
时间:2019-05-15 06:53:15下载本文作者:会员上传







朱惠华 外国语学院







课程性质:英语专业必修课 学分课时:4学分,72课时 主讲教师:朱惠华


联系电话:*** 邮件地址:julia7610@126.com




通过教学加强学生思想教育。按照我国的教育方针,商贸英语专业的教育目标应该是培养有文化有社会主义觉悟的对外经贸跨学科人才。《商务英语文选》课程也要在传授文化知识的同时进行思想教育。在教学当中要通过文章内容的分析,说明对外经贸事业随着我国加入世贸组织而面对新的挑战和机遇,说明加入国际经济大循环对推进改革开放、全面实现小康的重要性,揭示国际经贸的高度复杂性和竞争的日益激化,使学生对国际商务工作的性质有较深刻的认识,并加强学生对当前学习以及对未来工作的责任感。正确处理语言知识和语言能 外国语学院




为此,在教学中要认真贯彻“启发式”的教学原则,诱导学生大量反复地运用已有的语言知识去理解、分析、研究所学内容,逐步形成解决实际问题的能力。资料的查询也是学习中必不可缺的一个部分,在教学中要使学生掌握并熟练运用资料查询的方法、途径。例如词义可以查阅字典,背景知识可以通过互联网搜索。互联网的普及,给资料的查询带来了极大方便。另一方面,信息量的爆炸性增长,也给信息的处理和筛选增加的大量的工作。所以,能否迅速查阅到所需信息,在今后工作中也起到至关重要的作用,英语信息查询也是学生通过本课 程培养提高的一种重要技能。


















本课程每课需要6课时,有些准备工作和活动要求学生在课前或课下进行,以适当压缩 课堂课时、提高课堂教学效率。




Chapter 1 The Long March I.教学目的

通过本课程的学习使学生了解中国企业和产品正在经历的国际化进程,从只是为外国跨国公司加工产品的“Made in China”到逐渐开始在国际市场上拥有自己的产品品牌,中国企业和品牌已开始在国际市场上崛起,但在真正成功之前还需要进行一次“万里长征”,还面临各种挑战与困难。作者撰文此文的目的是要提醒西方读者:注意中国企业的国际市场战略动态,如何借中国企业希图打入海外市场之力,更为轻松地进入中国市场。在语言文字方面,学生应当仔细阅读本文,熟悉掌握商务英语的特点,包括相关的商务词汇和用语,增强用准确流利的语言表达商务专业内容的能力。II.教学计划


课堂讲解与课堂练习相结合。课堂讲解以教师口授为主;课堂练习以巩固知识和训练技能为目标。讲解时突出重点词、句,着重解释难句难段。课堂练习要充分调动学生的积极性,其形式和内容服从教学目的。练习的主要形式是: Paraphrasing Summarizing Translation Questions and answers Discussion IV.教学要求


掌握课文中的重要商务词汇和术语; 能正确分析并理解课文中的长句和难句;

在正确理解的基础上能将相关句子和段落译成规范的汉语; 外国语学院




1.China’s economic development in 2003 The year of 2003 was important yet unusual for China in its development,in which China achieved a great deal in the reform and opening up drives.China overcame all the difficulties caused by the outbreak of SARS epidemic and other severe natural disasters, and maintained a high economic growth of 9.1 per cent averaged for the year.GNP readings in that year rose over USD 1,400 billion, ranking the 6th of the world’s largest economies, and its per capita GDP was past the milestone of USD 1,000.The national financial institutes registered a remarkable growth.Export and import increased substantially with a combined total of more than USD 850 billion, up by 37.1%over the same period of the previous year.And the same figure eased China into the 4th largest trader in the world, with a growth of 34.6 per cent in export and 39.9 per cent in import.China’s import from the rest of the Asian region increased by 42.2 per cent, including Japan(38.7%), India(51.0%), South Korea(87%)and the ASEAN countries and regions(51.7%), respectively.China is now a main trade partner with other Asian countries and regions.An accumulated total of USD 53.5 billion in foreign direct investment was channeled for actual use in the year of 2003.By the end of that same year the outstanding balance of foreign exchange reserves stood at USD 403.3 billion and Renminbi remained stable.These achievements point to the all-time high in the national strength and capability.2.课文的相关资料

本文发表在香港出版的《远东经济评论》(Far East Economic Review)上,是封面文章,亦即重头文章。

标题是the Long March,作者在此借红军的长征来比喻中国企业和产品国际化的过程,属于修辞上的“典故”用法。诚如媒体共识:中国企业要想在全球市场上参与竞争,“万里长征”尚在初级阶段,争取把“中国制造”的产品打造成全球性的知名品牌,还需要经历许多的竞争、挫折、甚至失败,到达目的地之前“还有很长的路要走”。

本文作者名叫Trish Saywell,成文之前他到广州和上海旅行采访,故在署名栏写着:Trish Saywell in Guangzhou and Shanghai,文章发表后不久调往新加坡任职。国际商务桥网站在其“论文与观点:[国际企业与管理]”栏目下发表了对外经济贸易大学王健教授“谈对中国企 外国语学院



业迎接全球化挑战的认识”一文,王健教授在接受《国际商报》世纪刊记者采访时,从其海外经历谈到了中国企业走向国际化的各种问题及解决方案。读者可以参看。《北京青年报》2003年06月19日发表了该报记者陈玉明采写的长篇报道,题目是“日本还是不是我们的老师”。文章中的一些观点很有见地,对于我们理解本文以及进一步关注同一议题,具有极大的参考价值。人所共知,“中国制造”的弱点或者说软肋在研发方面。“没有核心技术”,是对中国家电业的普遍责备。比如,代表未来大屏幕彩电发展方向的等离子电视,其关键部件——等离子显示屏的生产,全部掌握在6家日韩企业手中。至于中国的DVD企业被人家索取高额专利使用费的事,就不必再说了。但事实上,中国家电业比核心技术更缺乏的是竞争战略。或者我们换一个说法:中国家电业并非没有战略,问题是大家的“战略”是趋同的,企业缺乏自己独特的竞争战略。这种趋同的“战略”就是规模二字。上规模,一直是中国家电企业的主流竞争战略。这源于中国家电业是在短缺经济时代起步的,那时候,谁产得多,谁就卖得多,谁赚的钱也就多,用不着什么“战略”这套,使劲儿干就是了。但事物的发展都有个度。当产量的增长已经大于现实需求的时候,我们的企业却没有转过弯来,仍然惯性地把市场占有率作为经营目标,当了“大王”还想当“霸王”,期望以此把对手挤出行业。但由于体制的原因,中国的很多企业实际上是没有退路的。于是,大家越苦越斗,越斗越苦。国内22家家电类上市公司,1999年的净利润总额是35.6亿元,2000年还有10.4亿元,到2001年就是亏损28.4亿元了。这表明,中国家电业长期以来所依赖的简单复制式的规模化发展之路,作为一个行业,已经走到尽头了。日本式的“标准化大规模生产”将逐步为“个性化大规模定制”所取代。竞争战略趋同导致的另一个结果是产品的严重同质化。由于大家提供的是使用价值近乎相同的产品,消费者只好在价格上作出选择。消费者这种“不良”的消费取向,导致生产者的利润水平不断降低;利润的降低又导致企业失去了通过价值方面的努力改变这一状况的能力。这与日本企业的质量和成本的同时改善一样,都像是“既要马儿跑得好,又要马儿不吃草”,显然是一种难以持续的经营战略。3.China’s biggest brands by Forbes(10.20.03)

Many Chinese manufacturers have little choice but to go global.Fierce competition at home means future profits lie in selling branded goods in rich countries, just as Japanese and South Korean firms found.It will require a combination of attractive products, good service and first-rate technology.Top Chinese companies are now getting into the branding game.The following are China’s top 15 brands to watch: 外国语学院



1.Haier:Home appliances 2.CIMC(China International Marine Containers-Shenzhen):Freight containers 3.Tsingtao:Beer 4.Tong Ren Tang:Traditional medicines 5.Yanjing:Beer 6.Pearl River:Pianos 7.Legend/Lenovo:PCs 8.Ancai(Anyang,Henan):TV tubes 9.Shanghai Zhenhua:Container cranes and port machinery 10.Erdos:Cashmere 11.Wanxiang Qianchao(Hanzhou,Zhejiang):Automotive parts 12.NCPC(North China Pharmaceutical Group Corp.—Shijiazhuang,Hebei):Pharmaceuticals 13.FAW(First Automotive Works—Changchun,Jielin):cars 14.Broad(Beijing):Air-conditioning 15.COSCO(China Ocean Shipping--Beijing):Shipping 4.Grey China Grey China Advertising Ltd.,located in Beijing.It is a partner company of Grey Worldwide, a subsidiary of Grey Global Group.Grey Worldwide: Grey Worldwide, our global advertising agency, is one of the ten largest advertising agencies in the world, with offices in over 90 countries.It has one overriding focus: to produce truly great creative work, to produce work that soars, makes us proud and fosters the brand relationship with consumers—work that helps our clients prosper.Grey Worldwide provides highly creative services including brand ideas and strategies, brand planning, creative development and production.Our agency is organized into four geographical units: North America;Europe, Middle East & Africa(EMEA),Asia-Pacific and Latin America.In 2000, when Grey Global Group(formerly Grey Advertising)became a holding company of many partner companies, each focused in a different marketing communications business discipline, we separated our largest business—advertising—into a single new agency: Grey Worldwide.外国语学院



Worldwide Headquarters: 777 Third Avenue New York,NY 10017(212)546-2000 Ed Meyer,CEO Grey Global Group Grey Global Group: Grey Global Group has a celebrated history of excellence and innovation.Our success story began more than 85 years ago…

In 1917, Grey was a one-man, one-room shop.The one man was Larry Valenstein, who borrowed $100 from his mother to start a direct mail company, which he called Grey Studios.By 1925, he had already hired an ambitious assistant named Arthur Fatt and had acquired enough consumer accounts to necessitate a name change to Grey Advertising.They had no money, no connections, no advanced education and no experience in the advertising business.They trusted their native wit, intelligence and street-smart savvy to generate ideas that would build business for their clients and, as a result, for them.Today, Grey has evolved from a one-client, one-room agency to an$12 billion communications powerhouse.Grey Global Group is the 7th largest communications company in the world, and each of its partner companies is focused on being best in class in its particular specialty.The entrepreneurial spirit and vitality that defined Grey’s beginnings continues to characterize the steps we are taking to meet the demands of the new century.5.Kearney History Since 1926 we’ve been providing high-value management consulting services — that’s more than 75 years filled with significant growth and geographic expansion, and long-term relationships with major companies across the globe.For our first 35 years, we stayed true to our Chicago roots until establishing an additional location in 1961.Three years later, we opened our first non-U.S.office in Düsseldorf and went on to create a presence in other parts of Europe, North America, South America, Asia and Africa.In 1995, we joined forces with EDS, a leader in global technology services.Today we are an independent subsidiary consisting of 4000 employees based in more than 60 cities and 35 countries.外国语学院



