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Unit6 I’m more outgoing than my sister 第一课时教案


1a-----1c 教学目的:Be able to master the comparative degree of adjectives 教学重点:1.How to change adjectives into comparative degree

2.How to use them 教学难点:Make conversations using comparative degree frequently 教学用具:A tape recorder 主体板书:

Unit6 I’m more outgoing than my sister


比较级 short

shorter late

later red

redder angry



more beautiful 比较级基本句型结构:A+谓语动词+形容词比较级+than+B 教学过程设计:

Step1 Greetings and lead in Show students two different apples, ask students to tell out the differences between them, thus introduce the comparative degree of adjectives.Step2 Presentation 1.Show several adjectives and comparative degree of these adjectives 2.Ask students to conclude how to change them and write down.3.Recite the rules Step3 Practice 1.show students three sentences of comparative degree on page 31, ask students to conclude the sentence structure A+谓语动词+形容词比较级+than+B 2.practice some sentences(1)Miss Black


Mr Black


Mr Black is taller than Miss Black(2)horse


elephant(bigger)(3)Liu Yifei

(long hair)

Lu Yu(short hair)(4)John



(more outgoing)Step4 Consolidation 1.Listen to the tape and finish 1b 2.Ask two students to read 1c 3.Ask students to make sentences and conversations 4.Compare students using the sentence structure 比较同班同学的相同点与不同点,练习所学比较级的句子

Step5 Summary and homework 课后作业:写五个含有比较级的句子





1)能掌握以下单词:resolution, team, foreign, able, be able to, question, meaning, discuss, promise, beginning, write down, physical, themselves, have to do with;self-improvement, take up, hobby, weekly, schoolwork


① ─What are you going to do next year?

─I’m going to take guitar lessons.② Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement.③ They’re going to take up a hobby like painting.④ Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.2.情感态度价值观目标:











Ⅰ.Warming-up and revision

1.Daily greeting.Check the homework.2.头脑风暴: 说出表示的职业名词

teacher, nurse, doctor, actor, actress, runner, basketball player, pilot, waiter, computer programmer, pianist, scientist, violinist…



I want to be an engineer.I’m going to study math.让学生们依次说出他们的理想及打算如何去做。(可以用大屏幕提示职业或用学生们自己刚才写的职业)


1.T: Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions?

Let some Ss answer your questions.2.Present some other New Year’s Resolutions on the big screen.e.g.learn to play the piano;make the soccer team;get good grades;eat healthier food;get lots of exercise

3.Let Ss try remember these resolutions and think of other resolutions.Ⅲ.Talking

1.Tell your partners your New Year’s Resolutions.2.S1: I’m going to get lots of exercise.I’m going to make a basketball team.S2: I’m going to learn another foreign language.I’m going to learn French.S3: …

3.Let Ss say as many resolutions as they can.Ⅳ.Listening

Work on 1c:

1.Tell Ss to read the resolutions in 1a.Tell Ss to listen and circle the resolutions they hear.3.Play the recording for the Ss to listen and circle.4.Check the answers:

Work on 1d:

1.T: Now please look at the chart in 1d.Tell Ss Lucy, Kim and Mike are talking about their New Year’s Resolutions.How are they going to do it? Listen and try to fill in the blanks.听力指导:本题要求同学们听清他们打算如何做来实现他们各的理想;因此,同学们在听的时候应将注意力放在“如何做”上;第一遍仅听,努力记住要做的事情;第二遍的时候再写出来。

2.Ss listen to the recording carefully and try to fill in the blanks.3.Play the recording again and check the answers with the class.Ⅴ.Group work

1.Work in groups.Make a list of resolutions and how you are going to make them work.Then discuss with your group.2.Ask some pairs to act out the conversations.3.Ask Ss the two questions:

Did you make any resolutions last year?

Were you able to keep them? Why or why not?


