
时间:2019-05-15 10:02:36下载本文作者:会员上传



什么是名称译法 名称译法的难点又在哪里 我们如何才能翻译好名称译法.一、英语人名的译法

英语人名汉译情况较复杂,要视具体情况而定。这是因为汉语的同音词很多,选择不同的汉字译同一英文名字,就会把读者弄糊涂,弄不清究竟说的是一个人还是多个人。例如Phillip这个名字早期至少有九种译名:菲利普,菲利蒲,菲力普,菲力蒲,腓力普,腓利普,腓力;而William的译法至少也有5种:威廉,巍联,卫连,维涟,雯莲。有鉴于此,翻译人名时就应该尽可能地统一译文,以免造成不必要的混乱。做到这一点并非难事,譬如说,有些英语人名后缀部分比较有规律,选用汉字时就要尽量一致,如Fairbridge, Broodbridge中的-bridge现在都统一译为“布里奇”。



翻译欧美人姓名时,依据名从主人的原则,即根据他们的习惯顺序,先名后姓地音译成中文,如David Copperfield译为“大卫·科波菲尔”。

讲英语各国的人名,有时是同形不同音,如Berkeley在英国读 /ba:kli/, 译为“巴克莱”,而在美国读/b?:kli/,应译为“贝克莱”。

英语人名中有些词读音不规则,翻译时要特别注意,如 Maugham中的gh不发音, 汉译应为“毛姆”。

有些外国人喜欢汉化本名,使其听起来象中国人的姓名,如Joseph Needham译成“李约瑟”(英国),John Leighton Stuart译成“司徒雷登”(美国),John King Fairbank 译成“费正清”(美国), James G.Endicott译成“文幼章”(加拿大),Pearl S.Buck译成“赛珍珠”(美国)等。这些译法谈不上规范,但已为人们所熟知并广泛使用,因此无须重译。


有些译名的发音明显有误,但已通行已久,为人接受,约定俗成,所以不必更改。如Eden音为/` i:den/(伊登),但习惯译为“艾登”。

外国人的姓名一般不汉化,以保留其民族特色。但有些传统的习惯的译法,一般不更改,以保持历来的一致性,不致产生误解。这就要求译者勤查多问,对政治、经济、文化中的著名人物有所了解。比如Bernard Shaw是“肖伯纳”, 不是“伯纳·肖”;Bethune统一译为“贝休恩”,但加拿大人Norman Bethune译名为“白求恩”; Marx 一般译成“马克斯”,但伟大的革命导师Marx总是译为“马克思”。


姓名中不重要的辅音可以省略,因为姓名长到四字以上,中国读者记忆起来便有麻烦。简短些容易让读者记住,如Engels译为“恩格斯”,不是“恩格尔斯”;Eliot译为“艾略特”,而非“艾里奥特”;Shakespeare译“莎士比亚”,而不是“莎克士比亚”;MacDonald 译为“麦唐?quot;,而不是”麦克多纳尔德“。

由于外国人名长,传统的译法是只译姓不译名。譬如说起莎士比亚,大家都知道他是英国著名的文学家,不必称为”威廉· 莎士比亚“。当然有时也有姓和名同时译出或只译名不译姓的情况,例如意大利科学家 Galileo Galilet就只被译为”伽利略“,译名不译姓。




此外,英语姓名后有”Jr.“,即Junior 的缩写,其意为此人与其父同姓同名,Jr.汉译为”小“,冠于姓或全名之首,如Jr.John.Kennedy的译名为”小约翰.肯尼迪"。




The Canterbury Tales 《坎特伯雷故事集》;The Prince and the Pauper 《王子和贫儿》

The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland 《艾丽丝漫游记》

The Great Expectation 《远大前程》;A Tale of Two Cities 《双城记》

Aesop’s Fables 《伊索寓言》;Sister Carrie 《嘉丽妹妹》

Vanity Fair《名利场》;A Farewell to Arms《永别了,武器》

The Merry Wives of Windsor《温莎的风流娘儿们》

The Age of Innocence《纯真年代》;Dances with Wolves《与狼共舞》

Jurassic Park《侏罗纪公园》



St.Mark《马克福音》;Robinson Crusoe 《鲁宾逊漂流记》

The Mayor of Casterbridge《卡斯特桥市长》;Dombey and Son《董贝父子》

A River Runs Through It《一条流过记忆的河》;Sleepless in Seattle《西雅图夜未眠》

Patton《巴顿将军》;The Net《网络情缘》

Moonstruck《月色撩人》;Sand and Blood《碧血黄沙》


Uncle Tom’s Cabin《黑奴吁天录》(试比较:《汤姆叔的小屋》)

