Unit4 全新版大学进阶第二册英语教案

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第一篇:Unit4 全新版大学进阶第二册英语教案


江西科技师范大学理工学院 教学对象(Teaching Subjects)2017级大学英语本科 教学内容(Lesson Content)

Unit 4 Festivals

周 次 第6-7 周 授课时间 4月9日many from other countries.F: Now what about Tomatina? It's a big food fight, right? M: Yeah.People throw tomatoes at each other for an hour.F: So the festival is only an hour long? That seems kind of short.th

th 3 教学教案

江西科技师范大学理工学院 M: Oh, no.The main eventis only one part of the festival.There's also a cooking contest and a parade.There are also fireworks at the end.Thousands of people come from all over the world to enjoy the fun.Lesson B / Listening 1 SCRIPT Track 4-3

Festival in the desert

General Information:

For three days every January or February, people of the Sahara desert come together for this festival of traditional culture.They meet and celebrate with song, dance, poetry, and other cultural traditions.Don't Miss: During the day:

The camel races(The fastest and most beautiful win prizes.)sword fighting and other contests

the arts shows and presentations by local people At night: performances by local and global musicians What to Bring:

There are no hotels, so you’ll need a sleeping bag, tent, food, and water.It is very hot in the daytime so bring lightweight clothes.However, it can be cold at night, so bring a sweater or warm jacket for the evening.Getting There:

You'll need a truck or camel to get to the festival.It's about two hours from the town of Timbuktu, Mali.It is also a good idea to use a local guide.This person can drive to the festival and help you during your stay.Listening 2 SCRIPT

Track 4-4 1:

A: Hi.This is Aya.Leave a message and I’ll call you back.Thanks.B: Hi Aya.This is Maria from English 102.You know the festivals project we’re working on together? I have an idea.How about doing our project on the Festival in the Desert? We can interview our classmate Moussa;he’s from Mali and he knows about this festival.What do you think?


A: Hi.This is Erik.Please leave me a message, and I’ll get back to you.B: Hey Erik;it’s Manny.We talked about driving to the North Beach Festival tomorrow, but the festival is going to be crowded.What about taking the bus instead? Let me know.3: 教学教案

江西科技师范大学理工学院 A: Hello, this is Kira.Leave me a message after the beep.Thanks.B: Kira, it’s Lisa.I’m leaving for the Outside Lands Music Festival in ten minutes.Let’s meet at the main entrance of the festival at 12:30, okay? See you there.SCRIPT

Track 4–5 1.B: Hi, you’ve reached Maria.Leave a message after the beep.A: Hi Maria;it’s Aya.I got your message.I think doing the project on the Festival in the Desert is a great idea.We can talk more tomorrow in class.See you then.2.B: This is Manny, but I’m not here at the moment.Please leave a message after the beep.A: Manny, it’s Erik.Taking the bus tomorrow sounds good.See you at eleven o’clock.3.B: You’ve reached Lisa.Please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.A: Hey Lisa;it’s Kira.You want to meet at 12:30? Sorry, but I won’t be able to meet you then.I won’t arrive until after 2 o’clock.Part Two Oral Practice 1.The important language(Making and responding to suggestions)(See page 40)2.Discussion You and your partner are going to make a discussion about going to the Festival in the Desert.Using important sentences we have just learned.3.Work in pairs to pactice leaving phone messages.Part Four Listening Skills 1.Work in pairs to elicit the time expressions for sequence of event e.g.to begin with, five years ago, back then, later on, until then, etc.2.Learn the skill of payint atention to the words that express the sequence of events(see page 41)SCRIPT Track 4–6

In the English-speaking world, it is customary to sing the song “Happy Birthday to You” to the birthday person.Do you know that it was originally written as a song to greet students in the morning? Two American kindergarten teachers, Mildred Hill and her sister Patty Hill wrote the song.In 1893, Mildred, who studied music, came up with the melody and Patty added some lyric to it and the song became “Good Morning to All”, which they sang every morning to their students.And the lyrics ran like this: “Good morning to you.Good morning to you.Good morning, dear children.Good morning to all.” 教学教案

江西科技师范大学理工学院 Later the title of the song was known as “Good Morning to You” when it was used for children to sing to their teacher.And the third and fourth lines became “Good morning, dear teacher.Good morning to you.”

In 1924, the song appeared in a book of music edited by Robert Coleman.And a second verse, “Happy Birthday to You,” was added to it.But it is unclear who supplied the words to the second verse.This second verse quickly became more popular than the first, and within a short time of the book’s publication, the song was known to all as “Happy Birthday to You.” And by mid-1930s it was used frequently in movies, radio shows, and Broadway musicals without the Hill family’s permission.A third sister, Jessica Hill, decided to act on behalf of her elder sisters.She filed a suit to prove that “Happy Birthday to You” was their song with different lyrics.She won in 1934, and now every time “Happy Birthday to You” is sung publicly, the Hill family gets paid.Step Three Watch and Discussion 1.Watch a video concerning the Diwali celebaration in India 1)Look at the pictures on Page 42, tell us what can you see? 2)Learning the new words and expressions, then make predictions based on the background knowledge we have just menetioned.3)Watch the video twice, then finish the exerccises on Page 43.SCRIPT


India is a land known for its beauty and color.In late fall, the temperature cools down, and, for 5 days, Hindus in India and all over the world celebrate the victory of good over evil, light over darkness.They call this time Diwali, the festival of lights.For many, the holiday begins before sunrise, at the flower market.Here, flower sellers sell beautiful jasmine flowers.The lovely smells fill the air.People will use these flowers to decorate their homes.But they must go early because by sunrise, all the flowers will be sold out.Another traditional Diwali decoration is the Rangoli.These beautiful shapes are drawn on the floor using colored sand, and surrounded by candles.The sand takes the shape of a lotus flower, which means “welcome!”

