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1)bulletin 公告,公报

a news bulletin 新闻简报

2)announcer 播音员

announce 宣布,宣告

Have they announced when the football games will begin?


Would you please announce the guests when they come in?


n.announcement 宣布,宣告,通告

3)we're going over to the macaroni fields of Calabria.......我们现


(1)go over(to...)表示“往......走过去”,暗示中间原有一段距离:

I went over to the blind man to help him across the road.我走到那个盲人身边,帮他过马路。

go over sth.检查,查看某物

Go over your work carefully before you hand it in.交作业前要仔细检查一下。go over温习,演习、She went over the text last night.昨天晚上她温习了一下课文。

(2)field 指“(一块)田”、“块”,为可数名词,常用复数:

Many people are busy harvesting in the rice fields.稻田里许多人正忙着收割。

(3)macaroni 指“通心粉”,是加工过的面粉。它不可能像wheat, rice

一样长在田里,不该与fields 连用,但由于是愚弄人的玩笑,所以这篇

文章通篇都是以通心粉长在地里为前提进行的描述。由于macaroni 是意


4)leading最重要的,最主要的play a leading role in sth.在某事中起主要作用。


expect sth.(from sb.)(从某人/某处)得到某事物

I am expecting a present from you。我正盼望着能收到你的礼物。


I expect(that)I will be back on Sunday.我预计星期天回来。


Don't expect any sympathy fro me!


expect too much(of sb.)对(某人)期望过高

You expect too much of me!I can't finish this job by Friday.你对我期望过高了,我星期五以前干不完这项工作。


not come up to(sb.'s)expectations/fall short of sb's expectations未达到理想状态 The restaurant he recommended fell far short of our expectations.他推荐的餐厅与我们心目中的相去甚远。

6)splendid华丽的,辉煌的,壮丽的a splendid vitory辉煌的胜利

a splendid sunset壮观的日落

(口语中)极好的,绝妙的a splendid idea极好的主意

7)between them,由于他们共同努力的结果。

between 作介词时含义之一是“作为......共同努力的结果”、“协


Between them they killed the snake.他们一起杀死了那条蛇。

Between us we pulled down the tree.我们协力把树拉倒了。

between 与among?

(1)介词between 表示“在(两者)之间”:

I picked up the receiver between two sticky finger.我用两根黏糊糊的手指拿起了话筒。

Can you tell the difference between Indian music and jazz?


This is just between you and me


Between them they finished cutting three carloads of macaroni stalks.他们协力割下了3 车通心粉秸。

当表示两两之间的相互关系时,between 可用于3 个(或3 个以上)的名词前:

The village lies between a river, a mountain and a road.这个村子位于一条河、一座山和一条马路之间。

(2)among 表示“在.....中间”或“被......环绕”,指3 者以上:

The church lies among mountains.这教堂位于群山之中。

Among those boys, Dan is the tallest.那些男孩中丹最高。



gather round(sb/sth)聚集,围拢

Gather round, and listen, children!孩子们,围拢过来听我说

gather sth(together/up)收集,收拢分散的东西

Give me a moment to gather my notes together给我些时间整理一下自己的笔记


gather flowers


a family gathering家庭聚会



10)September rains

rain 一般指“雨水”:

The rain is falling heavily.雨下得很大。

We haven't had much rain this year.今年雨水不多。

当rain 指“雨季”、“季节性的雨”,尤其是热带地区的雨季时,要用复数形式: We'd better leave the district before the April rains.我们最好在4 月的雨季之前离开这个地区。

Sometimes spring rains are really annoying.有时绵绵春雨真让人心烦意乱。


1月1日新年(New Year's Day)

2月14日 情人节(Valentine's Day)圣瓦伦丁节 Saint Valentine's Day

复活节前的星期五 耶稣受难日(Good Friday)

3月12日 复活节(Easter)

复活节的下一个星期一 复活节星期一(Easter Monday)

4月1日。愚人节(April/All fool's day)

5月的第二个星期日 母亲节(Mother's day)