David Copperfield《块肉余生述》

Silas Marner 《织工马南传》(试比较:《塞那斯·马南》)

The Bridges of Madison County《廊桥遗梦》(试比较:《梅德逊郡桥》)

First Knight《剑侠风流》;Sabrina《情归巴黎》

Oliver Twist 《雾都孤儿》;Pygmalion 《皮格马利翁》

Red Star Over China 《西行漫记》 ; Gone with the Wind 《乱世佳人》

Pinocchio 《木偶奇遇记》;As You Like It《皆大欢喜》

The Pilgrim’s Progress《天路历程》;For Whom the Bell Tolls《战地钟声》


Jane Eye 《简.爱》;Robin Hood 《罗宾汉》

Martin Eden 《马丁·伊登》




New York Times《纽约时报》

Washington Post 《华盛顿邮报》(美国第2大报)

Los Angeles Times 《洛杉矶时报》(美国第3大报)

Christian Science Monitor 《基督教科学箴言报》

International Herald Tribune 《国际先驱论坛报》(国际性报纸,美国报界集团在巴黎发行)

Wall Street Journal 《华尔街日报》(专业性商业金融报)

The Baltimore Sun 《巴尔的摩太阳报》;Chicago Tribunes《芝加哥论坛报》

The Boston Globe《波士顿环球报》;Time《时代周刊》

Newsweek《新闻周刊》;Reader’s Digest《读者文摘》

Life 《生活》(画刊);Playboy《花花公子》

Fortune 《幸福》;G.E.O 《地理》;U.S.A.Today 《今日美国》

National Geographic Magazine 《国家地理杂志》;People 《人物》

Time 《时代》;Business Week 《商业周刊》

Newsweek 《新闻周刊》;Reader’s Digest 《读者文摘》


The Times 《泰晤士报》;Daily Telegraph 《每日电讯报》

Guardian 《卫报》;Sunday Times 《星期日泰晤士报》

Observer 《观察家报》;Daily Mail 《每日邮报》;The Guardian 《前卫》(杂志)

Daily Mirror 《每日镜报》;News of the World 《世界新闻报》;The Sun《太阳报》

第二篇:翻译技巧 反译法


由于讲英语国家的历史、地理、社会文化背景和生活习性与我国不同,因此 这些国家人们的思维方式和生活习性亦与我国不同。这种差别体现在语言习惯 七,便产生了两种语言各自不同的表达形式。在表示否定意义时,这种差异显得 尤为突出。有的英语句子形式上是否定的而实质上是肯定的,有的形式上是肯定 的而实质上是否定的。在翻译某些英文句子时,应当特别注意两点:一是英语里 有些从正面表达的词语或句子,汉译时可以从反面来表达,即正说反译法;二是 英语里有些从反面表达的词语或句子,汉译时可从正面来表达,即反说正译法。例如:

(1)The kind of machine is far from being complicated.



(2)He wrote three books in the first two years,a record never reached before.


原文从反面表达,译文从正面表达。如译成“这是他从前从未达到的记录” 则显得很别扭。

(3)I have read your articles,but,expect to meet an older woman.


本句如译成“我读过你文章,但我料想会见到一个年纪更大的女人”则不符 合汉语表达习惯。

从以上例中可以看出,有些句子从正面译不顺,不妨从反面译;反面译不 顺,则不妨从正面译,因为同一个概念,一个民族正着说,以为是合乎表达习惯 的,而另一个民族则认为反着说才顺口。因此,在恰当的场合灵活运用反译法不 失为确保译文语义明晰、文从字顺的有效手段。


英语中有些否定概念是通过含有否定意义或近似否定意义的词来表达的。一 些语言学家称这些词为“含蓄否定词”,另一些语言学家则称之为“暗指否定 词”。英语中的含蓄否定词或含蓄否定短语一般都要译成汉语的否定词组。


(1、Shortness of time has required the omission of some countries.