From our consulting roots in operations and the manufacturing industry, we have expanded our service offerings to meet the needs of a changing business world, technological environment and global marketplace.With over three-quarters of a century of experience, a solid ever-growing base of intellectual capital and many meaningful business relationships behind us, we’re looking forward to an even bigger future.Overview Who are we? We are one of the largest high value management consulting firms in the world.We have a broad range of capabilities and expertise in all major industries and we offer a full spectrum of services, including strategy and organization,operations,business technology solutions,enterprise services transformation and executive search.What do we do? Our firm focuses on CEO-level concerns—traditional issues such as leadership, globalization, enterprise transformation and product strategy, especially focusing on the challenges of a difficult economy.Only A.T.Kearney combines high value management consulting, expanded capabilities and proven solutions that deliver tangible results.What is out mission? Our mission describes the value we intend to deliver to our clients, now and into the future.We are dedicated to achieving profound, tangible results for our clients as a management consulting firm.What do we promise? We deliver tangible results.Our clients receive a high return on their consulting investment.We bring new intellectual content and solutions that work.Our officers are actively involved in every engagement.A.T.Kearney is known for its ability to provide practical, concrete recommendations and support clients right through implementation.We do this in an environment that encourages “working partnership.” General information Staff 4000 employees worldwide, approximately two-thirds are consultants;our people have broad industry experience and come from leading business schools.We staff client teams with the best 外国语学院



people throughout the A.T.Kearney world Industry specialties Aerospace & defense Automotive Communications & media Consumer industries & retail Financial institutions Government High tech & electronics Pharmaceuticals/health care Process industries Transportation & travel Utilities Service practices Strategy consulting Business Technology Operations consulting Enterprise Services Transformation Client satisfaction From surveys conducted in the first half of 2004,96.9%said they would use A.T.Kearney in the future.Over 98%rated our consultants as good to excellent.Heritage Founded in 1926;delivering meaningful results to clients for more than 75 years Parent company A.T.Kearney is an independent subsidiary of global services leader EDS.EDS EDS provides a broad portfolio of business and technology solutions to help its clients worldwide improve their business performance.EDS' core portfolio comprises information-technology applications and business process services, as well as information-technology transformation services.EDS'A.T.Kearney subsidiary is one of the world's leading high-value management 外国语学院



consultancies.We support the world's leading companies and governments in 60 countries.Employees: more than 120,000 2003 revenues: more than$20 billion Ranked 87th on the Fortune 500 VI.课文讲解

1.which is image-driven(p.1)image指品牌形象,driven“受„„驱使”,image-driven,adj.,形象驱动的;化妆品等产品受品牌


2.joint venture(p.2)venture一词的含义是:a business enterprise involving some risk in expectation of gain,即“追求利润但有某些风险的企业”,因此joint venture在此是指“合资企业”。3.distribution channels(p.2)distribution channel是指the set of firms and individuals that take title, or assist in transferring title, to the particular product or service as it moves from the producer to the consumer(在产品和服务从生产商向消费者转移的过程中取得这些产品或服务的所有权或者帮助转移所有权的企业和个人)。实际上它指的就是我们平常所说的middlemen(中间商),主要包括批发商(wholesaler)和零售商(retailer)。4.premium brands(p.2)这里指的是products regarded as superior in quality and sold at a higher price,高档品牌的商品。5.status-conscious domestic consumers(p.2)对社会地位十分敏感的国内消费者,也就是,为了满足虚荣心、显示自己的社会地位或表明自己属于社会上层而不惜大把花钱买高价商品或进口商品的人。6.Meidi(p.2)广东美的电器公司,在澳大利亚、加拿大、欧洲、中国香港、南美,和美国等地设立了办事处现已将其英语名称改为Midea。7.white goods(p.3)白色家电,如冰箱,洗衣机,微波炉,消毒碗柜等。另还有灰色家电(gray goods)的说法,外国语学院



主要指录像机(VCR),影碟机(VCD),摄像机(VC)等。8.ABN Amro Securities(p.4)荷兰银行所属证券部 9.Unilever(p.4)英荷联合利华跨国公司,是世界上第二大消费者用品公司。联合利华现在中国有11个合资企业, 1个控股公司(holding company),2个全资公司(fully owned company)。公司主要经营下列4种

产品:食品、洗涤剂用品、个人护肤品和专用化学品。在中国比较著名的品牌产品有:旁氏(Ponds), 凡士林(Vaseline),珍珠膏(Pears),美加净(Maxam),洁诺(Signal)等洗发、护肢、口腔护理等用品。10.Laocai(p.5)


12.…believes the brand----overhauled, repackaged and resold at a premium----can give Tsingta a run for its money in overseas markets(p.5)句子中的三个过去分词overhauled, repackaged and resold at a premium,实际起到一种条件从句的作用(if„„)。另外,give Tsingtao a run for的意思是“与„进行激烈的竞争/争夺”。整句话可以译为:„相信,假如对该品牌进行改造、重新包装后再加价销售,那么它就可以跟青岛啤酒在海外市场上拼一拼了。13.Yue-Sai Kan Cosmetics(p.5)靳羽西化妆品公司 外国语学院



Chapter 2 The New Economy I.教学目的




1.Definitions to New Economy The term “new economy” has been bandied in the 1990s by journalists, academics, and policy makers in such vague and diverse contexts that the term itself has become synonymous with anything and everything from greater yields on Kansas wheat farms, to better inventory control at Midwest auto parts factories, to billion-dollar IPOs for Silicon Valley dot-com companies.The argument over the existence and definition of the new economy started with the emergence of this term.Advocates and skeptics never come to terms with one another, though the balance now tips in favor of skeptics with the economic pendulum swings from boom to recession.1)Definition One The new economy has been a subject of discussions since the mid 90's among the economists all over the world and especially in the United States.This concept can be described shortly as 'the effects of the new technologies on the current economy'.Those technologies are also named as 外国语学院



“The Information Technologies” and include the hardware, the software, the telecommunication systems and Internet technologies.First of all, those technologies had an effect on the increase of the productivity of firms.As a result, the firms can now produce more efficiently by using less labor force than before.That micro-economic effect has had a deep macro-economic effect on longer term and has been seen as means of a growth on the GPD in several countries.Another profit of the new technologies is the economic growth gathered by new investments.New employments of the growing information technologies companies in other words companies like IBM, Microsoft, HP, AOL, Yahoo or Nokia have huge impacts on creation of new investments, new job opportunities through the high rates of profit they are making.2)Definition Two There are many versions and interpretations regarding this concept.Nonetheless, the fundamental idea about “new economy” is that it is digital, namely information assumes various forms reduced to bits stored in computers;its knowledge, ideas about goods and how to produce them.Moreover, within the twenty years there have been significant changes in the economy that have been powered by many industries that impact the New Economy, that consist of semiconductors, computers, software, the Internet, telecommunications and biotechnology.In a nut shell, New Economy not only consists of these industries but it is about communication with the computer, the “soft” intangible things such as intelligence funds, information, networks, and primarily modes of communicating.“The New Economy” is often used when describing high-technology businesses or stocks.Sometimes news commentators will separate the stock market into “Old Economy” and “New Economy” stocks rather than NYSE and NASDAQ stock markets.However, The New Economy is more than the latest 'catch-phrase' and involves much more than high-technology companies.Evolving initially from a view of productivity, it is thought that high-technology will directly improve productivity.However, part of this increase will come from new ways of doing business as well as productivity increases that come directly from technology improvements in manufacturing and service business sectors.Productivity is simply a byproduct of the demand for technology.Another aspect of the New Economy is the global economy.The Internet has recently stolen the limelight in the area of global trade.International trade has been improving since the 1960's and it would continue to improve without the Internet.But the 外国语学院



Internet provides a new avenue for businesses to deliver their products.I think theories of huge retail sales coming of age with the Internet are exaggerated, at least in the near-term.But business-to-business transactions could improve dramatically in the coming years.One area I'm referring to might be suppliers to manufacturers.A large manufacturer could reduce costs by allowing their parts distributors to fill orders to customers and eliminate inventories of repair or spare parts by utilizing their web-site.This allows a great deal of flexibility in the manufacturing process.Other possibilities could include foreign companies bidding for sub-assembly contracts with U.S.manufacturers.The possibilities are only limited to the imagination, but the result would be reductions of average and variable costs.In this sense, all companies can be New Economy companies.The separation of “Old Economy” and “New Economy” companies should be eliminated in the area of technology.Their separation should be restated that there are companies who haven't changed and those who have.Overall, I believe The New Economy is a new and more profitable method of performing business in the future and not unlike the changes that occurred in the past when mass-production became the generator of the changes.It will not only change the way business is performed but will impact governments as well.The Internet provides a vehicle for all governments to be more efficient in planning, informing, as well as interact with their constituents.Past vehicles for doing business that helped transformed this country were canals, roads, and railroads.The future may include “digital bytes” as the latest infrastructure that helps transform the world economy into a new “Industrial Revolution.” But this is different, and not associated with mass-production capabilities.It isn't just an information revolution either.Maybe it would be more appropriate to call it “The Telecommunications Revolution.” The New Economy is a summation of economic benefits from several sources such as worker skills, entrepreneurial skills, productivity, global trade, economies of scale, capital investment, technology, communication, information, the Internet and most important, effective demand.But most important is its demand-orientation and evolutionary nature.And it is important that we understand its nature.It is dynamic and not static as described by most traditional economics textbooks.3)Definition Three When we talk about the new economy, we're talking about a world in which people work with their brains instead of their hands.A world in which communications technology creates global 外国语学院