Diwali is also all about sharing.Neighbors bring each other plates of tasty holiday snacks.Later in the day, families come together to visit the temples.They wear colorful, new clothes.In the evening, the cities come alive.Shops are open on Diwali.Many go to town to buy new clothes made from colorful Indian silks.Diwali Participant:

“So, this is an occasion for all of us to rejoice and be with the family and enjoy all the good things in life.So we buy good clothes and make good food.”

Narrator: 教学教案

江西科技师范大学理工学院 And outside the stores, the city is filled with lights.Today, during Diwali, modern lights of every color, shape, and size shine all over India.Some cities also have amazing fireworks shows, like this one in Delhi.The fireworks fun continues in the home, late into the night.For this year, the Diwali celebrations are coming to an end.And they’re going out with a bang.Watch a video concerning Diwali, a traditional Indian celebration carefully and tell your friends about the festival.4)Think of a festtival you know and share with your classmates

Step Five Expansion activity

1.Learn to make an advertisement to tell people about a festival;2.Let's talk about the photo,.First look and guess what do you see from the photo, then role-play with your partners.Imagine you are shopping at the open air market, talk about what you are going to buy.Step Six Review Review of Unit 3 and Unit4 and finish the exercises on Page 48.






教材:大学英语综合教程2 学生:2级学生

Unit 4 The Virtual World

Language Points

1.Virtual: 1)created and existing only in a computer 1

virtual displacement(物)虚移位

virtual focus(物)虚交点

virtual height(物)虚高(电离层中一层的视高度)

virtual image(物)虚像

virtual memory(计)虚拟存储器

virtual storage(计)虚拟存储(器)

virtuality n.1.实际、本质


2.being or acting as what is described, but not accepted as such name or officially

The once elegant temple lay in virtual ruins.一座当初精致的庙宇几乎成了一堆废墟。2.interpret:

1)understand(sth.said, ordered, or done)

She interpreted his look.她领会他的眼色。

2)give or provide the meaning of, explain

interpret a dream 圆梦

Poetry can hardly be interpreted.诗无定诂。

Literature helps to interpret life.文学有助于阐明人生的意义。

3)translate what is said in one language into another.e.g(teacher’s book page41)

interpretable 可解释的a.interpretation

n.interpretative 解释的a.interpreter

n.interpretress 3.tone: a particular quality or intonation of voice

eg.a voice with full clear tone 洪亮清晰的嗓音

an angry tone of voice 愤怒的嗓音

tone arm(唱机的)拾音器臂

tone cluster(音)音族

tone colour(音)音色

tone control 音调调节(器)4.stretch:(cause to)become longer, wider, etc.without breaking He yawned and stretched himself.他打个哈欠,伸一伸懒腰。He stretched his arm up as far as he could 他把手臂尽量往上伸。Stretch out a friendly hand to sb.向某人伸出友谊之手。Stretch – out

a.伸出的、展开的、延伸的 Stretcher n.Stretcher-bearer


5.submit: give(sth.)to sb.so that it may be formally considered(followed by to)

submit one’s application to sb.for his consideration


Submit the names to the Senate for conformation.把名单送交参议院批准。

Submit an article to the editor of a magazine.把文章

More eg.(teacher’s book page 41)6.edit: revise or correct

edit the complete works of Allen Poe

编艾伦• 坡作品全集

edit one’s thoughts before speaking


edit a daily newspaper



edition deluxe(法)(书籍的)精装版本,豪华版


editorial n.社论 7.at times: sometimes 8.take in: absorb(sth)into the body by breathing or swallowing

eg.(TB page 42)

Fish take in oxygen through their gills.鱼通过鳃摄取氧气。

9.spit: send(liquid, food, etc.)out from the mouth

spit sth(out)(at/on/onto sb./sth.)

He was spitting blood after being hit in the mouth.他的嘴挨了打 之后,吐出血来。

In many countries it is considered rude to spit in public.在许多国家,当众吐痰属不雅行为。

He is inclined to spit when he talks quickly.他说话快了就爱喷吐沫星。

10.on line: connected to or controlled by a computer(network)

eg.(teacher’s book page 43)11.symptom:

1)sign of the existens of sth.bad(坏事的)征兆、征候

This demonstration was a symptom of discontent among the students.这次示威表明学生中有不满情绪。