(2)All international disputes should be settled through negotiations and avoidance

of any armed conflicts.


(3 1 There was complete absence of information on t11e oil deposit in that country.


(4)Politeness is not always the sign of wisdom,but the want of it always leaves

room for.the suspicion of folly.



(5)A lack of awareness of cultural differences or local customs Can create



作为名词用的含蓄否定词还有:defiance(不顾,无视),denial(否认,否 定),exclusion(排除),freedom(不,免除),refusal(不愿,不允许)和loss(失去)等。(二)动词或动词短语

(1)Scientists reject authority as an ultimate basis for truth·


(2)Water is a good lubricant, if you can devise a way to keep it from leaking out or evaporating.如果能设法使水不漏出来或蒸发掉,那么水就是一种很好的润滑剂。

(3)English differ from French in having no gender for nouns.英语和法语不同,英语名词没有性的变化。

(4)To preserve the fiction,he refrained from scolding his son until the guests left.为了不漏破绽,他强忍着不责骂自己的儿子,直到客人们离去。

(5)An investment in the money market fund has tied up the money until the end

of the term of the investment.





(1)My younger brother would be the last man to say such things.


(2)They were watching the fluid situation with concern.

他们关切地注视着动荡不安的局面。(3)It is said that it is only a marginal agreement.


(4)These official documents shall form an integral part of this contract.


(5)These elements are shielded SO that they are free from the influence of

magnetic field.


类似的形容词及其短语还有:absent(不在,不到),awkward(不熟练,不 灵活,使用起来不方便),bad(令人不愉快的,不受欢迎的,不舒服的),blind(看不到,不注意),dead(无生命的,无感觉的,不毛的),difficult(不容易 的),:foreign to(不适合的,与„„无关),short of(不够)和poor(不好的,不幸的)等。


(1)That kind of thing is very extraordinary.It seems against nature.不过那种事情很不寻常,似乎不符合自然规律。

(2)These planes were held back to protect our home inlands instead of being used

where they were badly needed.

这些飞机被留在后方保卫后方本岛,未用于其他急需的地方。(3)It was beyond your power to sign such a contract.


(4)It is generally believed that the men who are habitually behind time are as

habitually behind success.


(5)Only one of us has ever gone to live in the village and he was back in town

within five months.


(1)Slowly the old man pulled the letter out of the envelope,and unfolded it.


(2)The officers and soldiers blazed away until they had no ammunition left.


(3)The subversion attempts of the enemy proved predictably futile.


(4)Time is what we want most,but what many use worst·


(5)So far,experts have had about the same degree of success as stock—market

forecasters,which is to say they do badly.


(1)He is too careful not to have noticed it.


(2)Unless English team improves their game,they are going to lose the match.如果英格兰队不改进打法,就会榆掉这场比赛。

(3)The old lady would rather be buried with her money under a mountain of rock

than trust another bank.

老太太宁可和她的钱一起被葬入石山下,也不再相信任何一家银行了。(4)Until he spoke I had not realized he was foreign.


(1)The restaurant was anything but satisfactory.


(2)Both sides thought that the peace proposal was one they could accept with


双方认为,那个和平建议他们可以接受,而又不失体面。(3)1 was at a loss to understand what she alluded to.

我无法领会她谈话中的所指。(4)The escaped criminal is still at large.


(5)The islanders in this small country found themselves far from ready to fight the war.


(6)There are many energy sources in store.The problem has been to use the

energy at a reasonable cost.


(1)Let me watch you at it again.


(2)If it worked once,it Can work twice.


(3)It’S human nature to want something better.


(4)We are wiser than to believe such stories.


(5)Her grandfather is already 80,but he carries his years lightly



英语中有些谚语和警句翻成汉语时,也可采用正说反译法,尽可能用简练的 汉语或相应的汉语成语来表达。例如:

(1)Seeing is believing.


(2)Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.


(3)Let sleeping dog lie.


(4)Bite off more than one Can chew·


(5)Call a spade a spade.


