技工学校英语第一册第18单元教案(TEXT A)

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第一篇:技工学校英语第一册第18单元教案(TEXT A)

Lesson 18 Yao Ming Arrives



1、掌握TEXT A 中“For ”、“Beat&Win”、“Most &The Most”等重要短语的用法;

2、掌握TEXT A 中“home and abroad”、“stop from”、“both ······and”、“not only······but also”等短语的用法并能造句;



掌握TEXT A 中“home and abroad”、“stop from”、“both ······and”、“not only······but also”等短语的用法并能造句






英语第一册 第二版》、PPT








(1)rocket n.火箭。The Houston Rockets NBA中的休斯顿火箭队。(2)introduce vt.介绍,引进,引入

Introduce himself 自我介绍

Introduce a important sporter 引进一个重要的运动员(3)pick n.选择

Have one’s pick of 从······中做出某人的选择 例句:He will have his pick of the world’s top models.他可以从世界顶尖模特中做出他的选择。(4)draft n.选秀,招兵

例:A largest draft 一场最大规模的选秀活动(5)fan n.······迷;爱好者。复数形式fans一般翻译为粉丝。(6)shark n.鲨鱼。复数形式sharks

(7)international adj.国际的

例:a sporter with an international reputation 具有国际声望的运动员(8)sensation n.轰动;轰动新闻

例句:The Chinese fashion show caused a sensation in Paris。

中国时装秀在巴黎引起轰动。(9)community n.社区;······界


The sports community 体育界

(10)attract vt.吸引

例:attract more customers 吸引更多的顾客(11)public adj.公众的;公共的

例:The public service 公益服务(12)attention n.注意力

例:attract the public attention 吸引公众的注意力(13)gifted adj.有天赋的;天才的

例:He is a gifted sporter。他是一个有天赋的运动员。(14)championship n.锦标赛;冠军

例:the National Basketball Association Championship

NBA冠军赛(15)point n.分数;得分

例:win on points 以得分高取胜(16)rebound n.篮板球(17)block n.封盖(18)assist n.助攻

(19)lead vt.领导;率领;领先


例:He led us。他率领(领导)我们。(20)victory n.胜利


例:We are celebrating victory!我们正庆祝胜利呢!(21)foul vi.& n.犯规

例:a cynical foul 恶意犯规(22)leadership n.领导;领导能力

例:The party is under his leadership。党在他的领导下。(23)set vt.树立

过去式和过去分词set(24)image n.形象

例:To set a good image 树立良好形象(25)talent n.天赋;天才

例:a talent for mimicry 模仿的天赋

(26)personality n.性格;个性


例:She has a strong personality。她有很强的个性。(27)surely adv.当然

例:Surely,she is right。当然,她是对的。(28)court n.球场


1、听录音跟读课文TEXT A
















1、指名诵读TEXT A单词与词组。

2、指名诵读TEXT A课文。

3、指名翻译TEXT A中的句子。



(一)for 对······来说;为了;因为

(1)for 作为介词,对······来说

例句:For him,gardening will be a new hobby。

对他来说,园艺是一个新的业余爱好(2)for 作为介词,为,替

例句:Let carry the bag for you。


I have done all this for you。


(3)for 作为连词,表示原因或理由。一般来说,for引导的从句不能放在句首,须要放在末尾,并用逗号隔开。

例句:I decided to stop to have lunch,for I was feeling quite hungry。


We all agreed to return,for it was getting dark。


(4)Beat & Win


例句:We beat them in the third round of the game。


“win”表示“赢得”,后面跟的是something,如win a war/a victory /a prize

例句:Arsenal won the game。阿森纳赢得了这场比赛。

It is possible that you will win the game。你有可能赢得这场比赛

(5)Most & the Most

The most 用于构成最高级。The most +多音节形容词或副词

例句:She is the most beautiful girl I have ever met。


She chose the most expensive dress in the shop。



例句:Most shops are closed on Saturday afternoon。


Most police wear uniforms。


例句:The car appears/ seems / looks all right,but it does not work.He appears / seems to be fiendly.(正确)

He looks friendly.(正确)

He looks to friendly.(错误)


1、Who is the first pick in the 2014 NBA Draft?

