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Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?单元导学




二、重点单词KEY WORDS 1.request, 请求,要求 2.apologize 道歉

4.task 任务;工作;作业

7.waitress 女服务员 10.complain抱怨

3.command 命令,要求

5.poster 海报;告示 6.stylist 时新样式的设计者8.annoy 打扰;使生气 9.polite有礼貌的 11.main 主要的

12.detail 细节 13.rush(抢购)热潮

14.greedy 贪心的;贪婪的 15.value 价值 16.resell 转卖;再售

17.smash 打破;打碎 18.harm 损害;伤害

20.government 政府

21.fine 罚金;罚款

19.continue 继续;持续

22.mental 心智的;心理的

25.customer 顾客26.cause 引23.similar 同样的;类似的 起;致使

三、重点词组KEY PHASES 1.right away 立刻; 27.time 倍

24.throw 投;抛;扔掉

28.truly 真实的;诚恳的

2.in a minute 马上;3.do the dishes(饭后)洗餐具

4.get out of 从…中获得… 5.get up 起床 6.put on穿上 7.at a meeting 在开会 8.no problem 没问题 9.hair stylist 发型师 10.be annoyed 烦恼的11.make some posters 做一些招贴 12.wait in line排队等候

13.cut in line插队14.all the time始终 15.try not to do sth.试图不做某事16.get angry生气17.pay a big fine付一大笔罚金 18.in other parts of Asia在亚洲的其他部分19.throw away扔掉 20.argue about

22.fly kites放风筝 23.three and a half years三议论某事21.so much trouble这么多麻烦 年半

24.allow to do sth.允许做某事 25.the physical and mental health身体和心理健康

四、重点句型KEY SENTENCE STRUCTURES 1. Would you mind cleaning your room? 你介意打扫一下你的房间吗?

I’m sorry.I’ll do it right away.对不起,我马上就干。

2. Would you mind moving your car? 你介意移一下你的车吗? No, not at all.不,不介意。

3. Could you please feed my little dog when I’m taking a holiday? 我度假时,你能喂一下我的小狗吗?

4. Shall we help the elderly clean the yard?


5. Let’s make some rules to protect wild animals.我们来定一些制度保护野生动物吧。6. Why don’t you go there by plane? 你为什么不乘飞机去那呢?

7. Why not give him a funny book as a present? 为什么不给他一本有趣的书做礼物呢? 8. You’d better take a good care of yourself.你最好能照顾好自己。9. Would you like to take part in the training camp? 10.


1、Would you mind + doing …?你介意……吗?请你……可以吗? Eg.:

Would you mind doing something for me? Not at all, sir.What would you want me to do?

2、在Would you mind + doing句型中,需注意:doing为动名词。动名词既具有动词的某些特征,也具有名词的某些特点。

动名词由“动词原形 + ing”构成。在某些动词之后只能接动名词,而某些动词后面只能接动词的不定式。后面常接动名词的词有:mind, finish, enjoy, eg.: He enjoys walking in the park.I finished reading the book yesterday.Would you mind opening the window? Would you mind cleaning your room? I am sorry.I’ll clean it in a minute.(OK, I’ll do it right away.)Would you mind moving your bike?


Do I have to wash the dishes after dinner? 饭后我必须洗吗?

Not at all.不介意 I’ll do it right away.right away = at once = in a minute 动名词的否定式由“not + 动名词”构成 Would you mind not doing…?请不要……好吗? Eg.: Would you mind not wearing the old jeans?

OK, I’ll put on another pair.Would you mind not playing the football here? I’m sorry.3、would的常用句型:

would作为情态动词,主要用于第二人称的疑问句中,表示询问对方的意愿或者想对方提出请求,时间指现在或者将来。Would的语气要比will更加婉转和客气。常用的句型除“Would you mind doing…?”之外,还有:

Would you please…?请……可以吗? Would you like…?需要……吗? Would you like to…?你愿意……吗?

Eg.: Would you please do me a favor? Sure.Would you like a cup of coffee? Yes, please./No, thanks.Would you like to join us? I would like to.Would you mind closing the door?你介意把门 No, not at all.在提出请求或发出邀请时,除了上述would表示的句型之外,还可以说: Could you please do something?请你做某事可以吗?

