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外研社新版七年级下册Module 3知识点


1.make的意思是“做、制造、制作”时,常用的句型是:(1)make sth.(to do sth.)意为“制造某物”。例如:She can make kites.她会制作风筝。(2)make sb.sth./ make sth.for sb.意为“为某人制作某物”。例如:

His mother made him a beautiful coat./ His mother made a beautiful coat for him.【辨析】be made of/ be made from/ be made in/ be made into(1)be made of表示“由„制成”, 一般指能够看出原材料,或发生的是物理变化。例如: This table cloth is made of paper.这张桌布是由纸做的。

This salad is made of apples and strawberries.这种沙拉是由苹果和草莓做的。

(2)be made from也表示“由„制成”,但一般指看不出原材料,或发生的是化学变化。例如: Bread is made from corn.面包是小麦做的。

The lifeboat is made from some special material.这个救生艇是由某种特殊材料制成的。(3)be made in指的是产地,意思为“于„制造”。The caps are made in Russia.这些帽子产于俄罗斯。

My mother likes to buy things which are made in China.我妈妈喜欢买中国产的东西。(4)be made into的意思为“被制成为„”。

This piece of wood will be made into a small bench.这块木头将要被制成一个小凳。The paper has been made into clothes for the doll.纸被做成了洋娃娃的衣服。2.see看见 【辨析】(1)look 表示“看、瞧”,着重指认真看,强调看的动作,表示有意识地注意看,但不一定看到,以提醒对方注意。,如:

Look!The children are playing computer games.瞧!孩子们在玩电脑游戏。Look!What’s that over there? 看!那边那个是什么?

单独使用是不及物动词,如强调看某人/物,其后接介词at,才能带宾语,如: He’s looking at me。他正在看着我。


What can you see in the picture? 你能在图上看到什么? Look at the blackboard.What did you see on it?看黑板!你看到了什么?(3)watch“观看,注视”,侧重于场面,表示全神贯注地观看、观察或注视某事务的活动,强调过程,常用于“看电视、看足球、看演出”等。如:

Yesterday we watched a football match on TV.昨天我们从电视上看了一场足球比赛。else其他的

【辨析】else / other(1)else可作形容词或副词,作形容词时,常放在疑问代词、不定代词之后作后置定语;作副词时也要后置。如: What else did you do?你还做了些什么? She has nothing else to say.她没有别的什么可说了。

(2)other作形容词时,用于修饰名词或某些代词,但必须前置。如: Where are the other comrades?其他的同志在哪里? I want some other books.我还要另外一些书。(3)else后可带-‘s, other不能。

Who else’s bike can this be?这还可能是其他什么人的自行车呢? nobody没有人 【辨析】somebody/ anybody/nobody 一般说来,somebody用于定句,anybody用于否定句、疑问句和条件状语从句。例如 Somebody came to see you when you were out.你出来时有人来见你。Does anybody live on this island? 有人在这岛上住吗? I didn't see anybody there.我在那儿谁也没看见。

Don't let anybody in.I'm too busy to see anybody.别让任何人进来。我太忙,谁也不想见。There is nobody in the room.房间里没人。

Nobody told me that you were ill, so I didn't know about it.谁也没告诉我你病了所以我不知道。

cheer vt.欢呼;使高兴;为„„喝彩;为„„加油

cheer sb.on为某人加油(如果后面加名词,放在其后面、中间均可,若为代词,则只能放在其中间)

3.alone 是一个表语形容词,意为“单独的;独自的”;它还常用于名词、代词之后,表示“只有;唯有”。Do you feel alone when your parents are out? 父母不在家时,你感觉到孤独吗? 用作副词时,意为“单独地;独自地(=all by oneself)”。例如: He likes living alone.他喜欢独自地生活 【辨析】


而lonely一般只用作形容词,意为“孤独的”、“寂寞的”。它既可以用作表语,也可以用作定语。通常是指人在心灵上的“寂寞和忧郁”,带有强烈的感情色彩。修饰地点名词时,强调“偏僻的”、“荒凉的”之意。The old writer lives alone in a lonely mountain village, but he doesn't feel lonely.4.look forward to 后面接名词或者动名词

I look forward to your good news.我等待你的好消息。

Look forward to hearing from you.等待你的来信。/等待你的消息。wear穿着

【辨析】put on/ wear/ be dressed in/ dress up(1)put on 表动作,“穿上、戴上”,宾语为衣物;(2)wear 表状态,“穿戴着”;

(3)be dressed in 也表状态,强调一种呈现的结果;

(4)dress up 有“盛装、乔装、打扮”之意,表动作。dress常与介词搭配。如: The boy wears a new coat today.这男孩今天穿着一件新大衣。It’s cold outside.Put on more clothes.外面冷,穿多一点衣服。The girl is dressed in a red coat today.小女孩今天穿着一件红外衣。

She has dressed up in a red skirt for the party.为了参加这舞会,她穿了一条红裙子。5.hope 希望

hope和wish 在汉语中都有“希望”的意思,但其含义和用法有所不同。主要区别如下:(1)wish可以用来表示不可实现的愿望;hope只能用来表示可能实现的愿望。例如: I wish I were 20 years younger.我但愿自己能年轻二十岁。I hope you’ll be better soon.我希望你能很快好起来。I wish the weather wasn’t so cold.但愿天气不这麽冷。I hope he will come, too.我希望他也能来。

(2)wish可以接sb.to do sth.的结构,而hope不可以。例如: Do you wish me to come back later? 你是否希望我再来? 6.win 获胜

【辨析】beat / win(1)beat vt.后接的宾语一般为人或相当于人的名词,“打败„„” “赢了„„”;也经常用于被动语态。如:

We beat Class Four in the football match yesterday.昨天足球赛我们打败了四班队。(2)win vt.一般后接物或比赛作宾语,少用被动语态。如: We won the football game.3)win 短语:

win a game 赢得比赛(游戏)win a gold medal 赢得金牌 win a prize 获奖 win the war 赢得了战争的胜利 win sb.over 把某人争取过来,说服某人


(1)spend time /money on sth.在„„上花费时间(金钱)。例:I spent two hours on this maths problem.这道数学题花了我两个小时。

(2)spend time /money(in)doing sth.花费时间(金钱)做某事。例:They spent two years(in)building this bridge.造这座桥花了他们两年时间。

