Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player. 语法课教案 八年级英语

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第一篇:Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player. 语法课教案 八年级英语

Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player.语法课教案


本课时的重点内容是be going to 句型的学习。其中包括肯定句,一般疑问句,否定句,特殊疑问句。同时,本课会谈及一些不同的职业名称。三. 学情分析

be going to 句型是一个新的知识点,但配合图片,通过不同形式让学生操练,学生比较容易掌握。四. 教学目标

通过本课时的学习,让学生熟练掌握be going to 句型。能用其表达“打算做某事”。在掌握了肯定句的基础上,教会一般疑问句,否定句及特殊疑问句。同时,学会用此句型表达打算从事某职业。五. 教学过程 1.教唱英文歌



这个步骤是以竞赛的形式展开的,学生更感兴趣,同时将课堂气氛推向更高点。提问不同的职业名称是为了下一步讨论学生们自己想从事的职业打下伏笔。4. 提问学生自己想从事的职业 这一环节,主要是为了由“What do you want to be when you grow up?”这个句型引入到 “What are you going to be when you grow up?” 由已学的导入到未知的,起到温故而知新的效果。5.操练本课的重点句型

A: What are you going to be when you grow up? B: I’m going to be a professional basketball player.A;How are you going to do that ? B: I’m going to practice basketball every day.由学生将来打算从事的职业导入到如何去做。该步骤是为了练习书上的重点句型。6.语法归纳

通过学生操练以上的句型,引导学生自己对be going to 句型意思及结构的归纳。达到语法课教学的目的。


此环节是为了给学生一个平时感兴趣且熟悉的场景,引导其讨论运用be going to句型。8.做游戏


9.给出几副图片,练习be going to 的不同句子形式


10.总结be going to 的不同句式的结构及用法。

通过操练对话,引导学生对该句子的不同形式结构进行归纳 11.做练习

给出几道句型转换的练习,达到检测及总结的目的。12.对比一般将来时be going to 和现在进行时







Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player.(Section A 1a-2c)

What are you going to be when you grow up? How are you going to do that? 主语+be going to +动词原形



附录: 本堂课点评:



泰州学院 外国语学院 09英教

(五)学号:09952014 张茜

语法课教案 Unit 4 I.Teaching Objectives

1.Perception objective: a)The Ss can hear, read and use the main sentences patterns “What are you doing? I‟m…/We are…”

b)The Ss can understand and read the conversation of the lesson.2.Ability objectives: a)The Ss can use the sentence pattern of talking in telephone.b)The Ss can use the pattern to express their thoughts in the proper scene.3.Emotion objective: By completing the task, the Ss increase their interest and set up self-confidence in language study.II.Difficult Points The students can use the sentence pattern to chat with others and can make simple dialogues.III.Teaching Methods

1.Communicative teaching method 2.Audio-visual teaching method 3.Task-based teaching method

IV.Teaching Tools

Pictures, ppt

V.Teaching Time 45 minutes

VI.Teaching Process

Step 1.Warming up a)Free talk

T:How are you? S:I‟m fine.Thank you.T:What‟s the weather like today? S:It‟s sunny.b)Review the new words and phrases in this unit, such as “sweep the floor” “wash the clothes”.Step 2.Presentation a)First, show some pictures and give the primary form of verb phrases at the same time.Then show the present participle of the words.泰州学院 外国语学院 09英教

(五)学号:09952014 张茜

For example, the teacher shows a picture and gives the primary form “read a book”.Then show the present participle “reading a book”.b)Second, give the form of present participle

c)Third, show pictures and ask Ss talk with her and guide Ss to use these sentences pattern “what are you doing? I‟m …/We‟re …”.For example, “what are you doing? I‟m reading a storybook”.d)After presentation, ask Ss “what we have learnt today?” and give them five

minutes to discuss together.Then sum up: 1.the sentence pattern “what are you doing? I‟m …/We‟re …”.2.Be(am/is/are)+ 动词ing 用来表示正在发生的事和进行的动作,这种表达形式就是现在进行时。动词ing形式就是现在分词

Step 3.Drills(Task time)

Task 1: Say out and spell First, ask Ss to say out primary form and present participle of these words and spell them.For example, show the word „stand‟, the Ss should read first, then say out „standing‟ and spell it „s-t-a-n-d-i-n-g‟.Task 2: Make a telephone call Design a real situation about calling and let Ss work in pairs to make a telephone call like this: A: Hello, is that…? B: Yes.A: What are you doing now? B: I‟m…

Task 3.Read and translate Give the Ss some incomplete sentences and ask them to fill in the blanks by using the sentences pattern and phrases.Task 4.Play a game The game is „look and guess‟.The teacher asks one student to draw in front of the stage and do the corresponding actions.Other students will guess what he/she is doing now.Step 4.Consolidation and extension

a)Fill in the blanks, then answer Ask Ss to fill in the blanks and then answer questions like this: T: What are you doing ? S1: I‟m…

T: What is your English teacher doing? S1: He/She is…

b)Find and say 泰州学院 外国语学院 09英教

(五)学号:09952014 张茜

Show a picture about a park and ask Ss work in group to point out what are they doing and use sentences we learnt today.For example, Susan and Sam are running.Step 5.Homework 1.Copy the new words in Part B.2.Write about the pictures in Part C.3.Review some other verbs.Step 6.Blackboard design

Unit 6


swimming sweeping

What are you doing?

