七年级英语Module1 Section 2 Words and Expressions教案 外研社

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第一篇:七年级英语Module1 Section 2 Words and Expressions教案 外研社

MODULE 1 Nice to meet you Part 2: Teaching Resources 第二部分 教学资源 Section 2: Words and Expressions

1.first num.第一

any person, thing, place, etc.that is first: They were the first to arrive at the party.晚会上他们最早到达。


the winning place in a race or competition: He was first in the spelling bee.他在拼字比赛中获得冠军。2.开始,最初

the beginning:

The first of May is International Labour Day.五月一日是国际劳动节。


before all others: January is the first month of the year.一月是一年中的第一个月。

He was the first air pilot to cross the Atlantic.他是飞越大西洋的第一个飞行员。the first floor(英)二(层)楼;(美)底层;一楼

the first house(book, one, etc.)第一所房子(本书,个)

the first lesson 第一课

the first two 头两个

for the first time 第一次

in the first place 首先


before all others, at the beginning: He came first in the race.他赛跑得第一。2.第一次

for the first time: I first heard of it yesterday.昨天我第一次听说它。I first met him in 1932.第一次见到他是在1932年。



time when you learn something with a teacher: The lesson begins.上课开始啦。I gave him a lesson in French.我给他上了一堂法语课。The lesson lasted forty five minutes.这节课上了四十五分钟。We have an English lesson every day.我们每天都有一节英语课。She's having music lessons this year.她今年在上音乐课。How long does the lesson last? 这节课(或这课书)上多久?


a course of instruction: have you learnt your lesson? 你学会了功课吗? The lessons he taught were not easily forgotten.他所教的课不容易忘掉。Have you done your lessons for tomorrow? 你明天的功课已做好了吗? 3.教训;有用的例证

a piece of knowledge gained by experience;a useful example: It is a severe lesson to all of us.这是我们大家的一个深刻教训。They taught the governor a lesson by giving him a good beating.他们狠狠地揍了总督一顿,给了他一个教训。It served as a lesson to him.这可以作为他的一个教训。

3.class n.1.班;年级;课 group of children or students who learn together, their course of teaching:

I'm in Class 9, Grade 1, of the No.15 Middle School.我在十五中一年级九班学习。The class is dismissed.下课。He was a class ahead of me at college.他在大学比我高一年级。The classes have closed for winter holidays.已停课放寒假。an advanced class 高级班

an art class 艺术课

a continuation class 补习班

a cooking class 烹饪课

day(evening)class 日(夜)课

the graduating class of this year 本届的毕业班

an intermediate class 中级班

science class 理科课

between classes 课间

a class for shorthand 速记课

a class in English 英语课

attend classes at a college 在一所大学上课

conduct a new class 上新课

have classes in judo 上柔道课

hold classes for immigrants 为移民上课

open class in shorthand 开速记课


people of the same social or economic level: They represent a very different social class.他们代表非常不同的社会阶级。

the bourgeois class 资产阶级

the cultured class 有教养的阶级

the educated class 知识阶层

the landlord class 地主阶级

the moneyed class 有钱阶级

the propertied class 有产阶级

the ruling class 统治阶级 the working class 工人阶级

all classes of the community 社会各阶级

用心 爱心 专心


among all classes 在社会各阶级中

as a class 作为一个阶级

contrast the classes and the masses 把阶级与大众做比较

do away with all classes 消灭一切阶级


group having qualities of the same kind;kind, sort, or division: Under what class does this fall? 这应归哪一类?

It constitutes a class by itself.它自成一类。a cheap class of boiler 一种质量低劣的锅炉

a journal of high class 第一流的期刊

the same class 同一类

travel(in)second class 二等票旅行

place it in the class of 把它列入…的一类

a class of men 同一类型的人

be of this class 属于这一类

form a class apart(=by oneself)自成一类

take them as a class 把它们看成同一种类


put into a class;classify;form a judgment of: Medicines are broadly classed as internal or external ones.药物分为内服药与外用药两类。It is classed high in literature.这本书在文学中享有崇高的地位。

He classed two specimens together.他把两种标本归为一类。

The island is classed among the most beautiful sights.该岛属于最美丽的风景之一。

It is classed as an agricultural state.这个州被划为农业州。


adj.1.靠近的 near in space: The shops are close to our home.商店离我们家很近。Is it because we are closer to the sun in summer than we are in winter? 是因为我们在夏天比在冬天离太阳近一些吗? 2.(次序或排列上)接近的;拥挤的;稠密的 near in order or arrangement;crowded;thick: a close thicket 稠密的灌木丛

march in close order 以密集的队形前进

3.(种类或关系)接近的;相近或相似的near in kind or relationship;very near or similar: a state close to hysteria 一种近似歇斯底里症的状态


nearly;almost: Close to 100 students attended the lecture.将近一百个学生出席那次演讲。I'm close to five pounds lighter(heavier)than I was last winter.我比去年冬天时要减轻(加重)将近五磅。几乎相等的;几乎平手的nearly equal or even: a close game(race, contest)一个势均力敌的比赛

