
时间:2019-05-12 21:23:36下载本文作者:会员上传


第一节 被动语态




1. 主动语态表示主语是谓语动词行为的发出者。如:

He killed the animal.他杀死了那动物。


The animal was killed.那动物被杀死了。

不及物动词一般不能用于被动语态;及物动词则一般都能用于被动语态,但也有一些不可,如:fit , have , hold(容纳), lack , own , suit 等等。




Houses are built

by builders.房子是建筑工人盖的。主动语态和被动语态的转换


如:Builders build houses.建筑工人盖房子.Houses are built by builders.房子是建筑工人盖的。

如:We can trust her.我们可以信任她。

She can be trusted(by us).她可以(让我们)信任.2.被动语态的时态



My car is parked near our house.(I


my car

near our house.)


The wall was painted white.(He painted the wall white.)


He will be offered a high pay.(They will offer him a high pay.)



A high pay will be offered to him.(4)、现在进行时。如:

The child is being taken good care of.(They are taking good care of the child.)



Good care is being taken of the child.(5)、现在完成时。如:

The boy has been made to work long.(She has made the boy work long.那男孩已被迫工作很长时间了。)

接不带to的不定式短语做宾语补足语的动词,如:see , hear , observe , notice ,make , have 等,若变为被动语态,不定式前通常要加to,否则是错误的。

四. 被动语态的使用


Meat shoule always be kept cool.肉应该总是保存在低温下。(2)、当不知道、不容易指出、或不必要指出行为者时。如:

His car was stolen last night.他的车子昨天夜里被窃了。(3)、当要强调行为者时(此时用 by 短语)。如:

The book was written by a college student.这本书是一个大学生写的。(4)、当为了行文方便(如为了避免变换主语、行为者带有较长修饰语等)时。

如:He arrived late and was showed to the last row.他到晚了,被领到最后一排

被动语态专项练习()1 The People's Republic of China ___ on October 1, 1949.A.found B.was founded C.is founded D.was found

()2 English ____ in Canada.A.speaks B.are spoken C.is speaking D.is spoken()3 This English song___ by the girls after class.A.often sings B.often sang C.is often sang D.is often sung 2()1 Our room must ___ clean..keep B.be kept C.to be kept D.to keep

()2-I'd like to buy that coat.-I'm sorry.___.A.it sold B.it's selling C.It's been sold D.it had been sold()3 The key ___ on the table when I leave..was left B.will be left C.is left D.has been left()4 His new book___ next month.A.will be published

B.is publishing

C.is being published

D.has been published 3()1 Japanese ___ in every country.A.is not spoken B.are spoken C.is speaking D.is not speaking()2 These papers___yet.A.have not written

B.have not been written

.C.has not written

D.has not been written()3 The sports meet ___ be held until next week.A.didn't B.won't C.isn't D.doesn't 4()1-My shoes are worn out.A.Can't they be mended?

B.Let me have a look at it.C.How much do they cost?

D.Can't they mended?

()2 ___ the watch been repaired yet? I badly need it.A.Does B.Has C.Is D.Are()3 ___ these desks be needed?

A.Will B.Are C.Has D.Do 5()1 Why ___ to talk about it yesterday?

A.didn't a meeting hold

B.wasn't a meeting held

C.wasn't held a meeting

D.a meeting wasn't held()2 Who was the book___?

A.write B.wrote C.written D.written by()3 Where ___ these boxes made?

A.was B.were C.is D.am 6()1 The flowers___often.A.must be water B.must be watered C.must watered D.must water()2 The books may___ for two weeks..A.be kept B.be borrowed C.keep D.borrow()3 The broken bike____ here by Mr Smith.A.can mend B.can mended C.can be mend D.can be mended 7()1 The old bridge in my hometown___ next month.A.is going to be rebuilt

B.will rebuilt

C.are going to be rebuilt

D.are going to rebuilt()2 The play ___ at the theatre next Sunday.A.is going to be shown B.will shownC.will show D.is shown()3 The old stone bridge ___ next week.A.is going to be rebuilt

B.will be rebuild

C..are going to be rebuilt

D.will rebuild 8()1 Now these magazines___ in the library for a long time.A.have kept B.are keeping C.have been keeping D.have been kept()2 The pot ___ for ___ hot water.A.used;keeping

B.was used;keeping

C.is used;to keep

D.are used;keep()3 Tea ___ in the south of China.A.grows B.is grown C.were grown D.will grow 9()1 The river smells terrible.People must ___ dirty things into it.A.be stopped to throw

B.be stopped from throwing

C.stop to throw

D.stop from throwing()2 Old people must be looked ^fter well and ___ politely.A.speak to B.spoken C.speak D.spoken to

()3 Old people must ___.C.looked well after

D.be looked after we

A.look after well

B.be looked well after




()1._____ a new library _____ in our school last year?