6月的第三个星期日 父亲节(Father's day)

9月的第一个星期一 劳动节(Labor day)

10月31日 万圣节前夕(halloween)

11月1日万圣节Hallowmas(All Saint's Day)

11月的第四个星期四 感恩节(Tanksgiving day)

12月24日圣诞节前夕(Christmas Eve)平安夜


春节(农历一月一日)---------------Spring Festival(Chinese New Year)

元宵节(农历一月十五日)-----------the Lantern Festival

植树节(3月12日)------------------Arbor Day

清明节(4月5日)-------------------Ching Ming Festival;Tomb-sweeping Festival

中国青年节(5月4日)----------------Chinese Youth Day

端午节(农历五月初五)--------------the Dragon Boat Festival

中国共产党成立纪念日(7月1日)---the Party's Birthday

建军节(8月1日)--------------------the Army's Day


教师节(9月10日)-------------------Teachers' Day

重阳节(农历九月九日)--------------Double-ninth Day

国庆节(10月1日)-------------------National Day

除夕(农历十二月三十日)------------New Year's Eve




1)truant n.逃学者

Persistent truants will be expelled from school(学生经常逃学,会被开除)

play truant from school逃学

As a boy, Tom used to play truant from school.汤姆小时候常逃学

Should the students be punished for playing truant?


逃学’的另一个说法,是to play hooky/hookey。俚语hook有‘赶快离去’的意思,例如:They hooked it before the police arrived(警察到达之

前,他们就逃走了)。Hooky或hookey,无非是把hook it合成一字。One day, you will regret playing hooky(from school)即‘有一天,你会后悔逃学的。


2)unimaginative毫无想象力 adj.imaginative富于想象力的,爱想象的He is an imaginative painter.他是位富有想象力的画家。

imaginary假想的,虚构的,幻想的Monk Sun is an imaginary character of Journey to the West written by the imaginative writer Wu Cheng’en


imaginable可想象的,想象得到的It is imaginable that breaking the engagement will damage his image.可以想象,违反婚约将损害他的形象。

3)over and over again一再地,反复许多次地

As my grandmother can't hear very well, I have to say it over and over again.由于我奶奶听力不大好,我不得不反复说好几遍。

4)as far as 到.......程度就.......而言

As far as I know, his operation is successful.就我所知,他的手术是成功的。

5)put...to shame 使......蒙羞,使......见不得人

What he has done put his parents to shame.他的所做所为使他父母感到羞耻。

Your beautiful handwriting puts my untidy scrawl to shame.你漂亮的字体把我的潦草字迹比得见不得人了。

Shame on you!真可耻!

shame sb.into/out of doing sth.使某人感到惭愧而做(不做)某事 What a shame!真糟糕!真可惜!真不象话!

What a shame you didn't win.你没赢, 真遗憾.6)hitchhike免费搭乘他人之车

Jim hitchhiked through France to Spain.Jim沿途搭乘便车经法国前往西班




hitch a ride to London on a lorry免费搭乘卡车去伦敦。

Can I hitch a lift with you as far as the station?我可以搭乘你的便车到车站吗?

hitch up sth急速拉起

She hitched up her skirt so as not to get it wet.她急忙拉起裙子,以免弄湿。

7)in the meantime(meanwhile)在此期间,与此同时

I feel tired and would like to take a nap.In the meantime,you may do some reading.我觉得累了,想打个盹儿。在此期间,你可以看看书。

In the meantime I am the only person that can take care of my mother.8)notice

n.布告,公告 put up a notice 张贴公告

notice of births, notice of deaths,notice of marriages喜报,告,结婚启事 通知,预告

receive two months' notice to leave a house收到两个月后搬家的通知。

You must give notice of changes in the arrangement.你要改变计划必须事先通知大家。

The bar is closed until futher notice.酒吧现已停业,开业时另行通知。辞职书,辞职报告

One month's notice is required if you want to quit your job in this company.bring sth to sb's notice将某事知会某人,使某人注意某事物

It was Susan who brought this problem to our notice.是苏珊提醒我们注意这个问题的。

take no notice/not take any notice(of sb/sth)不注意(某人/某物),不理会 Take no notice/Don't take any notice(of what he says)别理会(他的话)!v.注意,留心

Did you notice that he has dyed his hair?你注意到他染头发了吗?

