Unit 1(粗体字部分是各个环节)
Learning Objectives:1.学生能够做自我介绍
Materials:人物单词卡片(Simon/Stella/Mr star/Mrs star/ Maskman/marie/Monty)/学生用书/学生活动用书
Procedure: 1. Warmer(5mins)
Ss Hi, I’m Bonnie.Nice to meet you.Who are you?
Hi, I’m__________.Nice to meet you, too.What’s your name?
My name is _________.2.Presentation(____mins)
Ss Look at this card, what are these words?
They are Suzy and sister.Do you know Who Suzy is?
Suzy is sister.Let’s look at the picture.Who is she?
She is Suzy/ sister.Who is Simon/Stella/Mr star/Mrs star/
She/ He is sister/mother/father/brother Maskman/marie/Monty.(以下需要孩子们对应卡片和书中star1)Open your pupil’s book, turn to page 2.Who is she/he?
(以下播放录音,进行听和指的练习,老师要先做示范)Now let’s do practice: listen,point and repeat
When you hear the name, please point on the picture and then repeat.Like this: 这时老师做示范
3.Activity Book: P2(____mins)
Now please open your activity book, take out your pencil turn to page 2.Find No.1.look at the example: who is
She is _________
Mr star/ Mrs star``````
she is Suzy,she? Now we should find the shadow of Suzy, and then draw a line to link them.When you finish, you should exchange your book with your
She/he is _____ partner, and then check the work.(老师同样这时要做示范告诉孩子如何做)Did you see star 2? Let’s listen and circle the tick or cross,Look here, this is Marie, yes or no?
So we use cross ╳to represent no
This is Simon, yes or no?
So we use tick to represent yes√
No we will listen to the video and then circle the tick and cross Are you ready? When you finished, please exchange your book, check your answer Who is she/he?
No, This is Simon.yes!学生要大声说出答案
And tell me the right answer.4.Games(______mins)TT It’s game time, everyone stand up, let’s stand in a circle.your name.I have a ball, I should say :I’m Bonnie and then I throw
my ball to Lisa, I need ask lisa: what’s your name? Lisa hold the ball and answer my question, after that she needs to throw the ball to others.The person who holds the ball should tell us your name and say what’s your name?
Let’s review what we learned today, who is she/he?
I’m Lisa, what’s Ss
She /he is _______
Please say good bye to Mr star```````
good bye , Mr star 6.Homework 课后反思:
剑桥少儿英语考试(CYLE)是剑桥大学考试委员会(UCLES)特别为测试4-12岁少儿的英语水平而设计的一套测试系统。该考试分为三个级别,引进中国后,增加了预备级,分别为预备级(Pre-Starters)、一级(Starters), 二级(Movers)和三级(Flyers)(喻示着孩子们从刚刚起步starters到渐渐前进movers直至最终起飞flyers来学习掌握和使用英语)。一级到三级的教材的新增单词量分别在682、1150和666。(一级到三级的单词量为累加过程,即学完剑桥少儿英语三级所掌握的词汇量为2500左右。)
《剑桥少儿英语》由教育部考试中心中英教育测量学术交流中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会共同委任的中国剑桥少儿英语高级培训官邱耀德先生、剑桥少儿英语师资培训基地王、梁清女士等执笔,除经“剑桥少儿英语专家委员会”统一评审外,还先后经过剑桥大学考试委员会专家Melanie Williams女士、澳大利亚专家Marilyn Burke先生和人民教育出版社外语室主任龚亚夫先生等审定。上述专家经过评审后一致认为,新版教材在教学内容上更贴近“剑桥少儿英语”的培养目标,教学方式更加灵活,符合儿童的心理特点,整个教学过程更能激发儿童学习英语的兴趣,并为今后他们的继续提高打下坚实的基础。
Unit1 Greetings
一. 课文地位:作为教材的第一课,对学生培养学习兴趣有很重要的作用。二. 教学目标:1.使学生能用英语互相打招呼,hello,Good morning, Hi
3.理解并能应用课文中的语句 Say hello to…..4.培养孩子的英语节奏感和学习兴趣。
三.共用课时数:两课时 四.具体步骤: 第一节课:
授课内容分析:先学会hello, 五种动物英文和昵称有点难度
教学准备:猴子,熊猫,狗,猫头饰,泰迪熊的玩偶,单词卡片,加分教具卡通字母 A B Pre-task : 1.Greetings:
Hello,boys and girls.Hello Amy!……Greeting one by one.分组展示: Team A , Team B(分别取名)