(3)spend money for sth.花钱买„„。例:His money was spent for books.他的钱用来买书了。【辨析】

(1)take常用it作主语。It takes sb.time to do sth.如:

It took me three hours to finish my work.完成这项工作用了我3个小时。(2)spend则用人作主语,常用的句型是“sb.spends time(in)doing sth.”。He spent 30 minutes(in)writing the letter.他用了30分钟写那封信。(3)cost 表示花时间 句型“It /sth.cost sb.+ 金钱”,表示“某人花„„钱做某事”。The TV set cost him 5000 yuan.这台电视机花了他5000元。注意:cost—cost---cost 过去式、过去分词和原形一样。Pay 多用于句型 pay sth for sth

Unit 1 自主梳理,厚积薄发。


1.在星期六早晨 ________2.做家务 ________3.下个星期 ________4.在2008年 ________ 5.在周末 ________6.上钢琴课 ________7.看电影 ________8.卧床 ________9.野餐 ________ 10.听音乐 ________11.聚会 ________12.查看邮件 ________


idea,have a picnic,meet,plan,help with,stay at 1.I usually ________the housework at home.2.The students are going to ________ next week.3.Ella has a good ________ about his summer holiday.4.I'm going to make a ________ for my study next year.5.I'm so busy that I have no time to ________ my grandparents at the station.6.Betty is going to ________ home and watch TV alone.重点难点,一网打尽。

三、用am/is/are going to do填空

1.—Who ________(have)a piano lesson on the weekend? 2.My mother and I ________(do)some shopping next Sunday.3.—What ________ you ________(do)tomorrow?—I ________(clean)my car.4.—When_______the secretary _______(print)the document?—She ________(print)it soon.5.My son's hair is too long.He ________(have)a haircut at the weekend.6.There ________(be)two football matches on our playground.四、补全句子

1.The little girl ________ ________ ________(上钢琴课)every Saturday.2.Sam is going to ________ ________ ________(查看邮件). 3.Don't ________ ________ ________(卧床)too long.You can go out for a walk.4.Peter is going to ________ ________ ______(听音乐)with his brother.5.We usually have a ________(聚会)on New Year's Day.6.I‟m going to ________ ________ home ________(独自待在家).7.Lingling and Daming are going to ________ ________ ________(野餐).8.What are you going to do ________ ________ ________(在周末).9.Don‟t ________ ________(别傻了),come with us please!10.It‟s going to be a ________(极好)weekend


Many people think that Americans 1 their cars almost more than anything else.When 2__ people are fourteen years old, they want to have their __3_ cars.They don‟t ask for a car from their 4__.So many of them work in _5_ time during their last year of high school to buy a car.Learning to 6 _ and getting a driver‟s license may be one of the most exciting things in a young person‟s life.Some people almost 7 _ go to a doctor when they are ill.But they will __8_ their cars to a garage as soon as they think there is a 9.On Saturdays or Sundays some people may 10 most of their time washing and repairing their cars.1.A.prefer B.love C.drive D.play 2.A.little B.big C.old D.young 3.A.new B.own C.expensive D.cheap 4.A, friends B.teachers C.parents D.brothers 5.A.free B.busy C.study D.good 6.A.make B.mend C.wash D.drive 7.A.always B.never C.often D.usually 8.A.take B.carry C.pull D.lift 9.A.question B.wrong C.mistake D.problem 10.A.cost B.get C.spend D.use


“Tell me what you are going to do on Sunday morning, Mike,” asks Mr Wang.“I'm going to see a new film.It's an English film about the life of the students in America.Bill tells me it's very interesting.” “After seeing the film,what are you going to do?” Mr Wang wants to know.“I'm going to read Chinese,” says Mike.“Do you like it?” asks Mr Wang.“Chinese is not easy for me,but I like it very much.I'm going to work hard at it.After lunch I'm going to do my homework.I think I can do it better than before.” “Then,what about Sunday evening?” Mr Wang asks.“After supper I'm going to help Han Mei with her English.She wants my help.” says Mike.“You are going to have a busy day,aren't you?” says Mr Wang.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。

1.Mr Wang is going to see a new film on Sunday morning.()2.The film is about the life of American students().3.Chinese is easy for Mike.()4.Mike is going to help Han Mei with her English on Sunday morning.()5.Mike is going to have a busy Sunday.()

Unit 2 自主梳理,厚积薄发。


1.We are going to ________(为„„加油)the basketball players 2.What are you going to do during the ________ ________(五一劳动节)holiday..3.My little son usually ________(看)basketball match on Sunday.4.Mike is going to ________ ________ ________(去观光)at the weekend..5.There will be a________ ________(夏令营)


go sightseeing,look forward to make friends,walk up,on the beacht 1.Many tourists come to ________ in our city every year.2.You will feel cool and comfortable when you lie ________.3.We ________ getting presents from our parents during the Spring Festival.4.________ the mountain and you can see the whole city.5.Mary often helps others,so her classmates like to ________ with her.重点难点,一网打尽。


1.I hope they ________ the game.A.win B.to win C.wins D.are win 2.The poor child ____ visiting Beijing some day.A.want B.is planning C.hopes D.is looking forward to 3.Tomorrow we're not going to have classes ______ we're going to work on the farm.A.because B.but C.and D.for 4.We can ________ the sunshine if we go out for a walk on such a fine day.A.like B.visit C.enjoy D.show 5.Every morning we ________ the No.2 bus to our school.A.drive B.take C.bring D.get 6.Would you like to go fishing with me this Saturday?—________ A.I'd like.B.I'd love do.C.NoI can't.D.I'll be glad.7.Tony is looking forward to ________ a movie in the afternoon A.see B.sees C.look D.seeing 8.—How was your weekend?—Great!I enjoyed ________ very much.A.me B.my C.I D.myself


1.John is not a doctor now,but he ________(be)next week.2.Look!It ________(rain)soon.3.The earth ________(move)round the sun.4.Listen!Who ________(read)English? 5.She doesn't like ________(watch)TV in the evening 举一反三,一显身手。


The Browns are __1__ Smiths' neighbours(邻居).Mr Brown's name is John.But when his neighbours talk about him,they __2__ him “Mr Going­to­do”.Do you know why? Mr Brown always says he is going to do something,but he __3__ does it.Every Saturday Mr Brown __4__ to the Smiths' back door and talks to Mr Smith.He aways says he __5__ do something.“I'm going to clean my house today,” he says,__6__ “I'm going to wash my car tomorrow.” or “These trees in front of my house are __7__ big.I'm going to cut them down next week.” Mr Smith usually says,“__8__,John?” He knows his neighbour is not going to clean his house,or wash his car,or cut down any trees.Then he says,“Well,excuse me,John.I'm going to do some work in the house.” And he __9__.Mr and Mrs Smith often say to their only child Dick,“Are you going to do something? Then do it.Don't be __10__„Mr Going­to­do'.”