()2.An accident ____ on this road last week.A.has been happenedB.was happenedC.is happenedD.happened

()3.Cotton(棉花)____ in the southeast of China.A.is grownB.are grownC.growsD.grow

()4.So far, the moon ____ by man already.A.is visitedB.will be visitedC.has been visitedD.was visited

()5.A talk on Chinese history _____ in the school hall next week.A.is givenB.has been givenC.will be givenD.gives

()6.How many trees ____ this year?

A.are plantedB.will plantC.have been plantedD.planted

()7.A lot of things ____ by people to save the little girl now.A.are doingB.are being doneC.has been doneD.will be done

()8.--When ___ this kind of computers______?--Last year.A.did;useB.was;usedC.is;usedD.are;used

()9.The Great Wall ____ all over the world.A.knowsB.knewC.is knownD.was known

()10.Who _____ this book _____?

A.did;writtenB.was;written byC.did;writtenD.was;written

()11.A story _____ by Granny yesterday.A.was told usB.was told to usC.is told usD.told us

()12.The monkey was seen _____ off the tree.A.jumpB.jumpsC.jumpedD.to jump

()13.The school bag ___ behind the chair.A.putsB.can be putC.can be puttedD.can put

()14.Older people ____ well.A.looks afterB.must be looked after C.must look after D.looked after

()15.Our teacher ______ carefully.A.should be listened to B.should be listenC.be listenedD.is listened


1.It's said(据说)that the long bridge______________(build)in two months.

2.Where to have the meeting ______________(discuss)now.

3.Which language _______the most widely_______(speak)in the world?

4.The lost boy_____________(not find)so far.

5.Last year a large number of trees______________(cut)down.

6.The students _____ often _____(tell)to take care of their desks and chairs.7.The old man is ill.He ______(must send)to the hospital.8.Vegetables, eggs and fruits_________(sell)in this shop.9.What _______ knives______(make)of ?

They_______________(make)of metal(金属)and wood.10.Can the magazine ________(take)out of the library?

11.The room _____________(clean)by me every day.12.The stars can’t _____________(see)in the daytime.13.Some flowers _______________(water)by Li Ming already.14.This kind of shoes __________(sell)well.15.How long _____ your uncle ______(be)in the city?

16.The food _____________(smell)delicious.17.Look!Someone __________(dance).三、按要求改写下列句子,一空一词。(1×30=30分)

1.Is tea grown in South China?(改为主动语态)

_______ people _________ tea in South China?

2.I am given a birthday present by my parents every year.(同义句转换)

A birthday present ____________________________by my parents every year.

3.The work is going to be finished in two days.(对划线提问)

How______________ the work going to be finished ?

4.The children will sing an English song.(改为被动语态)

An English song ___________________ by the children.5.You needn't do it now.(改为被动语态)

It ______________________ by you now.6.People use metal for making machines.(改为被动语态)

Metal ________________________making machines.7.He made me do that for him.(改为被动语态)

I ____________________________ that for him.8.They are watching the football match.The football match _____________________by them.9.Did they build a bridge here a year ago?(改为被动语态)

__________ a bridge ____________ here by them a year ago?

10.They have sold out the light green dresses.(改为被动语态)

The light green dresses ____________________________ out.11.We call the game “Lianliankan”.(改为被动语态)

The game _______________ “Lianliankan” by us.四、根据所给汉语完成句子,一空一词。(1×10=10分)

①The new bike ______________________(买给我)by my parents as a present last week.

②_______ your mobile phone ______________________(是国产的吗)?