Eg.: Could you please help me with my housework? Sure./Certainly.I’m afraid not.这一句型的否定式是:Could you please not do something?请你不要做某事好吗? Eg.: Could you please not sing in the classroom?


could是can的过去式,但在语气上要更加委婉、更加客气。正式的场合下,为了表示礼貌,常说“Could I … please?”“我可以……吗?” eg.: Could I have a talk with Mr.Smith, please?

Could I take the seat? Certainly.I’m afraid not.而比较随便的口语化的说法是:Can/May I…, please? Eg.: Can I open it now? Sure./No, you can’t.表示“请求”或“询问”的句型小结:

Would you mind doing something? Could you please do something? Would you please do something? 上述句型都表示“请你做某事可以吗?”;还有“请你不要做某事可以吗?”,包括: Would you mind not doing something? Could you please not do something? 表示“礼貌”询问句型:


unpleasant;annoying; complain;get annoyed;get mad; I can’t stand it!

Would you like something? Would you like to do something? Could I…, please? Can/May I…, please?

第二篇:新版初中英语8年级下学习UNIT7 词组英语版


1.the unknown world 2.listen to a spaceship captain giving instructions to two lost astronauts

3.should take with them4.a story about meeting the people of Bird World

5.Are you sure this planet is safe?6.quite sure7.no creatures 8.believe in aliens

9.agree with10.discuss with11.receive some messages from aliens

12.come to the Earth13.thousands of years ago14.many planets in space

15.take people from the Earth into their spaceships16.live on some of them

17.wake up at midnight18.see yellow light in the sky19.proably do the next day

20.happen to21.look out of her window22.suddenly dive towards the ground

23.hear a noise24.the next morning25.hear some voices speaking a strange language

26.land in the forest near the hills27.explore after school 28.reach the forest

29.hear sb doing30.mention to31.hide behind some bushes and keep quiet

32.hide-hid-hid33.with a round head and a silver body34.stand next to a long spaceship

35.be damaged because of a crash36.appear from the bushes in front of them

37.discover them and make a terrible noise38.on the radio39.run away in fear

40.tell their parents about the strange creatures41.have some feathers

42.I wonder what it means.43.draw some lines on a piece of paper44.no one else

45.refuse to do46.spread their wings and fly to school together47.lie-lying

48.stay in a place without any people49.call the police50.next to the feathers

51.what else52.try and find out more about these aliens53.the pyramids in Egypt

54.a danger to us55.cleverer than us56.fight aliens in the future

57.choose five things to take with you58.explain why you need these things

59.agree or disagree with your classmate60.tell the class your list and give your reasons

61.bird –like people with wings62.dance for the people63.happen in the US in 1947

64.fly through the sky65.find some pieces of strange metal on my farm

66.Major Marcel67.tell sb not to do sth68.an army expert69.a weather balloon

70.this kind of metal71.in the countryside72.on the side of the hill

73.Perhaps a US rocket crashed.74.look at the piece of paper with the stange marks on it

75.lie on the grass76.make good notes77.include names ,times

78.on weekdays79.be open from 9 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon

80.from 9 in the morning to 12 noon81.be written by82.be born in

83.a popular kind of story83.a famous science fiction story 84.attack the Earth

85.many people in America86.a broken power line

第三篇:人教版新目标8年级英语下册Unit 7 重点知识小结

人教版新目标8年级英语下册Unit 7


perhaps-maybe arrive-reach-get to a bit-a little pay-spend-cost-take let-allow common-normal-usual sometime-sometimes-some time-some times same-different

二、常用词组 1.not at all 2.turn down 3.do the dishes 4.wash the dishes 5.get out of 6.right away 7.put on 8.in a minute 9.at a meeting 10.make posters 11.complain about 12.follow sb.around 13.all the time 14.cut in line 15.wait in line 16.the way to 17.join the line 18.half an hour ago 19.at first 20.talk with 21.even if 22.take care

waiter-waitreww 23.be careful 24.in public(places)25.put out 26.drop litter 27.pick up 28.keep down


1.Would you mind turning down the music? 2.Could you please feed the dog? 3.Perhaps in the future I should try not to be so polite.4.Could you ask the bus driver to wait for five minutes?

