
时间:2019-05-15 06:05:18下载本文作者:会员上传




先谈谈听课后的体会。这次授课人是三中的青年教师谢老师,利落的短发,真诚的笑容,给人一种邻家女孩的感觉,很有亲和力。她主讲的是语法复习课——The Passive Voice。首先,利用一段天气预报作为Warming up,让学生在听后完成三个句子的填空,全部是被动语态的句子;之后,请学生向老师们介绍三中学校的变化,并将学生的句子板书在黑板上。这个活动主要用来查找学生被动语态的知识漏洞,符合复习课的教学要求。然后,通过阅读文章让学生找出含有被动语态的句子,进而总结各种时态下被动语态的构成。接下来,谢老师给学生提供了很多与当下时事相关的图片,让学生用被动语态进行造句练习;最后,学生要完成一篇作文练习,写完后,学生按照评价标准进行互改互评。这堂课让我印象最为深刻的是,谢老师非常用心地选择和整合教学内容,贴近实际生活,有效地调动学生的兴趣,鲜活的语言材料使得语法练习不再枯燥;而且,整堂课以听、说、读、写四项语言技能为依托,打破了语法课以书面练习为主要形式的教学模式。谢老师全情投入教学的态度让我敬佩,相形之下,也认识到了自身的差距——教学材料局限于课本、教参和教辅书。今后,在常规课的教学中,也应该尝试着从网络、报纸、杂志中为学生甄选出符合教学目标、能体现教学重难点的句子、短文,既能体现学以致用,也能够提高学生学习的兴趣。要做到这一点,教师平时就要多听、多看、多关注、多积累,眼界放宽,这样才不会出现“书到用时方恨少”的尴尬和无奈。






在课堂教学中,教师要尽力给予学生自我表现的机会,在自我承认的状态下完成对知识的巩固,这样一方面消化、深化知识,并内化成自身素质,另一方面凸显主体,张扬个性,加强合作,养成活泼自信的品格和团体协作的精神。除此以外,教师也要不放弃一位学生,尤其对差生,既要对他们显示出尊重,又要努力寻找他们的优点加以鼓励,使他们感到温暖,帮他们树立信心,从而激发他们向上的动力。法国著名作家安德列•莫洛亚说过: “美好的语言,胜过礼物。”





1.When _____ the first man-made satellite _______(send)up into space ?

2.Last year vegetables ______(grow)in the garden by Tom and he ______(sell)

them himself.3.She ______(help)him with his homework tomorrow evening.4.How many magazines ______(can borrow)in your library every week ?

5.John ______(hear)to go upstairs two hours ago.6.-Who ______(save)her father ?

-He ______(save)by that policeman.7.The doctor ______(send for)because his grandpa was ill.8.Mooncakes ______(make)by his mother every year.______ your mother _____(make)mooncakes for you every year ?

9.Some toys ______(buy)as a presents for these children last Monday.10._____ paper ______(make)of wood ?

11.I began ___________(educate)when I was six.12.I don’t imagine you’ll refuse ___________(promote), will you?

13.They allowed him __________(admit).14.You car engine sounds dreadful.You ought to have it ___________.(look at)

15.These days, even the most remote place area on earth ___________(visit)by tourists.Package tours ___________(can arrange)for almost anywhere, from the Himalayas(喜马拉雅山脉)and the Amazonian jungle(亚马逊雨林).二、把下列句子改成被动语态They owe a lot of money to the bank.______________________________________________________________ 2 The scientists have proved that there is no life on the moon.______________________________________________________________ 3 You can buy videos like this one anywhere.______________________________________________________________ 4 Someone has to write the history of the European Community one day.______________________________________________________________ 5 Someone may have already written the history of the European Community.______________________________________________________________When we arrived home, we found that someone had broken one of our windows.1

______________________________________________________________ 7 The Greens have sold their car to pay their debts.______________________________________________________________ 8 They hold a meeting in the village hall once a week.______________________________________________________________ 9 The investors are building a new supermarket near the cinema.______________________________________________________________ 10 They are taking the refugees to a camp outside the village



1.After a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of equipment damaged.2.I can’t see any coffee in this cupboard.Has it all finished.3.More patients had been treated in hospital this year than last year.4.The first use of atomic weapons was in 1945,and their power is increased enormously ever since.5.According to the art dealer, the painting expected to go for at least a million dollars.6.The news reporters hurried to the airport, only to tell the film stars had left.7.When comparing with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.8.The flu is believed being caused by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.9.When first being introduced to the market, these products enjoyed great success.10.Hundreds of jobs will lose if the factory closes.11.A new cinema is built here.They hope to finish it next month.12.Rainforests had been cut and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in near future.13.The story was happened in London.四、汉译英。