2.warm-up: sing a song: one one one one one ,two, two, two, two, two , three….Four,,(设计意图:通过TPR 和儿歌,让学生动起来,活跃课堂气氛,提高学生学习兴趣)
While-task :
T :拿出泰迪熊手偶,向学生问好。Hello!S: Hello.T: Say hello to Teddy Bear.学生可能会困惑,老师可以走到每个学生面前,说一遍。如果有学生说出hello, Teddy bear要立即表扬。
之后老师再走到每个学生面前,重复说 Say Hello to Teddy Bear.S: Hello.Teddy Bear.设计意图: 引出课文中一个重要句型Say hello to Teddy Bear.2.presentation:出示一张单词卡 Monkey,T: Say helllo to Monkey.S: Hello, Monkey.分组说,单个人说。
T: 小朋友们说的真棒,这样呢,老师要偷偷告诉你们一个秘密,你们知道monkey 的外号吗? Munchy, Monkey Munchy.大声说出这个小秘密是什么? S:Monkey, Munchy.T: Very good.Now, say hello to Monkey Munchy.S: Hello, Monkey Munchy.同样方法输入 panda pandy 复习Monkey Munchy.panda pandy 老师说,学生模仿小动物。
同样方法输入 cat catty, dog doffy 循环复习。
3.practice: 练习1 用四个小动物的头饰,选出四名学生戴上。站到讲台上,背对着大家。老师小声告诉这四个孩子他们回头的次序,下面的学生要迅速和回头的小动物打招呼。看谁的反应最迅速。
练习2 TPR 找学生到讲台上模访,下面的学生也要迅速打招呼。
练习3 卡片练习。
4.production: 老师模仿四种小动物,学生练习打招呼。
Listen to the song and follow it.5.summary: 第一节课主要是能够用hello 和 四种小动物打招呼。
内容:复习上次内容。句型: Good morning.Say hello to…
教学准备: 猴子,熊猫,狗,猫头饰,泰迪熊的玩偶,单词卡片,加分教具卡通字母 A B, 太阳(海绵纸)Pre-task:
Warm-up:stand up, sit down… game.设计意图:熟悉课堂口语,并活跃课堂气氛。复习:上一节课的儿歌。
While task: 1.Presentation T: Hi, “team A”.Hi, “team B”
Hi, Amy.Hi….(直到学生明白并作出回应)T: 手持 泰迪熊玩偶
ok, say hello to Teddy bear.S: Hello, Teddy Bear.T: 那我们还可以怎么说呢? Hi, Teddy bear.T 拿着小玩偶 向每个学生说 say hello to Teddy bear.S: Hi,teddy bear.老师一直在重复说一句话,让学生猜是哪句话,猜出后,跟读3遍。老师选学生手持玩偶向大家问好。并确保每个学生的发音正确。
老师把太阳贴到黑板上去,并画上大海。T: 当太阳刚刚露出海平面时,是什么时侯啊。S: 早晨。T: Very good.那早上好怎么说呢?listen to me.Good morning.老师三遍学生跟读。
T: 早晨,当太阳刚刚露出海平面时,我碰到了monkey munchy.M: Good morning.T: wow, monkey muchy.这个时候呢,panda 来了,他也打招呼 :“Hello, monkey munchy”
Cat 也看见panda 了,他说:“Wow, panda pandy” 2.practice.以提问的方式回顾小故事。让学生练习:“Good morning” Listen to the tape part 1 and follow it.3.production R让学生自己表演小故事。4.Summary: Hello,Hi, Good morning Say hello to„.Monkey munchy, panda, pandy.Dog, doffy, cat catty T提问熊猫最喜欢吃的东西。输入bamboo,为下次课做准备。
第四篇:剑桥标准英语教程 教案
Unit 3 Health Teaching objectives In this unit, Ss learn how to …
use the simple present and present continuous. use if and when in statements and questions. talk about health, remedies, sleep habits, and stress. encourage people to talk by making comments and asking follow-up questions. use expressions like Wow!and You’re kidding!to show surprise.Main Points of Teaching Enable Ss to talk about health, remedies, sleep habits, and stress.Difficult Points of Teaching Enable Ss to use the simple present and present continuous.Teaching Periods 6 teaching hours Teaching procedures Unit opening page Introduce the theme of the unit This unit is about health.What are some things you can do to stay healthy? Write all the responses on the board.In Unit 3, you learn how to…
Unit aims Read the unit aims aloud.Tell Ss to listen and read along.Before you begin…
Introduce the health tips Tell Ss to cover the words below the pictures and look at the pictures.Say, “These four pictures show things people can do to stay healthy.Work with a partner and write a short sentence about the health tip in each picture.”
