
时间:2019-05-12 06:29:56下载本文作者:会员上传



1.A man cannot smile like a child, _______a child smiles with his eyes, while a man smiles with his lips alone.A.soB.butC.andD.for

2.—Someone wants you on the phone.—_____nobody knows I am here.A.AlthoughB.AndC.ButD.So

3.Find ways to praise your children often, ____ you’ll find they will open their hearts to you.A.tillB.orC.andD.but

4.Bring the flowers into a warm room ___ they'll soon open.A.orB.andC.butD.for

5.I thought we’d be late for the concert, __________we ended up getting there ahead of time.A.butB.orC.soD.for

6.In some places women are expected to earn money _______men work at home and raise their children.A.butB.whileC.becauseD.though

7.The artist was born poor, ________poor he remained all his life.A.andB.orC.butD.so

8.You have failed two tests.You’d better start working harder, _____you won’t pass the course.A.andB.soC.butD.or

9.Reality is not the way you wish things to be, nor the way they appear to be, ________the way they actually are.A.asB.orC.butD.and

10.We haven’t settled the question of ___________it is necessary for him to study abroad.A.ifB.whereC.whetherD.that

11.Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada, _____this was a memory she especially treasured.A.asB.ifC.whenD.where

12.“_____ when does the pub stay open?”“About midnight.”


13.“Would you like tea _____ coffee?” “_____, thanks.”

A.or, NoB.and, EitherC.or, NeitherD.and, Each

14.He imagines that people don’t like him, _____ they do.A.andB.thenC.soD.but

15.Be patient with your students ______it takes time for them to adjust to their new way of

school life.A.asB.soC.orD.and

16.Will you deliver, _____ do I have to come to the shop to collect the goods?


17.I will accept late work, ________I will reduce the grade by 5%.A.whileB.soC.butD.if

18.—Would you like to come to dinner tonight?—I’d like to, ___ I’m too busy.A.andB.soC.asD.but

19.____ you are dismissed.A.Neither you go norB.Either you go or C.Whether you go orD.Both you go and

20.___ the world economy is in difficulty, ______we can see, the people of China are full of



21.___we have satisfied you, you have no grounds of complaint.A.SoB.Since thatC.Now thatD.By now.22.The worker hunted for jobs in New York for months,____ he could not find any work.A.andB.yetC.orD.and but

23.One more week, ______ we will accomplish the task.A.orB.so thatC.andD.if

24.Everything around us is ____ solid..liquid ____ gas.A.not...but...B.either...or...C.neither...nor...D.whether...or...25.Difficulties are nothing ___ we are not afraid of them.A.forB.asC.ifD.whether

26.Would you like a cup of coffee ________ shall we get down to business right away?


27.It was a nice meal, _______a little expensive.A.thoughB.whetherC.asD.since

28.__________ volleyball is her main focus, she’s also great at basketball.A.SinceB.OnceC.UnlessD.While

29.If a lot of people say a film is not good, I won’t bother to see it, or I’ll wait ____ it comes out

on DVD.A.whetherB.afterC.thoughD.until

30.The police officers in our city work hard _____ the rest of us can live a safe life.A.in caseB.as ifC.in order thatD.only if

31.Please call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon, or ______it is convenient to you.A.wheneverB.howeverC.whicheverD.wherever

32.One Friday, we were packing to leave for a weekend away ______my daughter heard cries for


33.It was April 29, 2001 ____ Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of

the wedding ceremony.A.thatB.whenC.sinceD.before

34.Frank insisted that he was not asleep _____ I had great difficulty in waking him up.A.whetherB.althoughC.forD.so

35.As is reported, it is 100 years ___________Qinghua University was founded.A.whenB.beforeC.afterD.since

36.No matter how ________ , it is not necessarily lifeless.A.a desert may be dryB.dry a desert may be

C.may a desert be dryD.dry may a desert be

37.He had no sooner finished his speech _____ the students started cheering.A.sinceB.asC.whenD.than

38.The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be ______the present one.A.as three times big asB.three times as big as

C.as big as three timesD.as big three times as

39.____ regular exercise is very important, it’s never a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime.A.ItB.AsC.AlthoughD.Unless

40.__________all of them are strong candidates, only one will be chosen for the post.A.SinceB.WhileC.IfD.As

41.He had his camera ready _____ he saw something that would make a good picture.A.even ifB.if onlyC.in caseD.so that

42.To show our respect, we usually have to take our gloves off ______ we are to shake hands


43.Jack wasn’t saying anything, but the teacher smiled at him _______he had done something very clever.A.as ifB.in caseC.whileD.though

44.Tim is in good shape physically _________he doesn’t get much exercise.A.ifB.even thoughC.unlessD.as long as

45.The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, ______

accompanied by an adult.A.onceB.whenC.ifD.unless

46.__________you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.A.However a serious problemB.What a serious problem

C.However serious a problemD.What serious a problem

47.Because of the heavy traffic, it was already time for lunch break ______she got to her office.A.sinceB.thatC.whenD.until

48.John thinks it won’t be long __________ he is ready for his new job.A.whenB.afterC.beforeD.since

49.Today, we will begin _______we stopped yesterday so that no point will be left out.A.whenB.whereC.howD.what

50.She had just finished her homework ________ her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday.A.whenB.while


1-5 DCCBA6-10 BABCC11-15 ACCDA

16-20 BCDBC21-25 CBCBC 26-30 CADDC

31-35 ADBBD36-40 BDBCB41-45 CCABD


46-50 CCCBA




1----How is everything, Magarret?