2)change in the body that indicates an illness 症状

the rash that is a symptom of measles


12.conversely: in a way that is opposite to sth.eg.(teacher’s book page 43)You can add the fluid to the power or, conversely, the powder to the fluid.可以将液体加到粉末里,或者相反,将粉末加到液体里。13.but then: yet at the same time eg.(teacher’s book page 43)14.jar: have a harsh or an unpleasant effect(jar sth., jar on sb./sth)eg.(TB page 43)15.suck in: involve(sb.)in an activity, an argument, etc., usu.Against their will(used in the pattern: suck sb.in/into sth.;suck in)将某人卷入(丑闻、争论等)之中(通常为不情愿者)

I don’t want to get sucked into the row bout school reform.我不愿意牵扯到 这场学制改革的争论之中。16.in sight:


It was early in the morning and there wasn’t anyone in sight on campus.As the train pulled into the station my parents standing on the platform were soon in sight.2)likely to come soon

Two months passed, and victory was not yet in sight.The end of the economic nightmare is still nowhere in sight.A solution to the problem of environmental pollution now seems in sight.17.remark: thing said or written as a comment I remarked that we mustn’t buy things we didn’t need.我说用不着的东西我们决不要买。

A local newspaper remarked that inflation was not to be checked for the time being.一个地方报纸评论说,通货膨胀一时抑制不了。

18.cue: anything that serves as a signal about what to do or say(followed by to/for)throw cues to sb.给某人暗示

The time had come to say good night.At mother’s cue, we all ascended.到上床睡觉的时候了。在妈妈的暗示之下,我们都上楼去了。The immediate cue for the military takeover 军方接管的直接信号 As if on cue 似乎接受了信号(或提示)一样 The horses reacted as if on cue.马像得了信号一样地起了反应。19.routine:


start the daily(morning)routine 开始日常(早晨)的例行公事

upset an established routine 打乱既定惯例

do sth.according to routine 按常规做某事


Performing her bold and difficult routines with consummate control, she tallied three 10s.她以完美的平衡技巧完成规定的高难度惊险动作,得了3个10分。3)a.例行的;日常的;惯例的;用常规的

Despite there problems, routine work is continuing.尽管有了这些问题,日常工作还是照例进行。

20.rely on/upon: rely on/upon sb./sth.(to do sth.)1)count depend on sb./sth.指望或依赖某人(做某事)

Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help/to help us.现今人们越来越依赖计算机协助工作。

You can rely upon it that it will rain this weekend.你放心好了,本周末一定下雨。

2)have trust or confidence in sb./sth.信任或依赖某人(某事物)

You can rely on me to keep your secret.你尽管相信我一定为你保密。21.abuse:

1)v.make bad or wrong use of(sth.)滥用、芒用(某事物)

abuse one’s authority, sb’s hospitality, the confidence placed in one 滥用权威、辜负某人的热情招待、辜负对自己的信任 2)v.trust(sb.)badly;exploit 虐待某人;剥削

3)n.wrong or bad use or treatment of sth./sb.对某事物(某人)的滥用、妄用或虐待

drug abuse 滥用麻醉药品

4)n.unjust or corrupt practice 恶性;弊端;不正之风

put a stop to political abuse 煞住政治上的不正之风

5)abuse of sth.: wrong or bad use of sth.对某事物的滥用、妄用

an abuse of trust, privilege, authority 辜负别人的信任、滥用特权、滥用权力

abusive: adj.(of speech or a person)criticizing harshly and rudely;insulting


He became abusive, is began uttering angry insults, curses, etc.他骂起来了。

Abusively: adv.22.restore: v.1)restore sth.(to sb./sth.)将(某事物等)归还原主

Police restore the stolen jewels to the showroom.警察将被盗的珠宝交还给了陈列室。

2)restore sb.(to sth.): restore sth.(to sb.)使某人(某物)恢复原先的状况

restore sb’s beauty, sight, confidence, etc.恢复某人的姿色、势力、信心等 23.flee:

1)flee(from sb./sth.)逃跑;逃避;避开;(尤指遇到危险、威胁等)逃离

The customers fled(from the bank)when the alarm sounded.警铃响起,顾客纷纷(从银行)逃走。


During the civil war thousands of people fled the country.在内战期间成千上万的人逃离了这个国家。24. tune:


whistle a catchy tune


Modern music has no tune to it.现在音乐毫无旋律可言。


3)(be)tuned(in)to sth.(of a radio, etc.)调整频率等以接收某一节目 4)tune sb.to sth.Voters always elect the candidate most tuned in to their needs.选民总是选那些最能体察其疾苦的侯选人。


Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles Teaching Plan(6 periods)1.教学目标及基本要求:

Objectives: Students will be able to: 1)Grasp the main idea(dreaming and hard work helped Michael Stone on his way to success)and the structure of the text(narration with a flashback);2)Appreciate the narrative skills(using details to bring out a character;a surprising ending;use of puns);3)Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4)Conduct a series of reading, listening and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.2.教学内容及学时分配:

Time allotment: 1st period: pre-reading;text organization 2nd period: while-reading 3rd period: post-reading activities 4th period: reading practice 5th period: speaking 6th period: writing 3.教学重点及难点:

Important language points in the text: Language Study(60 minutes)A.Words

1.sweat: vi/n.drops of a liquid similar to water that come through the skin when one is hot, ill, afraid.etc.出汗/汗水