Ask several pairs to share their tips with the class.Write their sentences on the board. Read the sentences below the pictures aloud.Ss listen and repeat.Help with new vocabulary as needed.Ss practice reading the sentences. Ask the class, “Which of the things in the pictures do u do to stay healthy?” Have several Ss answer.Ask, “What else can u do? Use ideas from the board, or think of more things to do.”
Ss ask and answer in pairs.Then ask several Ss to report their answers to the class.Lesson A Healthy living 1 Getting started Ste the scene Read the lesson title aloud.Ask, “What are some things u do to stay healthy?” Ask a few Ss to answer.Ask, “Who is doing sth special, or different, to stay or get healthy right now?” Ask a few Ss to answer.A Preview the task Read the instructions aloud. Play the recording First, Ss read along.Then Ss listen without looking at books and write their answers. Have Ss compare their answers in pairs.Check answers with the class.B
Preview the task Say, “Read the interviews again.Look for time words and expressions.Write these column headings on the board: Routines(All the time)and Temporary Events(Now).Ask a few Ss to call out the time expressions for the first headings, and write them on the board.Ask, “What verb tense do u see in the sentences with these time expressions?”
Ask a few Ss to call out the time expressions for the second heading, and write them on the board.Ask, “What verb tense do u see in the sentences with these time expressions?” Read the instructions aloud. Do the task. Have Ss compare their answers in pairs.Check answers with class.2 Grammar Present the grammar chart
Understand the grammar Say, “The grammar chart compares the simple the simple present and the present continuous.” Explain that the simple present is used to talk about regular or repeated events or routines and situations are true all the time.And the present continuous is used for activities and events that are temporary, or going on around now.It is also used for activities that are going on at the time of speaking. Present In Conversation Read the information aloud.Have Ss make a sentence in the simple present for each of the verbs presented.A Preview the task Have Ss look at the picture.Ask, “What is she doing?” Ask, “What is on the table?”(an aromatherapy burner)Read the instructions and the example aloud.Ask, “Why is the simple present the correct tense?”(It’s asking how u cope with stress in general or all the time.) Do the task 2 Listening and speaking A Preview the task Say, “You will hear four people talking about their unhealthy habits.Read the incomplete statements and guess what each person says.Write your guesses.”
When Ss finish, ask a few Ss to call out their guesses for each statement.Say, “Now listen and write what they actually say.”
Play the recording Ss listen and write the missing words.Check answers with the class.Lesson B Aches and pains 1 Building vocabulary Ste the scene Hold your head as if it hurts.Say, “I have a headache.” Write a headache on the board.Hold your stomach as if it hurts.Say, “I have a stomachache.” Write it on the board.Ask, “What other health problems do u know the words for in English?” Write Ss’ responses on the board.A Preview the task Read the instructions aloud.Have SS look at the pictures. Play the recording Ss listen and repeat. Ask, “Do u have any of these problems right now? If yes, raise your hand.” Ask any Ss who raise their hands, “Which problem do u have?” B Preview the task Ask Ss to look at the chart.Read the instructions aloud.Tell Ss to use ideas from the lists on the board or their own ideas. Do the task 2 Speaking naturally A Preview the task Have Ss look at the conversation.Say, “When people are speaking, they put stress on the words that are important in the sentence.An important word can be, for example, the answer to a question.” Say, “Stress is also used to contrast, or correct, information.For example, imagine I call u by the wrong name.When u correct me, u say your name clearly and a little more loudly.” Read the instructions aloud. Play the recording Ss listen and repeat.B Preview the task Tell pairs to practice the conversation in Part A, taking turns playing each role.Read the instructions aloud. Do the task Building language Set the scene Write on the board: remedy.Explain, “A remedy is used to fix a problem.For example, one remedy for a headache is to take an aspirin.Imagine you have a cold.What remedy do u use?” Write Ss’ responses on the board.A Preview the task Look at the picture.Say, “Sonia and Mark are talking on the phone.Where’s Mark?”(at home)“What’s wrong with her?”(He’s sick.)“What do u think Sonia and Mark are talking about?”(a remedy) Books closed.Say, “What does Sonia want to make for Mark? Listen and write the answer.”
