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professor;professor of…

副研究员(副高)associate professor;associate professor of… 助理研究员(中)research associate 研究实习员(初)research assistant 2.大学教师系列


professor;full professor 副教授(副高)

associate professor 讲师(中)

lecturer 助教(初)

assistant 3.中专、技校教师系列

高级讲师(副高)senior lecturer 讲师(中)

lecturer 助理讲师(初)

assistant lecturer 教员(初)

teacher 高级实习指导教师(副高)senior instructor 一/二/三级实习指导教师(中/初/初)first-/second-/third-grade instructor 4.中学教师系列

中学高级教师(副高)senior teacher(secondary school)中学一/二/三级教师(中/初/初)first-/second-/third-grade teacher(secondary school)5.小学教师系列

小学高级教师(中)senior teacher(primary school)小学一/-/三级教师(初/初/初)first-/second-/third-grade teacher(primary school)6.工程技术系列

教授级高级工程师(正高)professor of engineering 高级工程师(副高)senior engineer;associate professor of engineering 工程师(中)

engineer 助理工程师(初)

assistant engineer 技术员(初)

technician 7.实验系列


senior experimentalist 实验师(中)

experimentalist 助理实验师(初)

assistant experimentalist 实验员(初)

laboratory technician/assistant 8.农业技术系列


senior agronomist 农艺师(中)

agronomist 助理农艺师(初)

assistant agronomist 农业技术员(初)

agricultural technician 9.图书资料系列


professor of library science 副研究馆员(副高)associate professor of library science 馆员(中)

librarian 助理馆员(初)

library assistant 管理员(初)

clerk 10.档案系列


professor of archive science 副研究馆员(副高)associate professor of archive science 馆员(中)

archivist 管理员(初)

assistant archivist


assistant archivist 管理员(初)

file clerk 11.文物博物:


professor of relics and museology 副研究馆员(副高)associate professor of relics and museo1ogy 馆员(中)

museologist 助理馆员(初)

assistant museo1ogist 文博管理员(初)

conservator 12.卫生技术系列


professor of treatment;professor of„

副主任医师(副高)associate professor of treatment;professor of„ 主治医师(中)

doctor-in-charge 医师(初)

doctor 医士(初)

assistant doctor 主任药师(正高)

professor of pharmacy 主任药师(副高)

associate professor of pharmacy 主管药师(中)

pharmacist-in-charge 药师(初)

pharmacist 药士(初)

assistant pharmacy 主任护师(正高)

professor of nursing 副主任护师(副高)associate professor of pharmacy 主管护师(中)

nurse-in-charge 护师(初)

nurse practitioner 护士(初)

nurse;nurse's aid 主任技师(正高)

full senior technologist 副主任技师(副高)associate senior technologist 主管技师(中)

technologist-in-charge 技师(初)

technologist 技士(初)

technician 13.新闻系列


full senior editor 主任编辑(副高)

associate senior editor 编辑(中)

editor 助理编辑(初)

assistant editor 14.出版系列


professor of editorship;full senior editor 副编审(副高)

associate professor of editorship;associate senior editor 编辑(中)

editor 助理编辑(初)

assistant editor 技术编辑(中)

technical editor 助理技术编辑(初)assistant technical editor 技术设计员(初)technical designer 一/二/三级校对(中/初/初)first-/second-/third-grade proofreader 15.翻译系列


professor of translation;full senior translator 副译审(副高)

associate professor of translation;associate senior translator 翻译(中)

translator 助理翻译(初)

assistant translator 16.广播电视播音系列


director of announcing 主任播音员(副高)chief announcer 一/二/三级播音员(中/初/初)

first-/second-/third-grade announcer 17.经济系列

高级经济师(高)senior economist 经济师(中)

economist 助理经济师(初)assistant economist 经济员(初)

economic clerk 18.会计系列

高级会议师(高)senior accountant 会计师(中)

accountant 助理会计师(初)assistant accountant 会计员(初)

treasurer 19.统计系列

高级统计师(高)senior statistician 统计师(中)

statistician 助理统计师(初)assistant statistician 统计员(初)

statistical clerk 20.律师系列

一/二/三/四级律师(正高/副高/中/初)first-/second-/third-/fourth-grade lawyer 律师助理(初)lawyer's assistant 21.公证系列