4.亲密的;亲切的;亲信的intimately associated;familiar;confidential: a close friend(friendship)一个亲密的朋友

5.谨慎的;彻底的;严格的;精确的careful;thorough;strict;exact: a close copy(translation)一份精确的拷贝

6.紧闭的shut tightly;not open: a close box 紧闭的盒子

7.缺少新鲜空气的;窒闷的lacking fresh air;stifling: The room smells a close damp smell.那房间闻起来有股窒闷潮湿的味道。8.剪短的cut short: My hair has been cut too close.我的头发剪得太短了。


near in space: He was standing close by me.他紧靠我站着。She came(stepped, walked)close to him.她走近他。Be careful;do not stand close to the fire.当心!别挨近火站着。


shut: The caretaker closes up the school at 6 p.m..下午六点钟看管人员关闭了校门。

5.open adj.1.开着的not closed, so that people or things can go in and out: Leave the windows open, so that fresh air can come into the room.让窗户开着吧,这样新鲜空气就能进到房间里来。

He looked at me with open eyes.他睁大眼睛瞧着我。The captain tore open the boy's shirt.上尉撕开了孩子的衬衣。2.开阔的;空旷的not enclosed: An open sea appeared before us.我们前面呈现出广阔的大海。3.无封口的;开口的not closed, so that you can look in: This is an open box.这是一个开着口的盒子。4.在营业的ready for business: You can't get any money because the banks aren't open.你取不到钱,因为银行不开门。

When is the post office open? 邮局什么时候营业? 5.无遮盖的not covered: This is an open market.这是一个露天市场。6.公开的;开放的not for a special group: The competition is open to all children.这次比赛所有的孩子都可参加。The museum is open to the public.博物馆对外开放。

7.开放的;伸展的spread out, extended: The flowers were all open.花儿全开了。Birds fly with the wings open.鸟儿展翅飞翔。He showed me a small jewel on his open hand.他张开手给我看掌上的一颗小宝石。8.未填满的;空缺的not filled or engaged: Is the position still open? 那职位还空着吗?

9.坦率的;坦诚的honest, direct: She is a very friendly, open person.她是一位很友好很坦率的人。未决定的not yet decided: This is an open question.这是一个尚未解决的问题。

用心 爱心 专心



unfasten something so that people or things can go in, out, or through it: Let's open the window to let in some fresh air.咱们把窗子打开,放点新鲜空气进来吧。

He opened the door so that I could come in.他打开门,这样我就可以进来。

I opened the door for the ladies to pass.我开门让女士们通过。


move so that you can see inside, underneath.etc,: He hasn't opened the letter yet.他还没有拆开信呢。The baby's mouth opened and it began to cry.婴儿张开嘴哭起来了。Please open the bottle for me!请替我把瓶子打开!


unfold something: The flowers are opening.花儿开了。Open your hand and let me see what you have in it.你摊开手,让我看看你拿的是什么。4.开始

begin, start to happen: The meeting will open at 8 o'clock.会议八点开始。The meeting opened on April lst.会议四月一日开幕了。5.使开始;开张

say that something can begin or is ready: The governor opened the new hospital.省长宣布这所新医院正式开业。With their help we opened a small bookshop.在他们的帮助下,我们开了一家小书店。

n.[U] 室外;露天 outdoors: They can give a show out in the open within minutes after their arrival.他们到达后,几分钟之内就会演出。

6.match n.1.[C] 火柴

a small piece of wood which burns when rubbed against the box: I have no matches with me.我身边没带火柴。Where can John have put the matches? He can't have thrown them away.约翰把火柴放到哪里了?他不会把火柴扔了吧。2.[C] 比赛

game between two people or teams: I like to watch tennis matches.我喜欢看网球赛。We've played lots of matches this season, but we haven't won many.这个季节,我们进行了多次比赛,但是赢的不多。Will you go to watch the basketball match this afternoon? 今天下午你要去看篮球比赛吗? Wasn't it a great match!这场比赛太精彩了!