E.g.She swept the sweat from her face.2.grace: n.quality of being smooth and elegant, esp.in movement or structure.优美,优雅 E.g.The trained dancer has an extraordinary grace of movement.3.mere: a.nothing more than 仅仅,只不过

E.g.It’s a mere 300 meters from my house to the college.4.fantasy: n.imagination, esp.when it has no connection at all with reality 幻想

E.g.I still have the fantasy that one day I will win the National lottery.5.numerous: a.very many 许多,无数的E.g.He has been late on numerous occasions.6.passion: n.strong feeling, esp.of live 热情

E.g.He is a man of violent passion.He argued his case with considerable passion.7.details: n.1)small, particular fact or item 细节,琐碎的事

E.g.No details of the negotiation between the two countries have been revealed.I can still recall every detail of my Graduation Day..2)sth.Which is unimportant and doesn’t affect the main issue

E.g.The salary is a detail;the main thing is to find a job.In detail: fully or thoroughly

E.g.She told them in detail what they were going to day at the meeting.8.recur: vi.come or happen again 再来,再发生

E.g.This theme recurs several times through the book.9.coincide: vi.1)happen at the dame time(followed by with)同时发生,一致

E.g.His arrival coincides with our departure.2)be in agreement(with)

E.g.Her story coincided exactly with her brother’s.10.core: n.the most important part 核心

E.g.The core of the problem is their objection to the policy.11.alternate: a.every other or second;happening by turns 交替的,轮流的 E.g.It has been a week of alternate rain and sunshine.12.relax: v.make or become less tense, worried or nervous 放松

E.g.When I get home from work I like to relax with a glass of wine.I will relax when I know you are safe.13.vain: a.too pleased with one’s own abilities or looks 虚荣的,自负的 E.g.Too much praise can make a person vain.She is too vain to wear glasses.14.emotion: n.a strong feeling of any kind 情感,感情

E.g.He lost control of his emotion.They expressed mixed emotions at the news.15.preparation: n.the act or process of preparing 准备

E.g.Preparation for the party started early.Careful preparation for the exam is essential..16.startle: vt.give a sudden shock or surprise to 使大吃一惊

E.g.I didn’t mean to startle you.The explosion startled the horse.17.intensity: n.the state of being intense 强烈,紧张

E.g.The storm resumed with even greater intensity.In order to finish the job, we have to work with greater intensity.18.anxiety: n.a feeling of worry or fear 忧虑,担心

E.g.Some patients experience high level of anxiety.You’d better share your anxieties with doctor.19.tension: n..worry or nervousness 紧张,不安

E.g.We laughed and that helps ease the tension.20.tense: feeling worried or nervous;making people worried or nervous 紧张的。令人紧张的E.g.Facing so many teachers, John got very tense and made several mistakes in his speech.He is a very tense man.21.breeze: a.微风

E.g.The flowers were gently swaying in the breeze.22.deaf: a.unable to hear at all or to hear well 耳聋的E.g.He was born deaf.B.Phrases

1.bear out: prove that(sth..)is true 证实

E.g.The other people will bear me out.2.coincide with:(of two or more events)to take place at the same time.与…同时发生

E.g.The strike was timed to coincide with the party conference.3.work out: go through a physical exercise session 体育锻炼,训练

E.g.I work out regularly to keep fit.4.dedicate sb to sth: to give a lot of your time and effort to a particular activity or purpose because you think it is important 把…奉献给

E.g.She dedicates herself to her work.5.on one/two/several occasion(s): 有一(两,几)次

E.g.On one occasion, she called me in the middle of the night.6.be ashamed of: feeling foolish or uncomfortable because of(sth)因…感到难为情

E.g.She was so ashamed of cheating in the test.She was ashamed of her behavior at the party.7.stretch out: hold a part of your body straight out in front of you.伸展

E.g.He stretched himself out on the bed and fell asleep.8.along with: together with 连同

E.g.She lost her job when the factory closed, along with hundreds of others.9.bring(sb.)back to earth: 使回到现实中

E.g.He id daydreaming and my voice brought him back to earth.10.in one’s mind’s eye: in one’s imagination;in one’s memory 在想象中

E.g.In my mind’s eye, he is still a little boy.4.教学内容的深化及拓宽:

Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.1)Pre-reading tasks(30 minutes)1)T asks Ss the following questions on the song Coming out of Dark:(5minutes)

----Consider the title of the song, what does “Dark” refer to?(near death;loss of consciousness after the car accident;slow and painful recovery;despair)

-----How is the song related to the theme of the unit?(To get over despair after injury is also a form of overcoming obstacles.)

-----What happened to the singer?