D./ 2.A.speak



D.call 3.A.usually



D.sometimes 4.A.is going



D.comes 5.A.wants


C.is going to

D.would like 6.A.or



D.so 7.A.very



D.so 8.A.Yes


C.Do you

D.Are you 9.A.goes



D.walks 10.A./





What do you usually do after school? Do you do your homework,watch TV,play computer games or do other things? Do you know what students in America do after school? Let's have a look together.The students in America have an exciting free time after school.Because school finishes at about 3∶00 in the afternoon American students have much time to do other things after school.They often have many activities(活动)or go to clubs(俱乐部).There are many ball games like basketball,football,baseballand so on.There are also many kinds of clubs for students:dance club,art club,and a lot of very interesting clubs.Students can have fundo exercise or learn something outside class.For example,students can learn to cook or make clothes.Some students do some work to make money,or go home to do homework,watch TV,play computers,or do other things.1.In America,school finishes at about ________.A.3∶00 am B.3∶00 pmC.4∶00 am D.4∶00 pm 2.Why do American students have much time to do other things after school? ________ A.Because they have little homework.B.Because there are many clubs for students.C.Because school finishes very early.D.Because parents let the students play with friends.3.Which of the following ball games doesn't the writer mention(提到)? ________ A.Basketball.B.Football.C.Volleyball.D.Baseball.4.Which of the following sentence is RIGHT?(正确的)________ A.Students can go to many kinds of clubs after school.B.Students can learn to cook from their textbooks.C.Students cannot play computers after school.D.All the students must do some work to make money.5.The passage tells us ________.A.how many activities there are in American school B.what students in America usually do after school C.students in America have little homework D.students in America have a lot of free time

Unit 3 自主梳理,厚积薄发。


1.We needn't get up early at the w________.2.The teachers usually c________ the answers at once after students finish the exercises.3.When we go s________,we can know a lot about a place.4.My brother hopes that he can t________ around the world one day.5.I often c________ litter on the beack.二、句型转换

1.He is going to have a picnic on the weekend.(对划线部分提问)________ ________ he going to have a picnic? 2.I'm going to revise for a test.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)________ you ________ ________ revise for a test?—________,________ ________.3.There are going to be some young trees on the hill.(改为否定句)There ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ young trees on the hill.4.I'm going to stay at home because_ I_don't_like going_out.(对画线部分提问)________ ________ you ________ ________ ________ at home? 5.Jim is going to play tennis with his good friend.(对画线部分提问)________ is Jim going to ________ ________ ________? 重点难点,一网打尽。


have a picnic,go sightseeing,make, look forward to,have,listen to misic 1.Jim wants ________ a lot of friends and have fun.2.I'm going to ________ a piano lesson on Saturday morning..3.I ________ going to the USA next month.4.David likes ________ at home but not going out.5.I hope it's fine tomorrow,and we can ________ together.6.Some foreign visitors ________ in Dalian these days.举一反三,一显身手。


“We're going to move,” Jimmy said to Mr James,her teacher,with tears(眼泪)in her eyes.“Dad lost his job and now we don't have enough money to live in our house.” Pam was walking by and just heard Jimmy's talk with Mr James.In the lunchroom Pam met Carol and said,“I've got something to tell you about Jimmy.” As she started to tell Carol about Jimmy's Dad,several other classmates stopped to listen.Pam felt bad telling what she had heard but she went on anyway.After school Pam saw some of her classmates talking to Jimmy.“Where does your Dad work?” one of the boys asked.Jimmy's face turned red.She left without answering.Pam felt terrible,because she didn't mean to hurt Jimmy.And she hadn't thought that some of the classmates would make jokes and laugh at Jimmy about her father's losing the job.Pam didn't know what she could do to help Jimmy.1.The story wants to tell us ________.A.it's difficult to move away B.girls don't like to talk to boys C.students' like to talk to boys D.secrets are hard to keep 2.Jimmy's family had to move because ________.A.her father lost his job B.they had a better place to live in C.her classmates were not kind enough D.her father changed his job 3.Jimmy's face turning red shows that she didn't ________.A.feel well enough B.know the answer C.want to talk about her father D.want to leave others 4.Pam felt very sorry ________.A.and wanted to do something for Jimmy B.but went on laughing at Jimmy C.so the stopped to listen to others D.and left without answering 5.The whole story happened ________.A.in class B.during and after school C.at Mr James' office D.in the lunchroom


I'm glad to hear from you.I remember when I came to the new school,I was nervous __1__ the first day.Almost all the students were nervous!But now most of us like it.There are __2__ 1,500 students in my school and about 80 teachers.A big difference __3__ my old school and the new one is that the new school has more equipment(设备).In our science classes we can do __4__.I feel like a real __5__!