3.[C] 对手 a person equal in strength or ability, etc.: A boy is not a match for a man.小孩不是大人的对手。You're no match for him;he plays tennis far better than you.你不是他的对手,他打网球比你强得多。

4.[C] 匹配,配对物

something that is the same shape, colour, size, etc.: The hat is match for the coat.这顶帽子和这件上衣很相配。Those two horses make a good match.那两匹马很配。[C] 婚姻

a marriage: His parents approved of the match.他的父母赞成了这门亲事。Those two have made a match of it.他们两个已经结婚。5.[C] 配偶

a person regarded as a future husband or wife: That young man is a good match.那个年青人是个结婚的好对象。


to fit together in colour, shape, or size: Ruth's blouse matches her skirt.露丝的衬衫和她的裙子很相配。2.使某人或物同另一人或物竞争

set sb.or sth.against another: I'm ready to match my strength with(against)yours.我准备和你比力气。If you match that material against this you will find that one is slightly lighter than the other.如你把那个材料同这个材料比较一下,你会看到那个比这个略轻一些。3.和…匹敌,是…的对手

be a match for, be equal to: You can't match him in chess.He plays it so well.你不能和他比下象棋,他下得太好了。4.适合,相配

fit, suit: The trimming does not match the hat.这个饰物和帽子不相称。

vi.适合,相配 fit, suit: The carpets and curtains match well.地毯和窗帘很相配。These gloves do not match.这些手套不相配。She is happily matched with him.她高兴地同他结

7.write vt.1.书写;写下

make words with a pen, pencil, etc.on paper, etc.: He writes English better than he speaks it.他用英文书写的能力比说英语的能力强。He wrote a few words on a piece of paper.他在一张纸上写了几句话。2.写信;函告

send a letter: You wrote some letters to your friends last month, didn't you? 上月你写了几封信给你的朋友,对吗? Write a note to your brother.写个条子给你弟弟(或哥哥)。3.写作;编写;著述

make a story, book, newspaper article, etc.:

Wordsworth wrote poetry.华兹华斯写诗。The professor has written many books.那位教授写了许多书。


make or put down letter or words on paper: The child is learning to write.这个孩子在学写字。

He writes very well.他写得很好。My boyfriend writes to me every week.我的男朋友每星期给我写信。He writes for a living.他靠写作为生。

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to do something;to act, not just to think about doing something: You should practise what you tell other people to do.你叫别人去做的事,你自己应该实行。2.练习

to do something again and again to become better at it: He is practising the piano now.他现在正在练(习弹)钢琴。The trouble is we don't practise enough.问题是我们练习得不够。

The team is practising for the match on Saturday.这个队正在为星期六的比赛进行训练。We often practise speaking English among ourselves.我们经常互相间练习讲英语。

9.city n.城市;都市

a large important town Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in the world.上海是世界上最大的城市之一。A river flows through the city.一条河穿过城市。Galileo lived in the city of Pisa.伽利略住在比萨市。

a business city 商业城市

the capital city 首府

a cosmopolitan city 国际性城市

a lake city 湖泊城市

a large and flourishing city 繁荣的大城市

a medium sized city 中等城市

a phantom city 幻市

a port(=seaport)city 港口城市

an overpopulated city 人口过剩的城市

burn a city 烧毁城市

dust a city 清扫城市

found a city 建造城市

plan a city 规划城市

pollute a city 污染城市

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A trip to Beijing

This summer vacation, I went to Beijing.It was a very great city!we went to the great wall first。I like its name , because it was very great.we can see many mountains around.Then we went to visit Tian'anmen square.It was also fantastic.we lived in a small house in a Beijing hunting, It was a traditional Beijing building called 'four-section compound.We enjoy ourselves.



Words and expressions

Module 1 *meet [mi:t]v.认识,遇见 *first [fə:st] adj.第一

*English [’iŋgliʃ] n.英语,英文 lesson [’lesən] n.(一节)课 class [klɑ:s] n.班级

*student [’stju:dənt] n.学生

Miss [mis] n.女士;小姐(对未婚女性的称呼)twelve [twelv] num.十二;12 year [jə:]n....岁,年

thirteen [θə:’ti:n]num.十三 *too [tu:] adv.也,还

*from [ frɔm, frəm]prep.从…来 *close [kləuz] v.关闭 open [’əupən] v.打开

match [mætʃ] v.相称,匹配;*write [rait] v.写

practise [’præktis]v.练习*city [’siti] n.城市

*England [’inglənd]n.英国英,格兰 *English [’iŋg liʃ] adj.英语的 fourteen [,fɔ:’ti:n] num.十四 eleven [I’levn] num.十一

blackboard [’blækbɔ:d]n.黑板

twenty-nine [,twenti’nain]num.二十九 fifty [’fifti] num.五十

Module 2 *parent [’pɛərənt]n.父,母;家长(pl.parents父母)can [kæn, kən]aux.v.能,能够 *basketball [’ba:skitbɔ:l] n.篮球 piano [pi’ænəu] n.钢琴 tennis [’tenis] n.网球(运动)*table tennis [’teibl] [’tenis] 乒乓球 *ride [raid] v.骑;开(车)horse [hɔ:s]n.马