-----what helped her pull through all the hardship she suffered? 2)T dictates the following proverbs to Ss:(15 minutes)1)Where there is a will, there is a way.(有志者事竟成)2)Rome wasn’t built in a day.(伟业非一日之功)3)God helps those who help themselves.(自助者天助之)4)Constant dripping wears away the stone.(锲而不舍,金石可镂)2)Cultural notes(1)Olympics: the Olympic Games are the most important international sports event in the world held every four years.The ancient Olympic Games were held in Olympia every four years from 776 B.C.to 392 A.D.the modern Game s were first held in 1896 in Greece and, with the exception of three games not held because of the two world wars, have been held in various cities of the world art regular 4 year intervals.Since 1924, a separate program of winter sports has been added to the Game.In 2008 Beijing will host the 29th Olympic Games.(2)The Olympic symbol------five interlocking red, blue, yellow, black, and green circles on a white field-----represents the continents of the world joined in friendship.(3)The Olympic motto is Citius-Altius-Fortius.These words mean “Swifter, Higher, Stronger”.Suggested words: strong-willed, persevering, intelligent, open-minded, resourceful, talented, gifted, smart, confident, humorous, far-sighted, self-esteem, stubborn, diligent, industrious, ambitious, committed, devoted, eloquent, aggressive, dominant, arrogant, charitable, generous, extravagant, frugal, stingy, kind-hearted, warm-hearted, modest, unpretentious, proud, humble, pretentious, self-important, conceited, worldly, sophisticated, tactful, considerate, selfish, easy-going, disagreeable, skeptical, moral integrity, individual attraction(appearance, dress, words and behavior)3)While-reading tasks(75 minutes)1)Text organization

i.Listen to the tape, then T guides Ss through the directions for Text Organization Exercise 1, so that they know the text consists of four parts.ii.Ss scan the first sentence of Paras1—6, and get ready to answer the following questions:-----Which first sentence switches from past tense to past perfect tense?(the first sentence of Para 3)(T may as well as tell Ss this: a story is usually narrated in the simple past tense.When a past event is recalled, the past perfect tense will be used as a signal.Afterwards the flashback is also narrated in the simple past tense.)

-----Which first sentence shows that the flashback is over and the narration returns to the National Junior Olympics(the first sentence of paras6)

------By now, do you know how to divide the text into four parts? Write down your answers in the blanks provided in Text Organization Exercise 1)2)T explains language points and gives Ss practice(see language study).when they comes to the end of a part, Ss will sum up its main idea in the blanks provided in Text Organization Exercise 1)

3)Ss answer these questions(see Text Analysis):-----Without the last sentence, would you still admire Michael Stone’s achievement?

-----Who would you admire better, a Michael Stone with a sound body or a blind Michael Stone?------Why does the author keep the secret about Michael’ blindness until the last sentence? 4)Finding out details

i.T introduces the activity by saying: A child usually inherits characteristics from both his/her mother and father.So does Michael Stone.Michael’s mother is romantic and passionate, while his father is a hard-core realist.Work with a partner;find out those details about Michael Stone that shows him to be his mother’s boy or his father’s son.ii.Some pairs report to the class their findings.iii.T asks Ss this question: Dreaming and hard work, which is more important to Michael’s success? Why? 5)Text analysis

Those who have read this story will probably agree that its most striking feature is the closing line.As we read on, our admiration for Michael is building up until we believe that, when Michael broke both national and international records, we have reached the climax.However, the real climax is in the last sentence.When we find that out, what a great impact it has on us.The text plays on words on more than one occasion.The text title, True Height, itself has more than one meaning.We may understand it as the new bar heights that Michael cleared one after another, or we may view it as the tremendous obstacles Michael had overcome in attaining his goal.As mentioned in the Suggested Teaching plan, the word “hot” in the first paragraph also plays on two different meanings, one literal, the other figurative.5.教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted.Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction.Give students time to adapt to the new teaching mode in the university that are quite different from the one they were used to in the middle school.More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.6.主要参考书目:

季佩英,吴晓真,姚燕瑾,2002,《全新版大学英语综合教程2-教师用书》。上海:上海外语教育出版社。7.思考题和习题: 1)《全新版大学英语综合教程2》第一单元Text A后的习题。(45 minutes)Vocabulary I.1(P.142-143)III.Word s with Multiple Meanings(P.145-146)

The verb “work”

1.do an activity which needs physical or mental effort

2.engage in physical exercise or training

3.have the desired effect

4.be calculated at

5.(cause to)more gradually or with difficulty into another position

6.(cause to)operate I.Cloze(P.146-147)II.Translation(P.148)(1)“it is...that…”(强调句型)Model: What brought him back to earth?

It was either the eruption of the people in the stands or the thump of his landing that brought him back to earth.1)What made it possible for a blind boy to set a world record in pole vault?


2)When did you begin to learn English?


3)Who has ever exerted the greatest influence on you?


Model: What he did not know was that his dad was hugging his wife and crying.1)Obviously _________(这位发言人想要强调的是)the impact of these findings rather than the process that led to these findings.2)It seems that he is never bothered about __________________(别人是土和看待他的行为的)2)Speaking and Writing Practice(60 minutes)(1)Writing strategy

How to write a personal description(2)

In Unit Four, Book One, we briefly discussed two aspects in the description of an individual: Focus on Characteristic Features and Supporting Facts.What will be dealt with today are: Writer’s Tone

To bring home the point the writer wants to convey to the reader, his /her tone----whether it is angry, sympathetic, amused, or admiring about the subject------plays an important role in a personal description, as in the two texts we’ve just studied the authors’ voices can be heard now and then, directly and indirectly.Opening/Closing Device

To arouse the reader’s interest or achieve better results, the writer usually designs the opening and closing paragraphs skillfully.As we can see, in Text A the writer keeps the most important fact about Michael Stone until the last word, and in Text B the author begins his essay with reference to a common saying.(2)Homework

Try to describe one of your friends or your teachers 1 His/Her physical condition;2 His/Her character traits.