2、Who is your favorite basketball star?Why?





1、抄写TEXT A 的单词和词组,每个两遍。



Unit 5 Module 1 Book 1 for Senior High Students Teaching contents: 1.The new words in this part: teenager, disappear, move 2.Reviewing present tense and past tense 3.Writing a reply for an email Teaching aims:

1.Students can introduce their memories of their first year at school

2.Students can find out the main structure of the email through reading and know how to reply it

4.Students can learn what their classmates memories are like.3.Students can use the right forms to write email Language focus: present tense and past tense Teaching aids: PPT

Teaching procedures: Step 1 Pre-writing(10 minutes): 1.Warm-up:

T: You guys have been senior high school students several days.How have been those days? Do you adjust yourself to it? Do you have new friends? Do you still contact with your old friends? Do you like your new teachers?

S: …

2.Teach 2 new words: teenager, disappear;distinguish forms of email and letter

T: You are senior high school students about 15-16 years old.You are teenagers now.Have you ever written an email before? How about letters? Do they have the same form?

S: …

T: Today we received an email from Martha.She wants to know your memories of your first year at school.Tell her before your memories disappear.Step 2 While-writing(30 minutes): 1.Free writing(1)Read the email and summarize the main idea of each paragraph(2)Review how to do a self-introduction and write a self-introduction.(3)Discuss Martha’s questions and write down your answers.(3)Discuss Martha’s answers(4)Work in group to make an interview(an interviewer, an interviewee)to know someone’s answers about Martha’s questions and pay attention to its tense.2.Outlining: T: Martha is your new friend, so your reply should include both your self-introduction and your answers.3.Draft: T: Now you can start to write your reply Step 3 Post-writing(5 minutes):


T: After finishing your draft, please check it for avoiding faults and correct them with your pen with red color.Step 4 Homework:

1.Peer-editing: check it for avoiding faults each other and correct them with your pens with colors which different from the former two ones.2.Hand in your draft and complete work tomorrow.


Lesson 7 Are you a teacher?


1.I pron.我(I做主语【我】,只能够大写,小写没有意义)

2.am v.be动词现在时的第一人称单数(am是与I搭配使用的be动词)e.g.I am a girl/boy.I am ten.3.are v.be动词现在时复数(are是与you搭配使用的be动词)e.g.You are French.4.name n.名字 e.g.My name is Sunny.Her name is Sophie.His name is Tom.I don’t know their names.5.what adj.&pron.什么

e.g What's your name? 你叫什么名字? My name is Lucy?

What's her name? 她叫什么名字? Her name is…

What's his name?他叫什么名字? His name is…

What make is it? 它是什么牌子?

What color is it? 它是什么颜色的?

6.nationality n.国籍

national adj.国家的,民族的

(nation n.国家,富有人文色彩的,national+ity这个名词后缀,表示国家的另一个名词形式,国籍。)

e.g What nationality are you?

I am Chinese.What nationality is she? What nationality is he? He/She is Italian.country n.国家 How many countries are there in the world?

land n.国家,多用于文学作品

state n.国家,表示政治的概念

homeland, motherland 祖国

7.job n.工作 e.g What's your job? I am a doctor.What's his job? He is an engineer.work n.工作,广义的概念 task n.工作,任务

job n.工作,有报酬的工作,既可以是体力的,也可以是脑力的

8.keyboard n.电脑键盘

(key :钢琴,打字机等的键+board木板;板)

9.operator n.操作人员


invite发明+or=inventor(发明者)I am a keyboard operator.10.engineer n.工程师


[课文] A:I am a new students.(I am,He is,She is,They are 简单的陈述句表明身份,职业)

My name's Robert.B:Nice to meet you.(当别人向你主动介绍自己后,可以说“很高兴认识你“,表示友好)My name's Sophie.A:Are you French? 你是法国人吗?