*welcome [’welkəm] v.欢迎

*international [,ɪntə’næʃənəl]adj.国际的 *factory [’fæktəri] n.工厂 hotel [həu’tel] n.饭店, 宾馆 university [,ju:ni’və:siti] n.大学 hospital [’hɔspitəl]n.医院 office [’ɔfis]n.办公室, *doctor [’dɔktə] n.医生 *worker [’wə:kə]n.工人

manager [’mænidʒə]n.经理 secretary [’sekrətəri]n.秘书

*at [æt] prep.在(工作或学习地点);向,朝 *photo [’fəutəu] n.照片 *family [’fæmili] n.家庭

*her [hə:]pron.(she的所有格)她的

Module3 there [ðɛə, ðə] pron(用于引导句子)forty-six

*dictionary [’dikʃənəri] n.词典,字典 *libra[’laibrəri] n.图书馆,藏书室

*picture [’piktʃə] n.图片,照片 *right [rait] adj.正确的,准确的 fifteen [,fif’ti:n] num.十五 sixteen [,sik’sti:n] num.十六

seventeen [,sevən’ti:n] num.十七 eighteen [ei’ti:n] num.十八 nineteen [,nain’ti:n] num.十九 thirty [’θə:ti] num.三十 sixty [’siksti] num.六十 seventy [’sevənti] num.七 eighty [’eiti] num.八十 ninety [’nainti] num.九十

dining hall [’dainiŋ,hɔ:l] 饭厅;饭堂

gym [dʒim](=gymnasium/ dʒim’neiziəm] n.体育馆 *science [’saiəns] n.科学,科学课

lab [læb](=laboratory [lə’bɔrətəri])n.实验室 in front of [in] [frʌnt] [ɔv, əv, v, f] 在…前面 next [nekst] to 在.......旁边

behind [bi’haind] prep.(表示位置)在…的后面 *some [sʌm, səm] adj.一些,若干 *any [’eni, əni] pron.任何(一个)*one [wʌn] n.一个物,一个人 building [’bildiŋ] n.建筑物

Module 4 many [’meni] adj.许多

*people [’pi:pl] n.人,人们;一般的人 aunt [ɑ:nt] n.姑母, 姨母;伯母, 婶母, 舅母 grandfather [’grænd,fɑ:ðə] n.祖父;外祖父 grandfather [’grænd,fɑ:ðə]n.祖父,外祖父 grandmother [’græn,mʌðə] n.祖母;外祖母

*grandparent [’grænd,pɛərənt]n.(外)祖父,(外)祖母 uncle [’ʌŋkl] n.伯伯, 叔叔, 舅父, 姑父, 姨父 *sister [’sistə] n.姐, 妹

*have [hæv, həv] v.有

have got 拥有 *grandma [’grænmɑ:] n.奶奶,姥姥 *grandpa /’grænpɑ:/ n.爷爷;姥爷 *email [’i:meil] n.电子邮件

him [him,lm]pron.(he的宾格)他 *make [meik] v.做;制造

Module 5 healthe [helθ] n.健康的

*orange [’ɔrin dʒ] n.橘子,橙, 柑

drink [driŋk] n.饮料;v.喝 *fruit [fru:t] n.水果;果实

*vegetable [’vedʒitəbl] n.蔬菜 beef [bi:f]n.牛肉

carrot [’kærət] n.胡萝卜 *chicken [’tʃikin]n.鸡,鸡肉 *juice [dʒu:s]n.果汁 melon [’melən]n.甜瓜 *milk [milk]n.牛奶 onion [’ʌnjən]n.洋葱 pork [pɔ:k]n.猪肉

potato [pə’teitəu]n.土豆 *tomato [tə’mɑ:təu]n.西红柿 *favourite [’feivərit]adj.最喜欢的 *noodle [’nu:dl]n.面条 candy [’kændi]n.糖果 Coke [kəuk]n.可口可乐

*hamburger [’hæmbə:ɡə] n.汉堡包 *ice cream [,aiskri:m] n.冰激凌

unhealthy [ʌn’helθi]adj.不健康的,身体不好的,身心不健全的 fridge [fridʒ](=refrigerator[ri’fridʒəreitə])n.冰箱