2。句型:1)What's 1 and2? 2)Howold areyou ?3)Whatclass/rowareyouin?



教师再从后排叫起另一位同学。这次,故意将姓名、座位等搞错,以便产生以下对话: T:Areyou„(另一个人的姓名)?



S2:No, I'mnot.I'minRow 7.放课文第四部分录音,第一遍学生听,从第二遍起,学生跟读。反复几次。






NumbersinEnglish 英语的数词。




2、句型:Whatclassareyouin?I'min Class3,Grade1.3、学唱:TheNumberSong.二、教具








教师解释:Whatclassareyouin?引导学生说出:Whatrow areyouin ?等句子,并试着用英语应答。











3、句型:1)What's„and „?2)How oldareyou?I'meleven.二、教具
















T:Howoldareyou ?


教师询问几位同学的年龄,询问时,还可以用一般疑问句。例如:T:Howoldareyou ? S1:I'mtwelve.T:(转向另一同学)Areyou thirteen?

















再放录音,学生跟读。反复几遍。将学生分为两组:一组扮演Wu Dong,另一组扮演MrsRead;表演对话。如果时间允许,可请两位同学到前面表演。






a)What'syourname? b)Howoldare you?c)Whatclass areyouin ?d)Areyouin Row4?e)What'sthreeandfour?(笔答)


新世纪高职高专英语教案(第二册)Unit One Patriotism 教学目的(teaching objective):

Master the key words and structures, and learn something about what a true patriot is.The students should not only know what patriotism really means, but learn from the heroic spirit of some famous Chinese patriots.教学内容、课时安排及方法设计

教学进程 教 学 内 容 教学课时 教学方法设计 Study of the Text: Lead in, New words and text, explaining Summary of the text

提问、讲授、板书或课件,师生互动 Focus on and Work out

讲练,板书或课件,师生互动 3 Grammar Tips: Attributive Clause(1)

讲练,板书,师生互动 Reading Skills: How to Identify the Topic Practical Reading: Reading Holiday Schedules

讲练,板书,师生互动 Practical Writing:E-mail

讲练,板书,师生互动 Study Guide

讲练,师生互动 Listening Skills: Asking & Expressing One’s Likes & Dislikes 讲练,板书,师生互动

教学重点(key points): Vocabulary arise




obey resist

risk sacrifice

scenery be bound to do

carry out

hand down

in the hour of

at the mercy of

yield to

hand on

to the last

all the more

obedience to

in spite of Structure In order that

as well as Practical Reading Reading Holiday Schedules Grammar Attributive Clause(1)Listening and

Speaking Dislikes 教学难点(teaching difficulties):

1.Understand every sentence correctly in the text;eg.The answer is that nowhere in such countries have men been found…

Why is it that some other nations disappeared? 2.the usage of some special expressions:in order that „;It is „ that/ who 教学方法(teaching methods):



Asking & Expressing One’s Likes & 教学手段(teaching instruments):

板书和多媒体教学相结合,使用语音设备进行听力训练。教学过程(teaching procedures): Topic: Patriotism The first period: 1.Lead in Directions:(1)

Ask some questions for the students to answer freely: for example: What they think a true patriot would be like before they read the text?(2)

Ask some students to give their opinions on Patriotism 2.Background information Directions: The teacher introduces the background information of the text 1).what is a Patriot? A patriot is a man who loves his country, works for it, and is willing to fight and die for it if need be.2).National Flag, Emblem and Anthem of the People’s Republic of China The national flag of China was adopted at the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference held in September 1949, shortly before the founding of the People’s Republic of China.The flag of the People’s Republic of China is red in color and it has five yellow stars.The color red symbolizes the spirit of the revolution and the five stars signify the unity of the people of China under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.The flag first went up in Tiananmen Square on October 1, 1949, upon the formal proclamation that the People’s Republic of China was founded.The design of the national emblem of the People’s Republic of China published by the Central People’s Government on September 20, 1950, shows Tiananmen under the light of five stars and it is framed with ears of grain and a cogwheel.Tiananmen is the symbol of modern China because the May 4th Movement of 1919, which marks the beginning of the new democratic revolution in China, was launched there.It is also the place where the inauguration of the People’s Republic of China was held.The cogwheel and the ears of grain represent the working class and the peasantry respectively, and the five stars symbolize the solidarity of the various nationalities of China.The emblem clearly indicates that the People’s Republic of China is a socialist state led by the working class and based on the alliance of the workers and the peasants.Tian Han wrote the words for the national anthem, and Nie Er set the music in 1935.Originally known as the March of the Volunteers, it was the theme song of The Sons and Daughters in Times of Turmoil, a film that depicts how Chinese intellectuals marched bravely to the front in the War of Resistance Against Japan.During the Second World War the people of other countries who sympathized with the Chinese people in their anti-Japanese struggles also sang it.In 1949 it was made the national anthem of the People’s Republic of China.3.Study the New words and expressions Directions: 1)Listen to the tape recording or ask the students to read the new words, 2)Correct the pronunciation, ask the students to read after the teacher.3)Explain some usage of words and phrases and the methods of learning new words such as word building.The second and third periods: Study the text in detail : Directions: 1).Listen to the tape recording or ask students to read the text 2).Explain the text paragraph by paragraph.3).Language Points of the text Useful expressions be willing to: ready to help, to do what is needed, asked, etc.e.g.Are you willing to help them? die: stop being alive die for love/ for one’s country

