemma is the intrinsic cause of the collapse of the Bretton Woods system.Today the US is still caught between generating liquidity for the rest of the world through current-account deficits and maintaining the stability of it currency.(V)RMB appreciation cannot redress the trade imbalance.It has been proved both in theory and practice that the appreciation of a nation’s currency provides little help for improving balance of payments.From 2005 to 2008, RMB appreciated by 21.1% against the US dollar whereas US trade deficit accounted for 5.9% of its GDP and its trade deficit with China soared by 21.6% on annual average, the biggest and fastest increase ever.In 2009, the RMB exchange rate against the US dollar was basically stable whereas the share of trade deficit in US GDP decreased to 3.5% from 5.7% in 2008 and the deficit with China down by 16.1%.Back in the 1970s and 1980s, on similar currency issues the US had pressured Germany and Japan into appreciating their currencies significantly.But by 2008, the US still ran a trade deficit of USD 42.9-billion with Germany and USD 72.6-billion with Japan.Obviously trade flow is determined by supply and demand instead of the exchange rate.II.China’s and the US’ gains from bilateral trade and economic relations are roughly balanced.Trade and economic cooperation has generated great benefits not only for China but also for the US.One would be looking narrowly at the whole trade story by equating China’s trade-in-goods surplus with China winning and the US losing.(I)Chinese exports benefit American people.China’s exports to the US have substantially improved the welfare of American consumers and producers.The bulk of US imports from China are consumer goods, with textiles and garments, footwear, toys, furniture, bags and cases taking up 30% and appliances and electronics 45%.These good-value-for-money goods have served as an effective damper on inflation in the US and bolstered the real purchasing power of American consumers.According to a research by Morgan Stanley, imports from China saved American consumers about USD 100 billion in 2009.Restrictions on imports from China would have to come at the cost of reduced welfare on the part of American people, especially the low-income population.(II)China gets the surplus yet the US gets the real gains.Processing trade represents 60% of Chinese exports to the US.In 2009, processing trade accounted for USD 117.6 billion or 82% of China’s surplus with the US.Chinese processing firms take orders, produce goods and export for a meager processing fee, whereas massive profits are reaped by foreign firms including US firms in such areas as product designing, transportation, warehousing, and marketing.For a laptop sold for 1,200 dollars in the US, only 35 dollars goes to the Chinese processing firm.There was another example in the Economist: an iPod carrying the “Made in China” label is sold for 299 dollars, but the Chinese assembling plant only gets paid 4 dollars while some 160 dollars go to US companies doing the designing, shipping, marketing and retailing.(III)US gains go beyond trade in goods.The US has made huge profits on their investments in and services trade with China.Currently, some 30,000 American-funded companies operate in China.The results of a survey suggest American-funded companies reported over USD 153 billion of sales revenues, USD 75 billion of exports and nearly USD 8 billion of profits in 2008.According to American Chamber of Commerce in China’s 2009 White Paper on American Business in China, about 74% of American businesses in China made profits in 2008 and 81% were optimistic about their business outlook in China for the next five years.In services, the US has held China in deficit for many years and its surplus with China has been growing by an annual rate of 35% in the past five years.US accounting firms, banks, insurance firms, securities firms and other service-providers are all doing well in China.In the absence of complete statistics on China-US trade in services, rough estimates suggest China’s deficit to range between USD 13 billion and 15 billion.A deal is done when the parties on both ends make an informed decision based on the laws of market.Against the true, compelling story of a robust and growing China-US trade, no rhetoric about a serious imbalance of China-US trade and commercial interests could stand to reason.III.Constructively advancing China-US trade and economic relations on the right track