Revision module A party [’pɑ:ti] n.晚会,聚会 birthday [’bə:θdei] n.生日

last [lɑ:st] adj.刚过去的;最近的table [’teibl]n.桌子;台子 them [ðem, ðəm]pron.他/她/它们(they的宾格)live [liv] v.活,生存;住

chocolate [’tʃɔkəlit] n.巧克力

Module 6 invitation [,ɪnvi’teiʃən] n.邀请 cinema [’sinəmə] n.电影院 would [wud, wəd] aux.v.愿意 film [film]n.电影,影片

stadium [’steidjəm] n.体育馆 match [mætʃ] n.比赛,竞赛 star [stɑ:]n.明星 team [ti:m] n.队伍

evening [’i:vniŋ] n.晚上,傍晚, 黄昏

Friday [’fraidi] n.星期五 Monday [’mʌndi] n.星期一 Saturday [’sætədi] n.星期六 Sunday [’sʌndi]n.星期日 Thursday [’sʌndi]n.星期日 Tuesday [’sʌndi]n.星期日

Wednesday [’wenzdi]n.星期三

with [wið] prep.和…在一起(表示关系)great [ɡreit] adj.好极的,伟大的 idea [ai’diə]n.想法,主意 let [let] v.让,使

let’s=let us [let] [ ʌs;əs, s] 让我们 when [hwen] adv.什么时候,何时 invite [in’vait] v.邀请

on [ɔn]adj.adv进行;上演 ask [ɑ:sk] v.问,询问 magic [’mædʒik] n.魔术 show [ʃəu] n表演 day [dei]n.白天,日子 place [pleis] n.地点 price [prais] n.价格, theatre [’θiətə] n.戏院;剧院 swimming

游泳 come [kʌm] v.来;来到 today [tə’dei] adv.今天

plan [plæn] n.计划,打算,方案 playground [’pleiɡraund]n.操场 stay [stei]v.停留 game [ɡeim]n.游戏 Module 7 talk [tɔ:k] v.谈论

about [ə’baut]prep.关于

What-about...?(询问其他人的情况)……怎么样? time [taim] n.时间

o’clock [ə’klɔk] n.......点钟 half [hɑ:f] n.一半

past [pɑ:st] prep.超过 art [ɑ:t] n.艺术, 美术

chemistry [’kemistri] n.化学 history [’histəri] n.历史 maths [mæθs] n.数学

at [æt, ət] prep.在(某时间或时刻)start [stɑ:t]n.开始 get-up起床 have

breakfast [’brekfəst] n.早饭 house [haus] n.房子,住宅


lunch [lʌntʃ] n.午饭 or [ɔ:, ə] conj.或者 go home 回家

dinner [’dinə] n.晚饭;正餐 finish [’finiʃ] v.结束,完成 park [pɑ:k] n.公园

housework [’hauswə:k] n.家务劳动

Module 8 different [’difərənt] adj.不同的 habit [’hæbit] n.习惯

always [’ɔ:lweiz] adv.总是;一直 card [kɑ:d] n.卡片

present [’prezənt] n.礼物 usually [’ju:ʒuəli] adv.通常 often [’ɔfən] adv.经常 never [’nevə] adv.从不 get [ɡet] v.得到 send [send] v.发送 OK好的(表同意)ticket [’tikit] n.票 pair [pɛə] n.双,对 a poir of 一双,一对 trainer

jeans [dʒi:nz]n.(复)牛仔裤 T-shirt [’ti:ʃə:t] n.T恤

concert [’kɔnsət] n.音乐会 box [bɔks] n.盒子 silk [silk] n.丝绸 shirt [ʃə:t] n.衬衫

magazine [,mæɡə’zi:n] n.杂志 novel [’nɔvəl] n.小说

CD [si:’di:](compact disk [,kəmpækt’disk] n.光盘 choose [tʃu:z] v.挑选;选择 lot [lɔt] n.大量;许多

lots of 大量;许多 a lot of 大量;许多

clothes [kləuðz] n.衣服(总称)music [’mju:zik] n.音乐 singer [’siŋə] n.歌手

on [ɔn] prep.通过,以......方式

on television [’teli,viʒən] 通过电视;在电视上 its [its] pron.它的 think [θiŋk] v.想;认为 think of [ɔv, əv, v, f] 想出