I‟m …/We‟re

cleaning 3


A Teaching Plan Students: Senior Grade One students Teacher: XXX Date: October 17, 2009 Time duration:45 minutes Material: Grammar, Unit 4, New Senior English For China Student’s Book 1 Teaching goals: Learn and master the attributive clause.Teaching important points: Teach the students to use attributive clause.Teaching difficult points: Use attributive clause.Teaching aids: Chalk, blackboard, PPT and some pieces of paper.Teaching procedures: Step 1: Lead-in T: It’s 1:30 now.After half a day’s study, are you tired now? Ss: Yes.T: Yes, you are very tired now, so in order to help you to be relaxed, I’d like to show you some music.(Ss: No.T: OK.You’re not tired, and I think most of you must be very excited now, because the weekend is coming.You can go home soon, right? I’m also very excited now, and the reason is just the same as yours.So in order to celebrate our happiness, let’s enjoy a song together.)(Teacher plays the song.)T: Do you know the name of this song? Ss: Yes, it’s Lemon Tree.T: Yes, and do you know the relation between the word “lemon” and “tree”? Ss: “Lemon” can be used to describe “tree”.T: Yes, “lemon” can be used to describe “tree”.And also we can say that the word lemon can be regarded as an attributive.Please look at the lyric in the PPT.We can find that all the blue words have the same function as the word “lemon”.They can all be used to describe the red ones.T: From this, we can know that words, phrases all can be used to describe a noun.But can sentences be used to describe a noun? Ss: Yes.T:Do you know how a sentence can be used to describe a noun? Maybe we can see some examples.Step2:

T: Look at the PPT, and make a sentence according to these two sentences.(1)a.One million people of the city were asleep as usual that night.b.One million people thought little of these events.Can you do it all by yourself? If you have any difficulties, please open your text

book and turn to Page 26.Maybe you can find the answer in our text.Now, who can tell me the answer?

Ss: One million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night.T: Yes, well done.You are so clever.And let’s do another example.(2)a.It was felt in Beijing.b.Beijing is more than two hundred kilometers away.c.It was felt in Beijing, which is more than two hundred kilometers away.(3)a.A huge crack cut across houses, roads and canals.b.A huge crack was eight kilometers long and thirty kilometers wide.c.A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty kilometers wide cut across houses, roads and canals.(4)a.Another big quake shook Tangshan.b.Another big quake was almost as strong as the first one.c.Another big quake which was almost as strong as the first one shook Tangshan.(5)a.The army organized teams to dig out those people.b.Those people were trapped.c.The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped.(6)a.Workers built shelters for survivors.b.The survivors’ homes had been destroyed.c.Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.T: The sentences we have made just now all can be called attributive clauses.They all use one sentence to describe another one.T: OK.Now, let’s enjoy a series of pictures.Do you know the men who were moving stone in the picture? Ss: They are soldiers.T: Yes, they’re soldiers.And the whole sentence is “The men who/ that were moving stone are soldiers.” And also we can say “The men we just saw in the picture are soldiers.”

T: relative pronoun Antecedent modify

Step3.While-reading 1.Skimming & scanning The students can comprehend the passage quickly and accurately, and meanwhile the students can form a good habit of reading.T: First please skim the passage fast to obtain/ get a general understanding of the whole passage.The passage can be divided into three parts.You should pay attention to the first sentences of each paragraph.In what order is the text written?(Group work)Ss: The text is written in time order.The general idea is the mixture of the first sentences of each paragraph, that is, the text tells us something that happened before the earthquake, during the earthquake and after the earthquake.T: Strange things were happening before the earthquake.The disaster happened and caused a lot of loss.Helps came to Tangshan.All hope was not lost.2.Careful-reading Read the passage again and try to get more detailed information.Paragraph 1: T: What strange things happened before Tangshan Earthquake?(Blank filling)Ss: The water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell.The well walls had deep cracks in them, and a smelly gas came out of the cracks.The chickens and pigs were too nervous to eat.Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide.Fish jumped out of their bowls and ponds.There were some bright lights in the sky.Sound of planes could be heard even when no planes were in the sky.The water pipes in some buildings cracks and burst.Paragraph 2-3: T: Now, let’s come to the details about these two paragraphs.(Blank filling)T: There are many data in these two paragraphs.Try to use the right data to fill in the blanks.Paragraph 4: T: In para.4, we can find what happened after the earthquake.People did every effort to help those who had suffered from the disaster.How did the army help the people in Tangshan? Ss: The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury those who were trapped.Miners were rescued from the coal mines.Shelters were built for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.Fresh water was taken to the city.Step4.Post-reading(discussing)T: Suppose you are a news reporter, and you are interviewing a person who had experienced the Tangshan quake.Work with your partner and try to make a dialogue.If you have any difficulties, maybe you can make your dialogue according to these following questions: What were you doing when the earthquake happened? What did you do when you found the earth happened? What did you bring when the earthquake happened? What did Tangshan look like at that time? And what does it look like today? Homework: 1.Write a story about the Tangshan Earthquake according to the reading.2.Discover some useful expressions and structures.







