英文合同常见短语give rise to的使用及译法

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第一篇:英文合同常见短语give rise to的使用及译法

英文合同常见短语give rise to的使用及译法

短语give rise to在合同文本中经常使用,意思是引起、导致,相当于cause,但是比cause正式 NO.1例句一

If the Buyer becomes aware of any fact, matter or event which might constitute or give rise to an Agreement Claim, the Buyer shall within a reasonable time of becoming aware of the issue giving rise to the Agreement Claim deliver to the Sellers’Representative written notice specifying in reasonable detail all material aspects of such Agreement Claim as far as is known to the Buyer.如果买方获悉可能构成或者引发协议索赔的任何事实、事项或事件,买方应当在获悉引发协议索赔的事项之后的合理期间内,向卖方代表发送书面通知,详细列明买方所知的与协议索赔各个重大方面有关的情况。


If any Indemnitee believes that it has a claim that may give rise to an obligation of any Warrantor pursuant to this Clause 7, it shall give prompt notice thereof to the Warrantors stating specifically the basis on which such claim is being made, the material facts related thereto, and the amount of the claim asserted.如果任何受偿方按照本第7条的规定,认为其遭受到可能产生任何保证人义务的索赔,其应立即通知保证人,具体说明提出索赔的依据、与索赔相关的重大事实以及索赔的金额。




per,英文合同常见词,如per share每股;per annum每年,且不能用each替换 Save for the agreements set out in Section XXX of the Disclosure Schedule and the Transaction Documents, there are no other agreements, understandings, instruments, contracts or proposed transactions to which any Group Company is a party or by which it is bound that involve(i)obligations(contingent or otherwise)of, or payments to, any Group Company in excess of $[XXXXX] per annum or in excess of $[XXXXX] in the aggregate,(ii)the transfer or license of any patent, copyright, trade secret or other proprietary right to or from any Group Company, other than from or to another Group Company or from a Founder to a Group Company,(iii)the grant of rights to manufacture, produce, assemble, license, market, or sell its products to any other person or affect any Group Company’s exclusive right to develop, manufacture, assemble, distribute, market or sell its products, or(iv)indemnification by any Group Company with respect to infringements of proprietary rights.除《披露清单》的第XXX条规定的协议与《交易文件》外,无任何集团公司是涉及以下事项的其他协议、谅解、契约、合同或拟议交易的一方当事人或受之约束:(i)任何集团公司承担的义务或向任何集团公司支付的款项超过每年[XXXXX]美元,或合计超过[XXXXX]美元,(ii)任何集团公司转让/受让或者许可/被许可任何专利、著作权、商业秘密或专有权利,不包括另一家集团公司的转让/受让、许可/被许可或者创始方向某个集团公司的转让、许可,(iii)制造、生产、组装、许可、营销或向任何其他人出售其产品之权利授予,或者影响任何集团公司开发、制造、组装、经销、营销或出售其产品的专有权利之权利授予,或者(iv)任何集团公司与专有权利的侵权相关的赔偿。

Save as otherwise provided in this Agreement, if a Party defaults in the payment when due of any sum payable under this Agreement, the liability of the relevant Party shall be increased to include interest on such sum from the date when such payment is due until the date of actual payment at the rate of HIBOR plus 3 per cent per annum.除非本协议另有规定,如果一方当事人迟延支付本协议项下任何到期应付款项,则其责任应当包括前述款项从到期应付之日到实际支付之日,按照香港银行同业拆放利率加每年3%的年利率计算的的利息。




contemplate是英文合同常见词,比如transactions contemplated in this Agreement,或者transactions contemplated by this Agreement,通常处理方式有两种,译为“本协议项下拟议交易”或者“本协议项下交易”。1

The General Partner on behalf of the Fund may enter into and perform the Subscription Agreements, the Investment Management Agreement and any other agreement with the Investment Manager pursuant to clause 6.3 and any document contemplated thereby or related thereto, all without any further act, vote or approval of any Person, including any Partner, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement.尽管本协议存在任何其他规定,普通合伙人可以根据第6.3款代表基金签订并执行认购协议、与管理公司之间的投资管理协议和其他协议及其项下以及与之相关的任何文件,而无需任何人(包括任何合伙人)的任何进一步的行动、投票或批准。2

The Buyer acknowledges that the Warrantors’ Warrantiesand indemnities provided in Clause 7 are the only representations, warrantiesand indemnities of the Warrantors in connection with the transactions contemplated in this Agreement to the exclusion of any other representations, warranties and indemnities, whether express or implied.买方确认,第7条规定的保证人的保证和赔偿属于保证人与本协议项下拟议交易有关提供的唯一陈述、保证和赔偿,排除其它任何明示或默示陈述、保证和赔偿。


第四篇:insofar as句式在英文合同中的使用和译法

insofar as句式在英文合同中的使用和译法

insofar as句式是法律文件中常出现的句式,通常有两种形式:(1)单独使用

(2)与except连用,即except insofar as,意思是除非


In any case, the Licensor indemnifies the Licensee and holds it fully harmless against all claims of third parties based on violations of their intellectual property rights through the use of the License, insofar as the Licensee informs the Licensor of such a claim or(possible)claim by a third party.在任何情况下,许可方对于第三方基于使用许可而对知识产权侵权提起的所有索赔(在被许可方告知许可方该等由第三方提起的索赔或(可能)的索赔范围内),赔偿被许可方并使其免受伤害。


The contractor shall make his own arrangements for the engagement of all labor, local or otherwise, and except insofar as the contract otherwise provides, for the transport, housing, feeding and payment thereof.承包人必须自行安排雇佣所有当地和外地的劳工,并负责劳工的交通、食宿和工资,除非本合同另有规定。


第五篇:good faith在英文合同中的使用及译法

good faith在英文合同中的使用及译法


诚信地,善意地 搭配:

good-faith principle 诚信原则

the third party acting in good faith善意第三人,相当于bona fides third party It is agreed that the provisions of clause 3 in relation to an Interest of a Defaulting Partner constitute a good faith pre-estimate of the loss likely to be suffered by the Fund as a result of the Defaulting Partner's default.各方同意第3款关于违约合伙人权益的规定为按照诚信原则对该基金因违约方的违约可能遭受的损失的预测。The Fund may effect its Portfolio Investments directly or through such holding vehicles or other structures as the General Partner may deem appropriate.In addition to Portfolio Investments, the Fund may invest in XXX to the extent permitted herein.To the extent the General Partner determines in good faith it is not reasonably practicable for the Fund to maintain uninvested and undistributed funds in Temporary Investments, the Fund may hold such funds in cash.基金可以直接或者通过普通合伙人认为适当的持有工具或其他结构实施其组合投资。除了组合投资,基金可以投资于本协议所允许的XXX。如果普通合伙人善意地认为将部分未投资和未分配的资金进行临时投资对基金而言并不合理可行,基金可以以现金形式持有该等资金。


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