Mogule 9 trip [trip] n.旅行 zoo [zu:] n.动物园 tiger [’taiɡə] n.老虎 camel [’kæməl] n.骆驼 elephant [’elifənt] n.大象 lion [’laiən] n.狮子

giraffe [dʒi’rɑ:f] n.长颈鹿

kangaroo [,kæŋɡə’ru:] n.袋鼠 monkey [’mʌŋki]n.猴子 panda [’pændə] n.熊猫 snake [sneik] n.蛇 wolf [wulf] n.狼

polar-bear[,pəulə’bɛə] 北极熊 guide [ɡaid]n.导游

thousand [’θauzənd] num.千

visit [’vizit] v.参观;访问 n.参观;访问 every [’evri]adj.每一个/只 animal [’æniməl] n.动物 zebra [’zi:brə] n.斑马 more [mɔ:]adv.更多

Australia [ɔs’treiljə] n.澳大利亚

Australian [ɔ’streiliən] adj.澳大利亚(人)的 Arctic [’ɑ:ktik] adj.北极 Europe [’juərəp] n.欧洲

European [,juərə’piən]adj.欧洲的;欧洲人的 Asia [’eiʃə] n.亚洲

Asian [’eiʃən] adj.亚洲的

here [hiə] adv.在这里,向这里,到这里 bamboo [bæm’bu:]n.竹子 Africa [’æfrikə] n.非洲

African [’æfrikən]adj.非洲的 America [ə’merikə] n.美洲;美国

American [ə’merikən] adj.美洲的;美国的,美国人的 Oceania [əusi’ɑ:niə] n.大洋洲

Oceanian [,əuʃi’einiə] adj.大洋洲的 desert [’dezət] n.沙漠,不毛之地 forest [’fɔrist] n.森林,丛林

jungle [’dʒʌŋɡl] n.(热带)丛林,密林 grass [ɡrɑ:s] n.草,牧草

grassland [’ɡrɑ:slænd]n.草原;草地;草场 India [’indjə] n.印度 leaf [li:f] n.叶子

world [wə:ld] n.世界,地球

Module 10 keyboard [’ki:bɔ:d] n.键盘 monitor

mouse [maus] n.鼠标,老鼠

print [print] v.打印

printer [’printə] n.打印机 connect [kə’nekt] v.连接, switch [switʃ] v.用开关把......开启(或关掉)switch-on 接通;开(电灯、机器等)finally [’fainəli] adv.最后 first [fə:st] adv.首先

document [’dɔkjumənt] n.文件,公文,文献 use [ju:z] v.使用;利用 click [klik] v.点击

next [nekst] adv.然后;其次的 save [seiv] v.保存;挽救 box [bɔks] n.方框

then [ðen] adv.然后,接着,于是 again [ə’ɡen] adv.再一次;又 online [,ɔn’lain]adj.在线 travel [’trævəl] n.旅行

download [,daun’ləud] v.下载 lnternet grandchild

sometimes [’sʌmtaimz] adv.有时候;不时 check [tʃek] v.检查train [trein] n.火车 timetable [’taim,teibl] n.时刻表 laptop [’læptɔp] n.笔记本电脑 weekend [,wi:k’end] n.周末 website

London [’lʌndən]n.伦敦

information [,ɪnfə’meiʃən] n.信息 kind [kaind] n.种类

Revision module B subject [’sʌbdʒikt] n.科目


let’s check out how serious the environmental situation is in the world.recent years have seen an increasing number of reports on the extinction of species, soil erosion as well as air pollution.the history of industrialization and urbanization has been a history of declining environmental quality.we may be satisfied with our so called modern life, but please do not turn a blind eye to what’s happened around us.water is polluted.animals are killed.resources are devoured.and farmlands turn into desserts.ladies and gentlemen, the earth is in our hands.save it, or destroy it, it’s our choice.our efforts will be powerful enough to save the world.if everyone, including you and me, is engaged in this world-saving project, environment will never ever be my top concern.篇二:2015“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛 写作 大赛阅读大赛 关于举办2015“外研社杯”全国英语
























联系电话:0391-3987778 河南理工大学外国语学院 2015年6月8日

附件 1.2015“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛参赛须知 2.2015“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛参赛须知 3.2015“外研社杯”全国英语阅读大赛参赛须知 4.参赛报名表 2015“‘外研社杯’全国英语演讲大赛”包括“地面赛场”和“网络赛场”两种形式。


初 赛

复 赛


比赛时间:2015年11月2日前须完成复赛,决 赛




初 赛


复 赛





决 赛


比赛时间:2015年12月9日9:00-12:00 比赛方式:现场写作,使用大赛专用写作评阅系统进行操作。比赛不允许携带电子设备,不允许使用网络。组委会统一提供词典。