----________.A.Sounds goodB.Very well, thank you

C.Not too badD.It's nothing



试题分析:考查交际用语:A.Sounds good听起来不错B.Very well, thank you 很好,谢谢C.Not too bad不错D.It's nothing没什么,句意:--玛格丽特,事情进展怎样?--不错。选C。



15.—Thank you for your MP4 player.I’ll ask Mary to take it to you soon.—______.I’ve bought a new one.A.No senseB.No hurryC.No wayD.No use



试题分析:考查交际用语,A.No sense没感觉B.No hurry不要着急C.No way没门D.No use没有用,句子意思“不用着急,我已经买了一个新的”


点评:交际用语是高考常考内容之一,根据上下文语境选出正确答案,要灵活运用灵活掌握 即学即练:---What course do you want to study at university?

----I love physics._____.A.It’s up to me.B.It’s none of your business.C.It will be my first choice.D.It doesn’t make sense.选C




即学即练:I'll do everything possible _______ you.A.of helpingB.to help

C.to helpingD.of to help


7.___________ to carry out the plan in time, they will make careful prepatations.A.DetermineB.Having been determined

C.DeterminedD.being determined



试题分析: be determined to do下定决心做某事;下定决心这个动作表示已完成。因为后面用的将来时will make,所以用determined.考点:考查非谓语动词的用法。


即学即练:He insisted on the windows _____ open while he was sleeping.

A. leftB. being leftC. leavingD. be left

解析:B。insist on后不接从句,D可以排除。这里表达的是坚持要求“开着窗子睡觉”,所以应该是动名词复合结构,答案为B。

8.Thanks to their hard work, the new bridge has been finished_____________.A.behind scheduleB.ahead of schedule

C.in front of scheduleD.beside schedule



试题分析:ahead of schedule;in advance;ahead of time这三个短语都是“提前”。句意:多亏了他们的艰苦劳动,新桥才能提前完成。



即学即练:Before visiting him, I called him up ________ advance.A.behindB.ahead ofC.in front ofD.in解析:D。句意:在拜访他之前,我先打电话给他。




1-.We began to open to the outside world in the ate 1970s.,there have been great changes in the country.A.As a result ofB.As a resultC.First of a11D.After all



试题分析:考查固定词组,D.After all毕竟C.First of a11首先A.As a result of„的结果B.As a result结果,句子意思“在上世纪70年代我们开始对我开放,结果在我们国家有很大的变化”


点评:固定词组是高考常考内容,本题注意固定词组As a result of和 As a result的区别,要求考生平时多记固定词组

即学即练:I’d almost given up hope of finding a car I liked, and then suddenly this one_________.A.turned over B.turned downC.turned on D.turned up


26.Sun Yang, a young Chinese swimming talent,several gold medals before the 2012 London Olympics.A.wonB.has wonC.had wonD.were to win



试题分析:考查时态,由后面的时间状语before the 2012 London Olympics,可以知道时态,所以选C,句子意思“孙阳,年轻的游泳天才,已经赢得2012论断奥运会以来一些金牌”


点评:考查时态要抓住时间,这题有明显的时间状语:before the 2012 London Olympics所以很简单,再就是结合上下文

即学即练:The inner connection for the entire area _____when there was a sudden power cut yesterday.A.lostB.was lostC.had lostD.had been lost 选B




1.On the way home,sky grew dark, andcold rain began to fall.A.the;不填B.不填;theC.the;aD.不填;a



试题分析:考查冠词,第一空特指我们在回家的路上看见的天空,属于特指,故使用the;第二空a cold rain泛指一阵冷雨。故C正确。教育:在我们回家的路上,那个天空是黑色的,一阵冷雨就要下了。


点评:冠词的考查集中在定冠词the表示特指,不定冠词a/an表示泛指;以及冠词的一些特殊用法和固定词组如all of a sudden等,还有一些不使用冠词的情况,如抽象名词,物质名词前面就不要冠词。

2.—What’s that noise, John?

—Oh, don’t you know that the school library?

A.is rebuiltB.is being rebuiltC.was rebuiltD.has been rebuilt





点评:时态题的考查关键是抓住句子的上下文含义和句中的时间状语。要根据时间状语来选择合适的时态,在平时的学习中要注意积累有关时态的用法和各种时态的特殊之处。如since,so far等经常与现在完成时连用。在条件状语从句中用一般现在时代替将来时等等。



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