4、一般将来时的疑问句、否定句形式以及回答 教学重难点:

一般现在及一般将来时的句型变换 教学步骤;









be动词的否定式 :

be + not


don’t/doesn’t + 动词原型三、一般将来时




(1)will + V(动词原形)(2)

be going to + V(动词原形)




第五篇:高一英语必修一 unit3语法课教案

Book1 unit3 Travel Journal(学案)


设计人:邓婷婷 时间:2013-10-15 学习目标: 1.从本单元找出以下的重点短语并识记。

从...以后_ever since_关心;惦念__worry about____喜爱;喜欢__be fond of____ 下决心___make up one’s mind___ 让步;投降___give in____ 通常;照例____as usual___ 2.理解并记忆文章中的语言点;



学习过程: 1.语言点学习

(1)When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold, she said it would be an interesting experience.(P18)

[句型]: 主语 + be + adj.+ 不定式 [例]: I am glad to meet you.很高兴遇见你。[点拨]:1)用不定式的主动形式表达被动含义。

2)该句型中adj.常用 easy /hard / beautiful等。

此句型还可以转换成It + be + adj.+ 不定式


It + be + adj.+ for / of + 代词(名词)+ 不定式

[观察句子] : 1)It is good of you to come and meet us.你能来看我们真是太好了。

2)It was selfish of you to do so.你那样做真的是自私了。

3)It is necessary for us to study hard.对我们来说努力学习是必要的。

4)It is possible for them to catch up with us in a short time.对他们而言,短期内赶上我们是有可能的。

[归纳]:在”It + be + adj.+ for / of + 代词(名词)+ 不定式”句型中,表示的形容词后常用of.这类词有kind/ nice/ careless等;而表示的形容词后常用for,如easy /difficult /possible等。

(2)现在进行时的用法 现在进行时的一般用法:

①表示正在进行的动作:She is watching TV.她正在看电视。


The weather is getting colder and colder.天气变得越来越冷了。③与副词always 连用,表示赞赏、厌烦、生气等情绪。You are always thinking about others.你总是为别人考虑。现在进行时的特殊用法: 现在进行时态表示将来,即表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作,但仅限于几个表示起止动作的动词,如:arrive, come, go, start, leave, stay, move.①I’m leaving tomorrow.我明天要离开。

②Are you staying here till next week? 你要在这儿待到下周吗? ③I’m going.我就走了。

④We are leaving for Nanjing tomorrow.我们明天就去南京。⑤They are coming here this afternoon.他们今天下午来这儿。

(3)It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.(P18)

[句型]:强调句的结构It is / was +被强调成分+that/ who + 其它部分

[点拨] 1)强调距中it 不能更换;is / was 与”其余部分”的时态一致,不受被强调部分单复数的影响。


(4)Although she didn’t know the best way of getting get to places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly.(P18)[点拨] 1).这是一个主从复合句。Although引导让步状语从句,不能再和but, and, however

连用。有时候从句的主语和be可省略.2).insist + that从句:”坚持要求(做某事)”,that从句用虚拟语气,谓语用”

(should)+动词原形”,3).insist on doing sth.”坚持要求(做某事)”


(1)___little boys spent ____little time planting ______many trees.D



C.So;such, so

D.Such;so;so(2)The teacher told the students to stop _____ to him.D

A.To write and listen

B.writing and listening C.writing and to listen(3).______,but he insisted on going to school.C

A.Though he was ill B.He was ill

C.Having been ill

D.To be ill(4)He is so _______that no one can persuade him to change his mind.D

A simple

B hard-working

C fortunate

D stubborn(5).To climb the mountain is ___ hard work and to go down the mountain is ___great danger.B




D./, a

(6)________ will be sent to Ning Xia to work as a teacher.D

A.Do you think who

B.Whom do you think

C.Do you think whom

D.Who do you think(7)There are __________ many beautiful sweaters in the shop that I can’t decide which to choose.A




D.too(8)The doctor insisted that I __________ more fruit and vegetables.C A.took B.had taken C.would take D.take

下载Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player. 语法课教案 八年级英语word格式文档
下载Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player. 语法课教案 八年级英语.doc


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