competition-not just for running shoes and laptop computers, but also for bank loans and other services that can't be packed into a crate and shipped.A world in which innovation is more important than mass production.A world in which investment buys new concepts or the means to create them, rather than new machines.A world in which rapid change is a constant.A world at least as different from what came before it as the industrial age was from its agricultural predecessor.A world so different its emergence can only be described as a revolution.Free markets are central to it.But simply to say that the new economy is about the unprecedented power of global markets to innovate, to create new wealth, and to distribute it more fairly is to miss the most interesting part of the story.Markets themselves are changing profoundly.Working with information is very different from working with the steel and glass from which our grandparents built their wealth.Information is easier to produce and harder to control than stuff you can drop on your foot.For a start, computers can copy it and ship it anywhere, almost instantly and almost for free.Production and distribution, the basis of industrial power, can increasingly be taken for granted.Innovation and marketing are all.So an information economy is more open-it doesn't take a production line to compete, just a good idea.But it's also more competitive.Information is easy not just to duplicate, but to replicate.Successful firms have to keep innovating to keep ahead of copycats nipping at their heels.The average size of companies shrinks.New products and knockoffs alike emerge in months rather than years, and market power is increasingly based on making sense of an overabundance of ideas rather than rationing scarce material goods.Each added connection to a network's pool of knowledge multiplies the value of the whole-one reason for Microsoft's astonishing growth.The result: new rules of competition, new sorts of organization, new challenges for management.Some zealots talk about a New Economy, capital N, capital E, all too easily caricatured as “there won't be inflation anymore, because of technological change.”Alas, as Stanford economist Paul Romer has reminded us, “If a majority of the Fed's board of governors decided to have 20 percent inflation, they could have it in a year, possibly in months.”Then there's the idea that recessions are things of the past.This comes up at the end of every expansion.What's true is that the shift to an information economy is redefining how we need to think about both good times and bad.We don't know how to measure this new economy, because the productivity of a decision-maker is harder to grasp than the productivity of someone bolting 外国语学院



together cars.We don't know how to manage its companies, because decision-makers can't be told what to do.We don't know how to compete in it, because information seeps so easily that supermarkets now offer banking services and Amazon.com has infiltrated its virtual bookshelves into Web sites the world over.We don't know how to oversee it, or whether it ultimately needs oversight at all.2.Arguments about the New Economy 1)PAUL DAVID, Economics Professor at Stanford University and Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.We have to look to the developments of digital information technologies and their diffusion through the economy for the likely sources of sustained trend growth in[total factor productivity]at the pace that has been achieved recently.Certainly any further acceleration in TFP growth will have to come from that direction.This is not a discouraging view, because in the immediate future there are several promising trajectories that should be noted as holding still largely untapped potentials for productivity growth.One of these trajectories is the much-discussed expansion of interorganizational computing via the Internet.Recent estimates indicate that in many branches of economic activity,10 percent to 15 percent cost savings in procurement activities will be available through the diffusion of business-to-business e-commerce;still higher percentage costs savings in procurement and related interfirm transactions are estimated not only for manufacturing, but also for service activities such as freight transport and media and advertising.A second cost-saving path is likely to emerge with the development and increasingly widespread diffusion of new, specialized, robust and comparatively inexpensive “information appliances” that have wireless communication capabilities permitting them to function as components of larger, flexible systems supporting related production tasks.The diffusion of teleworking is a third trajectory that has major potential for savings in infrastructure capital, as well as through the reduction of the costs of measures required to abate pollution and environmental degradation in congested urban areas.I am convinced that those economists who doubt that there will be significant long-term productivity payoffs from the information revolution will be proved wrong.But those payoffs will not come freely;they will entail much learning and costly organizational changes.Nor will they happen overnight-even if a domestic macroeconomic environment conducive to long-term 外国语学院



investment continues to be maintained and we are lucky enough to escape real and financial shocks in the international economy of the serious kind that could be triggered by the current threats to peace in the Middle East.2)ROBERT SCHILLER, Economics Professor at Yale University, author of Irrational Exuberance, a new book on the stock market bubble

Every decade had its innovations.Now it is the Internet.If we didn't have the Internet we might instead expect below-average economic progress in the future.As far as I can tell, the new economy is business as usual.But the stock market doesn't know that.The Internet has made a huge impression just as the invention of the railroad did in the 19th century, when people stood at the station and saw the powerful trains rumbling in.The impression helped create a big 19th century boom in rail stock.In the'20s you probably got your first radio, telephone, your first car and your first electric refrigerator, and that created quite a sense of how amazing technology was.We saw another spectacular stock-market boom.Fast-forward to the 1990s.The Internet is a wonderful innovation but the public...got overexcited about it.The Internet can retard profitability.There's lots of duplication of investment because everyone is competing.And there's a tendency for the public to blur productivity and profit.Both words start with the letters “pro,” and apparently it is easy for people to think they are the same thing.Historically they are not.You can have nice productivity growth but falling profits.With higher productivity, workers will be paid more, and that will eat into company profits.We don't know if productivity gains will mean higher company profits.3)JOSEPH STIGLITZ, Economics Professor at Stanford University, former Chief Economist, World Bank The increases in productivity in the United States over the last few years are real.And there is every reason to believe that the Internet and computers have played an important role.The Internet is not only an effective way for people to communicate, but it has also made people think about the way business is conducted.That process of rethinking how business is conducted itself has a productivity-enhancing effect.Some people argue that it is nothing more than the normal process of investment.That we have invested a lot and this is the fruit of the investment, that it is not true increases in productivity or increases in so-called total factor productivity.But in some ways that debate is irrelevant.The 外国语学院



investment has been made in part because of the high returns these technologies produced.If you didn't have the new innovations it would not have been attractive to make the investments.The old laws of economics are still true, but some of the characteristics of new technology are really different from industrial technology.You are going from investing in machines to investing in ideas.Those are very different types of investments.4)ROBERT SOLOW, retired Economics Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Nobel Laureate in Economics Like everyone else I know, I could not understand how the market could put such a big value on companies with no profits and no realistic expectations of profits.The unflattering way to describe the new economy is it's just hype.A more flattering way to put it is there is confusion between an event that is striking in that it affects the way you live and its actual economic importance.Having color TV, instead of black and white, affects everyone's life, but you would not look at the U.S.economy between the'60s and the'80s and say the changes in the economy during that time were dominated by people having a color TV.There has been tremendous productivity growth in the computer industry.You see spectacular reduction in price.That represents cost reduction and productivity increases, but it's not clear that this improvement has spread to sectors using computers.Some 80 percent of IT hardware is sold to the service sector, but it's not showing major increases in productivity.It could be we don't measure productivity in service industries correctly, but I doubt this is the whole story.If you watch the GDP and capital investment rather than the stock markets, it is hard to see any spectacular response you would ascribe to the new economy.For any business that makes an investment in information technology, there is a second-best investment it could have made.What you can impute to the new technology-based economy is only the difference in the returns on those two investments: If you would have gotten 8 percent on an old-economy investment and you get 10 percent on a new-economy investment, the difference is 2 percent.5)HAL VARIAN, Dean of the School of Information Management at the University of California at Berkeley From 1904 to 1908,240 companies entered the automotive business, the Internet of that time.In 1910 the industry went through a consolidation, and many companies went out of business or were absorbed into other firms.As the industry matured, those 240 companies had to be winnowed 外国语学院



down to a dozen or so.Initially Ford priced his product low-just like Amazon selling books at a 40 percent discount.This built the market.But in the 1920s General Motors pioneered yearly model changes, and “style” became the buzzword of the time.Every Ford was black just as, up until recently, every computer was beige.GM changed the rules;Ford had to compete or disappear.The same thing is happening with computers.No one cares which beige computer you have, but which cool “information appliance” you have.At the retail level, the computer business is becoming a fashion industry.We still have a business cycle.We will still have recessions and booms.I don't think depressions are likely, but there will always be periods of consolidation like we are seeing now.We won't see people lining Route 101 with signs saying “will design Web pages for food.” Every time a dot-com goes under, its employees will be hired by Cisco, IBM, HP, Sun...or by Ford or GM for that matter.V.课文注释

1.Leave sth.for dead :desert sth.in the belief that it is dead or hopeless(p.26)For example: “Some of us new soldiers were sent in trucks to the jungle.There we were beaten;all were left for dead,” he said.“ When I gained consciousness, somehow I managed to escape to an uncle's house.” Mr Sonu Bhalla said the condition of his mother suggested that she had been attacked with rods and sharp-edged weapons before being strangulated.The robbers had left her for dead, but she survived.2.price-earning multiple(p.26)价格-收益比例,行话“市盈率”,等于股票市场价格÷每股税后收益。它表示市场对该股票最近期报告收益所愿支付的倍数;即按当前收益率该股票从利润偿清的年数。市盈率高,说明人们对这个股票的将来看好,期望值高。

price-earnings ratio(P/E ratio, earnings multiple, market multiple, multiple, P/E ratio)A common stock analysis statistic in which the current price of a stock is divided by the current(or sometimes the projected)earnings per share of the issuing firm.As a rule, a relatively high price-earnings ratio is an indication that investors believe the firm's earnings are likely to grow.Price-earnings ratios vary significantly among companies, among industries, and over time.One of the important influences on this ratio is long-term interest rates.In general, relatively high rates 外国语学院



result in low price-earnings ratios;low interest rates result in high price-earnings ratios.3.ionosphere(p.26)电离层。大气层分为对流层、平流层(同温层)、电离层等。电离层高度大约在100公里以上,用来比喻高。

注意:英语语言中的比喻修辞手段,其客体经常经常采用高科技的发展的前沿领域。例如汉语中比拟高的成语,有气冲霄汉,高入云霄,九重天等等,往往是传统的,科技中出现的新词汇引用不多。英语比喻“高”的,除了本文中的ionosphere外,《商务英语阅读》中还有stratospheric stock prices(Chapter 13,p.279)4.Treasury bills(p.27)财政短期证券。一个国家为了稳定本国经济或某种特殊需要筹集资金,所发行的一种债券,期限一般在一年左右,因为这种证券风险小,容易推销,通常指英国或美国政府所发行的短期票据。类似于我国内的“国债”,但国债虽有长期和短期之分,名称却都是一样的。英美的国债有三类:Treasury bond(T bond),Treasury note(T note)and Treasury bill(T bill).Treasury bond: A bond issued by the U.S.Government.These are considered safe investments because they are backed by taxing authority of the U.S.government.The interest on Treasury bonds is not subject to state income tax.T-bonds have maturity's greater than 10 years, while notes and bills have lower maturity's.Treasury note: The only difference between a Treasury note and a Treasury bond is that a Treasury note is issued for a shorter time(e.g., two to five years).Treasury bill: This is held for a shorter time(e.g., three, six, or nine months to two years)than either a Treasury bond or a Treasury note.Interest on T-bills are paid at the time the bill matures, and the bills are priced accordingly.5.a new complement of companies(p.28)complement n.something that fills up, completes, or makes perfect;the quantity or number required to make a thing complete推动美国经济高速发展的,不是一个企业,也不是一项高科技,而是很多企业和高科技互相配合、协作。这些企业称之为a complement of companies.6.Froth:Notice the difference between bubble and froth(p.28)作者不同意有泡沫,只承认有微沫。外国语学院



