
时间:2019-05-13 18:42:30下载本文作者:会员上传







(1)John once talked to his mom about the cities(that)he had visited abroad.在从句中that作visit的宾语,故可以省略。

(2)The homework(that)I finished last night was left at home.在从句中that作finish的宾语,故可以省略。2.that在定语从句中作主语时,不可省略。如:

(1)The teacher that is kind to us goes back home very late every day.在从句中that作主语,故不可以省略。

(2)My old school that was located in the suburban was razed to the ground.在从句中that作主语,故不可以省略。

3.that在引导限定性定语从句时,有时相当于in which, at which, for which或on which, 并且在从句中可以省略。如:

(1)Attitudes towards daydreaming are changing in much the same way(that)(in which)attitudes towards night dreaming have changed.(2)I like the music for the very reason(that)(for which)he dislike it.(3)We arrived the day(that)(on which)they left.http://www.xiexiebang.com/kaoyan/



We know(that)sound can travel through air.that引导的从句在主句中充当know的宾语,故为宾语从句,此时that可以省略。但:(1)在介词短语后的宾语从句中that常不可省略,且前面往往有个形式宾语it。如:

You may depend on it that they will support your plan.See to it that you arrive at the railway station on time.(2)两个宾语从句连用时,即使省略了第一个that,也不可省略第二个that。如:

I believe(that)you’ve done your best and that things will get better.(3)在双宾语结构中,that从句充当直接宾语或是间接宾语时,不可以省略that。如:

He has told me that he will go to Shanghai tomorrow.2.that引导主语从句、同位语从句及表语从句时,正规语中,通常不可省略。

(1)We heard the news that our team had won.that引导同位语从句,that不可以省略。(2)The fact is that we have lost the game.that引导表语从句,that不可以省略。

(3)That you didn’t go to the party was a pity.that引导主语从句,that不可以省略。

不过,如果it作形式主语,that从句放在句末,可以省略that。如:(4)It was a pity(that)you didn’t go to the party.三、that引导状语从句时,充当连词,有时也可省略。

http://www.xiexiebang.com/kaoyan/ 在结果状语从句中,that有时可以省略。如: The sound is so weak(that)you can’t hear it.总之,that的省略现象在英语学习中很普遍,尤其是在定语从句和宾语从句中,大家遇到这两种句型时要多加留心that是如何使用的,注意总结。另外,如果大家对that省略的情况把握不好,建议大家在写作时最好不要省略that。





If accepted for this post, you will be informed within a week.= If you are accepted for this post, you will be informed within a week.如果你被接受担任这个职务,将在一礼拜内给你通知。

If traveling north, you must change at Leeds.=If you are traveling north, you must change at Leeds.如果你是向北行,你必须在里兹换车。

If in doubt, ask your doctor.He can give you further information.=If you are in doubt, ask your doctor.He can give you further information.你若有疑问,可以问问医生,他会向你作进一步的说明。

If about to go on a long journey, try to have a good night’s sleep.= If you are about to go on a long journey, try to have a good night’s sleep.如果你要长途旅行,晚上就好好睡一觉吧。


1.if any 即使有(任何)„„,即使有„„

Correct errors, if any(=if there are any errors).如有错误就请订正。

There are few people nowadays, if any, who remember him.当今记得他的人,如有的话,也不多了。

2.if anything 如果有什么„„的话

If anything, she works too hard.要说的话呢,就是她工作太辛苦了。

I’m not angry.If anything, I feel a little surprised.我没有生气。如果说我有什么反应的话,那就是我感到有些惊讶。

3.if anybody(anyone)若有(任何)人的话 If anyone, he knows.如果有人知道,那就是他了。4.if ever(即使有„„也)极少,难得

He seldom if ever travels abroad.他到国外旅行,即使有过,也是极少的。

He seldom, if ever, goes to the movies by himself.他不会,即使有也很少,单独去看电影的。

5.if necessary 如果有必要的话 I could come earlier, if necessary.如果有必要我可以早点来。If necessary, Jim might shorten it.如果有必要,吉姆可以把它缩短。6.if not 假如不是这样的话;不然的话;否则

I might see you tomorrow.If not, then it’ll be Saturday.我可能明天去看你。如果不是明天,那就在周六。

Ask her if it is a convenient time.If not, can she suggest another possible time? 问问她那个时间方便不方便。要是不方便的话,那她可不可以提出一个可行的时间?