I noticed that he left early我注意到他走得很早。

notify v.notify sb(of sth)notify sth(to sb)通知某人某事,把某事告知某人 notify the police of a loss/notify a loss to the police向警方报失窃案

9)creep vi.爬行,匍匐,(象爬行似地)慢慢前进

A snake crept into the garden while she was writing a letter.她写信时,一条蛇爬进了花园。

The old car crept along the country road.那辆旧车沿着乡间小路慢慢行使。悄悄地/蹑手蹑脚地;渐渐产生/出现 We crept upstairs so as not to wake Grandpa.为了不吵醒爷爷,我们蹑手蹑脚地上了楼

He noticed that age had crept on him



I don't like him.He gives me the creep.使某人厌恶或反感。

10)border n.边界


How many countries border Switzerland?有多少国家与瑞士接壤?

border sth.(with sth.)在某物上镶边

a handkerchief bordered with lace镶了花边的手帕

border on sth.接近某物,比邻某物

This building borders on a express way.这个建筑物紧接着告诉公路

11)pick up 文章中是逮捕,拘捕的意思

After the accident, he was picked up by the police.事故之后,他被警方拘捕了。He was picked up and taken for questioning他被拘捕并接受审讯。

接人pick sb up

I'll pick you up at 7 0'clock tomorrow morning.我明天早上7点来接你

pick oneself up 站起来(指跌倒以后)

拿起 pick sb/sth up

She picked up the telephone and dialled his number她拿起电话就拨了他的号码。重新开始,继续

We'll pick up where we finished yesterday.我们从昨天停止的地方继续进行。取或收集某物

We can pick up the tickets an hour before the play begins.我们可以在话剧开演之前一小时去取票。



The leader must be a person of authority.领袖必须是有权威的人

Who is in authority now? 现在谁掌权?

authority to do sth.权职,权限做某事

Only the CEO has authority to sign cheques只有总裁才有权利签支票


She is an authority on phonetics.她是语音学权威。

13)dream of 梦想

dream of/about doing sth.He dreams of becoming a famous violinist one day他梦想有一天成为著名的小提琴家。


He always tries to evade paying taxes.他总是试图逃税


evade an attack躲避袭击

She evaded a blow from the man and then called out for help.她躲开了那人的一拳,然后便大声呼救。

evade capture by the police躲避警方的追捕。



Lesson 24It could be worse

★managern.经理(用能力, 办事的)






① vi.抱怨,发牢骚,诉苦(常与of,about连用)

complain of/about „(to sb.)对某人/向某人抱怨„„

Don’t complain about/of the weather.I compianed of my salary to my boss.② vi.控告,抗议(与of,about连用)

The people in that district complained to the police about the noise from that factory.那家工厂噪音太大,当地的人们已向警方投诉。

Mary complained to the Jacksons about the rubbish they had thrown everywhere.杰克逊一家乱扔垃圾,玛丽已向他们提出抗


complaintn.抱怨,不满I have a complaint.★wickedadj.很坏的, 邪恶的① adj.邪恶的,坏的(道德上的坏,可用“evil” 替代)

She saw a wiched smile on his face.② adj.淘气的,顽皮的(尤指小孩)

Don’t be so wicked, Tom.③ adj.(天气)恶劣的Few people walked about in this wicked weather.★containv.包含, 内装(强调用容器装)



The cup contains water.= The cup is full of water.includev.包含include the money in the bill账上含小费 The bag contains books, including my favourite one Pride and Prejudice.(《傲慢与偏见》)

honestyn.诚实I believed in her for her honesty.I admires her for her honesty.honestadj.诚实的honestlyadv.诚实地

I honestly don’t know.我真的不知道。=To be honest, I don't know.1、I entered the hotel manager's office and sat down.the hotel manger’s office名词可以修饰名词

telephone number电话号码

the village fair乡村集市(the fair of the village = the fair in the village)

2、I had just lost $50 and I felt very upset.losevt.遗失,丢失(宾语一般为钱物)

Don’t lose your key.Don't lose heart.别丧气。


feel upset心烦意乱,很苦恼

3、The manager was sympathetic, but he could do nothing.could do nothing= could do nothing about it对此事无能为力 I could do nothing to help you.我没有办法帮你, 我无能为力 Can you help me?