(这是询问国籍的固定说法,e.g.Is she/he Japanese?)

B:Yes, I am.是的,我是


Are you French, too?(too翻译成“也“,too一般用于肯定句中,常放于句末或作为插入语放在句中)e.g.:She can speak English;she can speak French, too.她会说英语,也会说法语。

She plays the piano,and sings too.她会弹钢琴,还会唱歌。

A:No, I am not.不,我不是。

B:What nationality are you? 你是哪国人?

A:I'm Italian.我是意大利人。(表示国籍的句子.)

B:Are you a teacher?

A:No, I'm not.B:What's your job?

A:I'm a keyboard operator.What's your job?

B:I'm an engineer.Lesson 8 What's your job?

policeman n.警察 policewoman n.女警察

taxi driver n.出租汽车司机 air hostess n.空中小姐 postman n.邮递员 nurse n.护士

mechanic n.机械师 hairdresser n.理发师 housewife n.家庭妇女 milkman n.送牛奶的人policeman 2 policewoman 3 taxi driver 4 air hostess 5 postman nurse 7 mechanic 8 hairdresser 9 housewife 10 milkman 1 policeman What's his job? Is he a policeman? Yes, he is.2 policewoman What's her job? Is she a policewoman? Yes, she is.3 taxi driver What's his job? Is he a taxi driver? Yes, he is.4 air hostess What's her job? Is she an air hostess? Yes, she is.5 postman What's his job? Is he a postman? Yes, he is.6 nurse What's her job? Is she a nurse? Yes, she is.7 mechanic What's his job? Is he a mechanic? Yes, he is.8 hairdresser What's her job? Is she a hairdresser? Yes, she is.9 housewife What's her job? Is she a housewife? Yes, she is.10 milkman What's his job? Is he a milkman? Yes, he is.[What's your job?]

I'm a policeman.I'm a policewoman.I'm a taxi driver.I'm an air hostess.I'm a postman.I'm a nurse.I'm a mechanic.I'm a hairdresser.I'm a housewife.I'm a milkman.


Lesson 83 Going on holiday 度假

[词汇] mess n.杂乱,凌乱

pack v.包装,打包,装箱 suitcase n.手提箱 leave v.离开 already adv.已经


现在完成时: 表示在过去不确定的时间里发生的并与现在有关某种联系的动作 2 表示开始于过去并持续到现在的动作



主语 + has/have + 动词的过去分词 否定形式:hasn't/haven't 疑问形式:把 has/have 提前 PP.过去分词


buy bought bought

swim swam swum take took taken put put put read read read set set set shut shut shut do did done come came come give gave given eat ate eaten go went gone rise rose risen see saw seen speak spoke spoken get got got have had had hear heard heard leave left left lose lost lost make made made meet met met send sent sent sweep swept swept tell told told cut cut cut find found found

I see a film every week.My mother sees a film every week.I saw a film last week.I have seen the film.I haven't seen the film.Have you seen the film?

do did done I do my Homework every day.My sister does her Homework every day.I did my Homework the day before yesterday.I have done my Homework.I haven't done my Homework.Have you done your Homework? Has she done her Homework?

have had had have lunch I have lunch at 12 o'clock every day.I had lunch at 12 o'clock yesterday.I have had lunch.I haven't had lunch.Have you had lunch? 已经

强调过去不确定时间发生的动作或状态对现在的影响,而且也有可能继续下去。He is a good student.He was a good student.He has(always)been a good student.主语 + have/has + 动词过去分词 pack/packed/packed/packing

suitcase pack our suitcases what are you going to do?