This is one of the oldest buildings in town, if not the oldest.这是城里最古老的建筑之一,如果不是最古老的话。

His pronunciation, if not good, is at least tolerable.他的发音如果说不算好,至少也还过得去。

7.if possible 如果可能的话

If possible, let me know beforehand.如果可能,可在事前通知我。

If possible, I wish to go there next summer.如果可能,我希望明年夏天去。8.if so 假如这样的话

They think she may try to phone.If so, someone must stay here.他们认为她可能来电话。要是这样的话,就得有人守在这儿。

Inflation may be rising, if so, prices will go up.通货膨涨率可能上升,如果是这样,物价就会上涨。

注意以下if so与if not连用的情形:

Will you be staying another night? If so, we can give you a better room.If not, could you be out of your room by 12:00? 您要再住一晚吗? 如果是这样,我们可以给您提供条件更好一点的房间。如果不是,您能在12点前离开这房间吗? 三、一点补充说明


It’s possible, if(it is)difficult.这事虽难,但有可能办到。

His style, if(it is)simple, is pleasant to read.他的风格尽管单一,但读起来令人愉快。


一、It’s important…类

这一类型主要包括It is(was)important(necessary, desirable, imperative, advisable)that...句型。如:

It is impossible that he should go home.他不可能会回家去。

It is necessary that I should return it right now.我有必要马上把它还回去。

It is important that we should speah politely.我们说话要有礼貌,这是很重要的。It is not necessary that everyone be a scientist.没有必要使每一个人都成为科学家。It is imperative that we should practise critidsm and self-criticism.应当进行批评与自我批评。

二、It’s a pity…类

It is a pity that she should fare so badly.她竟吃得这么差,真可怜。

It’s a pity that he should be so obstinate.真遗憾他竟这样倔犟。

It was a pity that you couldn’t come.你不能来,真是太遗憾了。

It is a pity that she failed the driving examination.她没通过驾驶考试真是遗憾。

It is his desire that a medical man should stay here.他希望有一个医务人员留在这里。

三、It’s desired…类

这种主语从句还常用在It is(was)desired(suggested, settled, proposed, requested, decided, etc.)that...句型。如:

It is requested that a vote be taken.建议付诸表决。

It is settled that you leave us, then? 那么你肯定要离开我们罗?

It was proposed that this matter be considered at the next meeting.有人提议这事下次会议再讨论。

It is desired that this rule should be brought to the attention of the staff.希望这条规则引起全体职员的注意。



(2)在It is amazing(strange, surprising, astonishing, a pity, a shame)以及 I am surprised(sorry)和I regret等结构后的that 从句中有时也用should,表示说话人的惊异、懊悔、失望等情感,常含有“竟然”之意:

It’s strange that he should be so rude.他竟如此无礼,真是奇怪。

I’m surprised that he should have failed.他竟然失败了,这使我很吃惊。

若不用虚拟语气也可以,则不带感情 色彩,比较:

It’s a pity that he failed the exam.他考试没及格,真是遗憾。

It’s a pity that he should have failed the exam.他考试竟没及格,真是遗憾。



1)省略主语:祈使句中通常省略主语,但为了强调也可以使用主语。例如 Stop singing and start to prepare for your recitation.不要唱了,开始为背诵做些准备把。You perform a dance first.你先表演个舞蹈吧。

2)谓语的省略:多出现在并列句及对话中,谓语部分相同时。例如: I was born in China and Lucy(was born)in America.我出生在中国,露西出生在美国。