Sorry,I could do nothing for you./ Certainly.Of couse.It’s my pleasure.4、'Everyone's losing money these days,' he said.days可以指“时期,时代”,如in his boyhood days(在他的童年时代)。these days指“现今”用进行时态取代一般现在时,在英文是一种修辞方法, 表示不满, 一种感情。

5、He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door.start to do sth.= start doing sth.开始做某事,两者无大区别(但主语为物,动作与心理活动有关,start本身用于be starting时态时侧重于用前者)

如:It started to rain.I started to understand what it meant.a knock at the door(敲门声)

knock at the door(敲门, 指动作)

6、A girl came in and put an envelope on the desk.=A girl came in with an envelope and put it on the desk.形容词作定语时的顺序:

县官(谐音 限定)行(形状)令(年龄大小)杀(色)国(国籍)才(材料)或:the long new black Chinese wooden writing desk



Lesson 72A car called bluebird


① vi.爆炸,爆裂

A tyre burst during the second run.The balloon burst.② vt.& vi.突然打开

We burst the door open.While I was reading, the door burst open and John came in.【课文讲解】

1、The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour.在the second,the next/the last以及表示最高级的如the best,the most intelligent 等后可以用to引导的不定式短语做定语,这些词语后面可以接名词或one(s),也可以不接:

She’s always the first to arrive and the last to leave.You’re the best person to advise me about buying a house.你是我买房子的最好顾问。

the only后必须接一个名词或one(s):

You’re the only person/one to complain.per 表示“每一,每”,通常用于商业及技术用语,日常用语大多用a/an:You can stay at the hotel at $10 per person per night.You must have been driving at seventy miles an/per hour.2、It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine.feet in length30英尺长

3、Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run.have difficulty(in)doing sth.做……有困难

He has grown a beard and I had difficulty(in)recognizing him.the first run开始的行程

the next run is forty miles.下一段赛程为40英里。

4、Following in his father's footsteps many years later, Sir Malcolm's son, Donald, also set up a world record.follow in one’s footsteps步某人的后尘,仿效某人,继承某人的事业He intends to follow in his father’s footsteps and to become a dentist.1

第五篇:新概念第二册 lesson-63-详细笔记

Lesson 63:She was not amused


1.circle ['sə:kl]

n.圈子 1)圆,圆周,圆形空间

eg.Use your compasses to draw a circle.用你的圆规画个圆。2)一圈……

a circle of trees 一圈树 eg.We sat in a circle.我们坐成一圈 a circle of hills 环山

a circle of lookers-on 一圈围观者 [词汇扩展] square 正方形 triangle 三角形

a star has five ends, a square has four ends, a triangle has three ends, a line has two ends, i hope your happiness is no end.3)(有共同兴趣,职业等的人形成的)圈子,阶层,界 have a large circle of friends 交友广泛 in theatrical circles 在演艺界 in business circles 在商业界 in political circles 在政界 4)循环,一周

the circle of the seasons 四季的循环 vicious circle 恶性循环

go round in circles没有进展,瞎忙

2.admire [əd'maiə]

v.赞美,钦佩 1)赞美,钦佩,羡慕

admire sb./ sth.for…因……而羡慕某人、某物 eg.I admire you for your success in business.我羡慕你事业有成。

eg.We admire him for his sense of humor.我们都钦佩他的幽默感。eg.I was admiring his new car.我羡慕他的新车。2)(口)(恭维地)称赞