e.g.To die for the people is a glorious death!bound: 1)certain, sure;2)placed under the lawful or moral need to act;3)determined;having a firm intention;4)fastened by or as if by a band;kept close e.g.① In spite of the heavy rain, they are bound to come to this meeting.②I do not feel bound to give you everything you want.③He’s bound to go, and nothing will stop him.④The ball bounded from the wall and hit a little boy.to the last: until the latest moment;till the end e.g.She is an honest girl to the last.conquer: defeat conquer a country/ the enemy/ a bad habit e.g.The company has succeeded in conquering the China market.The little boy conquered his fear and walk alone through the woods at night.Pay attention to the pattern “It is … that/ who …”.This is an emphatic structure often used in written language.e.g.It is because the book is so useful for my work that I bought it.It was Tom who broke the window.disappear: go out of sight suddenly e.g.The sun disappeared behind a cloud.depend upon: e.g.Whether we will go hill-climbing or not depend upon the weather.in order that:(used to introduce an adverbial clause that explains the reason for something)so that;to the end that

①in order to:(used to introduce a phrase to explains the reason for something)as a means to;with the purpose of →so that / so as to e.g.He raised his hand in order that the bus might stop.He stood up in order to see better.Speak more slowly, so that they may understand you.I’ll have everything ready so as not to keep you waiting.compare: examine or judge(one thing)e.g.He compare London with Paris.in spite of: despite e.g.I went to the school in spite of rain.The answer is that nowhere in such countries have men been found… Inversion: Please pay attention to inversion.Inversion means changing the normal word order in a sentence by putting part or all of the verb group in front of the subject.Usually the word order in sentences beginning with a negative word or phrase such as never, hardly, little, only(+adverbial), no sooner…than, nor, scarcely, etc.e.g.Never have I heard such a funny story.Only then did I fully understand what my teacher said.No sooner had I gone out that he came to see me.yield to: allow oneself to be overcome by pressure e.g.The government has not yielded to public opinion.At no time should we yield to the enemy.for a time: 暂时,一度

e.g.For a time we lived together peacefully, soon trouble started.at the mercy of: entirely in the power of 任凭„摆布

e.g.They were lost at sea, and were at the mercy of winds and weather.give in: yield e.g.Don’t give in to him.opportunity: a chance or time to do something e.g.May I take this opportunity to thank you all for your help? come: arrive e.g.Christmas is coming soon.Come + to do: take place;happen;occur e.g.You will come to realize that someday.win back: 赢回;重新获得 e.g.How can I win back her trust? arise: 1)come into being or notice

2)get up e.g.Surprisingly, new problems arise every day.Tom arose early in the morning to deliver milk from door to door.carry out: complete e.g.Nothing could prevent him from carrying out his plan.value: calculate the value, price;consider somebody or something to be of great worth e.g.I was offered $500 for my old car but its value is much higher.I’ve always valued your friendship.as well as: in addition to e.g.I’m learning French as well as German.all the more: to a greater degree;by an added quantity e.g.If you say something openly against his plan, he will stick to it all the more.familiar(with, to): generally known, seen, or experienced;common e.g.Are you familiar with this type of car?.He is familiar with the ancient history of China.put something first: make something the most important thing e.g.Rob seems to put money first, and happiness second in his life.hand down: hand on, give or leave to people who are younger or come later hand on: hand down, give from one person to another(esp.something which can be used by many people one after another)e.g.This ring has been handed down from generation to generation in my family.Please read this note and hand it on to your classmates.add(to): put together with something else so as to increase the number, size, importance, etc.e.g.Learning English will add to our understanding of the world.Paraphrases of Difficult Sentences “Why is it that some nations have disappeared altogether?”

→Why is it that some countries have been conquered and become a part of others? ”„.., when the great test came,….”

→„, when the country faced a severe national crisis,„”

“The answer is that nowhere in such countries have men been found willing to yield to the enemy.’

→ The answer is that the people in all these countries have refused to give in to the enemy.“For a time they may have seemed to be at the mercy of a conqueror, but….”

→ For a period of time, they may have appeared helpless before a conqueror, but„

“„., and getting first-hand knowledge of their scenery,…” → „, and getting intimate knowledge of their scenery,„” ”„, and we put them first.’