1.T: This passage is about resolutions.Now read the passage quickly and match each paragraph with its main purpose.2.Let Ss read the sentences in the box first.Let some Ss say the meanings.3.Ss read the passage quickly and match each paragraph with its main purpose.4.Let Ss underline the words and phrases that helped them decide.Ⅶ.Reading

1.T: Now let’s work on 2c.First, let’s read the sentences and make sure we know the meanings of all the sentences.Then read the passage again and chose which paragraph in the passage each sentence goes in.2.方法指导:首先,应读懂五个句子的意思;然后,带着这五个句子再次认真阅读短文的内容,特别是认真阅读空格前后句子的意思,以便根据上下文意及整个段落的意思来确定空格处应填的句子。综合段落的主旨大意及空格上下文的意思,确定最贴切的答案。

3.Ss read carefully and try to find the answers to the questions.4.Check the answers with the class.Ⅷ.Reading

1.T: Read the passage again.Then answer the questions with short sentences.2.方法指导:首先,读懂这五个问题的意思;然后,带着问题再次阅读短文,为相关问题找到恰当的答语;如果没有直接的答案,还应根据自己对课文的理解并结合自己的生活经验来给出一个恰当的答案。如:第4和第5小题都应是回答自己的想法。

3.Ss try to answer the questions.Then discuss the answers with your partners.Explanation

1.Some resolutions have to do with better planning, … 有些决定与合理的时间规划相关,……

1)此句中的planning为名词,表示“计划;规划”等意思,如:city planning(城市规划)等。英语中better planning类似汉语中的“合理规划”,指通过制定计划来更加充分的利用时间、空间、精力等。

2)have to do with这个结构表示“与……相关;与……有关联或有关系”。例如:What does this problem have to do with what we’re learning today?


2.Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.有时这些决定可能会太难而无法实现。

此处情态动词may表示推测,相当于汉语的“可能;或许;大概”之意。又如:You may be right this time, but I’m not sure.这一次你或许是对的,但我无法确定。


The kid is too young to play this game.这孩子太小,不能玩这个游戏。


People hardly ever keep them!


在这一语义下,常见的表示还有keep a promise(信守诺言),keep one’s word(遵守承诺;说话算数)等。如:

We always keep our word.我们说话是算数的。






1.吃早饭_________ 2.吃晚饭________ 3.每天__________

4.冰淇淋________ 5.薯条__________ 6.健康食品__________

7.大量的马铃薯_________8.喜欢吃蔬菜___________ 9.水果沙拉________

10.跑步明星___________ 11.我很喜欢打排球。___________________











1.there are some ________(tomato)in the basket.2.do you like french ________(fry)?

3.she ________(have)ice cream for dessert.4.________(health)food is important.5.she ________(do not)play sports.6.________ your mother ________(watch)tv every day?

7.the little girl likes ________(strawberry)a lot.8.lots of children like ________(play)football.9.chicken ________(be)very delicious.10.my daughter ________(go)to school from monday to friday.单项选择

()11.—let’s have oranges.— ________.a.that’s sound good b.that sound good c.that’s sounds good d.that sounds good

()12.— do you like apples? — ________.a.yes, i am b.yes, i do c.no, i’m not d.no, i not

()13.— does your son like carrots? — ________.a.yes, she does b.yes, he is c.no, he doesn’t d.no, she doesn’t

()14.he has ________ egg and ________ hamburger.a.an, an b.a, a c.an, a d.a, an

第三篇:八年级英语下册 Unit6短语和句子教案 人教新目标版


1.收集贝壳/ 邮票/ 风筝/ 卡片/ 雪球/ 硬币 2.一双溜冰鞋/ 一副眼镜/ 一条牛仔裤

3.自从十年前/ 自从两点钟/ 自从他来到中国 4.为慈善机构筹钱

5.几个学生/几张邮票/几个蛋糕/几枚硬币/几个溜冰者/ 几个收藏家/几名作家/几个人物

6.用光 7.顺便问一下

8.对…感兴趣 9.现在完成进行时的动词构成:



12.与…交谈13.第一个开始的…人/第一个到达山顶人/第一个来到教室的学生 14.整整五个小时15.三年半/两个半小时(两种方式)16.实际上 17.在我七岁生日上

18.里面带动物的球状物/里面带海豚的球状物/里面带熊的球状物 19.再有一个带熊的球状物



22.顺便问一下 23.额外的钱

24.赢得一等奖 25.写完试卷 句子:

(Grammar)1.—你已经收集贝壳多长时间了? —2年了。



2.—你们学习英语已经学了多久了? —我们已经学了5年了。

—自从5年前我就已经学习英语了。—自从2006年我就已经学习英语了。—自从我九岁,我就已经学习英语了。3.—你什么时候开始学英语的? —五年前。


(section A 3a)5.学生们正在溜旱冰为慈善机构捐钱。


(section B 3a)9.谢谢您送给我的魔鬼雪球。





(self check)12.— 你的爱好是什么?


