
时间:2019-05-15 14:13:02下载本文作者:会员上传


Unit 3 Lunch in the garden 总结


1.burger[`bə: gə]汉堡包2.fries[`fraiz]炸薯条


7.noodles[nu: dlz]面条8.coffee[`kɔfi]咖啡




1.What would you like , sir? 先生,你想要点什么?

Can I have two burgers, seven eggs and seven ice creams, please? 请给我两个汉堡包,七个鸡蛋,七个冰激凌,好吗?Sure!当然!

2.Let’s buy 5 chips, 5 fish, 5 eggs and some sausages, OK? 让我们买5份薯条和鱼肉,5个鸡蛋和一些香肠,好吗?No problem!没问题!

3.Fresh fruit!新鲜的水果!Can I have some apples and pears? 能给我些苹果和梨吗?Sure!当然!

4.What shall we buy? Any ideas? 我们该买点什么呀? 有什么好主意吗?

Well, let’s buy some chicken and burgers, some fries, ice creams and some sausages.好吧,让我们买些鸡肉和汉堡包,再买点薯条,冰激凌和香肠。OK.好的。

5.Come on!I’m hungry now.快点!我都饿了。Help yourself , please!请随便吃吧!

6.What would you like , Anna? 安娜,你想要点儿什么 ?

I’d like a burger.It’s my favourite.我想要一个汉堡包。它是我的最爱。

三.语音时空ar[a:]park[pa: k]公园tart[ta: t]果馅饼farm[fa: m]农场bark[ba: k]树皮card[ka: d]卡片dark[da: k]黑暗的cart[ka: t]手推车lark[la: k]百灵鸟mark[ma: k]标记yard[ja: d]院子 armchair[a: m`tʃeə]扶手椅

第二篇:七年级下Unit 8IwouldlikesomenoodlesSectionA

Unit 8IwouldlikesomenoodlesSectionA





What do you like eating?


Would﹑noodles﹑beef﹑mutton﹑chicken﹑cabbage﹑potatoes﹑tomatoes 2﹑背诵重点句型:

〈1〉问:what kind of noodles would you like ?


〈2〉问:what size bowl of noodles would you like ?







I would like to drink water.1﹑给学生三分钟时间,让学生先把重点单词看几遍,然后让他们在展示并默写。2﹑听2a



假设学生A在一家面条店工作,学生B是一个顾客,运用重点句型进行训练 5﹑听2b




What kind of food would you like ?



〈1〉问:what kind of+食物would sb like ?

答: Sb′dlike…

〈2〉问:what size+食物的量词 of+食物would sb like ?

答: Sb′dlike…




预习Section B

第三篇:剑桥少儿英语一级unit 1教案

Unit 1 Hello,I’m Sam.1教歌

Hello,Hello,how are you?Yiya yiya yo~~~ Hello,Hello,how are you?Yiya yiya yo~~~(唱的好,动作标准的同学或个人加分)

1、PPT--先教第一单元标题,Hello ,I’ m …和句子your name,please?

2、按顺序每个学生站起来向其后面的同学快速的说一句I am …,your name,please?(认识一些名字,Part6)





重点词汇:(Part 2)

A pen一支钢笔

A pencil 一支铅笔

A pencil-case 一个铅笔盒

A ruler一把尺子

A book 书

A bag 一个书包

An eraser 一块橡皮

7、game:Show me your … 优先快速的拿出东西的同学或小组得分。

8、学习Part 1 的前半部分,方式同3。


Hello,your name,please?This is my new book.Hi!I’m Lucy.His name is bill.Bill is my friend.Nice to see you.9、学习Part8,先教读句子,让后让学生跟着录音学唱,然后分组或让个人来唱,唱的好的小组和同学加分。





2、复习句型:I’m …,学生逐个起来说I’m …,其他同学一起说:Hello…


4、Part9,先重点学习my, your, his, her。先让学生听两遍,然后跟着录音一起唱,最后男生女生分别唱,分AB组唱,唱的好的男生或女生加个人分,AB组加小组分。


6、学习音标a 【æ】,以a、a、a、b-a-g的形式教读Part3.7、学习Part4的单词,让学生个别读和分组读,读的好的加分。Game:做read stop的游戏。




第四篇:初一下Unit Six作文

Dear mom:

I’m glad to tell you that I’m getting very well with my host family.Mr.Brown’s house is just across the Bridge Street.What’s more, there are many public places around his house, such as a park, a hotel and so on.Then, I’d like to introduce Mr.Brown’s family.As many families, there are only three people in his family, including their daughter, Lisa, a 14-year-old girl, who is fond of reading books and going to movies.Their daughter, who wants to be an actress in the future, believes she may earn plenty of money and travel around the world if she becomes an actress.In addition, Mr.Brown who is a bank clerk, is crazy about playing the guitar and writing music, dreaming of being a musician.On the other hand, Mrs.Brown, a French woman, who is kind and patient, speaks English and French.As we get on well with each other, we went for a trip to the park last weekend.The weather was so clear and nice that we really enjoyed ourselves.Look at the photo taken in the park across from our house.In the photo, Mr.Brown was playing the guitar while Mrs.Brown was reading a book.In the meantime, Lisa and I was playing with the sand.Say “Hello” to dad, I miss him very much.Best wishes