President Hu Jintao and President Obama proposed a positive, cooperative and comprehensive partnership for China-US relations in the 21st century.During President Obama’s visit to China last year, both sides committed through a Joint Statement to promoting more sustainable and balanced trade and growth and to resisting protectionism in all its manifestations.We should faithfully honor these shared commitments and avoid doing undesirable harm to China-US trade and economic cooperation.First, dialogue and cooperation should be persisted to appropriately resolve disputes.Given the massive scale of bilateral trade and economic cooperation, it is only natural to have divergent views.There are open avenues of communication between the two countries on trade issues, most prominently the Strategic and Economic Dialogue(S&ED)and the Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade(JCCT).We could fully leverage these forums to have candid discussions.It does not help if one side, driven by its political agenda at home, puts pressure on the other with unwarranted threats of trade sanctions.Second, a constructive course of actions should be pursued to effectively address problems.China is not turning away from the US trade deficit issue.It is now accelerating economic restructuring.In its stimulus program to fight the crisis, China is increasing investment, stimulating consumption and expanding imports, which has contributed significantly to world economic recovery.In 2009, China’s trade surplus plunged by USD 100 billion.Exports from countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and South Africa are still growing by over 20%.China, for the first time, has become the top export destination for Japan, Australia, Brazil and South Africa.In 2009, US exports as a whole dropped by 17% but its exports to China were on par with last year.In the first two months of 2010, China’s trade surplus further dipped by 50%, so much as to make an overall deficit in March a real possibility.By US count, US exports were up 18.2% in January this year but its China-bound exports grew by 64.9%.Without doubt, China will move forward with import promotion while dissuading exporting nations from keeping discriminatory export controls so as to collectively generate steam for world economic growth.Suppressing Chinese exports provides no relief for redressing the bilateral trade imbalance.We are willing to take concerted efforts with the US to extend our cooperation into new areas, facilitate more exports by American businesses to China, level and improve the playing field for American and other foreign-invested enterprises in China.We look to the US for an open spirit in protecting the health and growth of China-US trade and economic cooperation.Third, common efforts should be aimed at building and perfecting the global trading system.Open trade and investment holds unequivocal significance for the economies of China, the US and beyond.Building a more sensible multilateral trading system is necessitated by the enforcement of a rational international economic order and constitutes an important means to balanced economic growth.The Doha round has yielded much needed progress after 8 years of negotiations, on which basis we should show greater sincerity and determination to facilitate the free, orderly movement of goods and capital across the world and introduce greater harmony and discipline into the world economy.The China-US trade and commercial relationship is a great cornerstone of China-US relations.We always believe a peaceful China-US relationship makes both countries winners while a confrontational one both losers.It is better to have dialogue than confrontation, cooperation than containment, and partnership than rivalry.I have confidence that China-US trade and economic cooperation will rise above the noises and stay on the right course of win-win and mutual benefits.
目 次
中文摘要(关键词)…………………………………………………………………………1 要旨(キーワード)…………………………………………………………………………1 はじめに………………………………………………………………………………………2
(四)日本の内需拡大………………………………………………………………………6 おわりに………………………………………………………………………………………7 謝 辞…………………………………………………………………………………………8 参考文献………………………………………………………………………………………9
第 1 页
20世紀80年代以後日米貿易 摩擦の原因と対策について
中 文 摘 要
关键词:日美 经济 贸易摩擦 原因 对策 要 旨
本論文はまさにこの問題に対する論述分析である。得た経験と結論は中国及び、その他の発展途上国にとってもいい参考になるはずだと考えている。キーワード:日米 経済 貿易摩擦 原因 対策
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そもそも今日のアメリカの貿易赤字の発端となったのが、1981年のレーガン大統領の政策である。彼は「減税をすればかえって増収になる」という経済学者の提案を受け入れ、総額70兆円に及ぶ大減税を行なった。その一方で、強いアメリカを作るために軍事費の増額を行った。その結果、アメリカの財政はたちまち歳入不足に陥り、巨額の財政赤字が発生してしまった。さらに、創出された有効需要のために貿易まで赤字になってしまった。財政赤字と貿易赤字、いわゆる「双子の赤字」が発生してしまった。これは、理論的には Y=C+I+G+(X-M)
第 5 页
もちろん、日本側にも貿易摩擦を引き起こす要因がある。日本人の行動様式の特徴の一つとして、「貯蓄率が高い」ことがあげられる。ところが、貯蓄するという行為は、逆に言えば消費をしないということにもなる。その結果、日本国内で有効需要の不足が生じ、商品があまり売れなくなる。加えて政府が財政再建策をとると、国内で行き場を失った日本商品に輸出ドライブがかかり、これが貿易黒字を一層拡大させてしまう。すなわち Y=C+I+G+(X-M)において、C、Gの不足(=内需の不足)分を、X(=輸出)の増加によって補うことになるのである。しかも、貿易黒字国の責任として、貿易で稼いだ資金をまた赤字国のアメリカに還流させるため、アメリカ経済は何の問題も生じない。それどころか、アメリカに流れこんだ資金がアメリカの株価を引き上げ、それが資産効果を生み出し、いっそうの過剰消費をもたらしている。悪循環である。
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2.[日] 冈田良德.贸易实务.第一版.東京:日东书院,1989年. 3.[中]崔崟.日本市场概况.第一版.北京:中国商务出版社,2006年. 4.[中]王秉荣.金融日本.第三版.北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,2006年. 5.[中]连业良.日本経済入門.第一版.大連:大连理工大学出版社,2005年. 6.[中]刁鹂鹏.ビジネス日本語閲読.第一版.大連:大連理工大学出版社,2007年. 7.[中]冯昭奎.日本经济.第二版.北京:高等教育出版社,2005年. 8.[美]高柏.日本经济悖论.第一版.北京:商務印書館,2004年.