13.我没有写完我的试卷,因为我用光了我的时间。14.冬天期间,我把我夏天的衣服储存在我床下的包里。我对作为一名作家的工作感兴趣.16.你已经听音乐录像带多久了? 17.你已经看英语电影多久了? 18.你已经观看(体育)运动多久了? 19.你已经用英语写作多久了?


专心 2


Unit6 I’m going to study computer science

Section A

1.be going to 的用法

①be going to +do 表示将来的打算、计划或安排

②常与表示将来的tomorrow, next year等时间状语或when 引导的时间状语从句连用.When引导的从句



句式变换借助be 动词完成,be随主语有am, is, are 的变换

肯定句: 主语 + be going to + 动词原形 + 其他

He is going to take the bus there when he is free.否定句: 主语 + be not going to + 动词原形 + 其他 I’m not going to see my friends this weekend.一般疑问句: Be + 主语 + going to + 动词原形 + 其他

肯定回答: Yes, 主语 + be.否定回答: No, 主语 + be not.Are you going to see your friends this weekend?

Yes ,I am./

No, I’m not.特殊疑问句: 疑问词 + be + 主语 + going to + 动词原形 + 其他?

What is he going to do this weekend?

When are you going to see your friends? ④如果表示计划去某地,可直接用be going to+地点

We are going to Beijing for a holiday..⑤表示位置移动的动词,如go , come, leave ,move等常用进行时表示将来时态表示近期打算做某事。

The bus is coming.My aunt is leaving for Beijing next week.注意:be going to 与 will 的区别

① 对未来事情的预测用will + 动词原形,will 没有人称和数的变化,变否定句要在will 后面加not, 或者缩略式won’t, 变一般疑问句将will 提至句首。

Will planes be large in the future? Yes, they will./ No, they won’t.②will 常表示说话人相信或希望要发生的事情,而be going to 指某事肯定发生,常表示事情很快就要发生。I believe Lucy will be a great doctor.③ 陈述将来的某个事实用will.I will ten years old next year.④表示现在巨大将来要做的事情用 will.I’m tired I will go to bed.⑤ 表示意愿用will.I’ll tell you the truth.⑥ 表示计划、打算要做的事情用 be going to, 而不用 will.2.when 当……时”引导时间状语从句

如果主句和从句中的动作都发生在将来,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,She is going to be an astronaut when she grows up.when 与 while 的区别

when 表示“当…时候”,既指时间点,又指一段时间,when 引导的时间状语从句中的动词可以是终止性的也可以是延续性的。When the teacher came in, the students were talking.When she arrives, I’ll call you.while 表示“当…时候”,仅指一段时间,从句中的动作必须是延续性的,一般强调主从句的动作同时发生,while 还可以作并列连词,意为“ 而、却”,表示对比关系。

Lisa was singing while her mother was playing piano.Tom is strong while his younger brother is week.3.violin小提琴

violinist 小提琴家


pianist 钢琴家




driver 司机



4.grow up 长大

grow into 成长为

practice doing sth 练习做某事

keep on doing sth 坚持做某事


keep doing sth 一直做某事

表示动作或者状态的持续 常跟v-ing 作宾语的动词有 考虑建议盼原谅:consider, suggest/advise, look forward to, excuse, pardon.承认推迟没得想: admit, delay/put off, fancy.避免错过继续练:avoid, miss, keep/keep on, practice.否认完成能欣赏: deny, finish, enjoy, appreciate.不禁介意与逃亡: can’t help , mind, escape.不准冒险凭想象: forbid, risk, imagine.5.be sure about 确信 对……有把握

make sure 确保

(1)be sure +about / of +n/pron/doing


She is sure of success.她确信会成功。

(2)be sure +宾语that 从句

肯定 有把握

主语为人=It’s certain that

We are sure that you can make it.(3)make sure + that 从句

Make sure that you can find out the truth.确保你能找出真相。(4)be sure to do sth 用于祈使句中,表示说话人对对方提出要求