This style of dress _________ ________ ________ everywhere.2.窗子已经关了。

The windows _________ _________ __________.3.我认为青少年应该多做运动。

I think teenagers _________ _________ __________ ________


You ________ ________ _____ yesterday because you failed the exam.5.运动会将在下周召开。

The sports meeting _________ _________ _______ next week.这座宫殿建于1875年。

The palace ___________ _________ __________ 1875.足球将比赛什么时候举行?

When __________ the football game __________ __________?你应该自己做家庭作业。

Your homework _________ _________ _________ by _________.9这本书肯定是韩寒写的The book _________ ________ __________ ________ Han Han.说汉语的人最多。

Chinese _________ _________ _________ most people in the world.据说,她能说几种外国语。

_________________________________________________________________ 12 这个问题明天上午讨论吗?

_________________________________________________________________ 13 必须指出台湾问题是中国的内政(internal affairs)




Lord Manners was a rich and famous banker.When he 1__________(die)recently, he 2__________(give)a magnificent funeral which 3__________(attend)by hundreds of famous people.The funeral was going to 4__________(hold)in Westminster Abby.Many ordinary people 5__________(line)the streets to watch the procession.The wonderful black and gold carriage 6__________(draw)by six black horses.The mourners 7__________(follow)in silence.Lord Manners8___________(given)a royal farewell.Tow tramps were among the crowd.They 9__________(watch)the procession with amazement.As solemn music 10_________(could hear)in the distance, one of them 11_________(turn)to the other and 12_________(whisper)

3admiration,’Now that’s what I call really living!’



Mermaids(美人鱼)1_____by sailors for centuries.The basis of all mermaid myths 2_____ to be a creature called a Manatee: a kind of walrus!Mermaids used 3_____ in funfairs until recently.It all began in 1817 when a ‘mermaid’ 4_____ for $6,000 by a sailor in the South Pacific.She was eventually sold to the great circus owner Barnum.She 5_____in 1842 as ‘the Feejee Mermaid’.It 6_____that she earned Barnum $ 1,000 a week!The thousands who saw this mermaid must 7_____.She 8_____ by a Japanese fisherman.A monkey’s head had been delicately(精美地)sewn(缝)to the tail(燕尾服)of a large salmon.The job 9_____ that the join between the fish and the monkey was invisible.Real imagination must 10_____ to see this revolting creature as a beautiful mermaid combing her golden hair.1.A.had been seenB.saw

C.have been seenD.was saw

2.A.supposeB.is supposed

C.had supposedD.have been supposed

3.A.to be shownB.to show

C.shownD.being shown

4.A.has been boughtB.bought

C.had been boughtD.was bought

5.A.has been exhibitedB.was exhibited

C.had been exhibitedD.exhibited

6.A.was saidB.said

C.has been saidD.had said

7.A.had been disappointedB.disappointed

C.have been disappointedD.were disappointed

8.A.was cleverly madeB.have been cleverly made

C.is cleverly madeD.was being cleverly made

9.A.was being so skillful doneB.have been so skillful done

C.is so skillful doneD.had been so skillful done

10.A.have requiredB.have been required

C.be requiredD.require


The Passive Voice 一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态教学设计

汕头市第六中学 陈婉霞

<1>教学内容分析:本节微课是以新目标英语九年级Units 5-6两个单元的知识点为教学内容。在简要分析了主动语态与被动语态的区别后,进而分析一般现在时与一般过去时两种时态下的被动语态的异同点,最后通过填空题和改错题,讲练结合来巩固所学知识点。<2>教学重难点:1)主动语态变被动语态时主语的变化; 2)主动语态变被动语态时be动词的变化; 3)被动语态中动词过去分词的正确使用; 4)含不同时态的被动语态的句子的辨析。<3>教学步骤: Step 1 Lead-in 引导学习者观察并总结四组句子。(句子设置的规律:每组的第一句都是主动语态形式的句子,而第二句都是改成了相应的被动语态句子。四组间,A,B两组是含一般现在时的句子,C,D组是含一般过去时的句子。)Step 2 Presentation 在给予学习者足够的时间思考之后,开始归纳总结主动语态如何变成相应的被动语态句子。然后,再引导观察各组句子中因使用不同的时间状语,而构成不同时态的被动语态的规律,最后再结合图示,进行本节微课的重难点总结。Step 3 Exercise 在全面归纳总结知识点之后,引导学习者完成填写不规则动词的过去分词的填空练习,以及被动语态易错考点的改错训练(每题给予三分钟解题时间),进而巩固今天所学知识。