9.[日]富永健一.日本の現代化と社会の変遷.第三版.北京:商務印書館,2004年. 10.[中]林华生.日本在亚洲的作用.第一版.北京:北京大学出版社,2000年. 11.[中]王厚双.直面贸易摩擦.第四版.吉林:辽海出版社,2004年. 12.[中]潘悦.反倾销摩擦.第一版.北京:社会科学文献出版社,2005年.
13.[美]德林.美国贸易保护商务指南.第三版.北京:社会科学文献出版社,2007年. 14.[中]章艳红.美国贸易研究.第三版.北京:中国人民大学出版社,2008年. 15.[日]石川康宏.日米貿易摩擦とアメリカ鉄鋼保護貿易政策の展開.第二版.京都:京都大學經濟學會,1995年.
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謝 辞
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时间:2009-07-17 20:51来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:2376次
中国商务部部长 陈德铭
Address at the China-U.S.Trade and Economic Forum
By Commerce Minister Chen Deming
April 27, 2009 Washington
Ladies and gentlemen,很高兴在这里和各位新老朋友会面。此次我率团访美,旨在积极落实中美两国元首伦敦金融峰会达成的共识,通过我们的实际行动,同舟共济、共谋发展,为中美经贸合作注入新的内涵,推动积极合作全面的中美关系不断向前发展。
I am very pleased to meet old and new friends here.I am leading a delegation to the U.S.to implement the consensus reached by our leaders at the London Financial Summit and take joint actions to overcome the difficulties and seek common development.This will inject new vitality to bilateral trade and economic cooperation and take forward the positive, cooperative and comprehensive China-U.S.relationship.刚才,中美双方企业家就如何加强贸易与投资合作进行了积极有益的研讨,并举行有关投资、贸易项目的签约仪式,这充分表明了中美双方加强合作的信心和诚意,将对建设积极合作全面的中美经贸关系打下坚实基础。Just now entrepreneurs from China and the U.S.have had useful discussions about how to intensify trade and investment cooperation.A signing ceremony for investment and trade projects was organized.These have fully demonstrated the confidence and sincerity of both sides in intensifying cooperation and serve as a solid foundation for the building of a positive, cooperative and comprehensive China-U.S.trade and economic relationship.当前,我们正经历着百年不遇的金融危机,世界经济陷入了自上世纪大萧条以来最困难的境地,中国经济发展也面临着严峻考验。中国作为负责任的大国,在危机中采取了积极负责的态度,把扩大国内需求作为促进经济增长的基本立足点,果断实施一揽子经济刺激计划。从今年一季度情况看,固定资产投资增长加快,消费需求稳定较快增长,规模以上工业增速逐月回升,银行体系流动性充裕。这些迹象表明中国经济已经出现积极变化,形势比预料的要好。中国经济的稳定发展将给其他国家提供更多发展机遇和就业机会,有助于提振世界经济信心。
Currently, we are experiencing a financial crisis rarely seen in history.It has landed the world economy in the most difficult position since the Great Depression and posed severe challenge to China’s economic development.As a large responsible nation, China has taken a proactive and responsible attitude in tackling the crisis.We have based our economic stimulating efforts on expanding domestic demand to promote growth and resolutely adopted an economic stimulus package.The statistics of the first quarter show that fixed-asset investment grows faster, consumer demand grows steadily and rapidly, industrial output for above-scale enterprises rises month by month, while bank liquidity remains adequate.All these suggest that there are positive signs in the Chinese economy.Things are better than expected.The steady development of the Chinese economy will provide more business and job opportunities for other countries and help shore up confidence in the world economy.受全球经济大气候影响,中美经贸合作也受到一定冲击。按中方统计,今年前3个月,中美贸易额同比下降15.7%。美国对华投资占中国利用外资的比重,从2008年的3.2%,降至今年前3个月的2.6%。历史经验告诉我们,越是危机关头,越是要坚持开放合作。贸易保护主义不仅不能促进经济复苏,反而会加剧衰退。此次我们率企业家到美国开展投资贸易合作,充分表明了中国政府在困难形势下,坚持以实际行动反对贸易保护主义,以加强合作应对危机的鲜明立场。