remember to admire her new dress 记着要称赞她的新裙子。admirer n.称赞者,仰慕者 eg.She has a lot of admirers.他有许多仰慕者。

admiring adj.赞赏的,羡慕的 admiring glances 羡慕的眼光

admiration [,ædmə'reiʃən] n.[u] 钦佩,羡慕 eg.We had great admiration for his courage.我们钦佩他的勇气。

look at a picture with/ in admiration 羡慕地看着一幅画 a mutual admiration society 相互吹捧的社会


adj.亲密的 1)v.关[kləuz] close the door 关门 close your eyes 闭眼

eg.The shop closes at 5:30 p.m.这家店五点半关门。close one’s eyes to sth.turn a blind eye to sth.视而不见 close one’s mind to 不愿思考

2)adj [kləus](在空间或时间上)接近eg.The church is close to the school.教堂离学校很近。3)adj.亲密的,亲近的 a close relative近亲

a close friend/ a bosom friend 亲近的朋友 4)adj.势均力敌的

a close match势均力敌的比赛 a close election 势均力敌的选举 closed 关着的(反义词open)

4.wedding ['wediŋ]

n.婚礼(marriage ceremony)wedding breakfast

a wedding ring(a wedding band)结婚戒指 eg.When will you have your wedding?


eg.I’m invited to their wedding.我被邀请参加他们的婚礼。2)结婚纪念日,&婚

(一周年)Paper wedding 纸婚(二周年)Straw wedding 稻草婚(三周年)Leather wedding 皮革婚

(四周年)Silk wedding 丝婚

(五周年)Wood wedding 木婚(六周年)Iron wedding 铁婚(十周年)Tin wedding 锡婚

(二十周年)China wedding 搪瓷婚

(二十五周年)Silver wedding 银婚(婚后第一大庆典)(三十周周年)Pearl wedding 珍珠婚(三十五周年)Coral wedding 珊瑚婚(四十周年)Ruby wedding 红宝石婚

(四十五周年)Sapphire wedding 蓝宝石婚

(五十周年)Golden wedding 金婚(婚后第二大庆典)(五十五周年)Emerald wedding 翡翠婚(六十-七十五)Diamond wedding 钻石婚 [词汇扩展] marriage 结婚,婚姻,婚礼(legal union between a man and woman as husband and wife, state of being married)marry marry sb.get married to sb.be married to sb.marry money(以财产为目的的结婚)(marriage hunter)single adj.(单身)/ married adj.(已婚)

5.reception [ri'sepʃən]

n.招待会 1)n.接受,接纳

give a warm reception to sb.热情的接待某人

eg.I got a friendly reception from them.我受到了他们热情的接待。2)n.[single常用单数] 接待处 eg.Wait for me at the reception.在接待处等我。receptionist n.接待员 reception desk 服务台

3)n.执行会,欢迎会,宴会(文中的意思)hold a wedding reception 举行婚宴 official receptions for the foreign guests.欢迎外国友人的官方宴会 receive v.收到

receive the Nobel Prize for literature 获得诺贝尔奖 receive a letter 收到一封信

6.sort [sɔ:t]

n.种类 1)n.种类 kind, sort, type kind 与sort 用法基本相同,kind 比较正式,sort 多用于口语与商业用语,有时含有轻蔑的意味。

eg.I’ll do nothing of this sort.这种事我不干。

eg.How did you get this sort of idea into your head?


type 侧重外观,‘式样’,‘风格’的意思 eg.Her beauty was of another type.她是一另类种美。2)sort vt.分类,区分

eg.He sorted(through)the old cards.他把旧卡片分类。

sor of… 几分,有些,稍微 eg.The man was sort of peculiar.这人有点怪。

eg.I felt sort of embarrassed.我有点不好意思

a sort of … 一种……的,像……的 a sort of scholar 还算是学者的人

of a sort 蹩脚的,还称得上是…… a poet of a sort 蹩脚的诗人

Jeremy Hampden has a large circle of friends and if very popular at parties.Everybody admires him for his great sense of humour--everybody, that is, except his six-year-old daughter, Jenny.Recently, one of Jeremy's closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding reception.This is the sort of thing that Jeremy loves.He prepared the speech carefully and went to the wedding with Jenny.he had included a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success.As soon as he had finished, Jenny told him she wanted to go home.Jeremy was a little disappointed by this but he did as his daughter asked.On the way home, he asked Jenny if she had enjoyed the speech.To his surprise, she said she hadn't.Jeremy asked her why this was so and she told him that she did not like to see so many people laughing at him!