(6)A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush



反说正译法指的是将英语中有些与not等否定词连用的词语或带有否定词缀 的词语译成汉语的肯定形式。这样做有时是为了将原文中某些否定形式所具有的 肯定含义清楚地表达出来;在另外一些时候也许是为了将译文组织得更加自然流 畅。当然,也常常可能两种目的兼而有之。(一)名词

(1)It was said that someone had sown discord among us.据说有人在我们中间挑拨离间。

(2)The dishonesty of the government officials was exposed by the newspaper.政府官员们的欺诈行为在报纸上披露了出来。(3)A look of disbelief replaced the smile on her face.


(4)He manifested a strong dislike for his mother’s job.

他对他母亲的工作表示出强烈的厌恶情绪。(5)These slums ale a disgrace to the city government.这些贫民窟是市政府的耻辱。

(6)They were puzzled by the sudden disappearance of their guide.他们向导的突然失踪使他们感到困惑不解。

(7)There has been serious disagreement between the two countries over this



(1)T}le employer could dismiss any employee who had ever displeased him·

雇主可以解雇任何曾得罪过他的雇员。(2)How he longed to unsay his tactless words!

他多么希望收回他那些不得体的话啊!(3)The mother gently disengaged her hand from that of her sleeping daughter·


(4)We are now unprovided with the techniques necessary for the manufactoring of

rags into paper.


(5)The thief jumped over a neighboring garden wail and disappeared among the crowds.


(1)This kind of bird is unusual winter visitors to America.这种鸟冬季很少到美国来。

(2)It was inconsiderate of her to mention the matter in his hearing.她实在轻率,竞当着他的面谈论此事。(3)All the articles are untouchable in the museum.博物馆内一切展品禁止触摸。

(4)APEC will have to be non-discriminatory and it will have to seek to be open

rather than closed in its approach.

亚太经济合作组织必须一视同仁,而且态度上必须是开放的,而不是封闭的。(5)Peter was an indecisive sort of person and could not be a good leader.彼得这人优柔寡断,当不了好领导。(四)副词

(1)The show was,unfortunately,one of the dullest we have ever seen.可惜的是,这次演出是我们所看过的最乏味的演出。(2)She carelessly glanced through the note and got away.她马马虎虎地看了看那张便条就走了。(3)All things invariably divide into two.


(4)“I don't know if I ought to have come,”he said breathlessly,grasping Sandy’s arm.

“我不知道我该不该来”,他气喘吁吁地说,一把抓住了桑迪的胳膊。(5)Johnson believed that the Minister of Education had in fact dishonorably

resigned from office.


(1)His escape was nothing short of being miraculous·


(2)The examination left no doubt that the patient had died of lung cancer.调查结果清清楚楚地说明,人死于肺癌。

(3)It would be foolish,not to say mad,to sell your house.你要卖房子真蠢,简直是疯了。(4)There is nothing like mineral water to quench one’s thirst.


(5)She meant to help,no doubt,but in fact she has been a hindrance.

她的的确确是想帮忙的,可实际上却成了累赘。(6)The enemy’s spies were not going to lose sight of us.


(7)A11 men between 18 and 45 without exception are expected to serve in the

army during the War.


(1)For many years there was no closeness between the two countries.


(2)The significance of these incidents wasn’t lost on us.


(3)The United Nations Organization has not,so far,justified the hopes which the

people of the world set on it.


(4)A book may be compared to your neighbor;if it be good,it cannot last too

long;if bad,you cannot get rid of it too early.

书好比邻居,如果是本好书,相伴得越久越好;如果是本坏书,越早摆脱掉越好。(5)Knowledge about the most powerful computers man has ever developed is too

valuable not to share.



英语中的双重否定句,除了有时可以译成汉语的双重否定句外,一般说来应 译成肯定句。不过,它是一种特殊的强调句式。以have to(不得不)为例,两个 “不”字去掉以后意思不变,但语气强度就差多了。例如:

(1)There is no evil without compensation.


(2)There is not any advantage without disadvantage.


(3)There is no grammatical rule than has no exception.


(4)It never rains but pours.


(5)The charging of a condenser from a battery is not unlike the filling of a tank

from all oil reservoir.


(6)We can’t be too careful in doing this kind of experiment.