务必 切记(5)be sure to do sth 表示说话人的推断


It’s sure to rain tomorrow.He is sure to come.他一定会来。

6.take/ have acting/singing/dancing lessons 上表演/歌唱/舞蹈课

go to a cooking school 上烹饪学校

7.send(过去式sent)sb sth=send sth to sb 把某物寄/ 送给某人

My sister sent me a bike last week.=My sister sent a bike to me last week.send for 派人去请

8.Don’t worry.别担心

worry about=be worried about 担心…….He always worries about his son.= He is always worried about his son.Section B 1.learn to do sth 学习做某事

I began to learn to play the piano when I was five..make the soccer team, 组建足球队,成为足球队的一员

I want to make the soccer team next year.get/ do lots of exercise 做大量的锻炼

We should get lots of exercise every day.learn another foreign language 学习第二外语(另外一门外语)

get good grades 取得好成绩

2.make resolutions(to do sth)下决心(做某事)

We like making resolutions on New Year’s Day.keep resolutions 实现决心

I think making resolutions is easy, but keeping resolutions is hard.3.be able to 与can

(1)be able to+do 用于一般现在时态,一般过去时态,一般将来时态,be动词和主语保持一致

I am able to speak English, but I wasn’t able to speak English when I was five, I think I will be able to learn

another foreign language in five years.(2)can 为情态动词,用在现在时态中,也可用在过去时态中,过去式为could

I can speak English , but I couldn’t speak English when I was five.4.promise

(1)n 许诺,承诺

make a promise(promises)to sb 向某人许诺

keep a promise/promises

keep one’s promise 信守承诺

(2)v 承诺,许诺

promise to do sth 承诺做某事


promise sb sth 向某人承诺某事


(1)adj 干净的,井井有条的 My room is tidy.(=clean)(2)v 打扫,把…..清理干净

Please tidy(=clean)your room when you are free.6.begin start(1)v 开始 begin/ start to do sth=begin/ start doing sth 开始做某事

I began/ started to learn English two years ago.= I began / started learning English two years ago.(2)start v


start a club

(3)start n 开始,开端

the start of the movie = the beginning of the movie(beginning是n)

(4)at the beginning of ………在…….的开始

at the beginning of the new year

7.improve v 改善,提高

n improvement , 改善,提高

improve my English grade , improve my life

8.write down 写下write down your name= write your name down write it down(it为代词,只能放在中间)9.for the coming year coming 为动名词修饰名词

swimming pool, go to a cooking school

10.tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事,例如:Tell me about your English grade.11.wish

(1)n 愿望

常指美好的或难以实现的愿望Best wishes for you.(2)v 希望

wish to do sth 希望做某事

I wish to go to the moon one day.(常指较大的愿望)I hope to get good grades next year.(3)wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事

My mother always wishes me to study all day long.12.fast food 快餐,熟食

Eating fast food is very popular in England.13.have to do with …….与……有关

have nothing to do with 与…….无关

This book has to do with Edison.Your Chinese has nothing to do with me.14.take up

(1)开始,从事,take up sth 开始从事某事 I took up soccer when I was five.take up doing sth 开始从事做某事,I took up playing soccer when I was five.(2)占据

This table takes up too much room.(room 为不可数名词,空间)

15.planning 不可数名词


better planning 合理规划

city planning, 城市规划 16.weekly

(1)adj 每周的,一周一次的,放在名词之前

make a weekly plan 制定每周计划(2)adv 每周地,每周一次地

He watches TV weekly.(=once a week)

17.too……to……太……而不能,太……而导致to 之后的动作无法完成,主语是物时在形容词之后加for sb

Tom is too young to go to school.(Tom年轻-----Tom太年轻------而不能完成 go to school.), =not +形容词+enough+to do sth Tom is not old(此处not old =young)enough to go to school.=so+形容词+that +sb can’t do sth : Tom is so young that he can’t go to school.The box is too heavy for the little boy to carry.She is too poor to buy the sweater.=She is so poor that she can’t buy the sweater.18For this reason.因为这个原因