③The whole mountain is __________________(覆盖)the snow.五、下列各句均有一处错误,请找出并改正过来。(10分)

①I have a lot of homework to be done tonight.____________

②Is your history teacher listened carefully in class?____________

③Lei Feng's name remembered by all Chinese people.____________

④The music is sounded beautiful.____________

⑤By who was this new educational CD-ROM designed ?_____________



1.B2.D3.A 4.C5.6.C 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.B11.B 12.D 13.B 14.B15.A


1.will be built2.is being discussed 3.is spoken 4.hasn’t been found 5.were cut 6.are told 7.must be sent 8.are sold9.are made , are made 10.be taken11.is cleaned 12.be seen13.have been watered 14.sells 15.has been 16.smells 17 is dancing


1.Do, grow 2.is given to me 3.soon is 4.will be sung5.needn’t be done 6.is used for 7.was made to do 8.is being watched 9.was built 10.have been sold 11.is called


① was bought for me ② Is made in China ③ covered with


①be done改为 do② listened改为 listened to ③ remembered 改为 was remembered

④ is sounded 改为sounds ⑤By who 改为 By whom


1.We often use a recorder in our English class.2.They will show a new film next week.3.When did they build the house?

4.I saw the boy enter the room.5.Will they show a new film next week?

6.Have they posted the letter yet?

7.We often see him help his classmate.8.You must turn off the light before you go to be.d

9.Who is repairing the bike?

10.The student should learn all the texts by heart.Ⅱ.选择填空:

1.The reading room ________ yesterday afternoon.A.cleanedB.is cleanedC.was cleaningD.was cleaned

2.The workers were made ________ ten hours a day.A.workB.to workC.workingD.worked

3.Food ________ in a cool place in summer.A.must keepB.mustn’t keepC.must be keptD.mustn’t be kept

4.His father ________ to work in Hong Kong 3 years ago.A.sentB.was sentC.has sentD.has been sent

5.The pen ________ well.A.writesB.is writtenC.was writtenD.writing

6.Great changes ________ in the town since 1988.A.have taken placeB.have been taken place

C.has taken placeD.has been taken place

7.Our compositions must ________ next Monday.A.be hand inB.be handed inC.handed inD.be handing in

8.The child will ________ back to his parents next month.A.sentB.sendC.be sentD.be sending

9.________ his work ________ yet?

A.have…been finishedB.has …been finished

C.has …finishedD.have…finished

10.The classroom ________ now

A.is cleaningB.is being cleaning

C.is being cleanedD.is cleaned


1.Can he ________(speak)English?

2.What language ________(speak)in that country?

3.The film ________(show)many times since last Sunday.4.These TV sets ________(make)in SiChuan.5.It has got so dark.Would you please ________(turn)on the light?

6.A new hospital ________(build)in this area now.1.________ the book ________(return).2.Rice ________(grow)in the south.3.The window ________(not break)by the boy.4.I ________(tell)he ________(not come)just now.Ⅳ.将下列句子改为被动语态,并根据情况保留或去掉动作的执行者

1.They will say nothing more about this matter.2.They have made some flowers of silk.3.He wrote a poem.4.The students are planting some trees and flowers.5.They are to open up a new business next week.6.Children couldn’t have done all this damage.7.All of us will see him off at the airport.8.They feed the tigers at the zoo three times a day.9.You must hand in your homework before five.10.People say that she is a good teacher.Ⅴ.用所给动词的正确形式填空

1.English ________(speak)in many countries.2.Information in short-term memory ________(can, not, keep)very long.3.After that, one of the lights _______(turn off)and the rat had to wait for a short time.4.Just a few years ago, tomatoes _______(believe)to have magical powers, making people who ate them fall in love.5.It is said new copies of the book _______(print)now.6.The old house _______(pull)down next month.7.In the old days, the children _______(take care of)by the mother because she did not work outside the house.8.Needless to say, the second list of words ___(can, remember)more easily than the first one.9.She _______(send)to another village when I got there.10.The teacher said that we _________(give)another chance some time next month if we failed in the exam.参考答案

I、1.A recorder is often used in our English class.2.A new film will be shown by then next week.3.When was the house built by them?

4.The boy was seen to enter the room.5.Will a new film be shown by them next week?

7.He is often seen to help his classmate.8.The light must be turned off before you go to bed.9.Who is the bike being repaired by?

(By whom is the bike being repaired?)

