高一英语 必修四 unit2 复习案答案

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第一篇:高一英语 必修四 unit2 复习案答案

一 单词再现

1.v./n.挣扎struggle2.n.十年,十年期decade3.n 产量,输出,output

4.adj 引起烦恼的disturbingv 打扰,麻烦disturb5.vt.扩大, 扩展,张开, expand


8.vt 摆脱,除去rid9.v.配备,装备equipn.设备equipment

10.v.输出exportv.输入,进口import11.n 国籍nationality


14.v.使迷惑confuse adj.感到迷惑的confused adj.令人迷惑的confusingv./n.后悔,遗憾regret 过去式regretted过去分词regrettedadj.后悔的,遗憾的regretful

16.n生产,制造productionv 生产,制造produce17.n./v.评论,议论comment

18.n 发现,发觉discoveryv 发现discover19.v.减少,缩减reduce


1.如果是这样/不是这样 if so / if not2.为…而斗争struggle for3.为反对…而斗争 struggle against4.挣扎着站起来渴望得到 struggle to one’s feet

5.对…感到满意 be satisfied/pleased/content with6.令某人满意的是 to one’s satisfaction

7.后悔做过某事 regret doing8.遗憾的做… regret to do9.令某人感到遗憾的是

to one’s regret10.逐渐增强,建立,开发 build up11.集中(注意力,精力)于…focus on

12.通向,导致 lead to13.引导某人做某事 lead sb to do14.对…加以评价 make a comment/comments about/on15.摆脱 rid…of,get rid of16.: 宁愿做…而不愿… would rather do…than do17.多亏thanks to18.关心, 担心 be concerned about/for19.与…有关be concerned with20.免除 …的;不受…约束的;free from无贼的城市a city free from thieves无风的一天 a day free from wind你没有过错。You are free from blame.这个房子没有苍蝇。This house is free from flies.三 1.C / got confused / confusing speech2A / D3.intend to do/ you to come to Beijing with me / was intended to test the theory /is intended for children4.get rid of headache/ rid of fever5.Thanks to Mr Jackson / Thanks to the strict training6.A/ A7.equip;for /equipped with/ equipped for/ equip you for8.has finished/ has been 3 years / has been to Beijing /didn’t come late/ has helped

四 1.D2.DC3.B4.BBC


to leaveto getto be builtto be carried

六 A B D B CC B A C B

第二篇:高一英语 必修三 unit4 复习案答案范文

Unit 4:


Exercise 1:



9.is published10.gravity

Exercise 2:

1.Now that2.on earth3.prevent…from4.in time

5.surface6.dissolves7.depends/depended on8.lays/laid


Exercise 3:

1.Learning English makes it possible for us to communicate with foreigners.2.What is even more important is that we should take homework seriously

3.She was so seriously ill that it was not clear whether or nor she will come.4.What Japanese economy is to become is uncertain.5.As a result of nuclear radiation, many Japanese are worried about their safety.6.This box is three times as heavy as that one.This box is twice heavier than that one.7.English is as interesting a subject as French.8.He went home tired and hungry.9.The spaceship was pulled close to the satellite by its strong gravity.Exercise 4: 改错

1.glared—glaring2.on—in3.fall—falling4.the—a5.settled—to settle

6.to去掉7.midnight后加that8.what—how9.to use—using10.In—AS




班 级 : 班级小组: 学生姓名: 使用时间 备课教师: 学科组长: 年级组长 : 教师评价











44.东西植松柏。枝枝相覆盖。45.?所思在远道。46.还顾望旧乡。47.,忧伤以终老。48.,人生几何? 49.慨当以慷。50.?唯有杜康。51.,悠悠我心。52.我有嘉宾。53.,枉用相存。54.,心念旧恩。55.山不厌高。56。,天下归心。57.,性本爱丘山。58.,一去十三年。59.羁鸟恋旧林,。60.开荒南野际,。61.,桃李罗堂前。62.,依依墟里烟.63.狗吠深巷中,。64.,虚室有余闲。65.,复得返自然。










81.方其破荆州,下江陵,顺流而东也,旌旗蔽空,横槊赋诗,固一世之雄也,而今安在哉? 82.况吾与子渔樵于江渚之上。83.古人之观于天地、山川、草木、虫鱼、鸟兽,往往有得,以其求思之深而无不在也。