一/二/三/四级公证员(正高/副高/中/初)first-/second-/third-/fourth-grade notary public 公证员助理员(初)notary's assistant 22.海关系列

高级关务监督(高)senior customs supervisor 关务监督(中)

customs supervisor 助理关务监督(初)assistant customs supervisor 关务员(初)

customs clerk 23.航空飞行系列

一/二/三/四级飞行员(高/中/初/初)first-/second-/third-/fourth-grade pilot 一/二/三/四级领航员(高/中/初/初)first-/second-/third-/fourth-grade navigator 一/二/三/四级飞行通信员(高/中/初/初)first-/second-/third-/fourth-grade flight radioman 一/二/三/四级飞行机械员(高/中/初/初)first-/second-/third-/fourth-grade fight engineer 24.船舶技术系列


senior captain


captain 大/二/三副(中/初/初)

first/second/third mate 高级轮机长(高)senior engineer 轮机长(中)


first/second/third engineman 高级电机员(高)senior electrician 通用电机员(中)general electrician 一/二等电机员(中/初)first/second electrician 高级报务员(高)senior radioman 通用报务员(中)general radioman 一/二等报务员(中/初)

first/second radioman 限用报务员(初)special radioman 25.体育教练系列


head coach 教练(中)

coach 助理教练(初)

assistant coach 26.艺术系列

一/二/三/四级(画师/演员)(高/中/初/初)first-/second-/third-/fourth-grade(painter/actor)高级工艺美术师(高)senior industrial artist 工艺美术师(中)

industrial artist 助理工艺美术师(初)assistant industrial artist 工艺美术员(初)

painter of handicraft 27.其它


审计(audit)套用会计系列职称,但“审计员”可译为auditor;专利(patent)套用研究系列职称;法医(forensic medicine)套用卫生技术系列职称。



班主任class adviser 办公厅主任 director, general office 编导scenarist 编辑editor 编审professor of editorship 播音员announcer 编辑[中] editor

编审[正高] full senior editor

播音指导[正高] director of announcing 部长助理 assistant minister 部委办主任 director 财务主管 controller 采购员 purchaser 参事(参赞)counselor 仓库管理员storekeeper 常务副省长 executive vice governor 厂长factory managing director 车间主任workshop manager 出纳员cashier 处长/副处长 division chief/deputy division chief 船长[中] captain

大副[中] first mate或 mate

大管轮[中] first engineman 大学校长president, university 代办 charge d’affaires

党组书记 secretary, party leadership group 档案秘书 secretary-archivist 导演director

地方人大主任 chairman, local people’s congress 地区专员 commissioner, prefecture 电视主持人tv presenter

电台/电视台台长radio/tv station controller

电台节目主持人disk jockey 董事长 chairman

儿科主任医师professor of paediatrics 儿科主治医师 pediatrician-in-charge 二等报务员[初] second radioman 二等电机员[初] second electrician 二副[初] second mate 二管轮[初] second engineman

二级播音员[初] second-grade announcer 二级飞行机械员[中] second-grade flight engineer 二级飞行通信员[中] second-grade flight radioman 二级飞行员[中] second-grade pilot

二级公证员[副高] second-grade notary public 二级画师 second-grade painter 二级领航员[中] second-grade navigator 二级律师[副高] second-grade lawyer

二级实习指导教师[初] second-grade instructor 二级校对[初] second-grade proofreader 发言人 spokesman 法警 judicial policeman 法医 legal medical expert 翻译translator/interpreter 妇科主治医师 gyneco-logist-in-charge 副编审[副高] associate senior editor

副教授[副高] associate professor

副研究馆员[副高] associate professor of library science 副研究员associate professor

副译审[副高] associate senior translator 副主任护师[副高] associate professor of nursing 副主任技师[副高] associate senior technologist 副主任药师[副高] associate professor of pharmacy 副主任医师[副高] associate professor of treatment

高级报务员[高] senior radioman 高级编辑[正高] full senior editor 高级船长[高] senior captain 高级电机员[高] senior electrician

高级工程师[副高] senior engineering

高级工艺美术师[高] senior industrial artist;

高级关务监督[高] senior customs supervisor 高级会计师[高] senior accountant 高级记者[正高] full senior reporter 高级讲师[副高] senior lecturer 高级经济师[高] senior economist