What we can’t get seems better than what we have(got).我们没有的东西似乎比已经拥有的更好。

Reading makes a full man and writing(make)an exact man.读书使人充实,写作使人准确。

Some of us study French, others(study)GERMAN.我们有的学法语,有的学德语。


Peter enjoys swimming but Mike hates(swimming)比得喜欢游泳,而迈克则讨厌游泳。-Which program do you like? 你喜欢哪一个节目? -It’s hard to tell.很难说。

4)在含有比较结构的复合句中,常在as和than引导的分句中省略某些与主句相同的部分或省略在特定上下文或特定情景中某些不言而喻的成分或整个as, than从句。例如: The piano in the other shop will be cheaper(than those in this shop), but not as good(as those in this shop).另一家商店里的钢琴更便宜,但是并不一样好。

How beautifully she sings!I’ve never heard a better voice(than hers).她唱得多好!我从没有听过比这更好的嗓音。

5)一般疑问句和祈使句的答语中,常用“Yes/ No+主语+助动词”,而省略主要动词或其他成分,但助动词应和原句的动词时态保持一致。回答特殊问句的答语中常省略和问句相重复的部分,只保留新信息部分。例如:

-Could I borrow your dictionary? 我可以借你的字典吗?

-Yes, of course you can(borrow my dictionary).当然可以。-Have you ever been to Hong Kong? 你去过香港吗? -Never.从来没有去过。

6)复合句中从句的句尾和主句相同时,从句的句尾可省略。例如: Mary is going to sweep the floor though Alice won’t(sweep the floor).玛丽要打扫地板,而艾丽斯不做这件事情。7)两个或两上以上被形容词修饰的同一名词,前面的常被省略;重复出现的形容词,后边的可以省略。例如:

There were middle-aged(men)and elderly men to attend the meeting.有几个中老年男人出席了会议。We are young boys and(young)girls.我们是少年男女。


When(it is)heated, water sends out steam.加热时水会变成蒸汽。

He often kept silent unless(he was)spoken to.他常常保持沉默,除非有人和他说话。

Many roofs were replaced with new ones where(it is)necessary.必要的地方屋顶被换成了新的。

She hurried away as if(she was)very angry.她匆忙离开了,似乎是很生气。

She went on working though(she was)exhausted.尽管筋疲力尽,她仍然继续工作。


You’d better give a performance if you should be asked to.你最好进行表演,如果被邀请的话。

I think he should get a job, but you can’t force him to if he is not ready to.我想他应该得到一份工作,但如果他不愿意,你不能强迫他。


He didn’t come to the meeting, but he ought to have.他没有来参加会议,但是他本应该来的。The young girl is not what she used to be.那个女孩子不是原来的样子了。

10)某些动词短语之后的介词可以省略。例如:spend…(in)doing sth.花(时间)做某事;stop/ prevent sb.(from)doing sth.阻止某人做某事;be busy(in)doing sth忙于做某事;waste time(in)doing sth.浪费时间做某事。11)宾语从句中,连词that可省略,但如有两个以上的宾语从句,除第一个that外,其他的that都不可省略。另外,定语从句中,that, which, whom作宾语时可以省略。例如:

Mr Wang said(that)the job was important and that we should try our best to do it.王先生说,那项工作很重要,我们应该尽力去做。

This is the computer(that)his father sent him as a birthday gift.这是他父亲送给他作为生日礼物的那台电脑。


-Do you think he will come tonight? 你认为他今晚会来吗?

-Yes, I think so./ No, I don’t think so.是的,我认为他会来。/不,我不认为他会来。-Are you feeling any better? 你感觉好些了吗? -I am afraid not.恐怕不是这样。

类似的用法还有:How so? / Why so?/ Is that so? / I hope so./ I am afraidso.怎么会这样?/为什么会这样?/是那样吗?/我希望如此/恐怕是这样。

I suppose not./ I believe not./ I’m afraid not./ I hope not./ I guess not.我想不会的/我不相信会这样/恐怕不是如此/不希望如此/我认为不会如此。

1.The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him________.(NMET1995)

A.not to

B.not to do

C.not to it

D.do not to 2.-Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday?

-I_________, but I had an unexpected visitor.(NMET1997)



C.was going to

D.that 3.-Does your brother intend to study German?