Play the recording For the first time, Ss listen and write the answer without looking at books;for the second time, Ss listen, read along, and review their answer.Then check the answer with the class Practice the conversation in pairs.B Preview the task Tell Ss to find if and when in the conversation and circle them.Ask, “What tense are the two verbs in each sentence?” Do the task 4 Grammar Present the grammar chart Understand the grammar Say, “When and if have very similar meanings.You can use when to talk about a situation that is usual for u, and u can use if to talk about a situation that is not so usual.But both are possible in the sentences in the chart.” A Preview the task Read the instructions and the phrases from No.1 aloud.Read the example conversation.Remind Ss that they can put the part with when at the start of the sentence or after the other part.Have Ss complete the task. Have Ss check answers in pairs.Then check answers with the class.B Preview and do the task.Lesson C How come you’re tired? 1 Conversation strategy Set the scene Read the title of the lesson aloud.Ask, “What does how come mean?”(why)Say, “Think about the title.Try to guess some of the words that are in the conversation in this lesson.” As Ss call out their guesses, write them on the board.A
Preview the task Tell Ss to look at A’s statement.Read it aloud.Say, “Read B’s responses.Which are the best to keep the conversation going? Check the boxes.” Have Ss compare their answers in pairs.Check answers with the class. Books closed.Read the instructions aloud. Play the recording Books open.Ss listen and read along. Play the recording again Ask, “Why is Adam tired?” Ss listen and write the answer. Play the recording again Ss listen, read along, and review their answers.Check answers with the class. Ask Ss to read the conversation again and circle any words that they guessed would be in the conversation.As Ss call them out, circle them on the board. Practice Have Ss practice the conversation in pairs.B Preview the task Have Ss read the sentences and replies. Do the task C Preview and do the task Read the instructions aloud.To model the task, have two Ss read the example conversation.Have pairs use the sentences in Part B for ideas and give their own answers.Remind Ss to say more than just yes or no.2 Strategy plus Find examples Say, “Look at the conversation on p.26 again.Find the expressions that Yuki uses to show surprise. Present Strategy plus Read the information and the examples aloud.Ask, “Why does Yuki say ‘You’re kidding!’”
Present In Conversation Books closed.Write on the board: Oh, Wow, Really, and Gosh.Say, “Two of these are in the top 50 words, and two are in the top 500 words.Which two are in the top 50? Which two are in the top 500? Write your guesses.” Books open.Ask a S to read the information.Have Ss raise their hands if they guessed correctly.A Preview the task Have Ss read the conversations.Say, “Now listen and write the expressions you hear.”
Play the recording Ss listen and read along.Listen again and write the expressions. Check answers with the class. Have Ss practice the conversation in pairs.B Preview the task. Play the recording Ss listen, then write the expression.Ss listen again.Then check answers with the class.3 Talk about it Preview the task Read the instructions aloud.Ask Ss to read the discussion questions.Make sure that Ss understand the meaning of each question. Do the task Have Ss discuss the questions in groups.Say, “When u find sth u have in common, make notes.”
Lesson D Ways to relax 1 Reading Set the scene Read the title of the lesson aloud.Ask, “How do u relax? What do u do?” Get ideas from Ss.A Prereading Preview the task Write the word stressed on the board.Ask, “What does stressed mean?” Get ideas from Ss. Do the task B During reading Preview the reading Have Ss look at the reading.Say, “This is a leaflet.A leaflet is usually one piece of paper with helpful information.”
Read the instructions aloud.Tell Ss to circle two new or interesting things they learn as they read. Do the reading Have Ss rend the leaflet and circle the information. When Ss finish, call on a few Ss to tell the class the information they circled. Do the reading again Have Ss read the leaflet again and underline any new vocabulary.Help with new vocabulary as needed.C Postreading Preview the task
Do the task Have Ss answer the questions and then compare their answers pairs.Check answers with the class.2 Listening Set the scene Tell Ss to look at the pictures.Ask, “Where are the people? What are they doing?” Get ideas from Ss.A Preview and do the task Read the instructions aloud.Have Ss work in pairs and discuss the questions Call on several Ss to tell the class what they do to relax.B Preview the task Read the instructions aloud. Play the recording Play the first conversation.Ask, “Which picture does this conversation go with?” Then ask, “What words in the conversation help u choose this picture?”