We are going to pack out suitcases.What are you doing? We are packing out suitcases? What did you do yesterday? We packed our suitcases yesterday? What have you done? What did you do? What have they done? What has you mother done? What have the students done What have you done? We have packed our suitcases.What has she done? She has packed her suitcases.already 已经/yet 还/just 刚刚/recently 最近/so far 到目前为止 already 一般用于肯定句,而在表示惊讶语气时也用于疑问句中。yet 一般用于否定句和疑问句中

sell sold sold I'm going to sell my house.I sold my house last week.I didn't sold my house last week.Did you sell your house last week? When did you sell your house? What did you do last week? Who sold my house last week? I have(already)sold my house.I haven't sold my house yet.Have you sold your house(yet)? Have you sold your house already?


Unit 1 Some Strategies for Learning English Teaching Objectives 1.To require students obtain the information related to the text.2.To help students learn the new words and expressions.3.To get the students to communicate in English confidently.4.To teach the reading skill---finding out word meanings through many different ways.Focuses and difficulties

1.New words and phrases 2.Reading skill---finding out word meaning Teaching methodology

1.Communicative method 2.Cognitive method

3.The Grammar-translation method 4.The audio-lingual Method

Time allocation

1.Preparation, new words and expressions(2 periods)2.Analyses of Passage A(2 periods)3.Exercises after Passage A(2 periods)4.Listening and speaking(2 periods)

Teaching Procedures I.Before Reading

Background Information

Active Vocabulary and Passive Vocabulary Even native speakers of a language have both an active and a passive vocabulary.Active vocabulary consists of the words you use frequently and comfortably in speaking and writing, while passive vocabulary consists of the words you recognize when you read and listen.Therefore, when you encounter a new word or expression that you want to learn, you have to decide whether you want to be able to recognize it again or to make it part of your “active” vocabulary.II.Global Reading 1.Discussion

1)Do you think it useful to learn English with the help of some strategies? 2)What strategies do you think can be employed in English learning? 2.Q & A 1)What is your definition of “language learning strategy”?

2)Can we treat all new words in the same way? If no, how to divide new words into different categories, which deserve different treatment? 3)What does the author want to tell us in Paragraph 4?

Do you know the different meanings of the following two sentences?

A)Besides Tom, everybody here has been to Beijing.B)Except Tom, everybody here has been to Beijing.4)What should you do if you cannot understand very well the English conversation or passage in a tape? 5)If there is no partner, how could you practice speaking English? 6)Do you agree with the author that in our learning environment reading is the main and most reliable source of language input? Why? 7)What should be taken into consideration when you choose reading materials? 8)According to the text, could you make a list of all that you can write regularly? 9)Do you have a pen pal? If yes, what do you often write to him or her? 10)What is the relationship between reading, listening, speaking and writing? 3.Discourse Analysis

A strategy refers to a set of carefully planned methods for achieving something that is difficult and may take a long time.In introducing some strategies, the author adopts the structure of Problem—Strategy within a paragraph to show us the problems in English learning and then proposes strategies to solve the problems.Please scan the text for some examples of the Problem—Strategy structure.III.Detailed Reading 1.by no means: not at all 我对目前的表现一点也不满意。I am by no means satisfied with my present performance by means of以„,借着„

by all means 无论如何, 务必 by no means/not by any 决不,一点也不

2.prolonged: adj.continuing for a long period of time prolonged是过去分词作形容词用,它的动词原型是prolong,意为“延长、拖延”。例如:他又问了她一个问题,仅仅是为了延长谈话时间。He asked her another question just to prolong the conversation.3.sustained: adj.continuing for a long time sustained是过去分词作形容词用,它的动词原型是sustain,意为“支撑、维持”。例如:在医院里,惟一让我支撑下去的就是回家的想法。The thought of getting home was the only thing that sustained me in the hospital.4.Employ使用,雇佣 employ, hire & engage


employ表示支付薪水,较长期、固定地雇用某人。例如:,Hotels employ more women than men.宾馆雇用的女性要比男性多。

hire表示支付一定钱额,雇用某人短期从事某项工作。例如: I hired a bricklayer to build a wall on the balcony.我雇了个泥瓦匠在阳台上砌了一堵墙。Engage