7.critical mass(p.29)临界点in nuclear physics, the minimum amount of a given fissile material necessary to achieve a self-sustaining fission chain reaction under stated conditions.Its size depends on several factors, including the kind of fissile material used, its concentration and purity, and the composition and geometry of the surrounding reaction system.1)The smallest mass of a fissionable material that will sustain a nuclear chain reaction at a constant level.2)An amount or level needed for a specific result or new action to occur: “The sudden national uproar over drugs and drug abuse has reached politically critical mass in Washington”(Tom Morganthau).核燃料达到临界质量,就能维持核连锁反应,连续不断地释放出能源来;原子弹要达到一定的体积后才会爆炸。这儿用来比喻高科技投资积累达到一定数量,就能自我维持持续性增长,甚至会出现爆炸性增长。8.Capital deepening(p.29)资本深化c.f.capital widening资本广化

Increasing the quantity of capital without altering the proportions of the other factors of production.This will occur where the capital stock and employment are both increasing.Where the capital stock is increased and the numbers employed remain constant or fall then production has become more capital-intensive and capital deepening has occurred.9.Build it and they will come(p.29)This is an allusion.The quotation comes from an American film Field of Dreams(幻想成真),a fairy tale celebration of the love of baseball, adapted by screenwriter/director Phil Alden Robinson from W.P.Kinsella's novel Shoeless Joe.Standing in the middle of a cornfield, Iowa farmer Ray Kinsella repeatedly hears a voice-the words of discredited “Shoeless” Joe Jackson, a member of the infamous 1919 Chicago Black Sox baseball team that threw the World Series: Build it, and they will come.So he turns one of his cornfields into a baseball diamond.Of course, everyone thinks he's crazy, but in time “Shoeless” Joe Jackson and other ghostly outcasts, who had previously languished in a sort of baseball purgatory, show up to play the game they still love.Soon men from all over the country join them at this baseball shrine, some just to play with the greats, others to mend the 外国语学院



broken relationships they had with their fathers--But all are trying to get back in touch with simpler times through the purity of America's grandest game.电影《梦幻成真》在商业上取得极大成功,片头字幕“Build it,and they will come”也广泛流传。作者引用这句话,显然是想说明,以IT为基础的新经济,必须先投资建设,然后会发展起来,就像电影《梦幻成真》中的棒球场,只有先建设起来,大牌球星才会来打球,球迷才会追踪而至,才会取得商业上的成功。10.3rd industrial revolution(p.29)第三次工业革命,即信息革命。

The First Industrial Revolution.In the late 18thcentury,the Industrial Revolution started in Britain but soon extended to continental Europe and America.The Second Industrial Revolution.Despite considerable overlapping with the “old, ”there is mounting evidence for a “new” Industrial Revolution in the late 19th and 20th centuries.In terms of basic materials, modern industry has begun to exploit many natural and synthetic resources not hitherto utilized: lighter metals, new alloys, and synthetic products such as plastics, as well as new energy sources.Combined with these are developments in machines, tools, and computers that have given rise to the automatic factory.Although some segments of industry were almost completely mechanized in the early to mid-19th century, automatic operation, as distinct from the assembly line, first achieved major significance in the second half of the 20th century.Ownership of the means of production also underwent changes.The oligarchical ownership of the means of production that characterized the Industrial Revolution in the early to mid-19th century gave way to a wider distribution of ownership through purchase of common stocks by individuals and by institutions such as insurance companies.In the 20th century, many countries of Europesocialized basic sectors of their economies.There was also a change in political theories:instead of the laissez-faire ideas that dominated the economic and social thought of the classical Industrial Revolution, governments generally moved into the social and economic realm to meet the needs of their more complex industrial societies.外国语学院



11.sonic boom(p.29)音爆

a sound resembling an explosion produced when a shock wave formed at the nose of an aircraft traveling at supersonic speed reaches the ground--called also sonic bang 飞机在超音速低空飞行时,地面能听到类似爆炸一样的声音:音爆。此地用来比喻速度快,超音速。


12.A temporary excess of cheap and excellent technology is not the worst kind of problem a society could have.(p.29)not worst=the best物廉价美的技术暂时供大于求,这可是一个社会求之不得的好事。这儿用的是修辞格LITOTES(曲言法、间接表达法、反语法,以反面的否定代替肯定的词格,也称作understatement)。Typically litotes makes a positive statement indirectly by stating a contradictory proposition.Examples: It was no minor matter,=It was a major matter.She’s not unlike her mother.=She is like her mother very much.no easy=very difficult not bad=very good a citizen of no mean city=a citizen of a famous city She's not the friendliest person I know.=she's an unfriendly person She was not a little upset=She was extremely upset.'' “The English poet Thomas Gray showed no inconsiderable powers as a prose writer,” meaning that Gray was in fact a very good prose writer.He was not unfamiliar with the works of Dickens.“She was not disappointed by the news”=“She was thrilled by the news.” You say, “I have not a few regrets.” You mean, “I have many regrets.” You say, “That's not bad.” You mean, “That's good!” You say, “He's no dummy.” You mean, “He's intelligent.” 外国语学院



13.Tech outfits(p.30)科技设备;科技装备,注意作者用词经常发生变化,前面分别用了equipment和gear。14.sit on start-ups boards(p.30)成为新兴企业董事会成员。start-up company: a new business.15.break ground(p.30)

原创性的,意为break new ground: to make or show discoveries: pioneer 16.seed money(p.30)等于“seed capital”原始资本, the initial equity capital used to start a new venture or business.This initial amount is usually quite small because the venture is still in the idea or conceptual stage.17.People took such a beating.You’ve got to wipe out those memory banks.(p.31)人们遭了那么大的罪,必须先忘掉那些痛苦的记忆才行。外国语学院



Chapter 3 Borders and Barriers I.教学目的:



采用启发式教学方法,在预定的各教学环节中,尽可能多地采用教师提问、学生回答并讨论的方式。鼓励学生提出问题,通过师生共同探讨达到掌握所学内容的目的,整个教学应是一个师生互动的过程。IV.背景知识: 1.The Euro On 1 January 2002, euro became a physical reality across Europe when the new euro coins were introduced.However, the new currency has been years in the making.The Treaty of Rome(1957)declared a common European market as a European objective with the aim of increasing economic prosperity and contributing to “an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe”.The Single European Act(1986)and the Treaty on European Union(1992)have built on this, introducing Economic and Monetary Union(EMU)and laying the foundations for the single currency.The third stage of EMU began on 1 January 1999, when the exchange rates of the participating currencies were irrevocably set.Euro area Member States began implementing a common monetary policy, the euro was introduced as a legal currency and the 11 currencies of the participating Member States became subdivisions of the euro.Greece joined on 1 January 2001 and so 12 Member States introduced the new euro banknotes and coins.The 12 Member States are: Belgium, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, 外国语学院



The Netherlands, Austria, Portugal and Finland.Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom are members of the European Union but are not currently participating in the single currency.Denmark is a member of the Exchange Rate Mechanism II(ERM II),which means that the Danish krone is linked to the euro, although the exchange rate is not fixed.The successful development of the euro is central to the realization of a Europe in which people, services, capital and goods can move freely.Advantages of the Euro The euro is fundamentally a tool to enhance political solidarity.This political motivation began when the idea of the European Union and a single currency was first conceived.While it also has the economic effect of unifying the economies of participating countries, it ultimately does much more for the European Union.Economically, the euro's advantages include: Elimination of exchange-rate fluctuations-Any time either a consumer or a business made a commitment to buy something in a different country in the future(at future prices), they stood the chance of paying much more(or less)than they had planned.The euro eliminates the fluctuations of currency values across certain borders.*Price transparency-Being able to easily tell if a price in one country is better than the price in another is also a big benefit, both for consumers and businesses.With price equalization across borders, businesses have to be more competitive.Pricing still varies, but consumers can more easily spot a good deal--or a bad one.*Transaction costs-This is particularly helpful for tourists and others who cross several borders during the course of a trip.Before, they had to exchange their money as they entered each new country.The costs of all of these exchanges added up significantly.With the euro, no exchanges are necessary within the Euroland countries.*Increased trade across borders-The price transparency, elimination of exchange-rate fluctuations, and the elimination of exchange-transaction costs all contribute to an increase in trade across borders of all the Euroland countries.*Increased cross-border employment-Not only can business be conducted across borders more easily, but people are more easily employable across borders.With a single currency, it is less cumbersome for people to cross into the next country to work, because their salary is paid in the same currency they use in their own country.外国语学院



*Simplified billing-Billing for services, products, or other types of payments are simplified with the euro.*Expanding markets for business-Business can expand more easily into neighboring countries.Rather than having to set up separate accounting systems, banks, etc.for transactions in countries other than their native one, the euro makes it simple to operate from a single central accounting office and use a single bank.*Financial market stability-On a larger scale, the financial and stock exchanges can list every financial instrument in euros rather than in each nation's denomination.This has further ramifications in that it promotes trade with less restriction internationally, as well as strengthens the European financial markets.Banks can offer financial products(loans, CDs, etc.)to countries throughout Euroland.*Macroeconomic stability-Because of the European Central Bank(ECB),introduction of the euro also helps to lower(and control)inflation among the EU countries.*Lower interest rate-Because of the decreased exchange-rate risk, the euro encourages lower interest rates.In the past, additional interest was charged to cover the risk of the exchange-rate fluctuation.This risk is gone with the introduction of the euro.*Structural reform for European economies-The participation requirements of the euro pushed many EU member states who wanted to participate to get their economies in shape and improve their economic growth.With the requirements of the Stability and Growth Pact, they will also have to maintain that control in the future, or face fines.Disadvantages and Risks of the Euro While there are many advantages to the euro, there are also some disadvantages.The cost of transitioning 12 countries' currencies over to a single currency could in itself be considered a disadvantage.Billions were spent not only producing the new currency, but in changing over accounting systems, software, printed materials, signs, vending machines, parking meters, phone booths, and every other type of machine that accepts currency.In addition, there were hours of training necessary for employees, managers, and even consumers.Every government from national to local had impact costs of the transition.This enormous task required many hours of organization, planning, and implementation, which fell on the shoulders of government agencies.The chance of economic shock is another risk that comes along with the 外国语学院



introduction of a single currency.On a macroeconomic level, fluctuations have in the past been controllable by each country.*With their own national currencies, countries could adjust interest rates to encourage investments and large consumer purchases.The euro makes interest-rate adjustments by individual countries impossible, so this form of recovery is lost.Interest rates for all of Euroland are controlled by the European Central Bank.*They could also devalue their currency in an economic downturn by adjusting their exchange rate.This devaluation would encourage foreign purchases of their goods, which would then help bring the economy back to where it needed to be.Since there is no longer an individual national currency, this method of economic recovery is also lost.There is no exchange-rate fluctuation for individual euro countries.*A third way they could adjust to economic shocks was through adjustments in government spending, such as unemployment and social welfare programs.In times of economic difficulty, when lay-offs increase and more citizens need unemployment benefits and other welfare funding, the government's spending increases to make these payments.This puts money back into the economy and encourages spending, which helps bring the country out of its recession.Because of the Stability and Growth Pact, governments are restricted to keeping their budget deficits within the requirements of the pact.This limits their freedom in spending during economically difficult times, and limits their effectiveness in pulling the country out of a recession.In addition to the chance of economic shock within Euroland countries, there is also the chance of political shock.The lack of a single voice to speak for all euro countries could cause problems and tension among participants.There will always be the potential risk that a member country could collapse financially and adversely affect the entire system.More Euro History The Treaty of Rome was ratified in 1958, establishing the European Economic Community(EEC).The goal of the EEC was to reduce trade barriers, streamline economic policies, coordinate transportation and agriculture policies, remove measures restricting free competition, and promote the mobility of labor and capital among member nations.It was very successful, but just as with the ECSC, it served more of a peacemaking role between the European nations than an economic role.外国语学院