Play the remaining conversations, and have Ss write their answers.Check answers with the class.C Preview the task Read the instructions aloud. Play the recording Play the first conversation, and then pause the recording.Ask, “What else does she do to relax?” Ss write the answer under the picture they labeled 1. Play the remaining conversations.Ss listen and write the activities. Play the recording again Ss listen and review their answers.Check answers with the class.3 Writing A Preview the task Ask some general questions about common health problems. Read the instructions aloud.Call on four Ss to each read an example. Do the task Have Ss write a common health problem on a piece of paper.B Preview the task Read the instructions aloud.Call on different Ss to each read the example problem and the replies. Present the Help note Ask Ss to read some of the problems they wrote in Part A.Give suggestions using sentences with if when clauses. Do the task Have Ss pass their papers around their group, and write a reply to each person.
第五篇:剑桥快乐幼儿英语 一年级教案
Lesson 1
Thank you
一.教学内容与分析 1.Let’s talk 学习日常用语:Thank you!You’re welcome!2.Let’s learn 学习在不同情景下使用:Thank you!You’re welcome!3.Let’s sing 学唱英文歌曲:Thank you!4.Let’s draw and colour 为图画涂色,巩固本课教学内容
二.课前准备 教材,小球,贴画
第一课时 1.Warm-up
A.课前播放本课歌曲:Thank you!活跃课堂气氛。
2.Presentation A.教师请一个小朋友帮忙拿东西,并对他/她说“Thank you!让大家理解句子的含义,引出本课的礼貌用语教学。
朋友猜一猜Thank you!和 You’re welcome!的含义。
3.Practice A.师教读,生跟读。B.同桌练习。
第二课时 1.Warm-up A.唱本课歌曲:Thank you!请小朋友们慢慢跟着唱。B.请一个小朋友拿东西,并对他说Thank you!,请他作答。C.回忆Thank you!和You’re welcome!同桌互相练习。
2.Presentation A.讨论课本中对话情景,播放动画,学生根据动画和录音跟读。B.将小朋友分组,练习对话,表演,比一比哪个小组做的好。C.完成Let’s draw and colour。
3.Practice A.看动画,听录音,学唱歌曲:Thank you!B.组织学生边唱歌边表演。C.比一比,哪个组唱得最好。
Lesson 2
I’m sorry
一. 教学内容与分析 1.Let’s talk
学习礼貌用语:I’m sorry.2.Let’s learn 学习礼貌用语:Sorry!I am late.That’s OK.3.Let’s sing
学唱英文歌曲:I’m sorry.4.Let’s play 完成连线游戏,巩固礼貌用语。
二. 课前准备 多媒体,小布娃娃
第一课时 1.Warm-up
A.师生共同演唱上节课歌曲:Thank you!活跃课堂的学习气氛。
2.Presentation A.请一个小朋友与老师配合,进行情景表演(可使用布娃娃或其他手拿物品),引出I’m sorry.That’s all right.B.看课本Let’s talk,请小朋友猜一猜图中发生了什么。C.教师领读对话,请小朋友观看动画、听录音并跟读。然后教师和小朋友共同谈论以上对话的内容。
3.Practice A.请小朋友两人一组进行对话练习,并请小朋友到前面表演,要注意小朋友的发音。比一比哪些小朋友做得好,盖小印章奖励。
Lesson 8
I can sing
1、Let’s talk
学习句型: I can sing.2、Let’s learn
学习词汇:sing ,write,dance ,speak English
3、Let’s sing
学唱歌曲:I can ,I can.4、:Look and talk
A、演唱英文歌曲:I like peaches.调动学生的情绪,为上课做准备。
B、请小朋友依次到前面,使用句型:I like swimming/drawing/reading.描述自己的爱好。
A、教师用手做唱歌状,并为学生唱一首简短的歌。歌曲停止后,教师大声说:“I can sing.”。