Science is my favourite __6__.We have two lessons together every Friday afternoon.This is the time when we do experiments.Our teacher tells us to be __7__ every time.Often we set fire to things during the experiments.It is amazing that chemicals(化学物品)react(反应)with each other.Even when that doesn't __8__,you do interesting thing.Doing experiments is __9__,isn't it? Will you please let me know __10__ your first day went? 1.A.on B.inC.at D.to 2.A.perhaps B.aboutC.or D.may 3.A.among B.besidesC.between D.both 4.A.homework B.modelsC.meals D.experiments 5.A.doctor B.writerC.teacher D.scientist 6.A.subject B.bookC.school D.classroom 7.A.nervous B.carefulC.beautiful D.useful 8.A.open B.goC.happen D.become 9.A.hot B.warmC.cold D.cool 10.A.how B.whatC.when D.where 触摸真题,激活智慧。


1.(2011·山东·22)Liu Xiang was born in Shanghai ______ 1983.A.in B.at C.on D.to 2.(2010·重庆·37)If you ________ to the 2010 Shanghai Expo next month,I will go with you.A.go B.has goneC.will go D.are going 3.Hey,Tina.________ are you going for your vacation?—Hmmm,I think I'm going to Shanghai.A.How B.WhereC.When D.Why 4.Mark,please don't play basketball on the road.It's very dangerous.—___.I am going home at once.A.Have a great timeB.Sorry,I won't do thatC.I'd like toD.OK,with pleasure 5.—What can you see in the picture?—I can see a farm.And there ______ a lot animals on it.A.is B.are C.will be D.be 6.(2010·重庆·26)—Are you good at history,Rose?—________.But I will try to study it well this term.A.That's all right B.Not very goodC.No problem D.Quite well 7.(2011·济南·27)—What is Tom doing now?—He ______ basketball over there.A.is playing B.will play C.has played D.was playing 8.(2012·烟台·38)--Do you know ________ this dictionary belongs to?--Let me see.Oh, it‟s __________.A.who does, mine B.who, me C.whose, mine D.who, mine 9.(2010·山东东营·

17)Whenever you meet with difficulties, you can ask the policeman ____help.A.at B.in C.for D.with 10.(2012·陕西·

23).— can I get the book if I order it today?— In a week.A.How soon B.How long C.How much D.How many


Long ago,in a small village of Wakefield lived two farmers,Harry and Peter.Harry was very hard working while Peter was __1__.Every day Harry got up early and came home late,but Peter walked around for fun.One summer there was no __2__ and the crops(庄稼)were dying.Harry thought,”I must do something to save these crops,or they shall die.“With this __3__ in mind,he went out to find a river so that he could dig a canal(沟渠)to his field.He walked on and on,feeling tired and thirsty.After a __4__ search he found a river full of blue water.He was very happy.He started digging a canal to his field.__5__ it was noon his wife sent their daughter to bring Harry home __6__ lunch.But Harry did not go.He did not want to leave his work unfinished.He completed his work __7__ at night.He was very satisfied.He went home,had a good meal and __8__ into a sound sleep.Peter did the same.But he was not at all determined(有决心的).He also __9__ digging a canal to his field but he didn't have his work completed.His field did not get __10__ water and all his crops died.Harry's field would be watered when needed.He had a good harvest because of his hard work.1.A.cruel



D.silly 2.A.rain



D.river 3.A.feeling



D.thought 4.A.quick



D.special 5.A.Whether



D.Unless 6.A.for



D.at 7.A.early



D.deep 8.A.fell



D.walked 9.A.stopped



D.started 10.A.clean




Revision 自主梳理,厚积薄发。


1.I'm going to have a picnic.(改为一般疑问句)________ you ________ to have a picnic? 2.The children are going to fly kites tomorrow because it's_going to_be_windy.(对画线部分提问)________ ________ the children going to fly kites tomorrow? 3.We're going to go boating this afternoon.(对画线部分提问)________ ________ you ________ to ________ this afternoon? 4.There is going to be a football match on Sunday..(改为否定句)There ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ a football match on Sunday.5.Would you like to join us?(做出肯定回答)Yes, ________ ________ ________


1.Henry ________ Suzhou next week.A.is going B.is moving C.is going to D.is going to go 2.Hurry up!The bus ________ soon.A.leaves B.is leaving C.going to leave D.leave 3.She wants ______ a new dress for her daughter.A.buy B.to buy C.buys D.buying 4.There ________ two good movies on TV tonight.A.is going to B.are going to C.are going to be D.are going to have 5.They are going to go ________ the Pacific Ocean by ship..A.across B.cross C.through D.over 6.Li Lei likes ________ football.Look!He _________ football.A.play, play B.plays, plays C.playing, playing D.playing, is playing 7.I am looking forward to _______ China.A.to visit B.visit C.visiting D.visits 8.There___ a football match tomorrow.A.is going to have B.is going to be C.is will have D.going to be 9.My brother wants ______ actor.A.to be a B.to be an C.be a D.be an 10.Teachers‟ Day is in _________.A.July B.August C.September D.October 重点难点,一网打尽。


1.My little daughter's ________(最喜爱的)sport is football.2.There's going to be a ________(夏令营)in our city.3.Look!That pretty girl in a red dress is my ________(外孙女). 4.There are many tourists on the ________(海滩). 5.Tom's uncle is a ________(厨师)and his aunt too.四、翻译下列句子

1.Tony 周末打算去干什么?

________ ________Tony ________ ________ do at the weekend? 2.我正期待着参观天坛。

I'm ________ ________ ________ ________ the Temple of Heaven.3.我希望明天会刮风。

I ________ it's going to ________ ________ tomorrow.4.你喜欢观光吗?Do you like ________ ________? 5.你想去购物还是去远足?

Do you want to go ________ ________ go ________? 举一反三,一显身手。


Tim and Li Fang are not going to have any classes next week.They're going to work on a farm.They are going to leave at about seven thirty on Monday morning.They are going to travel to the farm by bus.They are going to wear old clothes because they are going to grow(种植)rice.They are going to have fish for their lunch.They are also going to have a swim at the farm.Tim and Li Fang are excited about going to the farm.Not only are they going to help around the farm,they are going to learn about farming.Li Fang is worried that Tim won't arrive on time to catch the bus because he is nearly always late.Li Fang often has to say to him,“Don't be late,Tim.” 1.When are Tim and Li Fang not going to have any classes? A.Tomorrow.B.Next week.C.Next month.D.Next year.2.What time are they going to start? A.At 7∶00 am.B.At 7∶30 pm.C.At 6∶30 am.D.At 7∶30 am.3.What are they going to do there?

A.Grow rice.B.Plant trees.C.Plant flowers.D.Plant grass.4.How are they going to the farm?

A.By bike.B.On foot.C.By bus.D.By car.5.Who is often late?