At this time, the monetary exchange rate between countries was controlled by the Bretton Woods system, which connected currencies to the U.S.dollar, allowing for only a one point fluctuation around designated values.This was referred to as the “pegged rate” and was based partly on the gold backing of the dollar.This system worked well for 20 years, helping to stabilize exchange rates and restore economic growth in the postwar period.By 1960, however, the system began to fail, and exchange-rate agreements became the prevalent topic among European political and economic leaders.By December 1969, Luxembourg's Prime Minister, Pierre Werner, was asked to write an EC(European Community)report covering the need for a complete monetary union among the European economies.The Werner Report came out in 1970 and specifically brought up the idea of a single European currency as part of a cooperative monetary effort.The report was the first to use the term Economic and Monetary Union.Although this plan seemed promising, it lost momentum when President Nixon's 1971 policy of “benign neglect” ended U.S.backing(by its gold reserves)of the predefined exchange rates against the dollar, collapsing the Bretton Woods system.Other foreign central banks were not willing to support the dollar, which would have provided the equivalent of deposit insurance.So where did that leave the European countries when it came to the stability of their currencies? It brought about the development in 1979 of the European Monetary System(EMS),which locked exchange rates among the participating countries into predefined trading zones.This was known as the Exchange Rate Mechanism(EMS).This move, in itself, stabilized the economy by creating predictable trading zones.The next move toward a unified European economy came with the 1987 Single European Act.This act called for the systematic removal of barriers and restrictions that hampered trade between European countries.As a result, border checks, tariffs, customs, labor restrictions and other barriers to free trade were dismantled.2.Andrew K.Rose Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy, Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley.Managing Editor of The Journal of International Economics(1995-2001).Acting Director, International Finance and Macroeconomics Program of the NBER,(1996-1999).Ph.D.Massachusetts Institute of Technology(1983-1986).31 外国语学院



3.University of California at Berkeley The University grew with the rapidly expanding population of California and responded to the educational needs of the developing state.As early as 1960’s,Berkeley was recognized by the American Council on Education as “the best balanced distinguished university in the country.” Today, it is one of the best known universities in the world.4.Subramanian Rangan Associate Professor of Strategy and Management Subi Rangan received an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management and a Ph.D.from Harvard University.His research and teaching interests revolve around the strategic and managerial challenges facing multinational firms.In 1998,Professor Rangan won the Academy of International Business’ Eldridge Haynes Prize(awarded biennially to a scholar under forty)for the best original essay in international business.In 1995,that academy awarded their Best Dissertation Award to his doctoral thesis.In 1998,Professor Rangan won the Outstanding Teacher award(and was nominated again in 1999)for his MBA elective course on global strategy and management.5.Insead(枫丹白露商学院)

Insead是法国最著名的商学院之一,由于该学院位于人们熟知的枫丹白露,因此习惯上被称为枫丹白露商学院。6.Jan Hommen Executive vice president, and chief financial officer and vice chairman of the Board of Management of Royal Philips Electronics.Jan Hommen was born in s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands in 1943.He studied business economics at the Katholieke Hoge school in Tilburg, before beginning his career as controller at Lips Aluminium B.V.in Drunen in 1970.This company was taken over by Aluminium Company of America in 1975 and renamed Alcoa Nederland, upon which he became its financial director.In 1978, Mr.Hommen moved to Alcoa's head office in Pittsburgh, US, as, amongst others, assistant treasurer and vice president and treasurer, becoming executive vice president and chief financial officer in 1991.Also a member of Philips' Board of Management and Group Management Committee, he took up his positions with Philips in April 1997.As per March 28,2002,Mr.Hommen was appointed vice chairman of the Board of Management.32 外国语学院



7.Baron Alexandre Lamfalussy Alexandre Lamfalussy was born in Hungary in 1929.He left his native country in 1949.He obtained a doctorate(D.Phil.)in economics at Nuffield College, Oxford.From 1965 to 1975 Mr.Lamafalussy served first as Executive Director of Banque de Bruxelles and later as Chairman of the Executive Board.In 1975 he became Executive Director of Banque Bruxelles Lambert.Mr.Lamfalussy joined the Bank of International Settlements(BIS)in Basle in 1976 as Economic Adviser and Head of the Monetary and Economic Department.Between 1981 and 1985 he served as Assistant General Manager of the BIS before being appointed General Manager in May 1985.He held this post until the end of 1993.From 1 January 1994 until 30 June 1997,Mr.Lamfalussy was President of the European Monetary Institute in Frankfurt.Since 1997 he has been teaching and doing research at the “Institut d'Etudes Europeennes” of the Catholic University of Louvain in Louvain-la-Neuve.V.课文讲解

1.For all that it has clearly had profound effects already, and will have even deeper ones after January 1st, the euro by itself can only do so much.(p.50)本句中的主句为the euro by itself can only do so much,其中euro是主语。For all that it has clearly had profound effects already, and will have even deeper ones after January 1st为介词短语,在整个句子当中作状语。介词短语中的that引导出一个定语从句,修饰all。代词it此处指euro。

2.One useful strand of research led by Andrew Rose, an economist at the University of California at Berkeley, suggests that thanks to the single currency, intra-European trade should fairly quickly double or even treble in volume.(p.50)可提醒学生本句中的double和treble的意思分别为“是„„的两倍或增加一倍”以及“是„„的三倍或增加两倍。”请看下面的例句:

1)The cash flow is expected to treble next year.(意思是现金流转预计增加两倍。)

2)The cast double and treble their roles and all make memorable contributions.(意思是每位演员演两个或三个角色。)

3)China's existing network is already aiming to more than treble in size this year.4)The leap of a kangaroo is double that of the human Olympic record.5)The expanding opportunities, especially in manufacturing, meant that in some districts the




earnings of women and children were able to double family income.3.If that turns out to be correct, then Europe will greatly surprise the numerous pessimists who have bemoaned its inability to pick up where America’s decade of extraordinary economic growth has left off.(p.50)英语中to pick up where(+其他成分)+主语+leave off表示“从以前的某处重新开始或继续下去。”例如,教师上课对学生说要接着上次课往下讲;节目主持人重提前面的话题等情况,均可以说“Let’s pick up where we left off.”再看下面的例句:

1)We would pick up supplies and I would continue with the wheelbarrow from where I had left off.2)Email newsletters pick up where websites leave off.3)The new product attempts to pick up where IBM's SMS software leaves off.综上所述不难看出,本句后半部分的意思是说,对欧洲前途持悲观态度的人感叹欧洲的经济发展只相当于美国十年前的水平,没有能力从美国十年前的水平继续向前发展。因此,可将这部分翻译为“美国十年间非同寻常的经济发展使欧洲望尘莫及,欧洲落后于美国达十年之久。”

4.―But national borders engender discontinuities so profound that they cannot be overcome by removing a single factor among many.‖(p.50)

discontinuity这里的意思是lack of continuity, logical sequence, or cohesion即“不连贯,缺乏逻辑性或一致性。”作者的意思是说,国与国之间缺乏一致性的地方有很多,差别也很大不可能共用欧元之后所有问题都能够得到解决。

5.True,the single currency will make it easier for consumers to compare prices.But the starting point for this change is that Europe currently has heterogeneous customers who largely buy heterogeneous products with different ingredients, labels and packages.Much else will need to converge before prices do.(p.51)这部分的意思是说,欧元在欧元区内的流通确实使人们在比较价格时方便了许多。例如,由于商品均以欧元标价,人们在不同国家购物时不再需要兑换货币,也无须进行货币换算。但是,这些变化终究离不开这样一个现实或基本点(the starting point),即欧洲目前的消费群体是不同的,他们购买由不同材料生产、有着不同商标及包装的不同产品。因此,现在还不能说欧洲已经有了一个趋同的市场。




6.Indeed,Mr.Rangan predicts that although prices in the euro zone will indeed converge, they will do so more slowly than many people think, and mainly in areas where the cost to consumers of making a mistake are relatively low.―No one, if they have a choice, hires the cheapest lawyer,‖ he says.(p.51)对于自己不熟悉的产品,消费者购买后可能会不满意,这就是本句中making a mistake的意思。如果消费者在购买花钱不多的小商品时出现mistake,造成的损失不会很大,因此小商品市场价格趋同的速度可能要快一些。消费者购买商品时考虑的因素有许多,如产品的质量、性能、花色品种、包装等,而并不是什么东西便宜就去买什么。这就是作者所说的“No one, if they have a choice, hires the cheapest lawyer”的意思。

7.The interbank unsecured-money market, for instance, is in effect pan-European, with large banks successfully feeding liquidity to smaller, national banks.The secured market has been less successful, largely because its very existence has exposed problems in the underlying infrastructure that can make it difficult to transfer collateral.(p.52)本部分中the interbank unsecured-money market实际上是指“银行间短期资金市场”或“银行间拆借市场”,而the secured market则指“资本市场”。

8.The eurobond market has also been an overall success, thanks in part to the integrated clearing and settlement infrastructure that predated it.In the corporate market, well-known companies such as Philips have launched big benchmark issues, and even a few small, unrated companies such as Ducati have issued bonds successfully.(p.52)本部分中eurobond market指“欧元债券市场”;have launched big benchmark issues的意思是说,大公司发行的债券客观上起到了其他公司在发行债券时以其为标准的作用。unrated companies的意思是“未评级的公司”,即那些不知名的、未在任何排行榜上出现过的小公司。9.Observers say that fewer medium-sized companies have raised money by issuing bonds than was hoped at the outset.Until more do so, the bank-driven alternative system of funding will continue to misallocate capital.(p.52)本部分中,the bank-driven alternative system of funding实际上是指“银行贷款”,可翻译为“作为另一种筹资方式的银行贷款发放体系”。由于许多中型公司不能通过发行债券筹集资金,只能依靠银行贷款,这样就很容易出现资金发放错位的问题。