班 级 : 班级小组: 学生姓名: 使用时间 备课教师: 学科组长: 年级组长 : 教师评价






















D. 市场调查发现,国内一些商家销售的红木家具质量良莠不齐,有关部门提醒消费者选购时要谨慎。







A. 山浪慢转,曲径轻摇,柳色乍染,黄莺初啼,几间茅屋在白云深处若隐若现,这一切令人耳目一新。






B.网络热词不仅以独特的方式即时反映了社会现实生活,而且还表现了人们思想观念的 变化。





























12万人空巷:多形容庆祝、欢迎等盛况或新奇事物轰动一 时。















【贬义词】 1弹冠相庆:指即将做官而互相庆贺。





















班 级 : 班级小组: 学生姓名: 使用时间 备课教师: 学科组长: 年级组长 : 教师评价




野步 清•赵翼





少年游•早行 [宋]林仰







途中见杏花 吴 融








岁暮① [唐]杜甫






秋思 张籍





邯郸冬至[注]夜思家 白居易






晚次鄂州 [唐]卢纶 云开远见汉阳城,犹是孤帆一日程。





第四篇:高一英语必修一unit one

高一英语必修一unit one


1.Readers can _______quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each other.A.get overB.get inC.get alongD..get through

2.You should keep______while I take a photo of you.A.calmB.quiteC.stillD.silent

3.The class meeting was concerned_____the importance of English and everyparent present was concerned _____their own children.A.with , forB.about, withC.with , withD.about about

4.What____he gave us!

A.an important adviceB.a good idea

C.good piece od adviceD.a good piece of advice

5.I won’t go to the ciname with you, because I have____work to do.A.too manyB.too muchC.much tooD.for much too

6.The rain_____our difficulty of climbing the mountain.So we have to stop.A.added toB.addedC.added up toD.added up

7.Protesters____the meeting by singing and shouting.A.upsetB.attendedheldD.ignored

8.The last bus had left, so they____go home on foot.A.mustB.have got toC.had toD.will have to

9.My brother doesn’t have to be made_____.He always works hard.A.learnB.learnedC.to learnD.learning

10.In one’s life, one spends most time_____with oneself.A.to beB.beC.beingD.been

11.To get a thorough understanding of yourselfis to know well about yourself.You may realize your strong points and weak____.A.oneB.onesC.the onesD.the one

12.You may be confident enough to meet challenges, but first you should know___.A.where to doB.how to doC.what to doD.what to di it

13.All things____since I came here.A.changedB.changeC.had changedD.have changed

14.What the little girl-----made us shocked.A.go throughB.went throughC.get throughD.got through

15.It was during World War II____Anne’s family had to hide for a long time.A.whenB.whatC.thatD.who

16.Good friends don’t____what they do for each other;instead they offer help when it is neede.A.added upB.add up toC.add upD.add to

17._____is in No.4 middle school____I am studing.A.This..thatB.It… whatC.That… thatD.It… that

18.It_____many lazy students who get tired of reciting new words.A.isB.areC.wasD.were

19.______thst Anne made her best friend?

A.Is it whatB.What is itC.How is itD.What it is

20.I wonder______you have been good friends.A.how long it isB.how long is itC.when it isD.when is it

21.Everyone should keep________when a fire breaks out.A.stillB.silentC.calmD.quiet

22.You had better go to somewhere quiet to _______your friend_____.A.pick..upB calm…downC.get..awayD.help…out

23.My friend Tom has_____

A.went on holidayB.go on holidayC.gone on holidayD.gone holiday

24.The pet dag was hit_____a car.A.withB.byC.onD.of

25.The young should be good______the old, and this will be good___their growing

up.A.to;forB.to;toC.for;toD.for , for

26.________all these numbers and see how much they_____.A.Added up;add up toB.Add to;add up

C.Add up;add up toD.Add up to;add up

27.If your friend asks you to help him to cheat in the exam ____looking at your paper , what will you do?