无论怎样小心也不过分”。)(7)I 8nl not reluctant to accept your proposal.

我非常愿意接受你的建议。(也可译为“你的建议我并非不愿接受”。)当然,有的英语双重否定句译为汉语的双重否定句更为通顺。(1)There is no story without coincidence.


(2)The significance of this report and importance Can never be overemphasized.



英语中的这种句子是一种迂回的表示肯定的方式,字面上看似否定,实际上 是委婉的肯定。例如:

(1)I couldn’t feel better·


(2)He can’t see you quickly enough-


(3)I couldn’t agree with you more-


f41 He didn’t half like the girl-



英语中的一些否定结构如果按字面意义理解很容易出错,这些结构我们称之 为“否定的陷阱”。下面就是一些有代表性的结构。(一)cannot„too(怎么„„也不)(1)You cannot be too careful in proofreading.校对时,越仔细越好。

(2)We shall never be able to stress too much for his kindness.不管我们怎么感谢他,都不足以报恩于万一。

(3)The importance of this conference cannot be overestimated 这次大会的重要性无论怎么强调也不过分。(二)not„because(并非因为„„而)(1)Don’t scamp your work because you are pressed for time.


(2)This project is not placed last because it is difficult to be put into practice


(3)The engine didn’t stop because the fuel was finished.

发动机并不是因为燃料耗尽而停止运转的。(三)for all„(尽管„„,不,说不定)(1)You may leave at once for all I care.


(2)For all we knew,the files we were supposed to fetch were already on

their way.


(3)She seemed as fresh as ever,for all that I never saw her drink or eat.

尽管我从未见到她喝点什么或吃点什么,她似乎仍然精神饱满。(四)both„not(并非两者„„都)(1)Both the instruments are not precision ones.这两件东西不都是精密仪器。(2)But you see,we both cannot go together.

但是我告诉你,我们俩不能同时都走。(五)all/every„not(并非„„都)(1)All towns did not look like as they do today.

在过去,城镇并不都像今天这样个个千篇一律。(2)All that glitters is not gold.


(六)It be+a.+n.+that„(再„„也难免)(1)It is all ill wind that blows nobody good.

坏事未必对人人都有害处。(也可译为“再坏的事也不是对人人都有害处”。)(2)It is a good workman that never blunders.

智者千虑,必有一失。(也可译为“再聪明的工匠也难免出错”。)(3)It is a long lane that had no end.

路必有弯。(也可译为“再长的胡同也有尽头”。)最后值得一提的是,在英汉翻译过程中,反译法的使用必须要针对具体情况 灵活掌握,切不可一概而论,机械套用。有些英语词语或句子正译、反译皆可,两者并无实质性差别,究竟采用何种译法主要依据个人行文习惯或视具体的上下文而定。

(1)We have found your terms and conditions agreeable.



(2)Much to our regret,the packing of the landed goods is quite different from

that you have promised.



(3)The works of art were left intact,the money gone·



1.将下列句子译成汉语,并注意将斜体部分反说正译。(1)The doubt was still unsolved after our repeated explanations·

(2)We are not completely satisfied with your manner of doing business·

(3)After the ship unloads at the dock,the goods will go to the container freight(4)Students,with no exception,are to hand in their papers tomorrow afternoon.(5)The thought of returning to our native land never deserted us at that time.

(6)It is generally believed that there is nothing like jogging as a means of exercise.(7)The system of gas supply in the city leaves nothing to be desired.(8)The significance of these incidents wasn't lost on them.

(9)Their undisguised effort to persecute the leaders of opposition party met with

nationwide condemnation.

(10)Suddenly she heard a sound behind her,and realized she was not alone in the room.2.将下列句子译成汉语,并注意将斜体部分正说反译。

(1)While trade is good in my company,money is very tight at present.(2)The Foreign Minister doubted the desirability of a negotiation to be held at that time.

(3)Charles dived into the water fully clothed and rescued the 0ld man.

(4)In your eagerness to secure profits,you have failed to give due consideration to the sellers’ standpoints.

(5)If the weather holds a few days,the team of the explorers will set off.

(6)While I liked his work,I pointed out areas where improvement was possible.(7)In the event of any contingencies beyond our control,we shall not be held

responsible for the late delivery of the goods.