二、大赛 初 赛




复 赛

组织方式:以省为单位,各初赛赛点的特等奖获奖选手进入复赛。比赛时间:2015年10月17日、10月24日、10月31日,时间 均为14:00-16:00。同一时间比赛的省采用相同赛题。


决 赛





海选时,采取突然淘汰法,即准备不充分、语音语调差的直接淘汰。反之,直接晋级。只是.......要麻烦大家背诵了!其实.......你有把握前两段就打动评委,那.......(不说了)。we are the world,we are the future someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”.i don’t know who wrote these words, but i’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be.we are all in the position of the farmers.if we plant a good seed, we reap a good harvest.if we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.we are young.“how to spend the youth?” it is a meaningful question.to answer it, first i have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind.it’s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees.it’s the matter of the will.it’s the freshness of the deep spring of life.a poet said “to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.several days ago, i had a chance to listen to a lecture.i learnt a lot there.i’d like to share it with all of you.let’s show our right palms.we can see three lines that show how our love, career and life is.i have a short line of life.what about yours? i wondered whether we could see our future in this way.well, let’s make a fist.where is our future? where is our love, career, and life? tell me.yeah, it is in our hands.it is held in ourselves.we all want the future to be better than the past.but the future can go better itself.don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.from the past, we’ve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher.we’ve learnt that we can’t choose how we feel, but we can choose what about it.failure doesn’t mean you don’t have it, it does mean you should do it in a different way.failure doesn’t mean you should give up, it does mean you must try harder.as what i said at the beginning, “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”.the past has gone.nothing we do will change it.but the future is in front of us.believe that what we give to the world, the world will give to us.and from today on, let’s be the owners of ourselves, and speak out “we are the world, we are the future.”




我们是年轻的。“怎样度过青春?”这是个有意义的问题。为了去回答它,我首先要问“从‘青春’这个词中你能理解到什么?” 青春不是人生的一个时期,而是精神的一种状态。青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志。青春是生命的深泉在涌流.一位诗人说“从一粒沙看世界,从一朵花看天堂,把无限放在你的手掌,永恒在一刹那里收藏”。几天前,我有了一个听讲座的机会,从中我学到了很多东西。现在,我想把这些与大家共享。让我们伸出右手,我们可以看到手掌中的展示我们的爱,事业和生活的三条线。我在生活方面这条线很短,那你们的呢?我想知道我们是否可以用这种办法去看我们的未来。好的,让我们一起握拳。我们的未来在哪儿?我们的爱、事业和生活在哪儿?告诉我!是的,它们就在我们的手中。它们被我们自己掌握着。


正如我在前面所说的“我们正在读一本无穷的书中的第一章的第一节。”过去的已经过去,无论我们无力改变,但是未来却在我们前方。相信“我们给了世界什么,世界也将给我们”。并且从今天起,让我们一起做我们自己的主人,一起大声说出“世界是我们的,未来是我们的。”篇四:2013外研社杯英语演讲大赛主持词 ?.老师,同学们,大家中午好,欢迎来到 “外研社”杯英语演讲比赛的现场。this contest is sponsored by college, undertaken by english teaching and researching office.学院牵头,学院英语教研室承办。

今天的决赛共有12位选手,他们均在初赛中有着优异的表现,是初赛的获胜者。因此,今天的比赛将是一个精彩而又激烈的角逐。firstly, let’s introduce todays honored guests and judges.首先,我介绍一下参加我们比赛的嘉宾和评委老师们。他们是,„ now please let me introduce the regulations of this final.the final consist of 2 parts—

现在,我来介绍一下本次大赛的规则。本次大赛分为两个环节。part one is prepared speech, every contestant has 3 minutes to deliver their speech.第一环节,是选手自备演讲。每个选手有三分钟时间。part two is questions and answers, our judges will raise questions to the contestant according to the prepared speech.第二环节是问答环节,评委会就选手的自备演讲提一个问题。at last, the judging panel will give scores on the screen.最后,评委团会将选手最后得分显示在大屏幕上。

at this moment,(两个主持人呈谈话状态)i have a strong desire to see it.and that’s exactly what we will see today.now it’s the time for asking,(问选手)are you ready? next, no.1, you need to choose one questions among question 1to 10.which number do you like?(工作人员操作ppt,大屏幕显示口语问题)thanks for your answering, next, no.2, you need to choose one questions among question 1to 10.which number do you like?(工作人员操作ppt,大屏幕显示口语问题)(3号答完,主持人公布选手分数)thank you,(人名)。now ,our judges has already give the score for top 3 contestant, it is(具体分数看屏幕)congratulation!四号演讲、老师提问两环节串词一样。