A.forB.because ofC.byD.with

28.Anne said that she didn't want to set down______facts as most people do.A.muchB.a plenty ofC.a large quantityD.a series of

29.Anne has grown crazy______everything to do ____nature.A.about;withB.with;aboutC.with;withD.about;about

30.Whether you did it____purpose or___accident you must anser for it.A.on;onB.on;byC.by;byby;on

31.The salsman cheated the old man_____buying a fake(赝品)


32.The dark, rainy evening held me entirely______their power.A.inB.byC.withD.by

33.Some farmers are _______wheat in the fields.A.getting upB.getting inC.gettting awayD.getting off

34.The man’s intention was obvious;he wanted to_____the girl’s attention.A.payB.attackC.attractD.attracte

35.Students must_______the English idioms in their study.A.paid attention toB.pay a attention to

C.pay attention toD.attrac

36.While_____the dog, Tom was careless and it got loose and was hit by a truck.A.walksB.walkingC.walkD.walked

37.So many students _________hard when they were in middle school.A.should studyB.should have studiedC.have studiedD.studied

38.---Do you know the most ancient city in China—Xi’an well?

----No, this is the first time I ________here.A.cameB.have comeC.am comingD.come

39.I arrived half an hour earlier____I had time to talk with him before the meeting.A.as soon asB.as a resultC.in order toD.so that

40.It is on Sept 1st _______students go back to school every year.A.whenB.thatC.whoD.what

41.Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but he hung up____I couldanswer the phone.A.asB.sinceC.untilD.before

42.Students should____everything important that their teacher give in class.A.set upB.set outC.set asideD.set down

43.The reason____he was late was____his car had broken down on the way.A.why, becauseB.that because

C.that , forD.wht that

44.They had a wonderful party last night.First, they danced____, and then they had a___talk, laughing merrily.A.face to face;face to faceB.face to face;face-to-face

C.face-to face;face-to faceD.face-to –face;face to face

45.Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach.I____so much fried chicken just now.A.couldn”t have eatenB.mustn”t have eaten

C.shouldn”t have eatenD.mustn”t eat.46._____this book and tell me what you think of it.A.Look intoB.Go throughC.Look upD.Go up

47.______meet my uncle at the station, I went there by taxi instead of by bus.A.So as toB.In order thatC.So thatD.In order to

48.These shoes look very good;I wonder____/

A.how much cost they areB.how much do they cost

C.how much they costD.how much are they cost.49.The mountain was _____covered with snow.A.entireB.entirelyC.entiredD.entiring

50.John has had an____at work and he’s had togo to hospital.A.accidentB.incidentC.eventD.trouble

第五篇:高一英语必修1教案-----Unit 1 Friendship

高一英语必修1教案-----Unit 1 Friendship

Teaching Plan for NSEFC Module 1 Unit 1 Friendship

Teaching aims and demands I.Meeting your new Ss

* Getting to know your Ss & introducing yourself to the Ss

* Setting up necessary rules for classroom learning and for homework II.Topics * Friends and friendship * Interpersonal relationships III.Function * Agreement

I agree.Yes, I think so.So do I.Me too.Exactly.No problem.Sure.Certainly.Of course.All right.You’re right/correct.Good idea.I think that’s a good idea.* Disagreement

I don’t think so.Neither do I.That’s not right.Yes, but …

I’m afraid not.No way.I’m sorry, but I don’t agree.Of course not.I disagree.IV.Grammar * Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(Part I.Statements and questions)1.Reporting statements “I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary,” said Anne.----Anne said that she didn’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary.2.Reporting yes-no questions “Does a friend always have to be a person?” the writer asks us.----The writer asks us if a friend always has to be a person.3.Reporting wh-questions “What do you call your diary?” Anne’s sister asked her.----Anne’s sister asked her what she called her diary.V.Words and expressions

upset ignore calm concern loose Netherlands German series outdoors dusk thunder entire entirely power curtain dusty partner settle suffer highway recover pack suitcase overcoat teenager exactly disagree grateful dislike tip swap item(32 words)

add up

calm down

have got to

be concerned about

walk the dog

go through

set down

a series of

on purpose

in order to

at dusk

face to face

no longer

suffer from

get/be tired of

pack sth.up

get along with

fall in love

join in

(19 phrases)* survey vet Amsterdam Jewish Nazi Kitty spellbind loneliness Margot gossip secondly(11 words)VI.Time allotment 1st period – Warming up(P1)& Workbook Listening(P41)2nd period –Pre-reading & Reading & Comprehension(P2-P3)3rd & 4th period –Learning about Language(P4-5)5th period –Using Language(P6 Reading & listening)