(8)In the absence of a settlement through negotiation,the case under dispute call be

submitted to arbitration.

(9)Cowards die many times before their death;the valiant never taste of death but


(10)One of the advantages of the fibre-optic communications is freedom from direct

effect of interfering radio transmission.



General Sugery 普外

appendectomy(appendicectomy)阑尾切除术 cholecystectmy 胆囊切除术 cholecystostomy 胆囊造口术 drainage of the abscess 脓肿引流 enterostomy 肠造口术

exploratory laparotomy 开腹探查术 gastrectomy 胃切除术

gastroduodenostomy 胃十二指肠吻合术 hemorrhoidectomy 痔切除术 hepaticotomy 肝管切开术 hepatectomy 肝切除术 herniorrhaphy 疝修补术

ligation of lower oesophageal veins 低位食管静脉结扎 pancreatectomy 胰切除术

portal vena cava anastomosis 门腔静脉吻合术 pyloroplasty 幽门成形术 mastectomy 乳房切除术 splenectomy 脾切除术 thyroidectomy 甲状腺切除术 thyroid lobectomy 甲状腺叶切除术

vagotomy 迷走神经切断术Orthopedics 骨科 amputation 截肢 arthrodesis 关节固定术

curettage if bone tumor 骨瘤刮除术 excision of bone tumor 骨瘤切除术 external fixation 外固定 fasciotomy 筋膜切开术 free skin graft 自由皮瓣移植 internal fixation 内固定 plaster cast 石膏管形

plaster splintage 石膏夹板固定

prosthetic replacement for joint 人工关节置换术 reduction of fracture 骨折复位

reduction of joint dislocation 关节脱位复位 repair if ligament 韧带修补 replantation if digit断指再植 skeletal traction 骨牵引 tenorrhaphy 腱缝合术 Thoracic Surgery 胸外科

aortocoronary bypass 主动脉冠状动脉分流 closed drainage of pleural cavity 胸腔闭式引流

complete intracardiac repair of Fallot's Tetralogy 法洛完全修复术 dilation of aortic valular stenosis 主动脉瓣狭窄扩张术 exploratory thoracotomy 开胸探查 heart transplantation 心脏移植

heart valve replacement 心脏瓣膜置换术 ligation of patent ductus arteriosis 动脉导管未闭结扎术 lobectomy of lungs 肺叶切除

local excision of tumor of lungs 肺肿瘤局部切除术

parial esophagectomy and reconstruction of esophagus 食管部分切除、重建

repair of auricular septal defect 房间隔缺损修补术 repair if ventricular septal defect 室间隔缺损修补术 repair if valvular insufficiency 瓣膜闭锁不全的修补 pericardiectomy 心包切除术 peicardiotomy 心包切开术

pulmonary embolectomy 肺动脉栓子切除术

resection of arterial aneurysm动脉瘤切除术Urology 泌尿科 cystoplasty 膀胱成形术 cystostomy 膀胱造口术 nephrectomy 肾切除术 nephrostomy肾造口术 nephrolithotomy肾石切除术 orchiectomy睾丸切除术 prostatectomy前列腺切除术 renal biopsy肾活检

renal transplantation肾移植 urethra-lithotomy输尿管结石切除 urethroplasty 尿道成形术 vasoligation 输精管结扎术 Neurosurgery 神经外科 decompression 减压术

excision of brain tumor 脑瘤切除术 exploratory craniotomy开颅探查术 lobectomy(脑)叶切除术

removed of intracranial hematoma 颅内血肿清除术 repair of dura defect 硬脑膜缺损修补术Dentistry 牙科 dental prosthetics 镶牙 filling 牙填充

orthodontic treatment 牙矫正术 periodontal treatment 牙周治疗

tooth extraction 拔牙Gynecology & Obstetrics 妇产科 amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺术 cervicectomy 子宫颈切除术 cesarean section 剖宫产术剖腹产 culdocentesis 后穹隆穿刺术 dilatation of the cervix 宫颈扩张术

excision of Bartholin cyst 巴氏腺囊肿切除术 hysterectomy 子宫切除术 induction of labor 引产术 ovarian cystectomy 助产术 oophorectomy 卵巢切除术 salpingectomy 输卵管切除术 sterilization 绝育术 uterine curetlage 刮宫术 vulvectomy 外阴切除术