-Yes, he intends__________.(1998上海)



C.was going to

D.that 4.-I’ll be away on a business trip.Would you mind looking after my cat?

-Not at all._________.(NMET1995)

A.I’ve no time

B.I’d rather not

C.I’d like it

D.I’d be happy to 5.-Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend?


A.I don’t believe

B.I don’t believe it

C.I believe not so

D.I believe not





5.D 3





1、当先行词是all, little, few, much, something, everything, anything, nothing, none等不定代词时。如: Everything that happened then was like a nightmare.当时发生的一切就像是一场噩梦。

I will tell him all that you told me at the ball.我要把你在舞会上跟我说的话全都告诉他。、当先行词被only, any, few, little, no, all, just, very(恰好的,表示强调)等词修饰时。例如: 2The only thing that we could do was to wait.我们能做的只是等待。

That’s the very thing that we can do.那正是我们能做的事。


The first place that we visited was the Great Wall.我们参观的第一个地方是长城。

This is the best novel that I have ever read.这是我看过的最好的小说。


Yesterday I caught two fish and put them in a basin of water.Now you can see the two that are still alive.昨天我捉到了两条鱼,把它们放在一盆水里。你可以看到那两条鱼还活着呢。

5、主句是There be结构,修饰其主语的定语从句宜用that作关系代词修饰物。例句:

There’s still a room that is free.还有一个空房间。


We talked about the people and the villages that we remembered.我们谈论了我们记得的人和村子。

He asked about the factories and workers that he had visited.他问起他去过的这几家工厂和工人的情况。

7、当主句中有who, which时,而定语从句中也要用到who或which时,为了避免who…who, which…which等重叠,定语从句要用that引导。例如:

Who is the man that is standing by the door? 站在门边的那个男人是谁?

Which of the two cows that you keep produces more milk? 你养的那两头奶牛中哪一个产奶多?


He is no longer the man that he was.他不再是过去的他。



Bamboo is hollow, which makes it light.竹子是空心的,这使得他很轻。


This is the room in which Chairman Mao once lived.这就是毛主席曾经住过的地方。

3、在一个句子中有两个定语从句,其中一个定语从句的关系代词用了that, 另一个宜用which。例如:

Let me show you the novel that I borrowed from the library which was newly open to us.我来给你看我从新开的图书馆里借来的那本小说。


Here is the English grammar which, as I have told you, will help improve your English.这就是我跟你说过的会有助于你学好英语的那本英语语法书。


The clock is that which can tell us the time.钟是报时的装置。


1、先行词为one, ones, anyone, those指代人时。如:

The person I want to learn from is one who studies

hard and works well.我最羡慕的是学习勤奋,工作出色的人。

2、在There be结构中,修饰主语的定语从句宜用 who关系代词指代人。例如: There’s a gentleman who wants to see you.有位先生想见你。


I met a foreigner in the park yesterday afternoon who could speak Chinese very well.昨天下午我在公园里遇到一位中文讲得非常好的外国人。

4、一个句子中带有两个定语从句,其中一个定语从句的关系代词是that, 另一个宜用who以避免重复。The student that was praised at yesterday’s meeting is the monitor who is very modest and works very hard.受到校长表扬的学生是位谦虚好学的班长。


The person to whom this letter was addressed died three years ago.这封信的收信人三年前就去世了。


当先行词为way时,定语从句的引导词可用in which, that或省略引导词。例如:

I don’t like the way(that /in which)he looks at me.我不喜欢他那种样子看着我。四、五、在定语从句中作状语的关系副词when, where, why的用法

1、先行词表示时间时,定语从句中的谓语动词如果是不及物动词,用关系副词when或介词+ which;如果是及物动词,用which或that都行。例如:

I still remember the days when(=on which)we lived together.我仍然记得我们在一起的时光。


This is the small village where(=in which)Chairman Mao ever lived.这就是毛主席曾经居住过的小村庄。


Can you tell me the reason why(=for which)you di3、dn’t finish your homework? 你能告诉我你没有完成作业的原因吗?