学生要学会“观察--总结--运用”的学习方法。教学方法 多媒体教学 教学过程

Step 1.Presentation 语法呈现

以幻灯片形式展示两种语态间的变化方法:主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,汉语中常用“被”、“给”、“由”、“受”等词用来表示被动,而英语用:be + 及物动词的过去分词构成。Step2.观察--总结

各种时态被动语态的结构: 1.观察:助动词be(没有时态性)+ 及物动词的过去分词(永远不变的形式)




一般过去时的被动语态,was/were+及物的动词过去分词。一般将来时的被动语态,will /shall be +及物的动词过去分词。

一般将来时的被动语态,is/am/are going to be +及物的动词过去分词。现在进行时的被动语态,is/am/are being+及物的动词过去分词 过去进行时的被动语态,was/were being+及物的动词过去分词 现在完成时的被动语态,has/have been+及物的动词过去分词。Step 3.练习


1.The students _____ often _____(tell)to take care of their desks and chairs.2.That play ________(put)on again sometime next month.3.The old man is ill.He ______(must send)to the hospital.5.The cake _____________(taste)delicious.6.Some flowers __________(water)by Li Ming already.7.These kinds of machines __________(make)in Japan.8.The cinema ______(build)in 1985.Step 4.Summary小结:总结本节课所学内容,强调本节课的重难点。Step5.Homework Extra exercise.




主动语态表示主语是谓语动词动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是谓语动词动作的承受者。在被动结构的句子中,动作的执行者可以由介词by引起的短语表示。Everyone respects him.He is respected by everyone.被动语态的构成:助动词be +done(时态通过be表现出来)


1.一般现在时(am/is/are + done)如:You are wanted on the phone.有电话找你。【例】:In some parts of the world, tea _____ with milk and sugar.A.is serving

B.is served


D.served The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people ______ to eat more fruit and vegetables.A.persuade

B.will persuade

C.be persuaded

D.are persuaded 2.一般过去时(was/were+ done)如:The city was liberated in 1949.这座城市是1949年解放的。

【例】:I _____ ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.A.gave

B.was given

C.was giving

D.had given 3.一般将来时(will be done)如:They will be invited to your party.他们将被邀请参加你的晚会。

【例】:Hundreds of jobs _____ if the factory closes.A.lose

B.will be lost


D.will lose 4.现在进行时(am/is/are+ being done)如:The car is being repaired.车在修理当中。【例】:A new cinema _____ here.They hope to finish it next month.A.will be built

B.is built

C.has been built

D.is being built

–What’s that noise?

–Oh, I forgot to tell you.The new machine ______.A.was tested

B.will be tested C.is being tested

D.has been tested 5.现在完成时(have/has been done)如:This book has been translated into many languages.这本书已被译成多种语言。【例】:His sister left home in 1998, and ______since.A.had not been heard of B.has not been heard of C.had not heard of D.has not heard of 6.过去将来时(would be done)如:The worker said that the tree would be planted.工人说要把树种上。

【例】:In a room above the store, where a party ______, some workers were busily setting the table.A.was to be held

B.has been held

C.will be held

D.is being held 7.过去进行时(was/were being done)如:The door was being painted then.那道门正在被刷漆。

8.过去完成时(had been done)如:The work had been finished before dark.天黑前工作就完成了。【例】:By the end of last year, another new gymnasium _____ in Beijing.A.would be completed

B.was being completed

C.has been completed

D.had been completed 二.被动语态的基本用法

1.当强调动作的承受着,将承受者作为谈话的中心时用被动语态。如:How long has the machine been used? 2.当没有必要说出动作的执行者或根本不知道动作的执行者是谁时常用被动语态。如:All the work has been finished by now.到现在为止所有的工作都已经做完了。3.当动作的执行者不是人而是无生命的事物时常用被动语态。The window glass was broken by a stone.窗户玻璃是被石头打碎的。