5.If we wee someone breaking the rules of etiquette,we may give them some suggestions politely.四、语言语法

请求及道歉;would mind用法


Unit 7重点词组句子

1.go on vacation 去度假2.trek(trekked, trekking)through the jungle 徒步穿越丛林3 go across the roadsee through the windowgo through the parkswim across the river 4 hope to dohope that 从句

wish sb to dowish sb sth(wish you success!)(没有hope sb to do sth结构)

wish that(虚拟语气)I wish I were always 18 years old.5.some day 有朝一日(将来时)one day(过去时/ 将来时)consider doing考虑做某事consider sb(as)+adj/n 认为….consider that从句

7.one of the liveliest cities 最有活力的城市之一one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数

8.it’s convenient for sb to do 做…很方便

9.in general 通常 ,大体上, 一般而言 = generally speakingquite a(an)adj+n = a very adj n

11.be supposed to do sth.应该做12pack light clothes 打包薄衣服translate for sb 为.翻译translate from译自…translate into 译成…

14.Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布15.Eiffel Tower 艾菲尔铁塔

16.Notre Dame Cathedral 巴黎圣母院go to the church 去教堂go to church 去做礼拜travel agency 旅游代理19.take a trip 去旅行

20.provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物

offer sb sth = offer sth to sboutdoor activities户外活动22 be away for+时间段离开,远离

23.according to 根据,按照。sb seem to do/ to be/+adjit seems that+句子continue doing/ to dogo on doing/ to do继续做某事

26.dream of/ about(doing)sth梦想,想到

27.be willing to do sth.愿意做28.achieve one’s dreams 实现梦想

29.sail across the pacific 横渡太平洋30 hold on to 保持,不要放弃

make/draw a conclusion下结论conclude结论v

be similar to 和…相似

33It’s reported that+句子 据报道 It’s said that据说it’s believed that 据相信

习题中单词1.take in 吸取 2.overcome克服 3.lead to 通往 4.examination 考验 5.data数据generous 慷慨的 7 imaginative 有想象力的 8 be satisfied with 对..满意

9.cheer up 振作起来 10.valley 峡谷

重点句子1 Would you like to…..?I’d love to, but….2Where would you like to go on vacation? I’d like to go somewhere relaxing.你想去哪儿度假? 我想去休闲的地方I love places where the people are really friendly.我喜欢人们友好的地方。Why not consider visiting Paris? 为什么不考虑去巴黎?We don’t mind how far we have to go.我们不介意去多远的地方We’d like to be away for about three weeks.我们想要离开大约三周。It seems that some students would like to start work as soon as possible.看起来很多学生想尽快开始工作。

8.Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money.乘坐出租车游览巴黎要花费很多钱。


Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?





二、重点单词KEY WORDS 1.request, 请求,要求 2.apologize 道歉

4.task 任务;工作;作业

计者7.waitress 女服务员

3.command 命令,要求

5.poster 海报;告示 6.stylist 时新样式的设8.annoy 打扰;使生气 9.polite有礼貌的12.detail 细节 13.rush(抢购)10.complain抱怨

11.main 主要的

热潮 14.greedy 贪心的;贪婪的 15.value 价值 16.resell 转卖;再售

17.smash 打破;打碎 18.harm 损害;伤害

20.government 政府

21.fine 罚金;罚款

19.continue 继续;持续

22.mental 心智的;心

25.customer 理的 23.similar 同样的;类似的 24.throw 投;抛;扔掉 顾客26.cause 引起;致使

三、重点词组KEY PHASES 1.right away 立刻;

27.time 倍

28.truly 真实的;诚恳的

2.in a minute 马上;3.do the dishes(饭后)洗餐具

4.get out of 从…中获得… 5.get up 起床 6.put on穿上 7.at a meeting 在开会 8.no problem 没问题 9.hair stylist 发型师 10.be annoyed 烦恼的11.make some posters 做一些招贴 12.wait in line排队等候 插队14.all the time始终

13.cut in line

15.try not to do sth.试图不做某事16.get angry生气

18.in other parts of Asia在亚洲的其他部分17.pay a big fine付一大笔罚金 19.throw away扔掉

20.argue about议论某事21.so much trouble这么多麻

24.allow to do sth.烦 22.fly kites放风筝 23.three and a half years三年半

允许做某事 25.the physical and mental health身体和心理健康

四、重点句型KEY SENTENCE STRUCTURES 1. Would you mind cleaning your room? 你介意打扫一下你的房间吗?