高级轮机长[高] senior engineer, senior chief engineer 高级农艺师[高] senior agronomist 高级实习指导教师[副高] senior instructor 高级实验师[高] senior lab master 高级实验师senior experimentalist

高级统计师[高] senior statistician 工程师[中] engineer 工段长section chief 工商金融 industrial, commercial and banking communities 工艺美术师[中] industrial artist;

工艺美术员[初] painter of handicraft 公关部经理 PR manager 公使 minister

公使衔参赞 minister-counselor 公证员 notary public

公证员助理[初] notary's assistant 顾问 adviser

关务监督[中] customs supervisor 关务员[初] customs clerk

馆员[中] librarian;archivist;museologist 管理员[初] file clerk 广播电视radio and television 国务委员 state councilor 国务院各部部长 minister

国务院各委员会主任 minister in charge of commission for 国务院总理 premier, state council 候补委员 alternate member 护师[初] nurse practitioner 护士[初] nurse或 nurse's aide

化验员chemical analyst 化装师make-up artist 画师painter 会长 president 会计师[中] accountant 会计员[初] treasurer 机械师mechanic 记者[中] reporter 技师[初] technologist 技士[初] technician

技术编辑[中] technical editor 技术设计员[初] technical designer 技术员[初] technician 监狱长 warden

剪辑导演montage director 建筑师architect 讲师instructor/lecturer 交换教授exchange professor 教练[中] coach 教授[正高] professor

教授级高级工程师[正高] professor of engineering 教务主任dean of studies 教员[初] teacher 经纪人broker

经济参赞 economic counselor 经济师[中] economist 经济员[初] economic clerk 经济专员 economic attaché

经理 manager 警督 supervisor 警监 commissioner 警司 superintendent 警员 constable 局长 director

科长/股长 section chief

科学院院长president(academies)科员 clerk/officer 客座教授visiting professor 理事 trustee/council member 理事长 president

临时代办 charge d’affaires ad interim 领班captain 领事 consul

录音师sound engineer 律师 lawyer

律师助理[初] lawyer's assistant 轮机长[中] chief, chief engineer 美术师artist 秘书长 secretary-general 名誉董事长 honorary chairman 名誉顾问 honorary adviser 名誉教授honorary professor 内科主治医师 physician-in-charge 农业技术员[初] agricultural technician 农艺师[中] agronomist 配音演员dubber

皮肤科主任医师 professor of dermatology 皮肤科主治医师 dermatol-ogist-in-charge 区长 chief executive, district government

全国人大委员长/副委员长 chairman/vice chairman, national people’s


人大代表 deputy to the people’s congress 人民法庭庭长 chief judge, people’s tribunals 人民法院院长 president, people’s courts

人民检察院检察长 procurator-general, people’s procuratorates 三副[初] third mate 三管轮[初] third engineman

三级播音员[初] third-grade announcer 三级导演 third-grade director

三级飞行机械员[初] third-grade flight engineer 三级飞行通信员[初] third-grade flight radioman 三级飞行员[初] third-grade pilot 三级公证员[中] third-grade notary public 三级领航员[初] third-grade navigator 三级律师[中] third-grade lawyer

三级实习指导教师[初] Third-grade Instructor 三级校对[初] third-grade proofreader 商务参赞 commercial counselor 商务代表 trade representative 商务专员 commercial attaché

设计师designer 社会团体 nongovernmental organization 摄影师cameraman 审计师senior auditor 审计署审计长auditor-general, auditing administration 审计员auditing clerk 审判长 chief judge 审判员 judge 省长 governor

省委/市委书记 secretary, provincial/municipal committee of the CPC 实验师[中] lab master 实验师experimentalist 实验员[初] laboratory technician 市长/副市长 mayor/vice mayor 售货员sales clerk 书记 clerk of the court

书记处书记 member, secretariat of the CPC central committee 司长 director

司法、公证、公安 judiciary, notary and public security 四级飞行机械员[初] fourth-grade flight engineer 四级飞行通信员[初] fourth-grade flight radioman 四级飞行员[初] fourth-grade pilot 四级公证员[初] fourth-grade notary public 四级领航员[初] fourth-grade navigator 四级律师[初] fourth-grade lawyer 四级演员 fourth-grade actor 特级教师teacher of special grade