The boss has engaged a new secretary那个老板又雇了个秘书。Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words above.Change the form where necessary.(1)We’d like to_engage

local people as volunteers.(2)The factory


over 2000 people.(3)The rest of the staff have been


on short-term contracts.(4)The approaches and methods


in the study are proved successful.5.at fault: responsible for something bad that has happened 谁该负的责任 The police said that the driver was at fault.cram: v.1)force(sth.)into a small space 三万六千名观众挤进运动场观看比赛。

36,000 spectators crammed into the stadium to see the game.Be bound to: adj.注定

certain or very likely 你一次处理这么多事务,肯定会出错。

When you are handling so many affairs at a time, mistakes are bound to happen

6.Crowd n.a large group of people

There were crowds of people in the street.v.fill in,rowd into 挤入 他的脑海里充满了奇怪的想法

Strange thoughts are crowding his mind.be crowded together汇聚在一起

7.commit: v.1)do(sth.)wrong or illegal Women commit fewer crimes than men.commit a crime/error/murder/arson/suicide犯罪/犯错/犯谋杀罪/犯纵火罪/自杀 commit(sth.)to memory把„记住 commit(sth.)to paper把„写下来

8.acquaintance: n 1)somebody you know a little casual acquaintance 偶尔见面的人

make somebody's acquaintance 第一次见某人 mutual acquaintance 双方都认识的人

have a passing/nodding acquaintance with sth 对„知之甚少

9.concentrate: v.1)give all your attention to what you are doing Mike tried his best to concentrate on his homework 我发现刚睡醒后很难集中注意力。

I find it difficult to concentrate soon after waking up.10.watch out for: look out for;be on(one's)against What problems should I watch out for when buying an old house?


What’s the shortest route from Beijing to Shanghai? 从北京到上海的最短路线怎么走? 12.on a regular basis: often and according to a set frequency 送奶员定期给我们送奶。The milkman sends us milk on a regular basis.13.in addition to: There is a postage and packing fee in addition to the repair charge.in addition to表示“除„之外”,后接具体事物;in addition 在句中作状语,表示“此外”。例如:这家公司提供廉价的因特网访问服务。此外,还做免费的共享软件。The company provides cheap Internet access.In addition, it makes free shareware.14.seek out: look for;try to find someone or something, especially when this is difficult 科学家们需要寻找实验中的因果关系。

Scientists need to seek out cause-and-effect relationships in the experiment 15.environment 表示由周围的人、物等一切物质和精神因素所构成的环境。

例如:A pleasant working environment is of vital importance有一个令人愉快的工作环境是极其重要的。

Circumstance 通常用复数,表示对局势产生影响的各种条件的总和。

例如:Prisoners can only leave their cells under certain circumstances 犯人们只有在某些情况下才能离开他们的牢房。


He switched on the light and examined his surroundings他打开灯,仔细检查四周。

16.besides, except, except for & apart from这几个词和短语都有“除„之外”的意思。besides表示“除了„还有”。例如:Besides Li Ming, there are many other students attending the meeting.except表示“除去,不包括”。He goes to work everyday except Sunday except for表示“除„以外”,指对某种基本情况进行具体的细节方面的修正。例如:

Your writing is good except for a few grammar mistakes.Proverbs and Quotations1.Knowledge advances by steps and not by leaps.学习只能循序渐进,而不能跃进。

2.Fools learn nothing from wise men, but wise men learn much from fools.愚者不学无术,智者不耻下问。3.There is no royal road to learning.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。4.Time and tide wait for no man.时不我待

5.Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.— Francis Bacon, British philosopher


— 英国哲学家 F ۰ 培根

6.It never will rain roses.When we want to have more roses we must plant trees.— George Eliot, English novelist 天上永远不会掉下玫瑰来,如果想要更多的玫瑰,必须自己种植。

— 英国小说家 G ۰ 艾略特

IV Exercises and homework

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