A.Tim.B.Han Mei.C.Li Fang.D.Zhu Quan.触摸真题,激活智慧。



小学英语外研五下Module 1测试卷 一、选出不同类的单词。(5分)()1.A.line B.life C.nine()2.A.lady B.any C.many()3.A.this B.these C.those()4.A.beautiful B.strong C.orange()5.A.party B.play C.autumn 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10分)1.She ________(can’t)cook four years ago.2.I ________(live)in a big city now.3.He ________(watch)a television programme about China last night.4.My father ________(go)to work on foot yesterday.5.Is Lingling ________(run)on the playground now? 三、按要求写单词。(10分)1.do(过去式)______________ 2.different(汉语意思)______________ 3.could not(缩写形式)______________ 4.are(过去式)______________ 5.a small house(英译汉)______________ 6.television(缩写形式)______________ 7.is(过去式)______________ 8.在田地里(汉译英)______________ 9.live(过去式)______________ 10.work(过去式)______________ 四、选词填空。(10分)1.We ________ in a big house now.2.She is still ________ England.3.He ________ have a telephone.4.Life ________ different in China many years ago.5.She ________ in the fields ten years ago.五、单项选择。(20分)()1.There ________ any buses.A.was B.weren’t C.wasn’t()2.This programme is ________ China.A.under B.off C.about()3.Many years ago, we ________ in a small house.A.lived B.lives C.live()4.The twins ________ in Dalian last year.They ________ here now.A.are;were B.were;are C.was;are()5.My father ________ ill yesterday.A.isn’t B.aren’t C.wasn’t()6.When did Amy ________ her grandma? A.visited B.visits C.visit()7.My father and I ________ sandwiches very much.A.likes B.liking C.like()8.We ________ eggs and milk for breakfast yesterday morning.A.had B.have C.eat()9.There ________ lots of flowers here before.A.are B.is C.were()10.My little brother ________ walk two months ago.But now he can walk.A.can B.can’t C.couldn’t 六、连词成句。(10分)1.couldn’t, she, write(.)_____________________________ 2.are, lots, of, there, cars, buses, and(.)_____________________________ 3.lived, in, small, the, a, house(.)_____________________________ 4.have, we, enough, didn’t, food(.)_____________________________ 5.worked, she, the, in, fields(.)_____________________________ 七、按要求改写句子。(10分)1.There were some buses.(改为否定句)________________________________ 2.Where was she an hour ago?(用in the fields回答)________________________________ 3.I watch TV every day.(用yesterday改写)________________________________ 4.He lived in a small village twenty years ago.(改为一般疑问句)________________________________ 5.I played basketball last Sunday.(对划线部分提问)________________________________ 八、完形填空。(10分)1_________ my school life very much now, because it is very interesting.In my school, there 2_________ a small playground before.We couldn’t play football on it.But now we have a big one.I can play with my classmates happily on the playground.Before we only had four 3_________ every day.But we have six lessons now.The first lesson 4_________ at nine o’clock before.Now it begins at a quarter past eight.Before there weren’t English classes or Music classes.Now my favourite subject is English.I can learn a lot 5_________ our English teacher.()1.A.likes B.like C.liked()2.A.was B.is C.are()3.A.a lesson B.lesson C.lessons()4.A.began B.begins C.beginning()5.A.in B.from C.on 九、阅读短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。(15分)I’m Li Fang.Here are the photos of my family.This is my grandmother.She was a singer.So she wrote beautiful clothes.My grandfather teaches Chinese.And my mother teaches English.Now, my grandmother is learning English.My mother teaches her.She is a good student.()1.Li Fang’s father teaches English.()2.Li Fang’s grandmother is a singer.()3.Li Fang’s parents teach in the same school.()4.Li Fang’s grandfather is a doctor.()5.There are five people in the family.答案:

一、1—5 CAACB 二、1.couldn’t 2.live 3.watched 4.went 5.running 三、1.did 2.不同的 3.couldn’t 4.were 5.一个小房子 6.TV 7.was 8.in the fields 9.lived 10.worked 四、1.live 2.in 3.didn’t 4.was 5.worked 五、1—5 BCABC 6—10 CCACC 六、1.She couldn’t write.2.There were lots of cars and buses.3.They lived in a small house.4.We didn’t have enough food.5.She worked in the fields.七、1.There weren’t any buses.2.She was in the fields.3.I watched TV yesterday.4.Did he live in a small village twenty years ago? 5.What did you do last Sunday? 八、1—5 BACAB 九、1—5 FTFTT

第三篇:外研社七年级上册Module 1 My teacher and my friends.教案

Module 1 My teacher and my friends.Unit 1 Good morning, Miss Zhou.Ⅰ.Analysis of the text: This is the first English lesson.Students should know how to greet with the teacher and other students.Ⅱ.Arrangement of teaching in this module Three periods for this module, one period for one unit.Ⅲ.Teaching focus: 1.Master language of daily greetings.Key vocabulary and phrases: hello, class, my, name, is, Miss, good, morning, good morning, afternoon, good afternoon, goodbye 2.Be skilled in oral expression of greetings.Ⅳ.Teaching aims: 1.Function: Greetings in students’ daily life.2.Listening: Students can understand others’ greetings by listening.3.Speaking: Students can introduce themselves and greet with others.4.Reading: Students can understand the similar dialogue of greetings.5.Writing: Students can write greeting words in their daily life.Ⅴ.Character building:

Motivate students’ interest in learning English.Make friends with all students.Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures: Part I: Lead in: Step 1 Greeting with the students.Step 2 Introduce myself and ask students to introduce themselves to the class.Step 3 Sing a song: Good morning.Part II: Vocabulary study: Step 1 Play the recording and have them point out the words and phrases.Step 2 Play the recording again and have them read after the tape.Step 3 Have the students match the phrases and pictures in PPT.Part Ⅲ: Dialogue study: Step 1 Practise the dialogue with the whole class and have them make

corresponding reacts.Step 2 Have students to practise the previous dialogue with their partner.Step 3 Listen and read.—Hello, class.My name’s Miss Zhou.—Good morning, Miss Zhou —Good afternoon, class.—Good afternoon, Miss Zhou.—Goodbye, class.—Goodbye, Miss Zhou.Listen again and repeat.Step 4 Language points 1.Hello!


A: Hello / Hi, Susan!你好/喂,苏珊!

B: Hello / Hi, Mike!你好/喂,迈克!2.Good morning!

Good morning!是上午十二点前较为正式的问候语,它的答语仍为Good morning!。如:

A: Good morning!早上好!