6th period–Using Language(P7 Reading & Writing)

7th period–Wb Listening Task & Reading Task(P43-44)8th period–Writing Task & Project(P46-47)

The 1st period – Warming up & Using language

Goals for the 1st period: 1.Introduce yourself and set up some rules for learning 2.Talk about friends and friendship 3.Learn the new words and expressions: upset ignore calm concern loose add up

calm down have got to

be concerned about walk the dog

Teaching procedures: Step 1

Beginning 1.Introduce yourself

2.Set up some rules for learning: Before class: 1)Get into the classroom at the first bell.2)Get everything and yourself ready for the class.In class: 1)Follow the teacher closely and work with your mind.2)Take an active part in classroom learning activities.3)Take notes and raise questions.4)Speak English as much as you can.After class: 1)Finish your homework on time and hand it in as required.2)Review what you’ve learned in class in time.3)Preview your lesson as required.Step 2

Warming up 1.Introduce the topic Friendship.Ask Ss if they have a very good friend and why he or she can be their good friends.(Collect the adjectives/nouns Ss use to describe their friends on the Bb.)Supplements: Poem 1


Poem 2

Auld Lang Syne

By Jill Eggleston

By Robert Burns

Friends care

Should auld acquaintance be forgot

Friends share

and never brought to mind?

We need friends

Should auld acquaintance be forgot


and days of auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear, Proverbs:

for auld lang syne,A life without a friend is a life without

we’ll take a cup of kindness yes, a sun.---French proverb

for auld lang syne.You can buy friendship with friendship, but never with dollars.Should auld acquaintance be forgot


and never brought to mind?

A friend is a person with whom I may be

Should auld acquaintance be forgot sincere.With him, I may think aloud.and days of auld lang syne?

---Ralph Waldo Emerson

And here’s a hand, my trusty friend

Real friendship is shown in times of trouble;And gie’s(give us)a hand o’thine Prosperity is full of friends.We’ll tak’ a cup o’kindness yet


For auld lang syne.2.Think: What qualities and behaviors make a good friend?(a.Let the Ss make a list of 3-5 qualities a good friend should have.b.Have them work in group of four to collect the list of words.c.Then ask one from each group to write the words on the Bb.)3.Have the Ss do the survey in the Sb P1.4.When they have completed it, have Ss look again at the list on the Bb to see whether it should be revised.Explanation of each item: Q1: A: 1 point

B.3 points

C.2 points

This question deals with how thoughtful you are towards others: How much do you value your friend? Would you change the time of the day to go to the cinema to fit in with him/her? Q2: A: 1 point

B.2 points

C.3 points

This question is concerned with fairness: Is it fair for your friend to borrow something, break it and return it broken? Q3: A: 1 point

B.2 points

C.3 points

This question deals with your concern for others: Should you make the troubles of your friend more important than your own responsibilities? Q4: A: 3 point

B.2 points

C.1 points This question is concerned with responsibilities to a friend.If you are asked to look after something and it is broken or harmed, what should you do? Q5: A: 0 point

B.2 points

C.0 points This question is concerned with honesty.5.Quickly deal with the meaning of the new expressions in this part.We’ll later practice them in Ex 1, 2, 3 in Learning about language on Sb P.4

1)add up: v.to add sth.together

2)upset: adj.sad, unhappy 3)ignore: v.pay no attention to

4)calm…down: v.make sb.calm, comfort sb.5)have got to …: v.have to do sth.6)be concerned about: v.be worried about, care about 7)walk the dog: v.exercise the dog 8)loose: adj.not tight 重点词汇用法的学习,例如:

1.add: add...to;add to;add up;add up to; Eg.Will you please add some milk to my coffee?