10.All the texts should be learned by heart by the students.II、1.D2.B3.C4.B5.A6.A7.B


III、1.speak2.is spoken3.has been shown

4.are made5.turn6.is being built

7.Has returned8.is grown9.wasn’t broken

10.was tolddidn’t come

Ⅳ.1.Nothing more will be said about this matter.2.Some flowers of silk have been made by them.3.A poem was written by him.4.Some trees and flowers are being planted by the students.5.A new business is to be opened up next week.6.All this damage couldn’t have been done by children.7.He will be seen off at the airport by all of us.8.The tigers at the zoo are fed three times a day(by them).9.Your homework must be handed in before five(by you).10.It is said that she is a good teacher.(That she is a good teacher is said by them.)

Ⅴ.1.is spoken2.cannot be kept3.was turned off


5.are being printed6.will be pulled7.were taken care of

8.can be remembered9.had been sent10.would be given 4.were





一. 学情分析



三. 教材分析





3.情感目标 :在任务及活动的过程中培养学生的观察、归纳能力和合作意识,提高他们学习英语的兴趣。五. 教学重点和教学难点




Step1 Ask and answer the basic knowledge of the voices of verbs

minutes Step2

Review the passive voice of the three senses minutes

Show some sentences with the passive voice,Let the students observe the and have a summary,conclude its structure.Step3.Practice


(1)Turn the active voice into the passive voice

(2)Make up a sentence according to the pictures and the words

(3)Do some exercises from papers Step4.Conclude some other problems in using the passive voice minutes Step5.Ddo some exercises in order to improve the alibitity minutes

(1).Exercises from different provinces'papers

(2).Ttranslate into English

(3).Finish the passage according to the pictures and the verbs Step6.A guessing game


Pairwork: Students write down two or three sentences with the passive voice to describe an object, then read them out, other students guess what it is.Every team write down two objects at least.The sentences can be about materials,uses, shapes and so on.Show an example.Step7.Summary Step8.Homework

Some exercises 七.评价设计



The Passive Voice 一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态教学设计

汕头市第六中学 陈婉霞

<1>教学内容分析:本节微课是以新目标英语九年级Units 5-6两个单元的知识点为教学内容。在简要分析了主动语态与被动语态的区别后,进而分析一般现在时与一般过去时两种时态下的被动语态的异同点,最后通过填空题和改错题,讲练结合来巩固所学知识点。<2>教学重难点:1)主动语态变被动语态时主语的变化; 2)主动语态变被动语态时be动词的变化; 3)被动语态中动词过去分词的正确使用; 4)含不同时态的被动语态的句子的辨析。<3>教学步骤: Step 1 Lead-in 引导学习者观察并总结四组句子。(句子设置的规律:每组的第一句都是主动语态形式的句子,而第二句都是改成了相应的被动语态句子。四组间,A,B两组是含一般现在时的句子,C,D组是含一般过去时的句子。)Step 2 Presentation 在给予学习者足够的时间思考之后,开始归纳总结主动语态如何变成相应的被动语态句子。然后,再引导观察各组句子中因使用不同的时间状语,而构成不同时态的被动语态的规律,最后再结合图示,进行本节微课的重难点总结。Step 3 Exercise 在全面归纳总结知识点之后,引导学习者完成填写不规则动词的过去分词的填空练习,以及被动语态易错考点的改错训练(每题给予三分钟解题时间),进而巩固今天所学知识。





二、被动语态的定义:被动语态是表示主语是动作的承受者。被动语态分为好多种,在初中阶段我们主语掌握三中形式的被动语态,即“一般现在时的被动语态、一般过去时的被动语态、含情态动词的被动语态”。今天我们首先来学习“一般过去时的被动语态”。三、一般现在时的被动语态的结构: 主语+ be(am/is/are)+ V过分+by +其他


1.肯定句:主语+ be(am/is/are)+ V过分+by +其他 2.否定句:主语+ be(am/is/are)+not+ V过分+by +其他 3.一般疑问句: be(am/is/are)+主语+ V过分+by +其他? 4.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+be(am/is/are)+主语+ V过分+by +其他?


六、被动语态的判定: 1.在句子中找by.2.看句子的意思是否符合的形式。

七、主动语态变被动语态的变化法则: 1.宾变主 把主动语态句中的宾语(连同宾语的修饰语)变为被动语态句的主语,并置于句首。2.谓(动词)变被


3.主变宾,前加by 把主动语态句中的主语放在动词过去分词之后,此时主动语态句中的主语就变为被动语态句的宾语,且宾语之前加介词宾语(主格代词变为宾格形式)4.状不变(介词短语不变)







二、被动语态的构成 被动语态由“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。人称、数和时态的变化是通过be的变化表现出来的。











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