B: Good morning!早上好!3.Good afternoon!

Good afternoon!是午饭后到晚饭前这段时间较为正式的问候语,它的答语仍为Good afternoon!。如:

A: Good afternoon, Wang Na!下午好,王娜!

B: Good afternoon, Li Qiang!下午好,李强!4.class 用作名词,有多种含义。


There are 20 girls in our class.我们班有20个女孩。


It’s time for our English class.我们上英语课的时间到了。

◆ 可意为“在同一个班级里的全体学生”。

如:Good afternoon, class.下午好,同学们。



My father is a doctor.我的父亲是一位医生。Step 6 Exercises 根据所讲内容完成下面的对话。(1)—Good morning, Mary!

—________________, Han Li!(2)—________________, Jack!

—Good afternoon, Bill!(3)—_____________, Mr Lin!

—Hello, Zhang Lin!Keys: Good morning

Good afternoon

Hello / Hi 将下列句子翻译成英语。(1)这个班有25个男孩。(2)同学们,上午好。(3)今天下午有一节语文课。Keys: There are 25 boys in the class.Good morning, class.There is a Chinese class this afternoon.Step 7 Match 1.Hello, my name’s Daming.a)Goodbye, Tom.2.Good morning, Lingling,b)Hello, my name is Lingling.3.Good afternoon, Carla.c)Good morning, Carla.4.Goodbye, Mike,d)Good afternoon, Mike Step 8 Listen and check Keys: 1.b 2.c 3.d 4.a Step 6 Work in pairs.Say A: Hello, my name’s ….B: Good morning, … A: Good afternoon, … B: …

A: Goodbye, … B: …

Part Ⅳ: Letters study: Step 1 Sing A B C Song.Step 2 Listen letters in Activity 5 and read after the tape.Step 2 Listen letters in Activity 6 and have them number the letters in Activity4.Step 3 Have some of them to write down letters on the blackboard and check in the class.Step 4 Listen again and write.Step 5 Work in pairs and check your answers.Unit 2 Good morning, I’m Chen Zhong.Ⅰ.Analysis of the text: In this text students will learn how to introduce themselves to others, and make relative greetings.Ⅱ.Arrangement of teaching in this module Three periods for this module, one period for one unit.Ⅲ.Teaching focus: 1.Master language of self-introduction and greetings in the situation of first meeting.Key vocabulary and phrases: Mr., I, what, your, please, sorry, can(can’t), you, spell, it, yes, thank, how, fine, thanks, Mrs.too

2.Be skilled in oral expression of self-introduction and greetings in the situation of first meeting.Ⅳ.Teaching aims: 1.Function: Self-introduction and greetings in the situation of first meeting.2.Listening: Students can understand others’ introduction and greetings by listening.3.Speaking: Students can introduce themselves and greet with others.4.Reading: Students can understand the similar dialogue of self-introduction and greetings.5.Writing: Students can write their self-introduction.Ⅴ.Teaching Procedures: Part I: Lead in: Step 1 Review the greeting phrases in the previous period by having the whole class play the dialogue in real situation.Step 2 Ask students to introduce themselves to the class.Step 3 Enjoy Flash: What’s your name? Part II: Vocabulary study: Step 1 Play the recording and have them point out the words and phrases in Activity 1.Step 2 Play the recording again and have them read after the tape.Step 3 Language points 1.What’s your name?

What’s your name?(What’s=What is)用来询问对方姓名,回答时可说My name’s / My name is...或I’m / I am...。如: —What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? —My name is / I am Mary.我叫玛丽。2.How are you?

熟人、朋友见面时常用How are you?来询问对方的身体状况,意为“你好吗?”,其答语通常为I’m fine / Fine, thank you.或 I’m fine / Fine, thanks.。如:

A: How are you, Linda? 你好吗,琳达?

B: I’m fine / Fine, thank you./ I’m fine / Fine, thanks.很好,谢谢。3.I


I have a new bag.我有一个新书包。


_____ name is Alice.____ am a student.Keys: My, I

Step 4 Have the students match the sentences in Activity 3 and check their answer with their partner.1.Good morning.I’m Chen Zhong.2.What’s your name, please? 3.How are you? a.I’m Lingling.b.Fine, thanks.c.Good morning, Mr Chen.Keys: 1.c


3.b Step 5 Listen the dialogue in Activity 4 and check their answers.a.Good afternoon.b.How are you, Daming?

c.Good afternoon.What’s your name? d.Good afternoon, Mrs Wang.I’m Daming.e.Sorry? f.I’m fine, thanks.Step 6 Write the sentences in Activity 5.Mrs Wang: Good morning.Daming: _______________________ Mrs Wang: What’s your name? Daming: ______________________ Mrs Wang: How are you? Daming: ______________________ Part Ⅲ: Dialogue study: Step 1 Listen sentences in Activity 6 and have them number the sentences in Activity 6.Step 2 Teacher practise a dialogue with single student as follows: — Good afternoon.How are you? — I’m fine, thanks.How are you? — I’m fine too, thanks.What’s your name? — I’m Tom.What’s your name? — I’m Sarah.Step 3 Work in pairs and practise the dialogue.Have some of them to perform their dialogue for the whole class.Unit 3 This is my friends.Ⅰ.Analysis of the text: In this text students will learn how to introduce their friends and family members to others.Ⅱ.Arrangement of teaching in this module Three periods for this module, one period for one unit.Ⅲ.Teaching focus: 1.Master language of introducing friends and family to others.Key vocabulary and phrases: this, she, teacher, friend, her, his, nice, to, meet, time, go, now, bye, see, tomorrow 2.Be skilled in oral expression of introducing someone to others.Ⅳ.Teaching aims: 1.Function: Introduction of friends and family members.2.Listening: Students can understand others’ introduction of someone.3.Speaking: Students can introduce their friends and family members to others.4.Reading: Students can understand the similar dialogue of introducing others.5.Writing: Students can write the introduction of their friends and their family members.Ⅴ.Teaching Procedures: Part I: Lead in: Step 1 Review the greeting phrases in the previous period by having the whole class play the dialogue in real situation.Step 2 Ask students to introduce themselves to the class.Step3

