Tourism and tourism industry 中国国家旅游局 China National Tourism Administration 中国国际旅行社 China International Travel Service 旅游管理局tourist administra
口译短语 迎来送往protocol routine To claim baggage 提取行李 To proceed though the customs 进行海关检查 To recover form the jet lag 倒时差 To adju
中外合资 Sino-foreign joint ventures 外商独资 wholly foreign-funded enterprises 集体企业 collectively-owned enterpreises 民营资本 privately-run businesses 二级
英语作文常用短语及句式 (一)段首句 1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____.
高级口译笔记——文化交流(Cultural Exchange) 一、词汇 汉字的四声(平声、上声、仄声和去声) the four tones of Chinese characters, namely, the level tone, the rising ton
大家网翻译资格考试论坛 高级口译笔记——文化交流(Cultural Exchange)一、词汇 汉字的四声(平声、上声、仄声和去声) the four tones of Chinese characters, namely, the leve
高级口译笔记——文化交流(Cultural Exchange)一、词汇 汉字的四声(平声、上声、仄声和去声) the four tones of Chinese characters, namely, the level tone, the rising tone
高级日语口译短语必备参考 ああ言えばこう言う あがきがとれない あぐらをかく あけに染まる あごが落ちる あごが干上(が)る あごで使う あごを出す あごをなでる あごを外
http://goeasy.bbs.topzj.com/viewthread.php?tid=96725&fpage=2 以后增添内容,请到该网站浏览。 1998年城镇居民的收入和消费水平发生了很大的变化,人年均收入达到5160元,比上
会议致辞 二级口译
Thank you , Lord Hurd, for your kind words . It is an honor and plesaure to be here . When I left Brussels yesterday, it was 12 degree celsius and hailing . Her
catti 二口 二战经验分享 希望帮到大家 背景介绍: 雅思 7.5 / 托福 106 / 专八 79 / 专四:80 / 上海中高级口译证书 / 大学期间上过口译培训班 / 良心建议三点:1.英语听说读写
英语口译(二级)精讲班第1讲讲义 001 二级口译实务考试介绍 Lecture 1 1、二级口译实务考试介绍 英语口译二级考试分《口译综合能力》 和《口译实务》测试两部分,旨在检测应试
会议致辞 二级口译
Thank you , Lord Hurd, for your kind words . It is an honor and plesaure to be here . When I left Brussels yesterday, it was 12 degree celsius and hailing . Her
练习1: 要求,认真听原文,不要记笔记,根据WHAT、WHO、WHEN AND WHERE、HOW AND WHY 几大要素总结段落大意。 Tea drinking was common in China for nearly one thousand year
Thank you, Lord Hurd , for those kind words. It is an honor and pleasure to be here. When l left Brussels yesterday, it was 12 degrees Celsius and hailing.
1) with the (rapidly)growing popularity of (computers/private cars) in China,the quality
of our lives has been considera -
大家网翻译资格考试论坛 高级口译笔记——文化交流(Cultural Exchange)一、词汇 汉字的四声(平声、上声、仄声和去声) the four tones of Chinese characters, namely, the leve
中高级口译常用词汇、短语、和高频句型 (二) Bryan 社会生活 作者:Bryan 一、高频词汇、短语 平均寿命、平均预期 the average life span/the average life expectancy 寿命