Thanks to the overall economic climate of the world, Sino-U.S.trade and economic cooperation has also been affected.In the first three months of the year, bilateral trade dropped by 15.7%.America’s share in China’s total foreign direct investment declined from 3.2% in 2008 to 2.6% in the last three months.History tells us that openness and cooperation is all the more important amidst a crisis.Trade protectionism will not restore growth;on the contrary, it will exacerbate recession.The fact that we bring Chinese entrepreneurs to the U.S.for investment and trade cooperation speaks volume of the Chinese government’s unequivocal position to reject trade protectionism through actions and jointly tackle the crisis through enhanced cooperation under tough circumstance.在本月初举行的G20伦敦金融峰会上,胡锦涛主席和奥巴马总统举行了成功会晤,两国元首都对合作的未来充满信心。作为世界上最大的发展中国家和最大的发达国家,中美两国经济具有巨大互补性,中美经贸关系的稳定健康发展符合两国的长远利益。危机对于中美经贸合作而言,是挑战,更是机遇。当前,两国应同舟共济,共克时艰。要保持市场相互开放,不断拓展合作领域。在贸易政策上,中国政府并不追求大额顺差,我们将继续鼓励企业增加自美国商品进口,希望美国企业加强对中国市场和消费者的了解,开发更多适销对路产品并加大推广的力度。同时,我们鼓励有实力的中国企业到美国投资兴业,希望美方为投资合作创造良好的政策环境。我相信,只要双方从发展中美经贸关系大局出发,从应对经济危机的现实需要出发,坚定信心、携手努力,就一定能够早日战胜危机,推动中美经贸合作不断向前发展!
At the G20 London Summit earlier this month, President Hu Jintao and President Obama had a successful meeting, during which both leaders expressed their confidence in the future of cooperation.As the largest developing country and the largest developed country in the world, our two economies are highly complementary.The steady and sound development of our trade and economic relations is in the long-term interests of both countries.The crisis is more of an opportunity than a challenge for China-US trade and economic cooperation.At present, both countries should work together and help each other in a bid to weather the difficulties.We need to continue to open up our markets to each other and continue to expand the scope of cooperation.In terms of trade policy, the Chinese government does not pursue an enormous trade surplus.We will continue to encourage Chinese businesses to buy more from the U.S.We hope American businesses could enhance their understanding of the Chinese market and consumers, and develop more marketable products for and intensify marketing in China.Meanwhile, we encourage competent Chinese businesses to invest in the U.S., and hope the U.S.could provide them with a favorable policy environment.I believe, as long as we proceed from the overall interests of China-US economic and trade relations and the realistic needs for tackling the current crisis, maintain confidence and join our forces, we will able to overcome the crisis and take forward the China-US trade and economic cooperation.谢谢大家!
Thank you!
Right Honorable Lord Mandelson, Honorable Ambassador Fu Ying, Dear Friends from the Business Community, Ladies and gentlemen, 下午好!
Good afternoon.今天,由中国机电产品进出口商会和英中贸易协会组织的中英经贸合作研讨会在这里隆重开幕。在此,我谨代表中华人民共和国商务部表示衷心的祝贺!今天,中英两国政府和工商界的人士聚集在这里,围绕“新挑战、新机遇”这一主题,深入探讨应对危机、共谋发展的重大举措,具有十分重要的现实意义。在此,我预祝研讨会取得成功!