10.In the early part of this year it provided a flood of liquidity to telecoms issuers as equity investors’ enthusiasm for that industry dried up.The issuance has since also dried up, but it represented progress.(p.52)本部分的意思是说,由于人们对电信业股票投资失去了热情,因此便通过发行电信债券的方式筹集资金,而电信债券的发行后来也呈枯竭状态,但不管怎样,这是一种进步。“进步”是指债券的发行可使筹资方式多样化,相对仅仅依靠银行贷款筹资来说是一种进步。11.In America and Britain, the law allows two forms of ownership rights.The first, shared by continental Europe, is full legal ownership.The second, not shared in Europe, is beneficial ownership.This concept allows the creation of depositories in which securities are “dematerialized‖.(p.53)


12.Underlying these legal niceties is a hard-nosed business issue:(p.53)“hard-nosed”的意思是“practical and determined”,可修饰人或事物,请看下面的例子: a hard-nosed salesman, a hard-nosed labor leader,a hard-nosed reporter,a hard-nosed attitude,a hard-nosed approach,hard-nosed economic considerations.1)She gave a hard-nosed, step-by-step account of the campaign.2)MADONNA will get£3 million to play a hard-nosed street girl in the new film.3)He was a hard-nosed, tunnel-visioned businessman, concerned only with getting to his precious meeting on time.13.A small business wanting to refund a customer in another euro-zone country might find that the bank charges not only eat up the refund but cost the poor customer money on top.(p.54)本句的意思是说银行手续费比所汇退款还要多,客户不仅提不到款,而且还需拿出钱来给银行。




Chapter 4 Economy Terrorized I.教学目的



讲解(传授新知识[口授法])和课堂练习(巩固知识技能[探讨研究法)相结合。讲解时突出重点、难点。课堂练习要充分调动学生的积极性,其形式和内容服从教学目的。练习的主要形式是: Questions & Answers Group discussions Paraphrasing Translation Summarizing IV.背景知识

1.About U.S.News & World Report U.S.News & World Report came into existence through a journalistic merger.In 1933, journalist David Lawrence published the first issue of a weekly newspaper called the United States News.Six years later, he launched a magazine called World Report.When the two weeklies merged in 1948.U.S.News & World Report was born.From 1962 to 1984,U.S.News was employee-owned.In 1984,publisher and real estate developer Mortimer B.Zuckerman bought the company.Mr.Zuckerman is also chairman and co-publisher of the New York Daily News.He has substantial real estate holdings, including properties in Boston, New York, Washington, and San Francisco.A graduate of Harvard Law School, Mr.Zuckerman is a former associate professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Business, where he taught for nine




years.In 1983,U.S.News began its annual rankings of American colleges and universities.The fall of 1987 marked the first publication of the newsstand book, America’s Best Colleges.It was joined by America’s Best Graduate Schools in 1994.U.S.News began its internet ventures in 1993, with a two-year stint as a content provider to the CompuServe Information Service.U.S.News Online(www.xiexiebang.comBC cable network.Launched in the U.S.in 1989, CNBC offers audiences in the U.S., Asia and Europe unparalleled business-news programming.Dow Jones is co-owner with NBC Universal of the CNBC television operations in Asia and Europe.Dow Jones also provides news content to CNBC in the U.S., which is similarly branded during the business day.World-wide, CNBC currently reaches more than 197 million households.DOW JONES INDEXES Dow Jones launched its first stock indicator in 1884 with an index mainly composed of railroad stocks.This indicator would later become known as the Dow Jones Transportation Average.In 1896, the Company launched what is now known as the Dow Jones Industrial Average(DJIA), the world's most widely followed stock-market indicator, tracking the world's largest stock market.The average is computed in real-time continuously throughout the trading day and is maintained and updated by the editors of The Wall Street Journal.Comprised of 30 blue-chip U.S.stocks, such as International Business Machines and General Electric, the DJIA appears in newspapers, magazines, television, radio, financial documents, computer screens and in everyday conversation around the world as a barometer of the U.S.stock market.Tradable instruments based on the DJIA, including futures, options and structured products, were licensed beginning in 1997.The Dow Jones Utility Average is the youngest of the three core Dow Jones averages, debuting in 1929.The Dow Jones Global Indexes, developed more recently, include more than 3,000 separate indexes tracking stock prices of more than 5,000 companies in 36 countries, 10 world regions, 10 economic sectors containing 18 market sectors, and 40 industry groups.40 外国语学院



The Dow Jones STOXX, a family of indexes started in 1998 in a joint venture with the French, German and Swiss stock exchanges, charts the course of the new Europe.OUR HISTORY Dow Jones & Company was founded in 1882 by three young reporters: Charles Dow, Edward Jones and Charles Bergstresser.In their basement office near the New York Stock Exchange, they produced handwritten newsletters called “flimsies” that were delivered by messenger to subscribers in the Wall Street area.Business boomed, and by 1889,the staff numbered 50.The Company decided to turn its small “Customers' Afternoon Letter” into a newspaper that would be called The Wall Street Journal.The first issue, at four pages and selling for 2 cents, debuted on July 8,1889.The Journal prospered, but Messrs.Dow, Jones and Bergstresser saw the need for a faster way to deliver the news.To that end, the Company began delivery of its Dow Jones News Service via telegraph.In 1902, Clarence W.Barron, who had been hired years before to be Dow Jones 'first out-of-town correspondent, purchased control of the Company following Mr.Dow's death.At that time, Journal circulation was about 7,000.But less than 20 years later, in 1920,it had reached 18,750.Mr.Barron introduced modern printing equipment, and the newsgathering side of the Company expanded.By the end of the 1920s,more than 50,000 copies of the Journal were printed daily.Barron's National Business and Financial Weekly, simply known today as Barron's, made its debut in 1921, with Mr.Barron serving as its first editor.Priced at 10 cents an issue, the tabloid-size publication was an immediate success in investment and financial circles, reaching circulation of 30,000 in only its sixth year.In 1941,13 years after the death of Clarence Barron, Bernard Kilgore became managing editor of the Journal.In 1945,he was named chief executive of Dow Jones.Mr.Kilgore was the architect of the paper as it exists today and expanded its coverage to include all aspects of business, economics and consumer affairs, as well as all aspects of life that had an impact on business.In the 1960s, circulation of the Journal surpassed 1 million, and coverage of social issues, science, education and foreign affairs was added or expanded, while business news coverage was improved.In the 1970s,Dow Jones entered new fields of electronic publishing and expanded its U.S.41 外国语学院



publishing presence with the acquisition of the Ottaway group of community newspapers.Dow Jones also expanded outside the U.S., first with investments in the Far Eastern Economic Review, then in 1976 with The Asian Wall Street Journal, the first daily newspaper to provide comprehensive coverage of business and economic news for an Asia-wide audience.In the 1980s,the circulation of The Wall Street Journal briefly reached more than 2 million.The Company pushed vigorously into database publishing, television and real-time market data delivery through the purchase of Telerate.In addition, Dow Jones extended its commitment to global publishing by introducing The Wall Street Journal Europe, published in Brussels, in 1983.In June 1999,Dow Jones & Company and von Holtzbrinck Group agreed to swap stakes in The Wall Street Journal Europe and Handelsblatt, Germany's business newspaper.Throughout the 1990s,Dow Jones continued to place an even greater emphasis on its competitive strengths and core competencies in content, and an even tighter strategic focus on publishing the world's most vital business and financial news and information.This was evident through the sale of Telerate to Bridge Information Systems, Inc., in 1998 and the successful launch of many new products and ventures, including SmartMoney, The Wall Street Journal Magazine of Personal Business, with Hearst Corp.in 1992;The Wall Street Journal Special Editions in 1994;and The Wall Street Journal Online at WSJ.com,in 1996.In addition, the Company set a course to become a global producer of quality business-television programming with the launch of Asia Business News in 1993 and European Business News in 1995.This led to the global business-television alliance with NBC announced in 1997,centered around CNBC.A service of NBC and Dow Jones, CNBC offers U.S., Asian and European audiences the best business-news programming available.In September 1999, The Wall Street Journal Sunday, bannered, full pages of original Journal content focused on personal finance and careers,began publication in leading metropolitan Sunday newspapers around the U.S.Also in the fall of 1999,Dow Jones launched Vedomosti, or The Record, the only independent business newspaper in Russia.It is published Tuesday through Saturday.4.Nasdaq NASDAQ is the largest U.S.electronic stock market.With approximately 3,300 companies, it lists more companies and, on average, trades more shares per day than any other U.S.market.It is home to category-defining companies that are leaders across all areas of business including




technology, retail, communications, financial services, transportation, media and biotechnology.NASDAQ is the primary market for trading NASDAQ-listed stocks.Approximately 54%of NASDAQ-listed shares traded are reported to NASDAQ systems.V.课文讲解 概念讲解

Dow-Jones Industrial Average道·琼斯工业股票平均价格指数 Blue-chip index蓝筹股指数

Nasdaq(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations)那斯达克指数

consumer confidence消费者信心 investment income投资收入

liquid investment短期投资、临时投资 tax deduction课税减免 insurance policy保险单 课文注释

1.Now,though,corporate America has a clear vision of the immediate future–and it’s not a pretty one.(P.72)句中corporate America意为公司式的美国。公司式国家原于1970年美国Charles A.Reich所作The Greening of America(绿化美国),认为国家是一台巨大的机器,完全不受人的控制并置人的价值观于不顾。The corporate state as contrasted with a people’s state与人民的国家相对而存在的公司式国家。在此句中,corporate America是指美国的商界。

2.Firms directly affected by the horror, such as Boeing and Marriott, and some far afield, such as photo giant Kodak, warned of lower profits.(P.72)句中far afield原意为在远方,远处。此句中它与directly“直接”互为反义,故译成“间接”较为合适。And some far afield,such as photo giant Kodak译为:间接受影响的公司,如:照相业巨头柯达公司。

3.Restoring consumer confidence is a top priority for Greenspan and Congress, given that consumer spending accounts for about two thirds of the nation’s total output.(P.73)




句中given that„„此处“given”是介词,意为“考虑到”:Given their experience, they’ve done a good job.(考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们做得不错。);nation’s total output:国家总产出,总产量,总输出量

4.To that end, the Fed has been flooding the markets with cash.Congress, meanwhile, is awash in plans to spend money, drawing down the$153 billion social security surplus.(P.73)句中awash是形容词,一般作表语,意为充斥的,泛滥的。如:The world is awash with rice at the moment.(目前世界上大米堆积如山。)此处可译为:在国会消费计划堆积如山。5.Now both are hitting full force, as heavily indebted and cash-poor carriers are seeing a drastic reduction in bookings.(P.73)句中hit full force可译为:达到无以复加的程度。

6.When—and if—the industry recovers, it will have been fundamentally altered.Passengers can expect fewer flights overall and anemic service to smaller airports, as airlines focus on large, profitable hubs.(P.73—74)句中When—and if—the industry recovers可译为:当航空业复苏时(如果能复苏的话);anemic service可译为:服务委靡。