1.Jeremy Hampden has a large circle of friends and is very popular at parties.a large circle of friends 有很广的交际圈子 be popular with sb.受……的欢迎 eg.The nurse is very popular with little children.这个保育员在孩子中很受欢迎 be popular among sb.在某人中受欢迎

eg.Chinese food is becoming popular among Americans.中餐在美国人中很受欢迎。popular newspaper 大众报纸 popular opinion 舆论

popular government 民主政治 party 1)聚会,团,一行,一伙 at parties 在各种聚会中 have/give a party 聚会 a party of tourists 旅行团

eg.The president and his party started for Geneva.总统一行今日启程前往日内瓦。2)当事者,关系人

the party concerned 当事者,当事人

2.Everybody admires him for his great sense of humor--everybody, that is, except his six-year-old daughter, Jenny.人人都钦佩他那绝妙的幽默感--人人,就是说,除他6岁的女儿珍妮之外的每一个人。

admire sb.for sth.因……而钦佩某人 a sense of humor 幽默感

humour可以指“幽默”、“幽默感”,sense of humour指“幽默感”:

He has a good/great sense of humour.他很有幽默感。

George has no sense of humour.乔治没有幽默感。

He is a man without humour.他是个没有幽默感的人 sense

1)了解……的感觉 a musical sense 音乐感

eg.He has no sense of business.他没有经商意识。2)意念,意识

a sense of hunger 饥饿感 a sense of shame 羞耻感

a sense of responsibility 责任感 a moral sense 道德观

3)辨识力,思虑,判断力,常识 common sense 常识

a man of good sense 通情达理的人 4)正常的精神状态,神智

eg.She lost her senses when she heard the news.她听到这个消息的时候失去了理智。that is 也就是说,即 =that is to say.eg.She is a housewife, that is when she is not teaching English.她是个家庭主妇,也就是说当他不在教英语时。six-year-old 只可作前置定语。a face-to-face talk 面对面的交谈 Jenny为his…daughter的同位语。


a twenty-year-old man 一位20岁的男子

a four-hour meeting 历时4小时的会议

a six-foot hole 一个6英尺深的洞(也可以说a hole six feet deep,这时foot用复数)

a three-hour journey 一次3小时的旅程

3.Recently, one of Jeremy's closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding reception.最近,杰里米的一个最亲密的朋友请他在一个婚礼上祝词。one of Jeremy’s closest friends = a closest friend of Jeremy’s make a speech 做演讲;(文中)祝词

4.This is the sort of thing that Jeremy loves.这正是杰里米喜欢做的事情。that Jeremy loves 定语从句

eg.That’s the sort of motorcycle I want.那正是我想要的摩托车。all sorts of… 各种各样的(all kinds of)a sort of… 一种……的;像……的 a sort of scholar 还算是学者的人 eg.She is not my sort(of woman).她不是喜欢的那种女人。


There are all sorts of flowers in his garden.他家花园里有各种各样的花。

You mustn't mix with that sort of people.你不得与那种人交往。

5.He prepared the speech carefully and went to the wedding with Jenny.他认真准备了讲稿,带着珍妮一道去参加了婚礼。prepare a speech 准备演讲 go to the wedding 参加婚礼

6.He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success.他的祝词里面加进了大量逗人的故事,自然大获成功。include vt.包含,包括(反义词:exclude 排除)eg.The price includes postage charge.这个价钱包含邮资。eg.I am included in the team.我被包括在这个队里。contain: 包含整个内容 include: 包含内容的一部分

a large number of … 大量的…… funny stories = interesting stories a funny fellow 有趣的家伙

eg.What’s so funny about that joke?