特命全权大使 ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary 特派员 commissioner

通用报务员[中] general radioman 通用电机员[中] general electrician 统计师[中] statistician 统计员[初] statistical clerk 推销员 salesman 外交官衔 diplomatic rank 外科主治医师surgeon-in-charge 委员 member

文博管理员[初] conservator 文化专员 cultural attaché

武官 military attaché

舞蹈编剧choreographer 舞台监督stage manager 系主任director of department/dean of the faculty 县长 chief executive, county government 限用报务员[初] special radioman

乡镇长 chief executive, township government

香港特别行政区行政长官 chief executive, Hong Kong special administrative region

销售部经理 sales manager

小学二级教师[初] second-grade teacher(primary school)小学高级教师[中] senior teacher(primary school)小学三级教师[初] third-grade teacher(primary school)小学校长headmaster, primary school 小学一级教师[初] first-grade teacher(primary school)校董事会董事trustee, board of trustees 校对proofreader 新闻文化参赞 press and cultural counselor 学部主任division chairman 学院院长dean of college 巡视员 inspector/monitor 牙科主治医师 dentist-in-charge

研究馆员[正高] professor of archives science 研究馆员[正高] professor of library science 研究馆员[正高] professor of relics and museology

研究实习员[初] research assistant 研究所所长director, research institute 研究员[正高] professor, professor +学科


眼科主治医师 oculist-in-charge 演员actor

药师[初] pharmacist

药士[初] assistant pharmacist 一等报务员[中] first radioman 一等电机员[中] first electrician 一等秘书 first secretary

一级播音员[中] first-grade announcer 一级飞行机械员[高] first-grade flight engineer 一级飞行通信员[高] first-grade flight radioman 一级飞行员[高] first-grade pilot

一级公证员[正高] first-grade notary public 一级领航员[高] first-grade navigator 一级律师[正高] first-grade lawyer

一级实习指导教师[中] first-grade instructor 一级校对[中] first-grade proofreader 一级演员 first-grade actor 医师[初] doctor

医士[初] assistant doctor 译审[正高] full senior translator

营业部经理 business manager 院士academician 政党 political party

政府机构 government organization 政务参赞 political counselor

政治局常委 member, standing committee of political bureau, the cpc 政治局委员 member, political bureau of the cpc central committee 执行董事 executive director 指导教师instructor 指挥conductor 制片人producer 质检员quality inspector 中共中央总书记 general secretary, the CPC central committee 中国科学院院长president, Chinese academy of sciences 中华人民共和国主席/副主席 president/vice president, the People’s

Republic of China 中学二级教师[初] second-grade teacher(secondary school)中学高级教师[副高] senior teacher(secondary school)中学三级教师[初] third-grade teacher(secondary school)中学校长principal, secondary school 中学一级教师[中] first-grade teacher(secondary school)中央委员 member, central committee 主管护师[中] nurse-in-charge 主管技师[中] technologist-in-charge

主管药师[中] pharmacist-in-charge 主教练[高] chief coach

主任编辑[副高] associate senior editor 主任播音员[副高] chief announcer 主任护师[正高] professor of nursing 主任记者[副高] associate senior reporter 主任技师[正高] full senior technologist 主任委员 chairman

主任药师[正高] professor of pharmacy 主任医师(讲课)professor of medicine 主任医师(医疗)professor of treatment 主席 chairman

主席团执行主席executive chairman 主治医师[中] doctor-in-charge 助教[初] assistant

助理编辑[初] assistant editor

助理翻译assistant translator/interpreter 助理工程师[初] assistant engineer

助理工艺美术师[初] assistant industrial artist; 助理关务监督[初] assistant customs supervisor 助理馆员[初] assistant archivist 助理馆员[初] assistant museologist 助理馆员[初] library assistant 助理会计师[初] assistant accountant

助理记者[初] assistant reporter

助理技术编辑[初] assistant technical editor 助理讲师[初] assistant lecturer 助理教练[初] assistant coach 助理经济师[初] assistant economist 助理农艺师[初] assistant agronomist 助理实验师[初] assistant lab master 助理统计师[初] assistant statistician 助理研究员[中] research associate 注册会计师certified public accountant 注册主管registrar 总编辑editor-in-chief 总裁 president 总干事 director-general 总监 director