Whose引导定语从句时,其先行词可以指人,也可以指物,当先行词指物时,可以用the+名词+of which的结构。例如:

He studies in a school whose buildings(=the buildings of which)are built on top of a hill.他就读的学校其房子都建在山顶上。


1、引导限制性定语从句。在主句中常有the same, so或such与as相呼应, as在定语从句中可作主语、宾语、主语补足语等。as引出的定语从句带有比较意义,从句常常只写出比较部分,但as本身不可省略。例如:

He used such expressions as he could find in the texts.他使用在课文中可以找到的那些词语。

They stayed for the night in the same room as they had once rented.他们在他们曾租用过的同一房间过夜。

注意:在the same…后也可用that引导定语从句,但含义有所不同。that引出的从句,指的是与先行词同一的事物,而as引导的从句指的是与先行词同类的事物。例如:

This is the same bag as I lost yesterday.这个包和我昨天丢失的包的样子是同样的。

This is the same bag that I lost yesterday.这就是我昨天丢失的那个包。

2、引导非限制性定语从句。带主句的全部或部分内容。常译为“正如-------”“就像------”等,定语从句可以置于主句句首、句中或句末。as后常接expect, know, report, say, see等动词的主、被动语态。例如:

As is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.正如大家所知道的那样,月球每月绕着地球转一圈。

He wasn’t unconscious, as could be judged from his eyes.他并未失去知觉,这从他的眼神可以看出来。

注意:as, which引导非限制性定语从句的区别:

1)、都可以代整个主句,相当于and this或and that.2)、as可放在句首,而which不能。


It rained hard yesterday, which prevented me from going to the park.昨天下大雨,这使得我不能去公园。


one of the +复数名词这一结构后面的定语从句中的谓语动词,通常用复数形式,与定语从句所靠近的那个复数名词在数上保持一致。但如果one of the+复数名词这一结构前面带有the/only/the only之类的限定语,从句的谓语动词则要用单数形式,此时从句在意义上修饰的 是the one.例如:

Tom is one of the boys who were late that morning.汤姆是那天早晨迟到的男生之一。

Tom is the(only/the only)one of the boys who was late that morning.汤姆是那天早上唯一迟到的男生。

九、that有时可用作关系副词来代替when, 引导一个定语从句,修饰表示时间的名词,如day, time, moment等。例如:

I arrived here the day that(=when)he left.我是在他离开的那天到达这儿的。

He worked hard the whole time that(=when)he lived here.他在这里的整个时间工作都很努力。



You spent more money than was intended to be spent.你花的钱超过了预定的数额。(than是关系代词,在句中作主语,其先行词是money)


There was not a single student in my class but learnt a lot from him.(but=who did not)我班上每一个学生都从他那里学到了很多东西。


修饰物体时关系代词that和 which的区分 使用that的情况:

1.当先行词是nothing, something, anything, all, each等不定代词时。e.g.Do you have anything that is important to tell me? 2.当先行词被all, any, some, no, not, every, each等修饰时。

e.g.I have some books that are very good.3.当先行词被形容词最高级、序数词所修饰时。e.g.This is the first book that I bought myself.The biggest bird that I caught is this bird.4.主句是以which或who开头的特殊疑问句时 e.g.Which is the bike that you lost? Who is the woman that was praised at the meeting.5.当先行词在从句和主句中都作表语时,无论先行词是人还是物.China is no longer the country that she was.6.如有两个定语从句,其中一个已用which引导,另一个宜用that.Edison built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before.7.在there be句型中,只用that.He asked for the latest book(that)there is on the subject.8.当先行词被the very, the last, the next, the only 等词修饰时。e.g.This is the very book that I lost yesterday.9.当先行词又有人又有物时。

e.g.I won’t forget the things and the persons that I saw.只能使用which的情况。


e.g.Mary has a book, which is very precious.2、在介词之后。

e.g.This is a house in which lives an old man.3、当主句中的主语被that修饰时。

e.g.That dog which I found in the street belongs to Mary.



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