7.As soon as he had finished, Jenny told him she wanted to go home.Jeremy was a little disappointed by this but he did as his daughter asked.他刚一讲完,珍妮就对他说她要回家。这不免使杰里米有点扫兴,但他还是按照女儿的要求做了。


This fish isn't cooked as I like it.这条鱼不是按我喜欢的那样做的。

a little disappointed 有些扫兴(a little表程度“有些” be disappointed by/at… 对……感到失望 as his daughter asked 方式状语从句 as: conj.依照……,如……,随 eg.I will do as you advise.我会照你说的去做的。

eg.Please try to pronounce the words as I do.请像我那样读。

eg.She stayed in bed as the doctor had ordered.她像医生吩咐的那样卧床休息。eg.Leave as it is.维持原状好了。

8.On the way home, he asked Jenny if she had enjoyed the speech.在回家的路上,他问珍妮是否喜欢他的祝词。on the way to = on one’s way to 在去……的路上 enjoy 1)喜爱

enjoy one’s speech.喜爱某人的演讲/祝词 enjoy a movie 喜欢一部电影 2)享受,享有

enjoy large sales 畅销 enjoy good pay 支领高薪 speech 1)[c]演说,讲演

eg.He made a speech on peace.他作了个关于和平的演讲。an opening speech 开幕词 a closing speech 闭幕词 2)[u]说话能力

lose one’s speech(因惊吓等)不能说话 3)[u]说话

the freedom of speech 言论自由

eg.Speech is silver, silence is golden.(谚)


9.To his surprise, she said she hadn't.Jeremy asked her why this was so and she told him that she did not like to see so many people laughing at him!使他吃惊的是,她说她不喜欢。杰里米问他为何不喜欢,她说她不愿意看到那么多的人嘲笑他!

to one’s surprise 令某人吃惊的是……(=to one’s shock/fright)(to one’s+名词结构)

to one’s joy 令某人高兴的是……

to one’s astonishment 令某人吃惊的是…… to one’s sorrow 令某人遗憾的是……

to one’s disappointment 令某人失望的是…….两个宾语从句

why this was(宾语从句1)

that she told him that she did not like to see so many people laughing at him!(宾语从句2)

like to do… 一次性想做……

like doing… 长期、习惯性做…… see sb.doing 看到某人正在做…… see sb.do 看到某人做了……

【Key Structure】 间接引语


eg.He said: “ Please come again tomorrow.”

He ask me to go there again the next day.eg.He said: “ Don’t do that again.”

He tell me not to do that again.eg.He said: “ Get everything ready in two hours.”

He ordered us to get everthing ready in two hours.He told us to get everthing ready in two hours.转述别人的话时,我们可以用 tell sb.to do…/ask sb.to do…/order sb.to do… 2.在引述祈使句时,我们不一定都用say, tell, ask 这几个动词,还可以用suggest, insist 等。

eg.“ Stay to lunch”, he insisted.He insist that I should stay to lunch.eg.“Come with me”, he suggested.He suggested that I should go with him.注意:suggest 表“建议”,insist 表示“坚持要求”时,后面的从句中,谓语动词为(should)do… 形式。【Exercise】

1.“Open the door for me please.” She said to me.What did she ask me to do?

She asked me to open the door for her.2.“ Don’t make so much noise,” she said to the children.What did she tell the children?

She told the children not to make so much noise.3.“ Send him a fax,’ he suggested.What did he suggest?

He suggested sending him a fax.He suggested that I should send him a fax.4.“Ask him about it,’ he insisted.What did he do?

He insisted on asking him about it.He insisted that I should ask him about it.用I wonder 来转述疑问句

1.Can he wait a few minutes longer?(I wonder if…)

I wonder if he can wait a few minutes longer.2.When will he arrive?(I wonder when…)

I wonder when he will arrive.3.Has he passed his examination?

I wonder whether he has passed his examination.4.Where is he?

I wonder where he is.



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