The little baby adds to our enjoyment at the party.Add up your score and see how many points you get.Add up these figures foe me, please.All the money I have in my pocket adds up to $ 125.2.upset: adj.worried, annoyed;v.cause to worry, to be sad/angry Eg.I was very upset because one of my friends was rude to me.His cheating in the exam upset his teacher.3.ignore: v.pay no attention to;to behave as if you had not heard or seen sb./sth.n.ignorance Eg.You can’t ignore the fact that many criminals never go to prison.These are the problems which we can’t afford to ignore.Sam rudely ignored the inquiry.He had completely ignored her remark, preferring his own theory.4.calm: v.calm down

Eg.The mother calmed the baby by giving him some milk.What the manager said calmed the fears of the works.We tried to calm him down, but he kept shouting and crying.Calm down.There’s nothing to worry about.5.concern: v.concern sth.;be concerned about /with/ for sb./ sth.;n.Eg.This case concerns the group of people greatly.What I said at the meeting doesn’t concern you, so don’t worry about it.Our head teacher is concerned about our study and health all the time.He has never been concerned about/for what others think of him.He seemed to be concerned with the case.Your school work, rather than your private life, is my concern.My greatest concern is the development of our school.6.walk the dog: to take a dog for a walk

Eg.He is out walking the dog.walk sb home/ to a place

It’s late---let me walk you to the bus stop.6.If necessary, the T may ask one or two Ss the following questions: a.What kind of person are you according to the survey? b.Do you think you can be a good friend to others? And how? c.What do you think are the basic elements we need to keep our friendship? Step 3

Listening Workbook Listening on P41 1.Before you listen, discuss these questions with the class.1)Do you think it is a good idea to make friends with people from other countries?

(to broaden one’s world outlook;to avoid national stereotypes etc.)

2)What are the advantages of this friendship?

(to practice another language with a native speaker;to learn new ideas and new ways of thinking;to find out more about another country etc.)2.the 1st Listening of Part 1: Write down what Leslie does in China in one sentence.(Leslie does some business in China and her company sells buses.)3.the 2nd Listening of Part 1: Tick the things done by Leslie.(going out for delicious dinners;visiting a mountain;going to people’s homes)4.the 1st Listening of Part 2: What does Leslie say about the friends she made in China?

(1)Leslie says that she make friends but they are just business friends because she thinks one cannot make friends on a short visit.(2)Leslie thinks some of the friends in China may have liked her, but others may try to be nice to her so as to gain a business advantage.Step 4

Homework 1.Make sentences with the 8 new words and expressions.2.Prepare and read aloud the rest new words.The 2nd period – Pre-reading & Reading & Comprehension Goals for the 2nd period: 1.Have Ss read the text and try their best to understand Anne’s eagerness for friends, friendship, nature and freedom.2.Get Ss have some knowledge about the Nazi’s cruel deeds towards the Jews during the Second World War.3.Train Ss’ reading ability of scanning and skimming.Learn to appreciate Anne’s Diary , the classic work.Teaching procedures: Step 1

Revision 1.Check the homework.1)Let Ss check their homework in group of four, choosing some good sentences.2)Ask the Ss to read the sentences they’ve made and chosen.Step 2

Pre-reading Discussion:(Go through the following questions quickly with the class & collect the answers on the Bb.)1.Why do we need friends? Make a list of reasons why friends are important to us.2.Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend? 3.Skim the 1st paragraph of the reading passage & find out who’s Anne’s best friend.* Background--Persons: Anne: a young girl of about 15 years old and the author of the diary Mr.Frank: Anne’s father who once owned a business in Germany Mrs.Frank: Anne’s mother who stayed at home to look after the family Margot: Anne’s older sister who was very intelligent, studious and quiet Peter: Son of another family who lived with the Frank family in the attic * Anne’s story

Anne Frank was born on June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt Germany.At that time the Jewish community formed an important part of the city’s economic and cultural success.Her father, Otto Frank, was a respected businessman whose family had lived in the city for many generations.They lived in a comfortable five-room flat and Anne was raised with great love and care.In the spring of 1934, a year after Hitler and his Nazi Party rose to power, the family moved to Holland, whose people welcomed them.The Nazi Party ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945.One of their key policies was to kill all the Jews in Europe.When Jews were found, they were sent to concentration camps farther east to be killed, mostly in Poland.The Franks and another family, the Van Daans, hid together for just over two years before they were discovered.The building in Amsterdam where Anne Frank’s family hid was a small business office with storage rooms.During the day the building served as a place of business.After working hours, the Frank family’s Dutch friends brought them food, clothing, news from the outside world, and comfort.Sadly, a Dutch employee in the office told the Gestapo of their hiding place, so they were arrested.They were in the of the last groups of Jews to be taken to the camps.Anne’s mother in Poland and stayed behind when Anne, her sister, and Mrs.Van Daan were moved to Belsen, a smaller camp in Germany.Peter who was in better health than the others, was forced into a long march from the camp where he disappeared.Margot died in March, 1945 and Anne died just before her 16th birthday and less than a month before the surviving Jews were freed by American, British, Canadian and Russian soldiers.The primary school Anne attended in Amsterdam is now named after her.Every year she is remembered in a traveling exhibition that explains her life and her experience.Step 3