Li Lin

第五篇:八年级下Unit 2 复习题

Unit 2 复习题

1.I looked for my pen everywhere _______ there.(except, but, besides)2.If you don’t go,I shall not _______.(too , also,either)

3.My hat is the same _______ my friend’s.(to , as , with)

4.He is __________.He has __________ to buy the house.A.enough rich, enough money B.rich enough,money enoughC.rich enough ,enough money5.If Mr Johnson comes back,ask him.A.call me upB.to call me upC..to call up me

6.Our teacher gave me a ticket an English movie.(to,.with ,C.from)7.My sister often gives me on how to learn English well.A.some advicesB.an adviceC.some advice8.The chair is broken.Please __________who broken it.A.look forB.findC.find out

9..Last time you ____your pencil at school.Now,you must ______it any more.(forget, leave)10.________in my classwants to join the English Club.A.Else everyoneB.Everyone elseC.Other everyone11.The teacher told him________late any more.(not be)

12.I need some money ___________(buy)some presents for my best friend.13.---I found it difficult ___________________(get)to sleep in the night.14..I saw Tom ____________(cry)when I came into the classroom.15.The tall man seems ______________(come)from the north.16.If the clothes are __________(expensive),I’ll buy them,because I don’t have enough money.17.They are _____________(plan)to plant trees on the hill.18.The Smith _________(be)a lot _________(successful).19.She found _________ in today’s newspaper.(surprising nothing, nothing surprising)20.Would you like anything ___________(drink)?

21.They invited us __________(watch)the ball game together.22.This is __________ own job.(they)

23.The girl didn’t know where __________(live).24.昨天玛丽和最好的朋友吵架了。her best friend yesterday.25.汤姆的运动鞋过时了。26.我朋友和我穿一样的衣服,留一样的发型。27.孩子们应该学会如何与父母相处。28.我们将会尽可能小心地向他求助。29.他们自己把书还回了图书馆。30.昨天她直到孩子们睡着了才离开。31.We’ll try _____________(pass)the test.32.He learned __________(compare)Chinese with English.33.You _____________(付钱)the piano class by yourself ,didn’t you ? 34.My parents are angry ________ me _______ my test.(about, with, for)

Unit 2 复习题

1.I looked for my pen everywhere _______ there.(except, but, besides)2.If you don’t go,I shall not _______.(too , also,either)

3.My hat is the same _______ my friend’s.(to , as , with)

4.He is __________.He has __________ to buy the house.A.enough rich, enough money B.rich enough,money enoughC.rich enough ,enough money5.If Mr Johnson comes back,ask him.A.call me upB.to call me upC..to call up me

6.Our teacher gave me a ticket,.with ,C.from)7.My sister often gives me A.some advicesB.an adviceC.some advice8.The chair is broken.Please __________who broken it.A.look forB.findC.find out

9..Last time you ____your pencil at school.Now,you must ______it any more.(forget, leave)10.________in my classwants to join the English Club.A.Else everyoneB.Everyone elseC.Other everyone11.The teacher told him________late any more.(not be)

12.I need some money ___________(buy)some presents for my best friend.13.---I found it difficult ___________________(get)to sleep in the night.14..I saw Tom ____________(cry)when I came into the classroom.15.The tall man seems ______________(come)from the north.16.If the clothes are __________(expensive),I’ll buy them,because I don’t have enough money.17.They are _____________(plan)to plant trees on the hill.18.The Smith _________(be)a lot _________(successful).19.She found _________ in today’s newspaper.(surprising nothing, nothing surprising)20.Would you like anything ___________(drink)?

21.They invited us __________(watch)the ball game together.22.This is __________ own job.(they)

23.The girl didn’t know where __________(live).24.昨天玛丽和最好的朋友吵架了。her best friend yesterday.25.汤姆的运动鞋过时了。.26.我朋友和我穿一样的衣服,留一样的发型。27.孩子们应该学会如何与父母相处。28.我们将会尽可能小心地向他求助。29.他们自己把书还回了图书馆。30.昨天她直到孩子们睡着了才离开。31.We’ll try _____________(pass)the test.32.He learned __________(compare)Chinese with English.33.You _____________(付钱)the piano class by yourself ,didn’t you ? 34.My parents are angry ________ me _______ my test.(about, with, for)



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