4.有时出于礼貌,不便提到动作的执行者,用被动语态。动作的执行者有可能是别人也可能是自己。如:Enough has been done for you, but you’ve made little progress.为你做了很多,然而你却进步很少。【课后疑难拓展】

【疑难点一:较为特殊的被动语态结构】 1.感官动词和使役动词的被动语态

(be+ seen/heard/noticed/found/watched/observed/let/had/made + to do…)。如:He was seen to enter the room.有人看见他进了房子。

2.带复合宾语的动词在改为被动语态时,常把主动结构中的宾语改为主语,而宾语补足语保留不动。如:Mrs.Smith’s daughter was warned never to drive after drinking.史密斯太太的女儿受警告酒后千万别驾驶。3.短语动词变为被动语态时,把主要动词变为被动形式。如:The old houses are going to be pulled down.这些旧房子将会被拆毁。4.汉语有一类句子不出现主语,在英语中可用被动结构表示,如:It is said that…据说…;It is reported that…据报道…;It is supposed that…据推测…;It is hoped that…希望…;It is well known that…众所周知…;【疑难点二:主动形式表示被动意义】

1.“表示事物状态特征的连系动词look, sound, feel, smell, taste, appear, seem, go, prove, turn, stay, become, fall, get, grow, keep+形容词”构成系表结构。如:The flowers smell sweet.这些花闻起来很香。

【例】:–Do you like the material?--Yes, it ____ very soft.A.is feeling



D.is felt Books of this kind ____ well.A.sell


C.are sold

D.is sold 2.表示主语的某种属性特征的动词,如read, write, act, cut, sell, wash, clean, eat, drink等。这类动词一般不单独使用,常常带一个修饰语。如:The machine runs well.机器运转良好。

3.表示开始、结束、运动的动词,如begin, finish, start, open, stop, close, end, shut, run, move等。如:Work began at 8 o’ clock this morning.工作在今天早上8点开始。

4.某些动词在以物为主语的句子中,其进行时也可以表示被动意义。如:The dinner is cooking.正在烧饭。

5.“介词in, on, under等+名词”构成介词短语表被动意义,名词前一般不用冠词。如:under control, under repair, under discussion, for sale, in print等。如:The bike is under repair.自行车在修理中。

6.有些形容词后的动词不定式由被动的含义。这些形容词构成的句型为:主语+be+形容词(easy/ hard/ difficult/ heavy/ comfortable/ dangerous)+不定式。不定式用主动形式表示被动的含义。如:The work is hard to do.这项工作很难做。

7.在too….to…和enough to do结构中,不定式用主动形式表示被动的意义。如:The story was not interesting enough to publish.这个故事趣味性不够,不能发表。

8.在“主语+have+名词+to do”句型中的不定式一般用主动形式(该动作由主语发出);如果不是主语发出,不定式则用被动形式。如:Do you have much work to do today? 你今天有很多工作要做吗?

9.worth及表示“需要”意义的need, want, require之后的动名词用主动形式表示被动意义。如:The newspaper is worth reading.这份报纸值得读。【疑难点三:被动语态与系表结构的区别】

被动语态表示动作,主语是动作的承受着;而系表结构则表示主语的特征或所处的状态。1.大多数用by短语的句子是被动语态;若用其他固定搭配的介词,往往是系表结构。如:I was frightened by his ghost story.我被她的鬼故事吓着了。(被动语态)

I was frightened of snakes.我怕蛇。(系表结构)


The bank is usually closed at six.银行通常在6点关门。(被动语态)The bank is now closed.银行现在没开门。(系表结构)【疑难点四:“get+过去分词”结构的用法】

Get型被动语态由起助动词作用的get +及物动词的过去分词构成。这种结构一般只适用于动态动词,常用来表示某些未曾预料到的突发事件,强调动作的结果 eg.get hurt get married get burnt get caught get lost get broken etc.They got lost in the forest.You might get burnt and you might drop the pan of burning oil.【例】:1.Cleaning women in big cities usually get ____ by the hour.A.pay



D.to pay 2.As we joined the big crowd , I got ____ from my friend.A.separated




3.Be careful when you cross this very busy street.If not, you may _____ run over by a car.A.have



D.turn 4.– How are the team playing?

--They’re playing well, but one of them _____ hurt.A.got



D.were 5.Sarah, hurry up.I'm afraid you can’t have time to ______ before the party.A.get changed

B.get change

C.get changing

D.get to change



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