Reading 1.Skimming: It is used quickly to identify the main idea of a text and get an overall impression of the content.Scanning: It is used when you want to find specific information quickly.In scanning you have a question in your mind and you read a passage only to find the answer, ignoring unrelated information.(To read T’s Book P17 for more)2.Skim the introduction: What’s the function of this part?

The reading introduces the Ss to Anne Frank’s story.3.Skim Anne’s Diary: What’s the main idea of her diary?

This part of the diary reveals Anne’s longing for a normal life after having been in her hiding place for almost two years.In this extract she explains how much she especially missed going outside and enjoying nature.4.First ask Ss to discuss the difficult parts of the text in pairs.Then let Ss raise questions if they still have difficulty in understanding the text.Have other groups answer those questions.If necessary, The T may give some help.5.Deal with some words and expressions with the whole class:

What does Anne mean by “crazy” & “spellbound”?

In the context, “crazy” means “enthusiastic” not “mad” here.“Spellbound” means “to concentrate with delight for some time.” Step 3

Comprehending 1.Scan the passage and compete Ex.1& Ex.2 in the Comprehending section on Sb P3.2.Check the two exercises with the whole class.(Keys to Ex.1: 1-C



4-D Keys to Ex.2:

Q1: About 2 years.The family went into hiding in early July 1942.On the 15th June 1944 Anne wrote the this diary entry.Q2:Before she and her family hid away, she took nature for granted, but now she appreciates its beauty and majesty.Q3: Her feelings have changed because she was no longer able to go out as she pleased because she is in hiding.Losing freedom has made her feel more excited about good and beautiful things around.Q4: She did not want to be a “prisoner” in the hiding place any longer.She wanted to live a normal life again.)3.Play the tape for the Ss to listen and appreciate.4.Discussion(for reference):

What would you do if you are in the same situation as Anne and her family? Give some reasons.Step 4

Discussion 1.Ex.3 on Sb P3.Work with your partner to brainstorm some adjectives to describe Anne’s feelings.Make a list of at least five.How would you describe Anne’s feelings as she was looking out at the night sky? For reference:(eager, excited, enthusiastic, earnest, anxious, sad, nostalgic, lonely, calm …)2.Quickly deal with the meaning of the new expressions in this part.We’ll later practice them in Ex 1, 2, 3 in Learning about language on Sb P.4

1)go through: v.to experience, to read through quickly, to spend a period of time…

2)set down: v.to write down, get off(a bus etc.)…

3)a series of: a set of 4)outdoors: adv.not indoors 5)on purpose: by planning beforehand

6)in order to: so as to

7)at dusk: in the evening

8)face to face:

9)no longer: not any longer








dusty 3.Optional: Ex.4 on Sb P3.Imagine you have to go into hiding like Anne and her family.What would you miss most.Give your reasons.Step 5

Homework 1.Read Anne’s Best Friend twice.Try to recite the Diary 2.Finish the Ex.1, 2, 3 of Learning about Language on Sb P4.The 3rd-4th period – Learning about Language(P4-5)Goals for the 3rd-4th period: 1.Learn the new words and expressions: Netherlands German series outdoors dusk thunder entire entirely power curtain dusty partner settle suffer highway recover pack suitcase overcoat go through

set down a series of on purpose

in order to at dusk

face to face no longer

suffer from

get/be tired of

pack sth.up 2.Grammar: Direct Speech and In direct Speech Teaching procedures: Step 1

Learning about language 1.Check the Ex.1, 2, 3 of Learning about Language on Sb P4.Keys to Ex.1:



3.be concerned about


5.go through


7.face to face

8.calm down


10.series Keys to Ex.2:

upset, go through, calm down, concerned about, outdoors, loose, face to face Keys to Ex.3:

1.in order to 2.dusty 3.set down 4.at dusk 5.add up 6.entirely 7.curtain 8.on purpose 2.Give some help and explanation if Ss have difficulties.Step 2

Language study 1.go through: to examine carefully;to experience;to pass Eg.I went through the Ss’ papers last night.The police went through the pockets of the thief.You really don’t know what we went through while working on this project.All the players have to go through a thorough physical training.Tina had gone through several carriages to the front of the train before she knew it.The thread is too thick to go through the hole.2.crazy: adj.be crazy about / on;be crazy for sth./ sb.;Eg.The noise is driving us crazy.We are crazy about the beauty of the tourist attractions.He was crazy about / on classic music when he was young.Many young college students are crazy for chances to go abroad for further education.My brother is crazy for the pop band---U2 and will never miss any of their performances.3.set down: to write down;to get off a bus … Eg.I wanted to set my feelings down on paper.Lots of strange records have been set down in Guinness.Clear guidelines have been set down for teachers.The driver set a few passengers down at the station.4.series: n.a series of Eg.There is a TV series on this channel every night.I firmly believe that such a series(of books)will be a great success.We’ve read a series of articles about pollution in this magazine.There’s been a series of car accidents at the crossing recently.5.power: n physical strength;intelligence;authorities Eg.Carrying the baggage requires a lot of power.It’s within/beyond my power to understand what the scientist said.The manager has everything in his power.After Hitler came into/took power, the Jews began suffering a lot.6.settle: v.become calm and quiet;to start living in a place;begin doing some work;solve a problem Eg.When Kyle was a baby we used to take him for rides in the car to settle him down.When things settle down, I’ll give you a call.They’d like to see their daughter get married, settle down and have kids.I sorted out my mail, then settled down to some serious work.We hope the police can come to settle down the dispute.7.suffer: v.suffer sth.;suffer from …;n.suffering Eg.The company suffered great loss in the air crash.He often suffers from headaches at night.Nobody knew how much suffering the old man had gone through during the war.8.recover: v.to get better after an illness;to return to normal condition;to get back sth.n.recovery Eg.After a few days of fever, she began to recover.The tourist industry is recovering to the pre-war levels.Yesterday morning shares seemed to recover from Monday’s collapse.It was some hours before she recovered consciousness.He recovered himself enough to speak calmly.Once she stumbled, but somehow she recovered her balance and carried on running.Doctors expect him to make a full recovery.Hopes of economic recovery are fading.9.get/be tired of: be/get sick of;begin to dislike sb/sth Eg.I’m tired of watching television.Let’s go out for a walk.We are getting tired of his negative remarks.We are tired of doing the same things every day.10.pack up: to put things into cases, boxes, bags etc.;(informal)to stop working Eg.Most of the holidaymakers had packed up and gone.Have you finished packing yet?

Kelly planned to pack her things up one night before the trip.He packed up his teaching job in Japan after only three months.*11.well: adv.quite, much, thoroughly Eg.George was well and truly drunk.I couldn’t very well say no to her when there was no one else she could ask.He finished the exam well within the time allowed.*12.spellbind, spellbound, spellbound: v.to hold the complete attention of

Eg.The children watched spellbound as the magician took rabbits from his hat.Step 3

Discovering Useful Structure(P5)1.Look at the sentences in Ex.1 on Sb P5: Find the difference between direct speech and indirect speech.Then the Ss may check with their partners.(提示学生:1.注意陈述句、祈使句和疑问句的转化特点;


2.Ss summarize the rules for the transformation of direct speech and indirect speech.Then the T gives some help if necessary.3.Practice: Finish Ex.2 on Sb P5 by the Ss themselves.4.Check Ex.2 with the whole class.Pay attention to the changes.5.Turn to Grammar on P87-P90.(参看P87-P90直接引语和间接引语语法小结)表1:时态变化直接引语

间接引语一般现在时: do/does/am/is/are

一般过去时: did/was/were现在进行时: am/is/are doing

过去进行时: was/were/doing现在完成时: has/have done

过去完成时: had done一般过去时: did/was/were

过去完成时: had done/had been过去完成时: had done

不变一般进来时: will do

过去进来时: would do

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