7.One potential bright spot: Consumers may step up their gift-giving this Christmas because of the renewed focus on family and friends.(P.75)句中may step up their gift-giving可译为:可能会增加在馈赠礼品方面的消费;the renewed focus on family and friends可译为:重新重视亲情和友情。

8.But fallout from the tragedy was being felt half a continent away in Northfield, Ill., where marketers at Kraft Foods were red-faced.(P.75)句中fallout意为影响,后果;half a continent away in Northfield, Ill的continent(洲)是指美国大陆。因为恐怖袭击的发生地在美国东海岸,而伊利诺斯州在美国的中部,所以说是半个大陆之遥。

9.Opposite it was an ad for the company’s Oasis nutrition bar, in which a female cartoon character quips about the brighter side of an airline losing your luggage: ―You have an excuse to buy a whole new wardrobe.‖(P.75)

句中quips about the brighter side of an airline losing your luggage可译为:就航空公司丢失乘 客行李而使乘客因祸得福之时说俏皮话;a whole new wardrobe.在此的意思是一大衣柜的新衣服。




10.But an industry known for its outrageousness and cheek must now find a new vocabulary attuned to the nation’s grief.(P.75)句中an industry known for its outrageousness and cheek可译为:以蛮横和厚脸皮著称的行业。11.―This is serious stuff, not just PR,‖ he says.―It’s going to be some time before we get back to fluff.‖(P.76)

句中fluff和serious stuff相对应。Serious staff是指“严肃的内容”,fluff是指“轻松的内容”,可译为:轻松肤浅的娱乐内容。

12.But analysts are confident that the industry will be able to meet the estimated$30m billion in projected claims, a loss that could escalate if costly business-interruption and personal injury claims accelerate.(P.77)句中projected claims意为预计的索赔(理赔);business-interruption and personal injury claims 译为:业务(营业)中断险和个人人身伤害险的索赔。业务(营业)中断保险是因火灾、爆炸等事故导致停产或停业的收益损失保险。

13.Two helping hands: Uncle Sam, since insurers get a tax reduction for their claim payment, and foreign reinsurance companies, which insure insurers.(P.77)句中two helping hands可译为:保险业可得到两方面的支持;reinsurance:再保险,转保,对特大的风险由几个保险公司或经纪人同意分担风险;insure insurers:对保险公司进行保险 14.Commercial property and casualty rates, after a decade of stagnation because of intense competition,recently began rising–about 10 percent to 15 percent on renewals.(P.77)句中commercial property and casualty rates译为:商业财产险和意外伤害险的费率;renewal:续保





第1课 新长征


一些人认为,在创业精神饱满的本地管理层的协助下,或者在一些想在其产品系列里添加新产品的外国公司的协助下,中国商品在极具竞争力的价格的基础上,若把卖点放在产品质量和异国情调上,那末10年之内,中国品牌将一个一个地走向全球。总部在香港的广告公司中国精信(Grey China)的执行董事陈一木丹(Viveca Chan)说:“如果世界上只有一个国家具备创立全球品牌的潜力,那么这个国家就是中国。”

短期之内,中国商品最有希望打入国际市场的当属中草药和特色食品,当然也包括那些体现中国浪漫并具有异国情调的产品,例如化妆品、时装和音乐作品。中国总部设在上海的泰勒·娜尔森·索福瑞(Taylor Nelson Sofres)市场调研公司的中国区总经理Kevin Tan说:“与中国相联系的神秘色彩还有许多。化妆品是种靠形象推销的产品,假如你要做化妆品,你会一下子就发现,中国化妆品来头不小。”努力走向世界的中国品牌还有一些领导时尚潮头的饮料和啤酒品牌,也包括家用电器等具有品牌潜力的产品,它们都能以竞争性的价格提供高品质的产品。








当然,正如总部在香港的广告公司中国精信(Grey China)的执行董事陈一木丹(Viveca Chan)指出的,国际化营销并不等于国际化品牌。而且,对中国企业而言国际化品牌还处于一个初级阶段。设在青岛的中国青岛啤酒的海外部经理楚梁津(音)说,首当其冲的是推广国际化品牌的投资资金很难到位。他解释说:“用于再投入促进品牌在海外形象的资金不得超过我们的出口销售总额的5%”。他又说青岛啤酒正努力游说外汇管理局更改对国有企业的这项规定。但由于政府强调防止外汇流失,取消这项规定的机会渺茫。



















亚洲战略投资管理(Asimco)公司于1995年取得了对五星啤酒的控股权,当时这是一家已有80年生产历史的国有啤酒酿造厂,厂址在北京。Asimco公司北京办事处负责人Jack Perkowski表示,这个品牌经过全面革新、重新包装并且以溢价转卖后,将在海外市场上与青岛啤酒展开激烈的竞争。

青岛啤酒自1978年以来就出口北美市场,最近三年在北美市场的年销售额大约是700万美元。英国某经纪公司驻港的一位啤酒行业的分析师认为,相比之下,五星啤酒将会“成为美国进口的啤酒品牌中进口数量少于青岛啤酒的品牌之一”。五星啤酒之所以进军美国市场这么快,原因之一是Asimco公司选择了佛罗里达州的北方饮料公司作为批发商,而这个公司的工作效率非常高。首批四个集装箱的五星啤酒于9月运抵美国。Asimco公司北京办事处负责人Jack Perkowski估计,如果一切进展顺利的话,大约两到三年之后,Asimco公司每年将在美国卖出300万箱的五星啤酒,五星啤酒也将挤入在美国最为畅销的25个外国品牌的行列。目前排在这个畅销名单首位的是墨西哥的“克罗娜(Corona)”品牌啤酒。高级商务英语阅读课文译文

纽约的化妆品企业高帝公司也极具扩张野心。1996年,高帝公司和靳羽西化妆品公司合资在中国成立了一家合资企业。靳羽西化妆品(Yue-Sai Kan Cosmetics)公司成立于此前四年,老板是充满魅力的美籍华人靳羽西。靳羽西出生在中国,如今在她的祖国可谓家喻户晓。羽西公司在法律上是一个全资的美国公司,却是中国彩妆市场上的主导品牌。通过这次联合,高帝公司几乎一夜之间成了中国市场上的首选品牌。该合资企业于10月又在上海投资2000万美元开办了一座工厂,还设立了研发中心。

高帝公司的执行副总裁Jean-Andre Rougeot说:“我们想把羽西品牌做成中国的第一个化妆品国际品牌。中国作为一个经济强国将会在未来的五到十年继续繁荣发展下去。作为这种发展的一部分,人们将看到越来越多的中国品牌。”Rougeot认为,那些有过敏性肌肤的西方



























































《体验商务英语》系列教材是在培生教育集团具有广泛国际影响的Market Lea系列教材和Powerhouse系列教材的基础上改编的。高等教育出版社对这两套教材进行了初选和进一步的比较、分析和评价,从教学对象、目标、内容、教学法、教学任务等方面做客观分析(即对被评价的教材进行分析),在此基础上,引进并改编了这两套教材。

























《体验商务英语》系列教材是在培生教育集团具有广泛国际影响的Market Lea系列教材和Powerhouse系列教材的基础上改编的。高等教育出版社对这两套教材进行了初选和进一步的比较、分析和评价,从教学对象、目标、内容、教学法、教学任务等方面做客观分析(即对被评价的教材进行分析),在此基础上,引进并改编了这两套教材。










Unit 1 a Teamwork Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about teams and teamwork To practise reading for gist and specific information To enable students to make and change arrangements Important and difficult points:

Important words, the useful phrase to make an arrangement Teaching content: Assessing teams Speaking

rank requirements for successful teamwork and then decide if they work in good team.Reading 1

read through an article and decide how Cussons improved teamwork at its Polish subsidiary.Students then read the text again and match endings with sentence stems.Vocabulary

match verbs, preositions and nouns from the text, then summarise what happened at Cussons.Speaking

discuss how teamwork can help their class prepare for the Cambridge BEC exam.Unit 1 b Communication Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to take and leave telephone massages To raise awareness of clarity in spoken language To practise reading for gist and specific information To practise listening for gist and specific information Important and difficult points:

Listening skills Teaching content: Keeping in touch Speaking

find out about each other’s use of various forms of communication Reading

read for gist through an article on English for international business and give each paragraph a heading.Students then answer comprehensiong questions.Speaking

discuss the difficulties of understanding spoken English.Leaving voice mails Listening 1

listen to five voice mails and match each with its purpose.The students then identify which of the calls they find difficult to understand and why.Language focus

focus on clarity in messages and phrases for leaving answer machine messages.Speaking

reformulate one of the voice mails to improve its clarity.Unit 2 a Entertaining a Client Teaching aims and requirements: To raise awareness of and practise techniques for encouraging conversation To practise speaking about general topics in preparation for the Speaking Test To practise reading for specific information Important and difficult points:

How to encourage conversation Teaching content: Choosing a restaurant Reading 1

look at a customer satisfaction form and choose the three most important criteria for judging a good restaurant.Speaking

students ask each other about the last restaurant they visited using the criteria from the form

Reading 2

read an advertisement for Porters restaurant to find which criteria are mentioned.Speaking

discuss the suitability of the restaurant for particular occasions.Describe the most memorable restaurant they have been to.Unit 2 b Corporate Hospitality Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about corporate hospitality To raise awareness of formal versus informal language in letters To review language for making and dealing with invitations To practise writing a letter of acceptance Important and difficult points:

How to mix business with pleasure Teaching content: Mixing business with pleasure Speaking

read mini-profiles and choose suitable ways of entertaining corporate guests

Reading 1

scan an article about a course on business socialising to find ways of entertaining corporate guests.Match paragraph heasing with paragraphs and then match endings with sentence stems.Speaking

discuss the advantages and disadvantages of mixing business with pleasure.Arranging a company visit Reading 2

read a letter of invitation and decide what the invitation is for.And then read the letter again to answer true/false questions.Language focus

focus on the language of invitations: inviting/ offering/ thanking/ accepting/ declining.Writing

write a letter of a acceptance

Unit 3 a Ordering Goods Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about making and changing orders To raise awareness of clarity in writing and useful phrases for letter writing To parctise reading for specific information To practise writing short faxes To practise proof-reading Important and difficult points:

How to write short faxes Teaching content: Planing an order Speaking

discuss the qualities of a good supplier Reading 1

read a fax from the head office of a mail order company to a supplier and answer true/false questions Reading 2

read a badly organised fax about the order mentioned in the fax answer comprehension questions Writing

discuss ways of improving the calrity of the fax, then rewrite it.Discussing changes


listen to a conversation confirming details of an order.Listen again and note down funcitonal phrases.Then write formal written equivalents of these phrases.Language focus

match additional spoken and written functional phrases

Unit 3 b Cash Flow Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about day-to-day company finances To parctise reading for specific information To practise listening for specific information To practise note writing Important and difficult points:

The importance of cash flow Teaching content: Managing cash flow Speaking

brainstorm typical cash inflows and out flows at their company Reading

read a case study about a company with cash flow problems and answer some simple questions.then identigy the company’s cash inflows and outflows and complete a graph based on the company’s cash flow.Speaking

discuss reasons why small companies fail Improving cash flow Writing

read and respond to an e-mail to a consultant Listening

listen to a conversation with the consultant about early settlement discounts Language focus

focus on the use of conditionals 1 and 2 and look for examples in the tapescript Speaking

discuss ways of improving the company’s cash flow and their consequences.Unit 4 a Brand Power Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about brands and marketing To parctise reading for specific information To practise listening for gist and specific information Important and difficult points:

The power of brand Teaching content: Selling points


say what brand they would buy for certain products and why Listening 1

listen to five short pieces and match reasons for buy products with the speakers Brandstretching

Reading 1

read an article and list ways in which supermarkets are stretching their brands.Speaking

discuss whether they would buy the products mentioned in the article Sainsbury’s bank Reading 2

read extracts from Sainsbury’s advertising leaflets and match them with financial products Speaking

discuss the advantages and disadvantages of buying several services from one provider

Unit 4 b Public Relations Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about PR To parctise reading for specific information To practise listening for specific information To practise writing a formal letter of invitation To enable students to describe their duties and responsibilities Important and difficult points:

How to organise a PR event Teaching content: What is public relations? Listening 1

sort duties into the responsibilities of the PR and Marketing Department.Students then listen to the PR Manager at Skoda describe her responsibilities Vocabulary

match verbs with phrases to list the PR Department’s duties and responsibilities Language focus

focus on language for describing duties and responsibilities Speaking

exchange informaiton about their own duties and responsibilites The benefits of good PR Listening 2

discuss how Skoda could have changed its image so dramatically.Students then listen to the Skoda Manager again and compare their answers.Speaking

discuss how they and the public see their own companies Organiding a PR event Reading

complete s schedule for organising a press launch Speaking

organise a press launch for a product of ther choice Writing

write a formal letter of invitation to the product launch

Unit 5 a Relocation Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about relocation To parctise reading for gist To practise listening for specific information To raise awareness of the features of report writing and practice writing reports To review comparative and language of similarity and difference Important and difficult points:

The reason for relocation Teaching content: Why do companies relocate? Speaking

discuss the reasons why companies relocate Reading 1

read a page from a brochure about relocating to Ireland and match paragraph headings with numbered paragraphs Language focus

focus on comparative and superlative forms Speaking

discuss the reasons given for relocating to Ireland and put them in order of importance for their company Arranging to relocate Speaking

discuss the reasons why people relocate and the arrangements they have to make Reading 2

read a report on a relocation company, Fenway Software, and tick the services which meet its needs Language focus

focus on the structure, layout and typical phrases used in reports Listening

listen to a conversation and tick the services a different relocation company offers

Unit 5 b New Premises Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about office space and facilities To practise listening for directions To practise letter writing

To review the language of suggesting Important and difficult points:

How to lease office space Teaching content: Finding the right location


listen to someone giving directions and mark an office site on a map Speaking

give each other directions Writing

write a letter requesting further information about office premises Reading

read an article about office location and match endings with sentence stems Leasing office space Speaking

allocate office space to management, staff and facilities in a company.Then discuss important considerations when choosing office sites.Unit 6 a Reporting Results Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about company performance To practise reading and listening for specific information To practise report writing

To review the language of change including cause and effect Important and difficult points:

How to describe the reporting results Teaching content: Measuring performance Speaking

discuss how companies measure performance and report results Listening

listen to a TV news report and pick out the performance indicators mentioned.Then listen again and answer comprehension question.Students listen once more and complete a graph.Vocabulary

scan the tapescript to find verbs/nouns describing change Speaking

do an information exchange activity in which they complete graphs/bar charts Annual reports


match sentences with extracts from the Chiarman’s Statement from annual reports Speaking

rank the extracts in terms of how positive the results are Vocabulary

skim the extracts for connectors of cause and effect and add alternatives Speaking

look at financial information about two companies and decide which company they would prefer to invest in


write a short report explaining their decision

Unit 6 b Environmental Report Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about the impact of business on the environment To practise listening for specific information To practise report writing

To review and practiselanguage of giving presentations Important and difficult points:

How to give presentations Teaching content: Assessing environmental impact Speaking

complete a questionnaire assessing the enviromental impact of each other’s companies.Students then think of three ways to reduce this impact Environmental performance Listening

listen to a presentation about ICI’s environmental record and answer multiple-choice questions Speaking

summarise the four main ICI initiatives and rank them.Students then discuss how companies can balance the interests of customers and shareholders with a commitment to the environment Language focus

focus on presentations including typical phrases for presenting


work in groups to prepare a brief presentation using information about a chemical company’s environmental performance Writing

write a brief report on the company’s environmental performance.Unit 7 a Health and Safety Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about health and safety To practise listening for specific information To practise reading for gist and specific information To review the language of obligation Important and difficult points:

How to describe the injuries at work Teaching content: Injuries at work Speaking

discuss what kind of injuries can happen in an office Reading 1

match percentages with the frequency of certain types of office accident Speaking

discuss how they think sucn accidents happen and how they can be prevented Listening

listen to a conversation and complete an accident report form Language focus

focus on language of obligation/absence of obligation Speaking

talk about employers’ and employee’s health and safety obligations in the workplace How safe is your workplace? Reading 2

match paragraph headings with paragraphs in a brochure about risk assessment.Students then insert missing sentences into the same text.Speaking

assess features of their working environment and discuss how the three worst features could be improved

Unit 7 b Rights at Work Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about work-related and their legal implications To practise listening for gist To practise reading for gist and specific information To review passives Important and difficult points:

How to describe rights at work Teaching content: Know your rights Speaking

discuss statements about smoking in the workplace Reading

read a bulletin about an industrial tribunal on smoking and answer gist questions then true/false questions Speaking

discuss the decision of the industrial tribunal.Language focus

read the bulletin to find examples of passives and group them under functions they perform Writing

formulate a smoking policy for their office and write a memo informing staff of the policy Problems at work Listening

listen to five short pieces to identify which work problems are being talked about Speaking

decide if the dismissals mentioned on the cassette were fair.Then disscuss how they would deal with other work-related problems.Unit 8 a Business Expenses Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about expenses To practise listening for gist and specific information To practise reading for specific information To practise memo writing Important and difficult points:

How to claim business expenses Teaching content: Claiming expenses Speaking

discuss the expenses people typically incur on business trips Listening 1

listen to three telephone calls about expenses and complete forms Speaking

explain the system for claiming expenses in their company and discuss how it could be improved A new expenses claims system Reading

read a memo about a new expenses claims system and answer questions.Speaking

discuss the advantages/disadvantages of the system Listening 2

listen to five telephone messages and match them with the purpose of the calls Writing

write a short memo to staff concerning expenses Speaking

tell each other about feelings which might be experienced when claiming expenses

Unit 8 b Business Travel Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about air thravel To practise listening for gist

To practise reading for gist and specific information Important and difficult points:

Airline services Teaching content: Airline services Speaking

look at a list of airline services and agree on the top three services for business travellers Listening

listen to five short pieces to identify which airline services are being talked about


discuss which airlines they have flown with and their feelings about the services offered No frills flying


discuss differences between mainstream and low-cost airlines Reading 1

read an article and note the mainstream and low-cost airlines mentioned.The students think of a heading for each paragraphs then answer true/false questions based on the article Speaking

discuss how they see the future for mainstream and low-cost airlines Reading 2

read comments about flights with low-cost airlines and match seven statements with the appropriate comments Speaking

discuss their positive and negative experiences of air travel

Unit 9 a Flexible Benefits Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about employment benefits To practise listening for specific information To practise reading for gist and specific information Important and difficult points:

Know the flexible benefits Teaching content: Benefits


discuss the benefits offered by their own companies Reading 1

read mini-profiles and suggest suitable benefits for the people described Speaking

discuss which of the listed benefits would attract them Hwo flexible benefits work Reading 2

read an explanation of the PricewaterhouseCoopers benefits system, Choices, and explain in what way it is flexible.Students then read the text again and answer true/false questions Speaking

discuss the importance of benefits when considering a job offer.The advantages of flexible benefits Readign 3

match five short extracts with benefits options Listening

listen to a PricewaterhouseCoopers manager talk about Choices and answer multiple-choice questions Speaking

complete a table listing the benefits of Choices for both employees and company.And then discuss what employment benefits their own companies could introduce and what effect they would have.Unit 9 b Staff Appraisal Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about appraisals To practise listening for gist

To practise reading for specific information Important and difficult points:

The problems of appraisal systems Teaching content: The role of appraisals Speaking

discuss the purpose of appraisals at their workplace then decide on the three most important reasons for appraisals Listening

listen to five short pieces about appraisals and match them with the main topic of each extract Speaking

discuss how to ensure the success of an appraisal before, during and after the interview.Monitoring performance Reading

read an article about staff appraisals and discuss the problems with some appraisal methods Writing

write an e-mail to managers about staff appraisals

Unit 10 a Marketing Disasters Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about marketing To practise listening for gist

To practise reading for specific information To practise asking for information To review conditonal 3 and other ways of expressing hindsight Important and difficult points:

How to express hindsight Teaching content: The marketing mix Speaking

discuss the four Ps of the marketing mix and how they apply to a package holiday Reading 1

match sentences with four paragraphs about marketing disasters Speaking

discuss how these marketing mistakes could have been avoided Promotions that failed Reading 2

read stories about three promotions that failed and decide how each story ended Speaking

ask the teacher YES/NO questions to find out what went wrong in each case Listening

listen to three people talking about the same stories and identify which each speakers is talking about

Languages focus

read the tapescript to find examples of conditional sentences.Focus on different ways of expressing hindsight Speaking

rank the stories from most to least avoidable then students tell their own stories of marketing disasters

Unit 10 b Going Global Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about entering foreign markets To practise listening for specific information To practise reading for specific information Important and difficult points:

How to choose the product to go global Teaching content: Choosing the right product Speaking

think of three globally successful products and why they are successful.Students put the products into a framework for analysing the suitability of products for globlisation.And then they put four Marriot hotel brands into the framework Reading

read a Marriot cast study and check their analysis of the brands Speaking

discuss globalisation issues raised by the text Entering the market Listening

listen to a consultant discuss different ways of entering a foreign market and answer multiple-choice comprehension questions.Students listen again and list the advantages/disadvantages of the various methods of market entry Speaking

discuss their company’s exports and how they entered foreign markets.Students play a board game based on entering a foreign market.



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