Enjoy a song: Make new friends.Part II: Vocabulary study: Step 1 Play the recording and have them point out the words and phrases in Activity 1.Step 2 Play the recording again and have them read after the tape.Step 3 Have the students match the sentences in Activity 3 and check their answer

with their partner.1.This is my friend.a)His name’s Tony.2.She is my friend.b)Goodbye.3.Hello.c)Nice to meet you.4.It’s time to go now.d)Her name’s Betty.Keys: 1.a 2.d 3.c 4.b

Step 4 Listen the dialogue in Activity 3 and check their answers.Step 5 Write the sentences in Activity 3.Part Ⅲ: Dialogue study: Step 1 Listen sentences in Activity 4 and have them number the sentences in Activity 4.Step 2

Match Step 3

Listen and check.Step 4

Listen and number

a)Goodbye.See you tomorrow.b)Hello, Daming.This is my friend, Amy.c)It’s time to go now.Goodbye.d).Hello, Amy, nice to meet you.e)Hello, Daming, nice to meet you too.Keys: b d e c a Step 5 Listen again and say.Step 6 Work in groups.Say.This is my friend.… name’s …

Hello…, nice to meet you.Step 7 Work in group of 4 and fill the blanks in Activity 7, then have some groups of them to perform the dialogue for the whole class.1.This is my friend.________ name’s Tony.2.This is my ________.Her ___________ Betty.3.Nice to _________ you.4.It’s time to go now.___________.5.Goodbye.See you __________.Step 7 Now listen and check.Keys: 1.His 2.friend, name’s 3.meet 4.Goodbye 5.tomorrow

第四篇:英语:Module 4《Life in the future》教案(外研社七年级下)

英语:Module 4《Life in the future》教案(1)(外研社七年级下)


1.本模块以未来的教室及学习为切入点,谈论将来我们生活的各个方面,学生较为有兴趣,便于展开活动。在这个过程中学习和掌握一般将来时WILL+动词原形的表达方法及注意点。2.《新标准》英语采用归纳式语法学习法:呈现---提问---发现---总结, 培养学生自主学习的能力。一般将来时作个本学期一个重要的时态在上一个单元中就已涉及Be going to +动词原形,学生已有一定的概念,这只需要老师很好地设计课堂教学活动作一定的延伸就可以了。




基础核心词汇:life future chalk paper ruler no one farm holiday rain weather wind so cheap expensive short get warm spring autumn heavy rain strong comfortable machine job free technology interesting difficult weak dream 掌握:cable calculator cell satellite fuel rough heat dull climate transport smooth uncomfortable 语法

一般将来时的肯定,否定及疑问句结构 和形容词的用法.话题









[1] 描述将来生活涉及的一些词汇及它们在句中的正确运用。[2] 能运用一般将来时进行描述与提问。


1.利用多媒体, 让学生在歌声中感受语言,在轻松愉快的video欣赏中 输入语言。在合作学习、游戏、竞赛等活动中巩固语言。

2.整合教材, 对教材的内容进行适当的补充、删减、调序。以话题为核心,设计多种任务活动,把知识点化难为易。将知识不断滚动、内化和外延。Unit 2 Reading and Vocabulary Teaching aims: To get necessary information from the reading material

To talk about life in the future To learn the Simple Future Tense Importance and difficulties: Key vocabulary: farm, holiday, rain, weather, wind, so, cheap, fuel, expensive, short, get, get warm, rough, spring, autumn, heavy, rain, strong, comfortable, heat, light, machine, dull, job, free, climate, technology, transport, easy, interesting, difficult, smooth, uncomfortable, weak Key structures: will + V Step1.Greeting Step2.Revision Talk about school in the future Step2.New words Show some pictures and introduce the new words.Step3.Parts(1,2,3,6)(1)Listen and match the pictures and headings with the paragraphs.(2)Find some information words for the heading.(3)Check the true sentences to help understand the material.(4)Read the passage.Step4.Reading(1)Read carefully and find the adjectives and its opposite words in Part2.(2)Look at the picture s and try to say something about the passage , using these adjectives.Step5.Group work Talk about the questions: Will we have an easy or a difficulty life in the future? why?

Step6.Survey(1)Talk about your life in 10 or 20 years.1.What will you be in the future? 2.Will you have an interesting/happy life ?

Why ? 2 Will you have a small and nice car ? 3 What will your home be like? 4 Will you do many things on the Internet? What will you do on the Internet? 5 Will you have lots of free time? What will you do in your free time? 6 Will you take a plane to travel around the word ? Where will you go ?(2)Write a short passage “My life in the future” Step6.Homework

1、Remember the new vocabulary.2、Finish the short passage.

第五篇:外研社英语Module 5教案Problems

Module 5 Problems






(3)能够读懂有关描述问题的文章,掌握文章的大意。(4)能够结合例文进行对problems 和advice 的写作。


(1)能够正确使用下列单词chance, beat, shame, pity, refuse, warn, rather, final, practice, punish, such, exam, truth, prove, honest, onto, terrible, realize, virus, mend, shelf, steal(2)能够正确使用下列词组 be able to, all together, at the end of, take off, at least, pocket money, after all, help sb.with sth., hurry up(3)能够正确使用含有if引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句





(1)重点词汇:chance, beat, shame, pity, refuse, warn, rather, final, practice, punish, such, exam, truth, prove, honest, onto, terrible, realize, virus, mend, shelf, steal(2)重点句型:

If I play well, I’ll play the solo.If the teacher chooses Kylie, she’ll play the dance music.If she becomes a star, her parents won’t send her away.(3)话题:Problems





Unit 1


Unit 2 Activities 1,2&3 第三课时

Unit 2 Writing;Unit 3 Activities 6,7,10,11&12 第四课时

Unit3 Activities1,2,3,4,5,8,9,Around the world,& workbook


Period 1 教学内容:Unit 1 Activities 1,2,3,4,5,6&7

词汇:chance, beat, shame, pity, refuse, warn, rather, final, practice, punish, such, exam

句型:if条件状语从句+一般将来时态 Step 1 Lead-in

Ask: 1)What’s your hobby?

2)Do you like dancing?

3)What do your parents think about it?

4)Would they like you to spend time dancing?