总经理 general manager;c.e.o(chief executive officer)总警监 commissioner general 总领事 consul general 总务长dean of general affairs 作业班长foreman 8



职 务 局长 副局长 总统计师 总经济师 总工程师 司长 副司长 处长 副处长 主任科员 副主任科员 科员 办事员 巡视员 副巡视员 调研员 副调研员 职 称 高级统计师 统计师 助理统计师 统计员

英 译 Commissioner Deputy Commissioner Chief Methodologist Chief Economist

Chief Information Officer

Director-General, Department of …… Deputy Director-General, Department of …… Director, Division of …… Deputy Director, Division of …… Principal Program Officer Senior Program Officer Program Officer Clerk Counsel Deputy Counsel Consultant Deputy Consultant 英 译

Senior Statistician Statistician

Assistant Statistician Junior Statistician 注:《标准》中未列入的职务,参照相应级别的英译。例如,主任(地厅局级)同司长的英译,事业单位司长级干部同巡视员的英译,处长级干部同调研员的英译。



1.《三国演义》Three Kingdoms or Romance of The Three Kingdoms

2.《水浒传》The Water Margin or the Outlaws of the Marsh

3.《西游记》Story of a Journey to the West or The Pilgriage to the West

4.《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions or A Red-Chamber Dream

5.《聊斋志异》Strange Stories from a Scholar's Studio

6.《大学》The Great Learning

7.《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean

8.《论语》The Analects of Confucius

9.《孟子》The Words of Mencius

10.《诗经》The Book of Songs

11.《书经》The Book of History

12.《易经》The Book of Changes

13.《礼记》The Book of Rites

14.《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals

15.《山海经》Mountain and Sea Classics

16.《战国策》Stratagems of the Warring States

17.《史记》Records of the Grand Historian

18.《世纪新说》New sayings of the World

19.《西厢记》Romance of the Western Chamber


哈 尔 滨 师 范 大 学 成人高等教育本科毕业论文


从文化差异角度 看古诗英译中意象的传译

论文作者:刘真真 学 号 :2008025713 作者单位:哈师大教育学系2班 指导教师:袁凤荣 专 业 :英语教育





关键词:中国古典诗歌 文化差异 传达 意象

Abstract: Poetry is a most condensed or compressed form of literature.It conveys emotion or ideas to touch the reader’s feelings with its unique style.Classical Chinese poetry(CCP),as the condense of Chinese history and culture,has it unique characteristics.Such rich,beautiful and wonderful poems should be appreciated by all the human beings.They should be the common wealth of the world.But Chinese language is very complex,which is difficult to understand and grasp.Under this condition,translation seems to be the necessary media.Obviously there exist differences in different languages and different cultures.The bigger the differences are, the bigger the difficulties of translation between each other are.Translating CCP into English is obviously difficult.In translation,there is no absolute equivalence.Even if there is literal equivalence,they may not be equivalent in meaning.From the perspective of cultural differences to analyze imagery to convey Classical Chinese Poetry Translation,in order to illustrate how to overcome cultural differences better.And to reduse the “cultural loss ”in translation at a minimum level.Key Word:Classical Chinese Poetry , cultural difference, convey, images




2.1 意象并列


2.2 典故的意象


2.3 隐含意象












汉语诗歌丰富的文化意蕴依靠构成诗篇的一个个词语来体现,却又远远超过这些词语意义之和。比如,柳宗元《江雪》一诗后两句“孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。”虽然只有几个指代景物和人物的名词: “孤舟”,“蓑笠”,“(老)翁”,“寒江”和“雪”。加上一个静态的动词“钓”,但是这两个诗句所表达的意境绝不在于这些词语的意思及其所指代的意象相加和堆砌,而在于它们之间相互交融。相互关联感应所生成 的一种寂寞寒冷,孤傲清高,脱离世俗,超然物外的整体意蕴。如:


A hundred mountains and no birds;A thousand paths without a footprint;A little boat , a bamboo cloak, An old man fishing in the cold river-snow.------By Witter Bynner 译文二:

From hill to hill no bird in flight, From path to path no man in sight.A straw-cloaked man a float,behold!Is fishing snow on river cold.-------By Xu Yuanchong 译文l采用意象并置的手段。密集的意象群激发起读者丰富的想象,带给读者新鲜的审美体验,然而孤寂落寞的意境仅以不定冠词“a”来传达是不充分的。译文2中,许渊冲灵活地采用并列结构“from„to„”增强孤寂感。个体意象成功的翻译,为意境的传达奠定了基础。最后一句话中译者精心制造“老翁钓雪”的独特意象,此举看似不和逻辑却又在情理之中,流露出坚韧不屈的乐观精神。原诗意境得以完全的表现,许译算得上是译作中的精品。




林暗草惊风,将军夜行弓。平明寻白羽,没在石棱中.The woods are black and a wind assail s the grasses,Yet the general tries night archery.

And next morning he finds his white—plumed arrow,Pointed deep in the hard rock. 一一By Bynner 原诗记载的是飞将军李广的故事。可是以上译文对原诗用典毫无涉及,完全是依照原诗字面用英语重构而成,没能整体再现原诗的意境。因此,译诗读者就无从感受原诗的整体内涵与意蕴,也无法理解“why the general tries night archery”。该诗另一译本对原诗意象空白进行了适当的变通处理:

In the dark woods grass shivers at the wind's howl,The general takes it for a tiger's growl. He shoots and looks for his arrow next moon,Only to find it pierced amid the thorn. 一一By Xu Yuanchong 许渊冲不仅从整体上把握了原诗“林暗,夜黑,风疾,惊险,紧张,刺激”的意境,以变通手法在译诗中增加了“the wind's howl”和“a tiger's growl”两个声音意象,还巧妙地运用了动词“shiver”和体现听觉反应的介词短语“at the

wind's howl”,以拟人手法将原诗“草惊风”译成“grass shivers at the wind's howl”生动传神地再现了原诗第一句所带有的惊险气氛。然后,又用“it”指代“grass shivers at the wind's howl”,将原诗第二句译为“The general takes it for a tiger's growl”。通过意象的变通处理,译者在译诗有限的词语中融入了有关原诗典故的重要信息,这样不仅最大限度地保全了原诗的原意,而且还为译诗读者深入领会译诗意蕴扫清了障碍。


由于文化差异,在泽语诗篇蕈构中,我们会发现,原诗中的某个意象往往很难在译语中找到与之完全对应的东西。有时原诗中某个意象背后还如影随形似的依附着一个具有深层文化内涵的隐含意象。在这种情况下,诗歌意象的转换不应局限于语言形式的对应。译者应从总体上把握诗中的意象,对其进行恰当的变通,必要时应在译诗诗篇重构中将原诗意蕴中有而字面上没有的意象凸显出来。中国古典诗歌喜欢用比喻,比喻产生联想,想象,能使抽象的事物具体化,形象化。许多比喻是可以直译的,但由于英汉两种文化的差异,同样的比喻形象在中西读者心目中能引起不同的联想,这时应考虑用译文语言中可以引起与原文形象相同联想的形象取代,以便保证意境相似,意义和风格对等。下面来比较一下贺之长《咏柳》一诗的两个英泽本: 碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。Emerald rashioned into a tall tree; Hung with myriad silk braids of green;Who tailored the dainty leaves? The snipping wind of early spring. 一一By Wen Shu


Jade-1ike weeping willow looks 1ike a beauty's figure; Its slender twigs are green ribbons of beauty's skirts. Who on earth cuts out the thin leaves on the osiers? The early spring's breeze seems to play the roles of shears.

一一By Lin Kezhang 显然,这位译者熟知原诗“碧玉”的双重喻义,他先用“Jade—like”一词在译诗中保留了“碧玉”这一意象,再以英语明喻修辞手法填补隐喻意象空白。将“碧玉”暗指的“美女”变通为“(1ike)beauty’s figure”在译语字面上加以体现。这样的意象变通虽有失原诗的含蓄,但毕竟设法将译诗读者无法发觉和领悟的“象外之象”和“言外之意”揭示出来,帮他们扫除了理解的障碍。






【2】黎翠珍.翻译评赏㈣.北京:中国青年出版社,2004. 【3】文殊.唐诗绝句名篇英译【M】.北京:外教出版社,1997. 【4】袁行霈.中国诗歌艺术研究【M】.北京:北京大学出版社,1998.





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