B、借助教学图片,请小朋友理解I can sing.的含义。之后教师领读,学生跟读。C、学习词汇:sing、write、dance、speak English,由老师做动作,请学生猜一猜词意,再进行领读训练。
D、操练句型:I can…/I can`t…(write,sing,dance,speak English).由教师领读,学生跟读,教师注意通过手势的变化来表示I can…和I can`t…的区别。E、请学生到前面使用句型:I can…/I can`t…来描述他们会做的和不会做的事情。
由老师做出唱歌,跳舞,写字等动作,让学生根据动作来说出想相应的英语单词,并用I can…/I can`t…的句型来描述自己能否做这些事。
A、复习学过的词语:write,sing,dance,speak English,出示图片,让生根据 图片来读一读,点生读,开火车读。
B、复习学过的句型:I can…/Ican`t…同桌间相互练习,再点生到前面来练习。C、老师做动作,学生根据动作来说句子,或点生上台来做动作,并边做动作,边根据动作自己说句子。
听录音,看动画,学唱歌曲:I can,I can.教师引导学生在唱歌时要配合唱歌和跳舞的动作。
完成Look and talk环节,请学生使用„can.„句型来描述图画中的人物能做的事。要多做几次,请更多的小朋友参与进行,对发言的学生给予奖励,增强学生学习的信心。
4、课外活动(Additional activities)
请学生在实际生活中,使用I can…/I can`t…句型来描述自己会做的事和不会做的事。
Lesson 9
Put on your shoes
1、Let’s talk 学习日常用语:Put on your shoes.2、Let`s learn
3、Let’s sing 学唱歌曲:Put on your shoes.4、Let’s play 完成找错误的游戏。
二、课前准备: 词语卡片,实物卡片。
A、请学生起立,分散站好,演唱英文歌曲:I can,I can.要配以相应的动作。
B、请小朋友依次到前面,使用句型:I can„/I can’t„.描述自己会做的事情和不会做的事情。
B、借助教学图片,由老师边做动作边发指令:Take off your shoes.请学生猜一猜句意,师再教读,生跟读,并学做动作。老师再发指令:Take off your shoes.让学生跟做动作。
D、学习词汇:coat,cap,shoes,scarf,mittens,put on/take off,老师使用课前准备的实物,边展示边带领学生读单词。
A、复习学过的词语:coat,cap,shoes,scarf,mittens,put on/take off,出示图片,让生根据图片来读一读,点生读,开火车读。全班齐读。
B、复习学过的句型:put on/take off同桌间相互练习,再点生到前面来练习。C、老师做动作,学生根据动作来说句子,或点生上台来做动作,并边做动作,边根据动作自己说句子。
听录音,看动画,学唱歌曲:Put on your shoes..教师引导学生在唱歌时要配合唱歌和跳舞的动作。
A,将外衣、帽子、手套、围巾、鞋子,放在一个圆形的桌子上,请几个小朋友伴随眷音乐围绕桌子行走,老师每说一个单词,小朋友就要去触摸这个物品,摸错的小朋友退出,最后乘下的小朋友为获胜者,请更多的小朋友参与进来。B,看动画,听录音,学唱歌曲:Put on yo-ur shoes
5,课外活动(Additional activities)A、看动画,听录音,仿读对话。B、请小朋友在实际情景中运用本课内容。
Lesson10 This a fox
1、Let’ s talk 学习句型:This is a fox..That is a giraffe
2、Let’s learn 学习词汇:bear,fox,zebra,giraffe,crocodile
4、Let’s play 完成“找动物”游戏。
演唱英语歌曲:Put on your shoes.活跃课堂气氛,提高小朋友们的学习热情,并巩固上一课的知识。
A、用简笔画或者玩具,教授单词giraffe、fox B、老师将长颈鹿玩具放在手上,而将狐狸玩具放在远一些的桌子上,老师指眷手中的长颈鹿玩具说:“This is a giraffe.”,请小朋友跟着重复读,并猜一这句话的意思。教师指眷远处的狐狸玩具说:“That is a fox.”教授方法与前面相同。
A、老师引导小朋友理解This ….,和That is …句型的区别。句型:This is …用于指身边的、近处的事物,译成:这是…..句型:That is …用于指较远处的事物,译成“那是。。。”。
B、出示本课的教学挂图,请小朋友们边看图边跟读对话在。教师再通过挂图的内容来指导小朋友区分This is …和That is …句型。
A、将小朋友分成若干组,请他们拿出自己带来的动物玩具,要求小朋友使用This is …/That is ….句型来描述自己手中和周围的玩具,请做得好的小组到前面表演。
A、在桌子上摆放好小熊、狐狸、斑马、长颈鹿、锷鱼的玩具。请若干小朋友围着桌子行走。由教师说出一种动物的名称,先拿到该动物的小朋友拿起动物后说:“This is a …”,然后把这个动物玩具放到对面的桌子上,这个小朋友回来后指眷对面的动物玩具说:“That is a …”,并领取一份小奖励,然后其他小朋友继续游戏。比一比谁的反应快,谁的英语讲得好。B、听录音,看动画,学唱歌曲:Mr.crocodile.3.课堂评价(Assessment)
完成Let’s play环节,请小朋友认真观察图画,并找出图中隐藏的动物,然后用英语说出它们的名字。比一比谁摸得快,说得好。
4、课外活动(Additional activities)