→ „, and we should take them as the first things to know.The fourth period: Directions: Review the text by reading and ask some questions according to the text so that the teacher can know whether the students understand the text completely.1.Comprehensive Questions l

What is a patriot according to the text? A patriot is a man who loves his country, works for it, and is willing to fight and die for it if need be.l

What qualities does a true patriot have? A true patriot should learn to obey if he wants to command.He must be a selfless person, and value what he has worked for and helped to make.A true patriot knows his country thoroughly as well as loves his country deeply.l

How can a small nation remain free and independent in the great wars that threatened it? The most important thing for such a nation is that all the people refuse to yield to their enemy.They should be determined to fight to the last and make every effort to drive the enemy out of their country.They can thus win freedom and independence.l

As far as the training of a patriot is concerned, what is the most important thing in knowing the people of his own country? The most important thing is that he should not only know the people who lived before him and handed down to him the result of their own work and sacrifice, he should also know the people who will live after him so that he could hand down to them what he has been given and what he has added to it.2.Summary of the Text Directions: The teacher concludes the text A patriot is a man who loves his country, works for it, and is willing to fight and die for it if need be.History has repeatedly proved that when a nation was caught in war, there would often be a great patriot who, by exercising all his influence, could lead his people to eventually save the nation.3.Homework Directions: Assign the students to do all the exercises.The fifth and sixth period: Exercises: Directions: Ask the students to do the exercises in class.The teacher will correct the mistakes and explain the important and difficult points.1.Focus on: 2.work out: A: Read the text again and complete the statements.B: Fill in the blanks with words and phrases from the Vocabulary Snapshot.C: Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the words given in blanks.D: Rearrange the words into sentences E: Translate the Chinese into English.F: Make sentences according to the models of sentence structure.The seventh period: Grammar: Adverbial Clause of Reason Directions: The teacher explains the definition of the grammar, and then asks the students to practice 1).作直接宾语时,关系代词可以省略。2)关系代词放在介词后作宾语时,不能省略。

3)介词后面的关系代词不能用that或who,只能用which或whom。4)如果先行词是all, anything, nothing等不定代词,关系代词一般只用that, 不用which。

5)在 “it is + 名词 + 定语从句 + 定语从句” 结构中,后一定语从句要用that。

6)如果先行词被形容词最高级以及first, last, any, few等词修饰,关系代词常用that, 不用which, who或whom。


8)有时which用于引导修饰整个主句的定语从句。9)Practice about the grammar above.The eighth period: 1.Reading skills: Directions: The teacher introduce the reading skills and ask the students to read the passages, trying to use the skills to find out the concerning information.(How to Identify the Topic)2.Practical Reading: Reading Holiday Schedules Directions: Use the information to answer the questions: 1)

What day Martin Luther King, Jr.Day in 2003? 2)

How many days will the bank be closed during the Independence Day holidays in 2003? 3)

On what date can the laboratory employees have during the Christmas holiday? 4)

How many free days will the laboratory employees have during the Christmas holiday? 5)

Which holiday do the bank employees have that laboratory workers will not have? The ninth and tenth periods: Practical Writing: E-mail A.The teacher introduces the following contents and simple.1)

To somebody(收件人)2)




B.The students imitate the sample to complete the exercises.The eleventh and twelfth period:(listening and speaking)Directions: 1)Ask the students to read the phonemes and the teacher corrects their pronunciation.2)Listen to the tape and finish doing the followings: Section A: After listening, circle the word the students hear, then repeat them.Section B: Listen and repeat, paying attention to the pronunciation of the words.Section C: Ask the students to circle the words that they hear.Listen in: Dialogues Section A, B, C.3)Ask the students to imitate the speakers while listening.4)Ask the students to make conversations about “How to ask &express one’s likes &dislikes 5)Listen more: Section A, B, C.to practice PET 1.Get the Right Sound [ e ]

[ ei ]

[ ?u ]

[ З: ] 2.Expressions learnt before: Do you like / enjoy …? I don’t like… I’m really fond of … Which do you want, …or …? What do you like doing? What’s your favorite …? Listen In Section A Notes: 1.An automatic: an automatic gear-shifting mechanism 2.a stick: a movable metal rod with which one can control the gears of a vehicle 3.to tell you the truth: used to introduce a personal opinion, to admit something, etc.4.would rather + v.: would prefer to, used to express preference for one thing to another Dialogue 1.„ don’t want to… How about … „ hate going … I like painting … Do you want to go … Dialogue 2.How boring!What kind of books do you like? So do I.Dialogue 3.„ you’ll love … „ I’d prefer … „ if that’s what you’d rather have.„ would you like to test-drive it? Dialogue 4.„ don’t you like … fighting with … What do you have against him? „ dislike his bad temper … Speak Out Notes: 1.keen on:(of a person)having a strong and active interest in something Listen More

Notes : 1.all by oneself: alone 2.Cheer up:(infml)become happier, more cheerful Section A 1.C.patriot 2.B.conquer 3.D.border 4.B.thorough 5.A.hand down Section B 1.People are not likely to fight bravely for something they know little about.A.It’s impossible that people can fight bravely for something they know little about.B.It’s possible that people can fight bravely for something they know little about.2.Not only did I forget my train ticket but I for got my passport.A.Luckily I brought my train ticket and my passport with me.B.I forgot my train ticket as well as my passport.3.She’ll have to work over the summer to finish her papers.A.She’ll finish her papers before summer comes.B.She needs to work on her papers this summer.4.My father stopped smoking cigarettes last week.A.Last week my father quit smoking cigarettes.B.Last week my father smoked too many cigarettes.Section C Dialogue 1 1.C


Dialogue 2 1.D

2.C Dialogue 3 1.C

2.A Section D 1.true




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