请允许我来宣布三等奖的名单。congratulations.祝贺他们!(三等奖上台)thank you mr.--allow me to announce the list of second prize---(二等奖名单)congratulations.my dear classmates, who will gain the first prize? let’s hold our breath同学们,谁将是一等奖的获得者呢?让我们一起来见证这个伟大的时刻 the luckiest person today is------congratulations!thank you mr.--once again, congratulations on your winning!today is your day, you deserve this award for your wonderful performance.让我们再一次对获胜者表示祝贺!今天,是你们的日子,因为你们今天都有着精彩的表现。x: congratulations.you are really excellent.thank you for your outstanding performance.ladies and gentlemen, now, “fltrp cup” english public speaking contest is ending.i know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful speeches presented by the 12 contestants.thank you for your hard work.老师同学们,外研社杯英语演讲比赛即将结束,感谢12位选手为之所付出的努力,相信选手们的精彩表现一定给我们留下了深刻的印象。boys and girls,(转向听众)lets give them a big round of applause.同学们,让我们把最热烈的掌声送给所有参赛的同学。and i think our distinguished judges,they make this contest possible, they deserve a big round of applause, too.同时,我们的评委老师们也为大赛付出了辛勤的劳动,我们也把掌声送给他们!ladies and gentlemen, my honorable teachers, and dear classmates,“fltrp cup” english public speaking contest is close.once again thanks for your attending.see you next time.老师,同学们,外研社杯英语演讲大赛到此结束。感谢你的参与。再见!篇五:2014年“外研社杯”英语演讲比赛评分细则 2014“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛


一、比赛环节(总分100分)1.自我介绍:要求选手用英文进行自我介绍(限时30秒,本环节10分); 2.定题演讲:要求选手以“change the unchangeable”为题,并于本题目

下加副标题,进行定题演讲(限时3分钟,本环节40分); 3.即兴演讲:选手现场抽签决定话题进行即兴演讲,场上给出30秒准备时

间,演讲限时1分钟(共限时1分钟30秒,本环节30分); 4.现场问答:由评委围绕选手在定题演讲和即兴演讲中所涉及的内容向选











四、评分标准(一)自我介绍:标准发音、语言准确(5分);自然表达(5分)。(二)定题演讲 1.内容要求:











扣分。5.道具使用:定题演讲中允许使用实物、图片等辅助道具,但仅限使用 一次道具,使用道具过多将被酌情扣分。

(三)即兴演讲 1.内容要求:










(3)适当使用修辞手段(比喻、类比等)(2分)。4.时间控制:选手在场上的准备时间到时有举牌提示,即时演讲剩余30 秒时有响铃和举牌提示,超时适当予以扣分。

(四)现场问答 1.内容要求:














Module 5 Unit 1 How many ?






(1)听懂,会读,会说one,two,three,four,five这五个数字。(2)能用“How many?”询问事物的数量。



1.听懂,会读,会说one,two,three,four,five这五个数字。2.学习运用How many?询问事物的数量。





师生相互打招呼,教师向多名学生用Good morning!How are you?打招呼,对此语句进行复习.2.导入:

四只小兔子跳进教室,带来单词卡one、two、three、four。T:小兔子们,你们怎么来了啊? R: 有一位魔术师让我们来的。

T:哦,你们是帮忙送台词的吧。Thank you。3.呈现:


T:Panpan真厉害,小朋友们,你们想想盼盼一样变魔术吗? S:想。



a.three:three的正确发音,尤其注意th/θ/的发音。(像小蛇吐舌头)b.five:five的正确发音,尤其注意v/ν/,利用give me five练习five。

(3)展示图片三只鸭子,五条小鱼,教读“How many?”,让学生数数回答,猜测句子含义。

(4)guessing:利用图片,对“How many?”及其回答进行练习。T:盼盼把他的魔术袋子借给了我,我们一起来练习练习吧!4.练习



(1)magic ears:闭上眼睛,听老师拍手掌,老师拍了多少次手掌就说相应的数字。(让学生用英语数数以及说数字)

(2)lucky bin:要求学生用英语说出指针知道的数字,检验学生的认读。(3)天才数学家 5.合作探究



T:小朋友们,为了学习变魔术你学到了什么呢? 1.开火车。用我们学习的内容练习一下开火车吧。

2.Magic eye。用最快的速度说出你看到的单词。检验学生认读情况。板书设计

Module5 numbers Unit1 How many?

one two

three four five

下载七年级英语Module1 Section 2 Words and Expressions教案 外研社word格式文档
下载七年级英语Module1 Section 2 Words and Expressions教案 外研社.doc


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