(1)n 问题,常与answer 搭配

answer my questions

(2)v 怀疑,询问

He likes questioning his father’s answers.18.mean(过去式meant)v

(1)意思,含义,后常接宾语从句,I mean you are a good boy.(2)打算用 mean to do sth

I meant to help you with your English.(3)意味着 mean doing sth

Success means working hard.(4)meaning n

the meaning of ….……的含义 19.own

(1)v 拥有

The man owns a big farm.(2)adj 自己的,放在形容词性物主代词之后,修饰名词

This is my own car.(3)owner 主人

20.drive to work 开车上班,ride to school 骑车上学 21.make

(1)make sb do sth 使某人做某事 The man makes his son do much housework every day.(2)make +宾语+形容词

Watching TV makes me relaxing.(3)make +宾语+名词

They make Tom their cook.他们让Tom 做他们的厨师。

22.everyday every day

everyday adj.每天的 在句中作定语,位于名词前。This is our everyday homework.every day 副词短语,在句中作状语,位于句首或句末。He reads books every day.23.remember v.记得、记住

forget 用法同

remember to do sth 记得去做某事

remember doing sth 记得做过某事

第五篇:八年级英语上册 unit5教案 人教新目标版

Unit 5 Can you come to my party?

Teaching aims: 1.Learn how to make, accept, decline invitation.2.Talk about obligations with “have to” 3.Talk about the schedule.Sentence structure 1.Can you come to my party? Sure, I’d love to.I’d like to.Sorry, I can’t.I have to 2.What’s the day? What day is it today? What’s the date today? Vocabulary can, have to, have a piano lesson, help, invite, another, weekend, too much, join, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, play tennis, on Friday evening, go to the mall, this evening, really, busy, study for the test, whole & all, come over Procedures

Period 1 Step 1 Lead in 1.Can you help me? Hello, everyone!Yesterday I received an invitation letter from my dear friend;she invites me to go to her Halloween party.But I have something important to do.I’m studying for a test.I don’t know what to do.What should I say? Can you help me? 2.Repeat the words above in Chinese.Tell them my obligations in Chinese so that the students can use target phrase “have to”.昨天,我收到了一封我用心



同学寄来的邀请函,她请我参加她的万圣节聚会,但是我有些重要事情要做,我不得不为考试学习,我不知道该怎么跟她说?如果你们是我,你们会怎么回答呢? 3.Ask one student to answer my question.“Julia, can you come to my party?” 4.Introduce the topic of this unit.Step 2 1a~1c 1.Tell students to look at the book and find talk about the obligations.(Section A, 1a)Look at the pictures and learn the phrases.have a piano lesson上一节钢琴课 lesson与class give sb.a lesson上课,teach sb.a lesson教训 help my parents 与 help sb.with something 2.1b Listen and check the answers.3.Learn some language points while listening on the Saturday afternoon, how about„, next time 4.Groupwork.Divide the students into groups of four and make conversations.Ask one group to act it out.Step3 1.Listen to the tape and finish 2a, 2b 2.Pairwork.Read the passage and learn the language points too much, this weekend, another time, thank for Step4 grammar(3 minutes)1.Can you„?情态动词can在这里起征求对方意见的作用。2.肯定回答。3.否定回答。

Step5 homework Make some conversations.Period2 Procedures: 2c~3b Step1




Procedures: Step1 1.Read the e-mail message.2.Analyze the e-mail and fill in the blanks thanks→apology→giving reasons→obligations→invitation 3.Language points: Thank you for„(为„„表示感谢)Thank you for helping me.Thank you for your invitation.busy: be busy with sth Kate is busy with her homework.be busy doing sth jack is busy practicing for the school concert.training训练 不可数 go to the movies make a movie the movies=cinema Let’s go to the movies Step 2(3b)1.Review the grammar.Use present progressive to present future.2.Ask the students to fill in the blanks in 3b.3.language point: call sb=call sb up Step 3(3d)1.Read the conversation in the box together.2.Write down everything you have to do next week.(for social practice)Step 4(Self check 1)1.Let the students to fill in the blanks with the words given.2.Learn the language points: on weekdays, Step 7(Self check 2)1.Language points: go to the mall, geography, culture club, whole & all(the whole day, all day), come over, free

take a piano lesson




5-have a math lesson lesson与class一节课我们上午有五节课。



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