Today, we hold the Seminar on China-Britain Economic and Trade Cooperation jointly organized by the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Mechanic and Electronic Products and the China-Britain Business Council.On behalf of the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, I’d like to extend heartfelt congratulations on its opening.It brings together government officials and business people from China and Britain to explore ways to tackle the crisis and promote development.The theme---“New Challenges, New Opportunities”, is highly relevant.I look forward to a successful meeting.毋庸置疑,这场国际金融危机,使世界经济陷入上世纪大萧条以来最困难的境地。作为一个外向度较高的发展中国家,中国的经济发展,特别是对外贸易投资也受到了较大的冲击。从2008年11月份开始,中国进出口贸易连续三个月出现负增长,吸收外商直接投资出现了明显下滑趋势。我们也注意到,英国经济增长和就业也遭受了严重打击。双边贸易也受到负面影响,今年1月,中英双边贸易额同比下降21.6%,下降幅度之大、速度之快是罕见的。
Without doubt, this international financial crisis has landed the world economy in the most difficult situation since the Great Depression.China, as a developing country with heavy reliance on foreign trade, is experiencing a hard time in economic growth, particularly in foreign trade and investment.Since November 2008, China’s imports and exports have seen negative growth for 3 consecutive months, while inward investment has been sliding.We’ve also noted that economic growth and employment here in Britain has also been dealt a heavy blow.Two-way trade between China and Britain has suffered as well.In January 2009, bilateral trade value dropped 21.6% year on year.The gravity and speed of the decline are unprecedented indeed.当前,为应对危机和挑战,世界各国纷纷出台了应对措施,这对提振信心、缓解危机起到了重要作用。但在危机面前,仅仅依靠单个国家的努力远远不够,因为在经济全球化趋势下,当今的世界经济舞台已经形成了“你中有我,我中有你”的局面。世界经济发展的历史早已证明,在危机面前,封闭与保护没有出路,开放与合作才是正途。此次我率领中国贸易投资促进团访英,就是落实温家宝总理本月初“信心之旅”的一次重要后续活动,充分表明了中国政府在困难形势下,以实际行动反对贸易保护主义的态度与决心。
To tackle the crisis and challenges, countries have taken various countermeasures, contributing greatly to restoring confidence and mitigating the consequences of the crisis.However, in the face of a crisis, efforts of a single country are far from enough.In a world featuring globalization, economies are inextricably interwoven with each other.The history of world economy has proven that insulation and protectionism offers no way out;openness and cooperation is the right recipe to heal a crisis.The visit of the China Trade and Investment Promotion Delegation, which I lead, to Britain is an important follow-up to Premier Wen Jiabao’s “Trip of Confidence” earlier this month.It shows the stance and resolution of the Chinese government to oppose protectionism under difficult circumstances.新挑战中往往蕴含着新的机遇。对于中英两国来说,危机将促使我们延伸和拓宽互利合作的内涵。目前,中国各级政府和部门,正在积极落实保持经济稳定增长的各项举措。伴随大规模民生工程、基础设施和生态环境等领域的建设,包括英资企业在内的数十万家在华外资企业将分享这些新的商机。我在中国各地调研过程中,感受到许多中国企业特别是民营企业,对欧优势技术和装备的采购具有浓厚的兴趣。作为中国在欧盟中的第三大贸易伙伴和累计第一大对华投资国,中英两国在生物、信息、环保、低碳经济、能源科技、新材料、医药卫生等领域,拥有巨大的合作潜力。中国还是世界服务贸易和高档消费品增长最快的市场。这意味着英国大量知名品牌产品以及金融、分销、设计、咨询等服务业企业,会有更多机会参与中国市场的竞争。当然,也会有越来越多的中国企业具备与英国企业合作的实力。我们鼓励中英双方企业在各个领域扩大交流和深化合作,共同分享宝贵的发展机遇。
New challenges often present new opportunities.To China and Britain, this crisis will serve as a catalyst to enrich our reciprocal cooperation.At present, governments at all levels in China are in full gear to implement measures targeted at maintaining the steady growth of economy.With the execution of large-scale projects in public welfare, infrastructure, and ecological environment, hundreds of thousands of companies with foreign including British investment will be able to share these new business opportunities.During my investigation and study tours around China, I found that many Chinese enterprises, especially private ones, are very interested in buying more advanced technology and equipment from Europe.Among all EU countries, Britain is the third largest trade partner for China and has made the most investment in cumulative terms.Our two countries enjoy huge potential in such fields as biology, information and environmental technology, low-carbon