Ophthalmology & Otorhinolaryngology 五官科 aspiration of cataract 白内障吸出术

closed reduction of nasal bone 鼻骨闭合复位 corneal grafting 角膜移植

enucleation of eyeball 眼球摘除术 excision of turbinates 鼻甲切除术

extraction of intra-ocular foreign body 眼内异物摘除 laryngectomy and laryngostomy 喉切除术和喉造口术 lens extraction 晶体摘除 mastoidectomy 乳突切开术 myringotomy 鼓膜切开术 myringoplasty 鼓膜成形术 nasal polypectomy 鼻息肉切除术 septoplasty(鼻)中隔成形术 sinusotomy 鼻窦切开术

submuscous resection of nasal septum 鼻中隔粘膜下切除术 tonsillectomy 扁桃体切除术 tympanoplasty 鼓室成形术


常见蔬菜英语名称 pepper 胡椒

hot pepper;chilli 辣椒

sweet pepper;bell pepper;pimiento;capsicum 甜椒, 柿子椒

tomato 番茄,西红柿

asparagus 芦笋

cucumber 黄瓜

aubergine, eggplant 茄子

bean 菜豆

beet, beetroot 甜菜

potato 马铃薯

carrot 胡萝卜

cauliflower 菜花,花椰菜

pumpkin 西葫芦

broad bean 蚕豆

cabbage 圆白菜,卷心菜

garlic 蒜

chive 细香葱

fennel 茴香

cos lettuce 莴苣

marrow 嫩葫芦

melon 香瓜,甜瓜

celery 芹菜

onion 韭

leek 韭菜

radish 萝卜

tarragon 狭叶青蒿

thyme 百里香

mushroom 蘑菇

artichoke 洋蓟

broccoli, brocoli 硬花甘蓝

Brussels sprouts 芽甘蓝

caper 刺山柑,老鼠瓜

cardoon 刺菜蓟

chervil 雪维菜,细叶芹

chick-pea 鹰嘴豆

chicory 苣荬菜 cress 水田芥

cumin, cummin 孜然芹,枯茗

dandelion 蒲公英

French bean 法国菜豆

gherkin 嫩黄瓜

horseradish 辣根

Jerusalem artichoke 洋姜,鬼子姜

kale 无头甘蓝

kohlrabi 甘蓝

laurel 月桂

lentil 兵豆

lettuce 莴苣

lupin 羽扇豆(美作:lupine)parsley 欧芹

parsnip 欧防风

pea 豌豆

rhubarb 大黄

salsify 婆罗门参

sorrel 掌叶大黄

truffle 块菌

turnip 芜菁

watercress 豆瓣菜



beans 蒜

garlic 姜



lady's fingers 莴莒

lettnce 缸豆

long bean 洋葱

onion 南瓜

pumpkin 萝卜

radish 豌豆

sweetpeas 西红柿

tomato 蔬菜

vegetables 卷心菜

cabbage 花椰菜

broccoli 莴笋

asparagus 辣椒

capsicum 花菜

cauliflower 黄瓜

cucumber string bean 四季豆

pea 豌豆

green soy bean 毛豆

soybean sprout 黄豆芽

mung bean sprout 绿豆芽

bean sprout 豆芽

kale 甘蓝菜

mater convolvulus 空心菜

dried lily flower 金针菜

mustard leaf 芥菜

celery 芹菜

tarragon 蒿菜

beetroot, beet 甜菜

agar-agar 紫菜

lettuce 生菜

spinach 菠菜

leek 韭菜

caraway 香菜

hair-like seaweed 发菜

preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜

salted vegetable 雪里红

asparagus 芦荟

bamboo shoot 竹笋

dried bamboo shoot 笋干

chives 韭黄

ternip 白萝卜

carrot 胡萝卜

water chestnut 荸荠

ficus tikaua 地瓜

long crooked squash 菜瓜

loofah 丝瓜

pumpkin 南瓜

bitter gourd 苦瓜 white gourd 冬瓜

gherkin 小黄瓜

yam 山芋

taro 芋头

beancurd sheets 百叶

champignon 香菇

button mushroom 草菇

needle mushroom 金针菇

agaricus 蘑菇

dried mushroom 冬菇

eggplant 茄子

potato, spud 马铃薯

lotus root 莲藕

agaric 木耳

white fungus 百木耳

garlic bulb 蒜头

green onion 葱

scallion, leek 青葱

bamboo shoot 竹笋

arrowroot 竹芋

mature ginger 老姜