Say: Now let me tell you something about a girl called Lucy.She is a schoolgirl.She likes dancing very much.Yesterday she had a chance to dance at a big party but she refused it because her parents had warned her about her schoolwork.If she spends too much time in dancing, her parents will punish her….教师边说边把生词打在屏幕上,用这种方法来导入本课中出现的词汇,可以让学生猜猜这些词汇的意思,然后再在屏幕上打出这些词汇的词性以及中文意思。并引出本课句型If she spends too much time in dancing, her parents will punish her.(板书)

Step 2 Listening(Activities 1&2)

So Lucy has a problem.Do you know what problem she has?(If she spends too much time in dancing, her parents will punish her.)1.Tony has a problem, too.Now let’s listen and decide what the problem is.(Play the tape.)

2.Now answer the questions.Use the words in the box to help you.(books open).Then listen again and check.Step 3 Listen and read(Activities 3,4&5)

Here is a conversation between Betty and Sally.They’re talking about their friend Kylie.Kylie also has a problem.Listen carefully and try to tell us what problem she has.(books closed)这环节如果学生有困难,可以让他们小组讨论,然后给出答案。Look at Page 35.Listen and complete the table.Check the answers.总结if句型,即if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时态,主句用一般将来时态。

Look at Page 34.Read the conversation.Then do Activity 5.Step 4 Language Points and Everyday English 把本单元的language points和Everyday English打在屏幕上,朗读后让同桌学生用其中的三到四个编一小对话,在全班同学前表演。

(Activity 6中的四个句子穿插到Activity 3的对话朗读时进行。)Homework

Write out the problems you have with your parents, friends, schoolwork, sports or hobbies.Describe the problem and talk about solution.Eg.My teacher says that if I don’t work harder, I won’t do well in my exams.Period 2 教学内容:Unit 2 Activities 1,2&3

词汇:truth, prove, honest, onto, terrible, realize, virus, mend


Step 1 Revision 1 Greetings Did you have a good time yesterday evening? What did you do yesterday evening? Have you finished your English homework? 2 Talk Ask students to talk about the problems they have with their parents, friends, schoolwork, sports or hobbies with their partners.Then complete the following questionnaire.---Do you have a problem with your teacher?

---Yes, I do.My teacher says that if I don’t work harder, I won’t do well in my exams.(课件)

(这一环节既检查了上一堂课布置的作业,又是一个热身活动。也可以通过师生间对话的方式进行此项活动,并在活动时导入本单元的词汇。)Step 2 Pre-reading Do you work hard at your lessons? Do you like computer games?What do your parents say about computer games?

Ask the students to work in groups of four and discuss these questions.Then report.Step 3 Reading(Activities 1,2&3)

1.Global reading Students read the letter and the answer.Choose the problem and the advice.They can also discuss with their partners.They must try to give the reasons.(要求学生说明选择的依据,目的是帮助学生分析细节与整体的差别,关注学生阅读策略的培养。)

2.Detailed reading Students read the letter and the answer again and finish Activity 2&3.(First students do them by themselves, then share the answers with their partners.)(本环节所涉及的不只是细节的理解与判断,同时还有归纳、推理和逻辑。因此,在次此环节中,要求学生先独立思考,完成练习;然后分享讨论结果,总结阅读技巧和规律。)

3.Problem solving Students work in groups of four again, try to find difficulties and discuss together.If there are any problems, they may ask the teacher for help.At last share their work with the whole class.(课件)

(这个环节是为了帮助学生提高学习的主动性,学会自主学习的方法,逐渐形成比较完善的阅读学习策略。)Step 4 Discussion If the computer game doesn’t leave a virus on the computer, what do you think Steve will do? Do you think he is right?(通过这一环节的讨论,培养学生诚实做人,勇于承认错误,有错就改的优良品质。)Homework

Finish Workbook Exx10&11

Period 3 教学内容:Unit 2 Writing;Unit 3 Activity 6,7,10,11&12

词汇:hurry up, dishonest, shelf, steal Step 1 Revision(Activity 4)

Steve has a problem.Do you remember what problem he has?

Now please say: 1)what Steve did and when.2)what the problem is

3)what happened next

4)what Steve should do Now write the answers down.Then share the answers with your partner, correct the mistakes your partner has made.Ask some students to share their answers with the whole class.Step 2 Writing(Activities 5&6)

Think of one problem.Write a short letter to Diana describing the problem.Use the stages in Activity 4 to help you.Work in pairs.Read each other’s problem letters and write a reply, giving your advice.(相互修改所写的内容,老师提供帮助。)Step 3 Reading and writing(Unit 3 Activities 6&7)

Work in pairs.Read the problems, and discuss advice for each problem, then give advice.Step 4 Task

Work in pairs.Think of and write a problem.Work in groups.Read your problem to the group.Discuss advice for each problem.Decide who is going to write the advice for each problem.本堂课的设计有两个步骤。第一步是句子的写作,第二步是语篇的写作。第一步为第二步作好准备,这种递进的方式对于英语基础不好的学生尤为有用。在基本掌握了含有if的条件句的复合句的用法后,通过写作,能够将所学知识进一步巩固和强化。Homework

Put the problems and the advice on a poster.(这部分的作业可以在第二天收起来后,在班里展示。)

Period 4 教学内容:Unit3 Activities1,2,3,4,5,8,9, Around the world,& workbook Step 1 Grammar practice If I play well, I’ll play the solo.If the teacher chooses Kylie, she’ll play the dance music.If she becomes a star, her parents won’t send her away.(课件:句子结构)Activity 1 Students can discuss these three sentences in pairs.Then share them with whole class.Activities 2&3 Students finish these two activities alone.Check them with their partners.Make sentences with “if”.本步骤主要让学生熟练掌握“if条件状语从句+一般将来时态”的句式,也可以把这种句式与“if条件状语从句+祈使句”同时训练,进行比较,以达到不断巩固和复习本模块的重点和难点的目的。Step 2 Vocabulary Activity 4 Students finish it alone.Then act the conversation in pairs in front of the class.Activity 5 Students finish it alone.Then check it with their partners.本活动通过说和写的语言输出训练,使学生能够进一步巩固单词,培养学生的语篇意识。在活动中培养学生的分析能力和逻辑思维能力。Step 3 Listening 此活动为听力训练。Activities 8&9 Step 5 Around the world 此部分是为了让学生多了解一些课外知识。Step 4 Workbook Finish workbook exercises.Homework Finish workbook Exx 8&9



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