economy, energy technology, new materials, pharmaceuticals and healthcare.China is the fastest-growing market for international services trade and high-end goods, which could be translated into more opportunities for many famous British brands and companies in such service sectors as finance, distribution, design and consultancy to compete in the Chinese market.Of course, more and more Chinese companies will possess the caliber to cooperate with British companies.We encourage companies from the two countries to further deepen exchanges and cooperation in every field and share those valuable opportunities.女士们,先生们:
Ladies and Gentlemen,尽管当前我们遇到了严峻的挑战,但以科技进步和生产要素全球配置为基础的经济全球化趋势不会逆转,各国经济相互联系和依赖的程度仍将继续加强。英国是自由贸易思想的发源地,亚当?斯密的理论影响了200多年来的国际贸易实践。选择在这里作为我们此次贸易投资促进团的最后一站,赋予了此次活动更加特殊的意义。我们一路走过来,无论是老朋友还是新伙伴,无论是签订合同或者仅仅是洽谈意向,大家都进行了坦诚而深入的沟通,取得了许多有形和无形的丰硕成果。更为重要的是,我们向外界传递了秉持开放心态、携手合作、共渡难关的诚意和信心。我们坚信,未来商机无限,春天终将来临。
Despite the severe challenges in front of us, globalization based on scientific advance and global allocation of resources will remain irreversible.Economies will be even more linked to and dependent on each other.Britain is the birthplace of the idea of free trade.Adam Smith’s theories have influenced international trade over the past 200 odd years.Selecting Britain as the last lag of our trip has added special significance to this event.Along the way, we have had candid and in-depth dialogues with friends old and new.We have reaped tangible and intangible fruits by signing contracts or negotiating intentions.Most importantly, we have demonstrated to the rest of the world our sincerity and confidence to tide over the difficulties by opening mind and joining hands.We believe that there are boundless opportunities in the future, and spring is right around the corner.谢谢大家。
Thank you.
Right Honorable Lord Mandelson, Honorable Ambassador Fu Ying,Dear Friends from the Business Community, Ladies and gentlemen,下午好!
Good afternoon.今天,由中国机电产品进出口商会和英中贸易协会组织的中英经贸合作研讨会在这里隆重开幕。在此,我谨代表中华人民共和国商务部表示衷心的祝贺!今天,中英两国政府和工商界的人士聚集在这里,围绕“新挑战、新机遇”这一主题,深入探讨应对危机、共谋发展的重大举措,具有十分重要的现实意义。在此,我预祝研讨会取得成功!
Today, we hold the Seminar on China-Britain Economic and Trade Cooperation jointly organized by the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Mechanic and Electronic Products and the China-Britain Business Council.On behalf of the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, I’d like to extend heartfelt congratulations on its opening.It brings together government officials and business people from China and Britain to explore ways to tackle the crisis and promote development.The theme---“New Challenges, New Opportunities”, is highly relevant.I look forward to a successful meeting.毋庸置疑,这场国际金融危机,使世界经济陷入上世纪大萧条以来最困难的境地。作为一个外向度较高的发展中国家,中国的经济发展,特别是对外贸易投资也受到了较大的冲击。从2008年11月份开始,中国进出口贸易连续三个月出现负增长,吸收外商直接投资出现了明显下滑趋势。我们也注意到,英国经济增长和就业也遭受了严重打击。双边贸易也受到负面影响,今年1月,中英双边贸易额同比下降21.6%,下降幅度之大、速度之快是罕见的。
Without doubt, this international financial crisis has landed the world economy in the most difficult situation since the Great Depression.China, as a developing country with heavy reliance on foreign trade, is experiencing a hard time in economic growth, particularly in foreign trade and investment.Since November 2008, China’s imports and exports have seen negative growth for 3 consecutive months, while inward investment has been sliding.We’ve also noted that economic growth and employment here in Britain has also been dealt a heavy blow.Two-way trade between China and Britain has suffered as well.In January 2009, bilateral trade value dropped 21.6% year on year.The gravity and speed of the decline are unprecedented indeed.当前,为应对危机和挑战,世界各国纷纷出台了应对措施,这对提振信心、缓解危机起到了重要作用。但在危机面前,仅仅依靠单个国家的努力远远不够,因为在经济全球化趋势下,当今的世界经济舞台已经形成了“你中有我,我中有你”的局面。世界经济发展的历史早已证明,在危机面前,封闭与保护没有出路,开放与合作才是正途。此次我率领中国贸易投资促进团访英,就是落实温家宝总理本月初“信心之旅”的一次重要后续活动,充分表明了中国政府在困难形势下,以实际行动反对贸易保护主义的态度与决心。