paprika 红椒

carrot 红萝卜

taro 芋头

bean sprout 豆芽

pea sboot 豆苗

bean pod 豆荚

mustard 芥末

main stem of mustard green 芥菜头

leaf mustard 芥菜

cabbage mustard 芥蓝

celery 芹菜

parsley 芹叶

runner bean 连夹豆

hsien tsai;amaranth 苋(xian四声)菜

cauliflower 花椰菜

asparagus 芦笋 coriander 香菜

turnip 萝卜

green papaya 青木瓜

broccoli 青花菜

spoon cabbage 青江菜

green pepper 青椒

green bean 青豆

green vegetable 青菜

scallion leek 青葱

kung hsin tsai;water convolvulus 空心菜

rape greens 油菜

deied edible tiger lily flower 金针菜

morel 金菇

eggplant;aubergine 茄子

bitter gourd;balsampear 苦瓜

chive;Chinese green onion 细香葱

white yam;winged yam 参薯

blackeyed-pea 眉豆

lentil;haricot 扁豆

button mushroom 洋菇

onion 洋葱

agar-agar 紫菜

vanilla 香草

vanilla bean 香草豆

coriander;Chinese parsely 香菜

mushroom;champigon 香菇

poisonous mushroom 毒蘑菇

fennel 茴香

straw mushroom 草菇

Chinese chive;Chinese leek 韭黄

yellow Chinese chive 韭黄

chive shoot 韭芽

leek 韭葱

ginger shoot 姜芽

shreded ginger 姜丝

ginger 姜

crown daisy 茼蒿 leaf of matrimony vine 枸杞菜

carrot 胡萝卜

Chinese squash 南瓜

pumpkin 美洲南瓜

wild rice shoots 茭笋

asparagus bean;cowpea;catjang bean 豇(jiang)豆

kelp tangle;seaweed 海带

kelp knot 海带结

water chestnut 荸荠(bi)(qi)lettuce 莴苣

lotus seed 莲子

lotus roots 莲藕

savoy 皱叶菜

savoy cabbage 皱叶蓝



大会assembly 会议convention 晚会,社交性宴会party 家庭宴会at-home party 茶会tea party 晚餐会dinner party 游园会garden party 舞会dance(party), ball 读书会reading party 钓鱼会 fishing party 观剧会sketching party

生日宴会birthday party 圣诞晚会Christmas party 午餐会luncheon party 化妆舞会fancy ball, costume ball 纪念宴会commemorative party 婚宴wedding dinner 酒宴compotation 宴会banquet 欢迎会welcome meeting 欢送会farewell party pajama party睡衣派对

buffet party立食宴会,冷餐会 cocktail party鸡尾酒会 pink tea午后茶会,正式茶会 new years's banquet新年宴会 year-end dinner party忘年餐会 box supper慈善餐会 fancy fair义卖场

会员大会general meeting(assembly)代表大会congress 董事会board of directors 执行委员会executive council(board)常设机构standing body 委员会committee, council, 附属委员会,小组委员会subcommittee 总务委员会general committee(officers,bureau)秘书处secretariat 预算委员会budget committee 起草委员会drafting committee 专家委员会committee of experts 顾问委员会,咨询委员会advisory(consultive)committee 秘密会议(UK)meeting in camera,(US)executive session 开幕会opening sitting 闭幕会final sitting 隆重开会formal sitting 全会plenary meeting 会议期间(UK)session,(US)meeting 会期time fixed for a conference 工作小组working party 席位seat 主管部门governing body 召开会议to sit(meet, hold)a meeting symposium讨论会,座谈会 study group学习研讨会 seminar研讨会.讨论发表会 sitting, meeting, session开会 round table圆桌会议



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