I’m sorry.I’ll do it right away.对不起,我马上就干。

2. Would you mind moving your car? 你介意移一下你的车吗? No, not at all.不,不介意。

3. Could you please feed my little dog when I’m taking a holiday? 我度假时,你能喂一下我的小狗吗?

4. Shall we help the elderly clean the yard?


5. Let’s make some rules to protect wild animals.我们来定一些制度保护野生动物吧。

6. Why don’t you go there by plane? 你为什么不乘飞机去那呢?

7. Why not give him a funny book as a present? 为什么不给他一本有趣的书做礼物呢?

8. You’d better take a good care of yourself.你最好能照顾好自己。9. Would you like to take part in the training camp? 10.


Do I have to wash the dishes after dinner? 饭后我必须洗吗?


1、Would you mind + doing …?你介意……吗?请你……可以吗? e.g.Would you mind moving your bike?

Not at all.不介意 I’ll do it right away.right away = at once = in a minute Would you mind cleaning your room? I am sorry.I’ll clean it in a minute.(OK, I’ll do it right away.)

Would you mind doing something for me? Not at all, sir.What would you want me to do?

2、在Would you mind + doing句型中,需注意:doing为动名词。动名词既具有动词的某些特征,也具有名词的某些特点。

动名词由“动词原形 + ing”构成。在某些动词之后只能接动名词,而某些动词后面只能接动词的不定式。后面常接动名词的词有:mind, finish, enjoy, e.g.He enjoys walking in the park.I finished reading the book yesterday.Would you mind opening the window? 动名词的否定式由“not + 动名词”构成

Would you mind not doing…? 请不要……好吗? e.g.Would you mind not wearing the old jeans?

OK, I’ll put on another pair.Would you mind not playing the football here? I’m sorry.3、would的常用句型:

would作为情态动词,主要用于第二人称的疑问句中,表示询问对方的意愿或者想对方提出请求,时间指现在或者将来。Would的语气要比will更加婉转和客气。常用的句型除“Would you mind doing…?”之外,还有:

Would you please…? 请……可以吗? Would you like…? 需要……吗? Would you like to…? 你愿意……吗?

e.g.Would you please do me a favor? Sure.Would you like a cup of coffee? Yes, please./No, thanks.Would you like to join us? I would like to.Would you mind closing the door? 你介意把门 No, not at all.在提出请求或发出邀请时,除了上述would表示的句型之外,还可以说: Could you please do something? 请你做某事可以吗?

e.g.Could you please help me with my housework? Sure./Certainly.I’m afraid not.这一句型的否定式是:Could you please not do something?请你不要做某事好吗? e.g.Could you please not sing in the classroom?

4、could表示礼貌请求的用法: could是can的过去式,但在语气上要更加委婉、更加客气。正式的场合下,为了表示礼貌,常说“Could I … please?”“我可以……吗?” e.g.Could I have a talk with Mr.Smith, please?

Could I take the seat? Certainly.I’m afraid not.而比较随便的口语化的说法是:Can/May I…, please? e.g.Can I open it now? Sure./No, you can’t.表示“请求”或“询问”的句型小结:

Would you mind doing something? Could you please do something? Would you please do something? 上述句型都表示“请你做某事可以吗?”;还有“请你不要做某事可以吗?”,包括:

Would you mind not doing something? Could you please not do something? 表示“礼貌”询问句型:

Would you like something? Would you like to do something? Could I…, please? Can/May I…, please?


unpleasant;annoying; complain;get annoyed;get mad; I can’t stand it!



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