To tackle the crisis and challenges, countries have taken various countermeasures, contributing greatly to restoring confidence and mitigating the consequences of the crisis.However, in the face of a crisis, efforts of a single country are far from enough.In a world featuring globalization, economies are inextricably interwoven with each other.The history of world economy has proven that insulation and protectionism offers no way out;openness and cooperation is the right recipe to heal a crisis.The visit of the China Trade and Investment Promotion Delegation, which I lead, to Britain is an important follow-up to Premier Wen Jiabao’s “Trip of Confidence” earlier this month.It shows the stance and resolution of the Chinese government to oppose protectionism under difficult circumstances.新挑战中往往蕴含着新的机遇。对于中英两国来说,危机将促使我们延伸和拓宽互利合作的内涵。目前,中国各级政府和部门,正在积极落实保持经济稳定增长的各项举措。伴随大规模民生工程、基础设施和生态环境等领域的建设,包括英资企业在内的数十万家在华外资企业将分享这些新的商机。我在中国各地调研过程中,感受到许多中国企业特别是民营企业,对欧优势技术和装备的采购具有浓厚的兴趣。作为中国在欧盟中的第三大贸易伙伴和累计第一大对华投资国,中英两国在生物、信息、环保、低碳经济、能源科技、新材料、医药卫生等领域,拥有巨大的合作潜力。中国还是世界服务贸易和高档消费品增长最快的市场。这意味着英国大量知名品牌产品以及金融、分销、设计、咨询等服务业企业,会有更多机会参与中国市场的竞争。当然,也会有越来越多的中国企业具备与英国企业合作的实力。我们鼓励中英双方企业在各个领域扩大交流和深化合作,共同分享宝贵的发展机遇。
New challenges often present new opportunities.To China and Britain, this crisis will serve as a catalyst to enrich our reciprocal cooperation.At present, governments at all levels in China are in full gear to implement measures targeted at maintaining the steady growth of economy.With the execution of large-scale projects in public welfare, infrastructure, and ecological environment, hundreds of thousands of companies with foreign including British investment will be able to share these new business opportunities.During my investigation and study tours around China, I found that many Chinese enterprises, especially private ones, are very interested in buying more advanced technology and equipment from Europe.Among all EU countries, Britain is the third largest trade partner for China and has made the most investment in cumulative terms.Our two countries enjoy huge potential in such fields as biology, information and environmental technology, low-carbon economy, energy technology, new materials, pharmaceuticals and healthcare.China is the fastest-growing market for international services trade and high-end goods, which could be translated into more opportunities for many famous British brands and companies in such service sectors as finance, distribution, design and consultancy to compete in the Chinese market.Of course, more and more Chinese companies will possess the caliber to cooperate with British companies.We encourage companies from the two countries to further deepen exchanges and cooperation in every field and share those valuable opportunities.女士们,先生们:
Ladies and Gentlemen,尽管当前我们遇到了严峻的挑战,但以科技进步和生产要素全球配置为基础的经济全球化趋势不会逆转,各国经济相互联系和依赖的程度仍将继续加强。英国是自由贸易思想的发源地,亚当?斯密的理论影响了200多年来的国际贸易实践。选择在这里作为我们此次贸易投资促进团的最后一站,赋予了此次活动更加特殊的意义。我们一路走过来,无论是老朋友还是新伙伴,无论是签订合同或者仅仅是洽谈意向,大家都进行了坦诚而深入的沟通,取得了许多有形和无形的丰硕成果。更为重要的是,我们向外界传递了秉持开放心态、携手合作、共渡难关的诚意和信心。我们坚信,未来商机无限,春天终将来临。
Despite the severe challenges in front of us, globalization based on scientific advance and global allocation of resources will remain irreversible.Economies will be even more linked to and dependent on each other.Britain is the birthplace of the idea of free trade.Adam Smith’s theories have influenced international trade over the past 200 odd years.Selecting Britain as the last lag of our trip has added special significance to this event.Along the way, we have had candid and in-depth dialogues with friends old and new.We have reaped tangible and intangible fruits by signing contracts or negotiating intentions.Most importantly, we have demonstrated to the rest of the world our sincerity and confidence to tide over the difficulties by opening mind and joining hands.We believe that there are boundless opportunities in the future, and spring is right around the corner.谢谢大家。
Thank you.